Tag Archive | processes

Be A Match To Your Desire

Reaching Outward

Sometimes you’re not in the proper mode to receive
Because of what you’re giving your attention to.
When you hold a thought, it becomes a vibration
That the universe process. Your elation
In the moment can bring many blessings to you.
Happiness is the state that you want to achieve.

People are in the habit of observing things
And then responding to them emotionally.
This behavior is natural but be aware
That you choose how you feel. Give how you feel the care
It deserves by not observing reality
Quite so much if only disappointment it brings.

It’s not easy to be standing in the middle
Of something that you don’t want and have the feeling
Of what you do want, but it’s the work you must do.
You’ve asked for it and it’s being lined up for you.
Focus only on things that you find appealing.
You may get very close to solving life’s riddle.

Find one thing about your life that’s going quite well.
Focus on it and use it as your excuse to
Get yourself in the receptive mode and to stay
Elevated. Don’t let ‘what is’ get in the way
Of the wonderful things that are earmarked for you.
Tell the story that your spirit wants you to tell.

Momentum And Resistance

Atomic Level

The goal is to move up the emotional scale
Incrementally. It’s all about your control
Of each moment. If you’re in a state of despair
Then revenge feels much better but you can’t stay there
For a long time without doing harm to your soul.
Keep on climbing. To reach your goal you must prevail.

If you act when you’re in negative emotion
Things will only get worse yet there’s simple relief
In each piece of resistance that you let go of.
You want to be in a place somewhat far above
Satisfaction. Let not resistance be the thief
Of your spirit. To how you feel give devotion.

Between letting go of relief and having no
Resistance there’s a subtle and small difference.
It’s a bit of fine tuning but once you get there
You’ll find doors opening up for you everywhere.
The power you gain in your relief is immense.
You can feel the way you want by making it so.

When your in a state of constant satisfaction
Big things will start unfolding. You’ll slip right into
Feelings of passion and pure exhilaration.
Every step of the way is your own creation.
Just jump start the momentum. Your dreams will come true
As you take good care of your point of attraction.

Accept That It’s Done

No Problem Here

Knowing well that it’s done I can be on my way
Living life to its fullest. No reason have I
To be doubtful that it’s done vibrationally.
From that level is where everything comes to be.
I’ve asked for it and it’s done so I’m flying high.
In the state of acceptance of this I must stay.

Everything that I’ve asked for – a healthy body,
A relationship, money, and people who share
The same values that I do – all of it is done.
As I speak of what’s done momentum has begun
And because it’s done I need only be aware
Of what’s done and continue to live happily.

I don’t have to make it happen because it’s done.
I like talking about it because it feels good
To do so and to think of it incessantly
Is as pleasurable as having it for me.
That it’s done is by me more than well understood.
Because it’s done I’m perfectly free to have fun.

Insignificant is the bit of resistance
I may offer compared to what’s done already.
My vibrational escrow is magnificent
And it’s huge so I remain ever confident
That what I want is done and it always will be.
That it’s done decomposes the notion of chance.

Know That It’s Done


The one thing that you need to know is that It’s Done
On a vibrational level. You’ve asked for it
And It’s Done. There isn’t anything more to do
But to kick back and let the world cater to you.
Knowing that It’s Done is of extreme benefit
To your spirit. You’re much kinder to everyone.

Your abundance is there as is your clarity
In your creative vortex of pure vibration.
Your stability and your flexibility
Are all there as well as everything that you see
As helpful to your magnificent creation.
You’ve done all your work. Now it’s time to let things be.

Talk about what is done because it feels good to
Talk about it. It’s healthy to get excited
About what’s done already. It happens to be
The way to bring what’s done into reality
That you can have and hold. You can be delighted
In its physical absence. You know that it’s true.

The only reason that you want to talk about
Anything is because it feels good to do so.
Tell the stories that feel good because they feel good.
That It’s Done is now something that’s well understood.
You know more now than just a few verses ago.
Thank yourself for having chosen to check this out.

Why Aren’t I A Millionaire Yet?

Genuine Wondering

If you’re asking yourself this you’re introducing
Resistance into the equation. Just step back
Away from the specifics and go general.
Get yourself to believe that the universe shall
Give it to you. You may have some feelings of lack
In your current vibration and in your asking.

“I have the potential to receive anything
That I want.”
There’s no resistance in that statement.

“I’m getting better at this. I’m getting closer
To where I want to be and all that I prefer.”

The key to your receiving is feeling content
And trusting in all that the universe will bring.

“I know that others who are now billionaires were
At one time standing right where I’m standing right now.
I look for abundance everywhere that I go
And I’m thankful for all of the blessings that flow
Presently into my life. I’ve learned to allow
My thinking to be on the things I most prefer.”

This productive self-talk can be done easily.
Just acknowledge the things that you can acknowledge.
Feed the appetite of your realization.
Be content in the knowledge that you are someone
Who can navigate well out on this leading edge
Of creation where anything can come to be.

Abundance Unlimited

Visible Currency

What I love about living is all the freedom
To be, do, or have anything. This universe
Is abundant. Those who are now wealthy once were
Just like me so I can live the life I’d prefer
And it’s time now for all that exists to disburse
Unto me a way of getting lots of income.

In my own life experience I look for the
Abundance – not just money but clarity and
Physical energy and wellbeing. I know
That I will come across more by my doing so.
That I can have it all is what I understand.
I am thankful for what so far has come to me.

I know that it won’t all come immediately.
I would not want it that way. A nice steady stream
Flowing to me is what I want. I don’t have to
Figure it all out at once. Indeed what is true
Is that unseen forces are aware of my dream
In explicit detail. What a joy to be free!

I love the interest I have on so many
Different subjects. I’m the creator of my
Own reality. I know intuitively
What to do. My abundance is absolutely
Guaranteed all without my not having to try.
All I need to do is live my life happily.

Magical Words

Happily Being

I have asked for it, and it’s done! There’s nothing more
I can do. It is all done vibrationally.
My stability, vitality, and good health,
Clarity, flexibility, and certain wealth,
And my lover are all there in what is to me
A Vortex of Creation – an apt metaphor.

I feel good. I’m relieved that it’s done. It’s okay
To be filled with excitement for what is to come.
Good feelings are my treasures. They overcome me
As I appreciate them. I don’t have to see
Physical manifestations. My faith comes from
Deep within me. It comforts me along the way.

I can talk about it. It feels good when I do.
It gets my juices flowing. The only reason
To do it is because it feels good to do so –
Not to make something happen because that would go
Against laws universal. Through every season
I will broadcast my wishes to not just a few.

When something wonderful happens along the way
I will milk it for everything I can find there.
When it’s done, there’s no worry – only contentment
With my here and now. I’ve made peace with the present.
With the world I have an ongoing love affair.
In a state of fulfillment I always shall stay.