Tag Archive | desire

Satisfaction And Joy

Happy Children

Each of us comes into this life experience
With three equal intentions. You came for freedom,
Growth, and joy. You are your own point of attraction.
From reality you could use some distraction.
You’ve the freedom to even cut yourself off from
Happiness but you do so at major expense.

You’re free to find alignment or not. You’re free to
Think this or that. Your freedom is an absolute
Promise to you and you cannot help but to grow.
Through the creative process you can come to know
Satisfaction And Joy. You will have an acute
Understanding and clarity in what you do.

Even though you see no direct route to what you
May be wanting you’re satisfied in the knowing
That there is one. The satisfaction indicates
Your alignment with your source. Indeed it creates
The very vibration that gets good things flowing
Into your life all due to your positive view.

Reaching for Satisfaction And Joy is the way
To find alignment with freedom and expansion.
Unless your intention is to find harmony
With yourself you won’t be the person you could be.
Do believe in the practice of having more fun.
You’ve no one but your inner being to obey.

Clear The Core Of Negative Beliefs

Negative Voices

Core beliefs are the voices inside of my head.
Each one is a thought that I continued to think
Until it gained enough momentum to become
Part of me. Some of them I can’t get away from.
From the cup of a negative brew I do drink
Knowing well that I’ve created a life of dread.

Thoughts are things that have consciousness given to them
By my focused attention. Habitually
I created them. They are my experience.
They exist to keep providing me evidence
To support my sick visions of society.
From my listening to them all my problems stem.

Just because something is true it doesn’t mean I
Should give it my attention. How does it feel when
I am thinking about it? This criterion
Is the one most important. Indeed I’m the one
Who’s in need of some relief every now and then.
If I don’t feel right I need not ask myself why.

My internal guidance system is how I feel
In each moment. It knows where I am no matter
Where I am. It also knows where I want to be.
I can get rid of negative thoughts easily
Just by noticing when they all start to chatter.
Then I can take on new thoughts that have more appeal.

Clean Up All Relationships

Reaching For Love

You’re the mirror to what you have been offering.
Perfectly you reflect all that happens to you
So take responsibility for what occurs
In your life. You get more of what your heart prefers
As you take on a more positive point of view.
How you’re feeling is what your vibration will bring.

No matter what the relationship is it can
Evolve into something that is ultimately
Satisfying. The thoughts you continue to think
Tell the story and it may be well out of sync
With your dream of living with someone happily.
You do not have to come up with a perfect plan.

You don’t have to put up with things that are missing
In the relationship. If you do that you’re not
Allowing what you really want. Your awareness
Of what’s missing keeps active the tension and stress.
Positive declarations can help you a lot.
About good times past you could be reminiscing.

Find vibrational accordance with your ideal.
Distract yourself from the details. Focus instead
On what’s working. You don’t need the condition to
Feel the wonder of something exciting and new.
Do believe that there are always good times ahead
And as always pay attention to how you feel.

Be Done With Fear

Scary Eyes

Am I all that irrational if I believe
That I’m no longer viable? Would this world find
Some relief in my passing? So wrong I have been
About most things in life and every now and then
For a brief moment I have the clearness of mind
To see that there’s no honor that I can achieve.

My fear is of continuing. I do want to
Face the music composed by the sick part of me
And I don’t want to leave before I get that done
Yet I feel I’ve become toxic to everyone
So perhaps I can do it spiritually.
I know that my true self has a different view.

It’s a strong thought – a heavy position to take
For someone who knows better. The source within me
Knows exactly the opposite of what I do
When I’m stuck in this moment. My source knows what’s true.
I was meant to expand and be joyful and free.
I’ve spent time sleeping rather than being awake.

Negative emotion means that what I’m thinking
Isn’t right according to the truth in my soul.
My fear is a good thing because it lets me know
That I’m not thinking rightly. It’s just there to show
Me the path that results in my becoming whole
As a being with all its parts interlinking.

What You Want Also Wants You

Moment Of Consideration

What you don’t want is something that’s clear in your mind
Because of what you do want. Relativity
Is the issue because there’s no way you can know
What you want otherwise. You just have to let go
Of your wanting and let everything come to be.
To the universe your desire has been assigned.

What you want has momentum – its own energy.
It becomes your desire and takes on consciousness.
Its purpose in life is to be manifested
In your life. It becomes totally invested
In your full satisfaction and through the process
Of creation it becomes something you can see.

You may feel that if you don’t put forth some effort
That the world and the universe will deny you
Of what you want. Put forth your effort only when
You’re aligned with your spirit. You will succeed then
In your work. It helps if you pay attention to
How you feel. You have much spiritual support.

Don’t ask things of yourself until you’re hooked into
Your true power – the leverage of alignment.
Energy that creates worlds is at your avail.
Manifesting is done on a really large scale
When you find it within yourself to be content
In your knowing that all of your dreams will come true.

What The Masters Know

Threshold Of Eternity

What if noticing how you feel wasn’t something
That you wanted or strived for because you live in
A world that wants you to be tough and care much less
About your feelings? It’s not healthy to suppress
The emotions. It’s like committing mortal sin
To the spirit. Nothing good can this practice bring.

In every moment that you are encouraging
Negative momentum through your thoughts, the other
Side of the coin is gaining momentum also.
There is only one certain way for you to know
What your point of attraction is. That’s to confer
With the part of you that does all of the feeling.

“Nobody gets to just do what they want to do,”
Says society. We lack the motivation
To feel better just for the sake of doing so.
You know what is needed for your spirit to grow
And it has much to do with your having more fun.
Don’t look outside yourself for a positive clue.

Negative manifestations are a good thing
Because they bring more clarity. Don’t be upset
With yourself for not being where you want to be.
Where you are is where you are temporarily.
Be prepared for the good things that haven’t come yet.
Stay connected to whatever makes your heart sing.

What Is Winning?

Material Success

Like sperm cells that compete for fertilization
Of the egg, we as humans are mostly concerned
About winning. Our lives are all about the goal.
We believe that our winning will make our lives whole.
It’s not true. Yet how can this falsehood be unlearned?
We seem to have a competitive fixation.

Why do some companies run so efficiently
While others are a nightmare? The ones that do well
Are devoted to the process instead of to
Any goal. They take pleasure in all that they do.
They compete not among themselves and what the sell
Is their passion in all that they’re wanting to be.

If you are doing something that you love to do
Then just do it! You must enjoy hitting the ball
More than anything. Then you will be in a state
Of accepting what you are about to create.
But you cannot create victories large or small.
Always wanting to win will not benefit you.

If you’ve one eye on the goal you’ve only got one
To find your way, which is very inefficient.
You need both eyes to take the next step to seeing
That you are a magnificent human being.
Keep loving what you’re doing and get proficient.
Hit the ball and take advantage of the home run.

First Thing In The Morning

Daily Start

The First Thing In The Morning and throughout the day
Play a game that will set your vibrational tone
Apart from things that happened a long time ago.
Things you don’t even remember have come to grow
Into issues for which solutions are unknown.
Daily mind exercise will help flush them away.

Things you may have forgotten are still kept alive
By your thinking the same kinds of thoughts. You offer
A vibration that’s similar so you remain
In the same situation. You’ll have much to gain
By your focusing only on what you prefer.
Nurture a new vibration and then let it thrive.

Conjure up something in your mind different from
Your reality. The universe doesn’t care
If it’s real or if it’s absolute fantasy.
It responds just the same. In your mind you are free
To create your reality with as much flair
As you want and be delighted by what will come.

Find a place in your mind where you’d most like to be
And just stay there a moment or long enough to
Find relief from your beating the drum of the same
Sad song. Play the virtual reality game
Fairy often. It can bring happiness to you.
You will start to see changes immediately.

Sharpen Your Point Of Attraction

Getting The Point

If your can improve the way you feel just a bit
Your whole point of attraction shifts. When you’re aligned
With what you want and with who you truly are you
Become good at attracting. Pay attention to
How you feel first and foremost. Within you will find
Only that which is of ultimate benefit.

You’re having responses to life whether or not
You’re conscious of it. You’re giving your attention
To all kinds of things. Some of them are negative
But you can fork away if you’re willing to give
Much more attention to what is your intention.
Everything about how you feel matters a lot.

If you feel negative emotion you’re marching
Systematically toward something that you
Will not like when you get there. Turn yourself around
In the moment you notice it. You will have found
An escape from that which is making you feel blue.
Recognize when a bad feeling is happening.

In every moment you’re moving toward something.
How do you feel about it? Begin leaning in
The direction of what you want. Where you are now
Is your starting point. You want to learn to allow
Yourself to be more comfortable in your skin.
Make a big difference in what you’re attracting.

Be Done With Doubt!

Doubt In Fashion

It’s so easy to feel doubt. The more that I try
To feel hopeful the more uncertain I become.
It’s because I’ve practiced that vibration a lot.
Contradictory energy is what I’ve got
Going on. It’s where all my doubt is coming from.
I have doubt but at least I know the reason why.

It’s when I have a difference of opinion
With the source within me that I feel ill at ease.
It’s my ill-practiced focus and sloppy thinking
That’s most harmful to me. It keeps me from linking
Up with things I’ve been wanting. My doubt guarantees
I’ll stay in this unfortunate situation.

How do I overcome doubt? It cannot be done
From my place of uncertainty. I’ll have to find
Things that feel good when I think about them. I can
Reach a state where I am much less resistant than
I am right now. I can get my thinking aligned
With my soul’s thoughts. I can be the fortunate one.

I can talk myself into believing that I
Can have, do, or be anything. I manifest
What I want with my focus. By my believing
In myself I replace doubt. By my perceiving
Differently my issue of doubt is addressed.
With the laws of the universe I do comply.

Start Asking Source For Help

Man In Prayer

You were Source Energy before you came into
This physical body. You don’t remember that.
There’s a reason but we won’t get into that now.
It’s important only that you learn to allow
Some advice while engaging in mortal combat
With the world. It’s what you think you came here to do.

What the hell is Source Energy? Let’s call it God
Even though that word conjures so much confusion.
The Source Energy spoken of here is supreme
Consciousness whose energy is a steady stream
Of wellbeing. Through it all things on earth are done.
How you think about God can’t be taken as odd.

And you still are Source Energy even though you
Have this body to deal with. Use it as a tool
For sorting out your preferences. Be easy
About life but do live life deliberately.
Ask the provident principal of this earth school
For help with your work. It’s the wisest thing to do.

When you know what you don’t want you know what you do.
It’s a simple equation. When someone is rude
You want them to be nicer. Your inner being
Knows all that you want and is always agreeing
With your wishes. In high regard you’re always viewed.
It knows only the true magnificence of you.

Play This Game

Having Fun

There are people who today are offering a
Vibration based on something that happened a long
Time ago. They may not even remember it
Consciously. Only if it’s of some benefit
To the person it cannot be considered wrong
To create from the past in a positive way.

Whether it’s something that you’re focused upon in
Your reality or something you’re conjuring
In your mind the universe responds to the two
Just the same so it doesn’t matter much if you
Are imagining. How you feel is the main thing
To be keenly aware of before you begin.

The game of virtual reality is one
That’s worth playing if you have any resistance
To receiving. Stop talking about not enough
And about all the things that are making life tough.
Either forget about them or give them the chance
To enter the cleared mind for the best solution.

You don’t have to take some issue, wrestle it to
The ground, and kill it because you’ve done the asking.
Let the universe answer. Relax and allow
The wellbeing to flow into your life right now.
Through imagining you can receive anything.
It’s a game that will bring satisfaction to you.

Trust The Process

Let It Fly

There’s nothing that exists in your wanting that you
Can’t make happen. If this time space reality
Has the wherewithal to cause you to want something
Then it has the express ability to bring
It right to you. It’s all done vibrationally.
That you are a vibrational being is true.

Look around and you’ll notice that this world is chock
Full of stuff and people doing all kinds of things.
The world is much less tangible than we perceive
It to be. That’s why it’s such a bear to achieve
Proper focus from which a good idea springs.
That you’re made of vibration may come as a shock.

Your desires form a vortex that can’t be perceived
Through the senses. It’s a pool of pure vibration.
And you have little by little created it.
Your belief and trust in the process will permit
Some of it to take form. It’s your own creation.
An alignment with the universe you’ve achieved.

Care enough about how you feel. There’s an early
Subtle stage where a thought doesn’t feel good to you
Or you may have a good thought and it fades away
But your awareness of it will help you to stay
In alignment with all that your vortex can do
To surprise and delight you perpetually.

Everything Is Down Streaam

Dream Stream

There’s a strong current flowing. It’s created by
A whole lifetime of wanting. It’s calling you to
Take you to what you’ve asked for and if you decide
To go down to the river’s edge and take a ride
You will be most delighted by where it takes you.
If you didn’t go for it one would wonder why.

If your turn your boat deliberately upstream
And start paddling profusely someone may ask you,
“Why not turn your boat around and go with the flow?”
But many people do it. They don’t seem to know

Any better yet there are a fortunate few
Where the ride down the river yields pleasure supreme.

We’ve been trained to struggle hard against the current
And it’s noble to do so. It is virtuous
To work oneself to pieces. There’s nothing that you
Want that’s upstream. For all the hard work that you do
Satisfaction is something you cannot discuss
Due to your being in a state of discontent.

Everything that you want is downstream. Just let go
Of the oars and let the current turn you around
In the proper direction to carry you to
Everything that you’re wanting. Your dreams will come true.
Take pleasure in the new sense of freedom you’ve found
All because you’ve decided to go with the flow.

The Power Of The Mind

Cyber Mind

It’s not only the pendulum tied to the string
That the mind can manipulate. The placebo
Is a perfect example of how the mind can
Create outcomes. The mind has much more power than
Anyone could imagine. How much can we know
Of its wonders? Is it a spiritual thing?

The outcome is determined by expectancy
On your part but don’t get attached to the outcome.
What you want then will manifest. It’s guaranteed.
At the biggest undertakings you will succeed.
Get yourself in the habit of beating the drum
Of your passion and thus be who you’re meant to be.

On your internal dialogue every cell in
Your body is eavesdropping. By changing the way
That you talk to yourself you can change your body
Chemistry so that healing occurs easily.
In a state of wellbeing you can always stay.
All your cells want is for you and themselves to win.

Inherent in your having the desire are the
Mechanics for its happening. Each is a part
Of the whole divine process. You need only be
Receptive to the good that flows naturally
Through your focus while operating from the heart.
You can use your mind to live your life happily.

Are You Worthy?

Pretty Please

Good things can come to you easily if you’re not
So hung up on not having them. Feeling worthy
Of receiving them may be the issue at hand.
The forces that deliver only understand
How you’re feeling. They respond to the energy
You’re emitting. Your attitude matters a lot.

If you’ve struggled then failed many times to achieve
What you want then you may feel you’re not good enough
To receive it. As negative stories begin
To flow into your psyche you’re skating on thin
Ice in terms of fulfillment, and you’ll have a rough
Time of getting back into the mode to receive.

Change your focus completely. When you redirect
Your attention to things that are working out well
In your life, you release your attachment to the
Outcome and its timeline. You want to become free
Of the angst which has cast such an ominous spell
Over you. With your higher self you must connect.

So just feel good. Your focusing on the outcome
Leads you far from what you want. Look at what’s thriving
In your life instead of what you don’t have right now.
It’s the only way on earth that you can allow
What you want to come to you. Be only striving
To feel better. We hope that this will help you some.



If you fear the unknown you fear that part of you
That knows nothing which means that you are the unknown.
Knowledge can make your life easier in some ways
But it also can complicate most of your days
On the planet. The more you know, the more you’re prone
To believe that you really do not have a clue.

But one thing that you do know is that your desire
Overwhelms you. It’s like breathing in energy
That creates worlds. You live to have your dreams come true.
You know that all the universe will support you
In whatever you’re focused on, so you can be
Confident that the things you want you will acquire.

With desire you can choose one of two directions.
You can go with obsession or passion. If you
Go with obsession it leads to self-destruction.
But with passion a wonderful quest has begun.
Inspiration and insights from out of the blue
Enter your life because of your good connections.

When you were a young child you knew nothing about
Who you were. Your mind was absolutely empty.
It was okay then and it can be so today.
You need not know who you are. It gets in the way
Of your God given purpose which is just To Be.
Back when you were a child you knew this without doubt.


Spontaneous Excitement

All I know about living is that I want More
Of the good times. The More excited I become
About life, the More wonderfully it treats me.
Am I close to fulfilling my reason to be?
That can’t happen because there will always be some
New adventure. There’s always something More in store.

I’m continually asking for More, so I’m
Never going to be done. I can’t truly be
Forever fulfilled. I can just be up to speed
With my asking. I’ll never have all that I need
To fulfill me. Therefore I can live happily
Ever after. I can stay content all the time.

What it’s called is alignment. It is or is not
In the moment depending upon how well I
Am connected to my Source of empowerment.
I must ask and there’s nothing on earth to prevent
My receiving. I’ve tapped an enormous supply
Of exuberance. I’ve found it helps me a lot.

In spirit’s union with this physical body
There’s perfection of balance. I put myself in
Positions where new insights are born within me.
There’s no place quite like this time space reality.
What a wonderful journey my whole life has been
And shall be. I want More of what’s coming to me.

Can Everyone Segment Intend?

Piecemeal Preparation

The process whereby you define your intentions
For the next segment of your day is called Segment
. It’s a way of pre-paving what you

Want to happen. Each part of your day is a new
Point of focus. The process is meant to prevent
Unintended things happening. It helps you tons.

It forces you to make the most of this moment
And to line up your thoughts to what you most desire.
More peaceful moments it allows you to create
Through the day. It keeps you in a positive state
Of alignment. The day that you want will transpire.
You’ve control of it all through your conscious intent.

It helps you to focus your attention on the
Here and now and to recognize that your power
Is in this present moment. Deliberately
Intending gives you confidence and clarity.
The benevolent universe wants to shower
The next segment with all that will make you happy.

The more you take the time to pre-pave the more you
Are aligning your energies with the future.
The path of least resistance it helps you to find.
It is beneficial to all of humankind.
Segment Intending is the best way to ensure
Satisfaction in everything you have to do.

Who’s Creating Your Reality?


If you have the desire to be a good person
And you think that you’re not, then you’re right in the way
Of a better thing happening because you are
Not a bad person really. You may have strayed far
Off your path at times. You may have failed to obey
All the rules and have angst about things you have done.

Your inner being knows that you are already
A magnificent person. It knows your goodness
Unequivocally. All the effort you make
To recall and resolve every single mistake
Made by you in a lifetime only brings distress.
You’re the physical essence of Source Energy.

When it’s said that you create your reality
Who is ‘you’ in that statement? Is it who you feel
Is yourself in the physical? Or is it your
Inner being or both? It’s all these things and more.
It’s the human collective. It would be ideal
If on this topic every person could agree.

Differences there are sometimes between who you
Really are and the physical you, but the pain
Shows you that your inner being is quite aware
Of your plight, and it knows how to get you from there
To a better place. In the long run you attain
True alignment with all that you’ve evolved into.

Appreciation Both Ways

General Thanks

We’re all in this together. We love it when you
Realize that you’re pure positive energy.
The power of saying ‘yes’ is so amazing.
In this world, you can have, do, or be anything
That you want, and we love your willingness to be
Here among us. Together we’ve much work to do.

In this time space reality we co-create.
While exploring the contrast we come to our own
Conclusions about what we want. This is how we
Go about creating our own reality.
We love it when you enter the creative zone
And come up with ideas that are truly great.

We adore your awareness of your vibration.
Your emotional guidance system helps you to
Steer your way through adversity. You don’t freak out
Nor do you become infatuated with doubt
That the negative circumstance you can get through.
We love that you own all that is your creation.

What we love most of all is when you calibrate
To the energy of your inner being and
Reach a higher vibration of your energy.
You can experience rapture quite easily
When the laws of the universe you understand.
We love it when you finally achieve that state.

Satisfaction And Conditional Vibration

Good Reception

It would be nice to just be zapped with the feeling
Of complete understanding that I can be, do,
Or have anything I want and without limit.
Life is supposed to be good. I should benefit
From the good I’ve created. I’ve come to a new
Way of knowing that seems to be more appealing.

If I can get closer to the understanding
That whatever I want I can have, then there will
Be a change in my life quite immediately.
The world will treat me better if I choose to be
Positive in my outlook, and I will fulfill
My desire for a big consciousness expanding.

I vibrate to conditions unconsciously so.
I observe things, then I offer a vibration
Because of what I’m observing. Then I get more
Of the sameness, but if I can vibrate before
The condition, then it becomes my creation.
I tell you this because it is good that you know.

Like a sculptor enjoys the process of molding
The clay, or the painter, the process of painting,
I cannot be frustrated or impatient that
It’s not done yet. I’m satisfied just working at
My creation. Is it not a wonderful thing
To witness one’s creation as it’s unfolding?

Guidance And Satisfaction

Nurturing Nature

Adapt to your own guidance system and to the
Feeling of satisfaction. Identify and
Isolate what this thing that’s called satisfaction
Really feels like because you are the only one
Who can do that. Of your joy you have full command.
You can tell when you’re on or off track easily.

If you’re off track it may be because you’re under
The influence of others who try to convince
You that happiness is something hard to attain.
The world has its opinions but you must remain
Connected to your guidance. It’s been with you since
The beginning. It’s your best of friends, as it were.

Don’t listen to anything that’s contrary to
Satisfaction. Don’t let yourself get turned around
On your journey by something that doesn’t matter.
Negative emotion can cause dreams to shatter.
Satisfaction is subtle because when it’s found
You may not be aware that it’s happened to you.

When you’re on track you live up to the potential
Of that which you are. Nothing can stand in your way.
Your desire is important and satisfaction
Is the expressway to its manifestation.
The world is your oyster if you’re willing to pay
More attention to those things that are essential.

Money Will Flow

Legal Tender

When you don’t have enough money you ask for more.
Then what happens is that the universe gets hold
Of your wish and it turns into reality.
It’s become manifested vibrationally
Until you line up with it. Then things will unfold
In your favor. You will get what you’re asking for.

Everything that you’ve asked for is already done.
In your willingness to accept the existence
Of this vibrational reality, you will
Be in a place where the universe can fulfill
Your request. You know that its power is immense.
Focus in the direction of what has begun.

Everything in your physical experience
Morphs to match the vibration that you’re offering.
If you say, “I want more, but I don’t have enough,”
Then your getting what you want will be really tough.
Thoughts of lack can keep your wishes from becoming
Your reality. This is also common sense.

“Money would be good for me. More money would give
Me more freedom to do the things I’d like to do.
I could be of more value to others, and I
Can get more in alignment by speaking of why
I will have it.”
This conversation will get you

There much faster. It’s a fulfilling way to live.

Align With The Numbers

Lucky Numbers

If you don’t play, you can’t win. If you feel the urge
To go purchase that ticket, what you can expect
Is some lingering feelings of doubt that you’ll win.
Any thought of not winning is a mortal sin
With respect to your lining up with the object
Of your wishes. These different roads must diverge.

How do you take the urgency out of it all?
You want money – and lots of it – to come to you
In a hurry. You’ve asked for it, and it is done.
First, believe that, and then transition has begun
To more clarity. You’ll have a new point of view
That still has some resistance, but it’s very small.

Get your kicks from the pleasure of the unfolding
Of your journey. You don’t want to get to the end
In one fell swoop. You want to have fun on the way.
When you don’t need the ticket you cannot fall prey
To the urgency aspect. The money you spend
When you’re doubtful is another kind offering.

Everything you do to justify the doneness
Of something that’s already done pulls you in the
Opposite direction. You know that it’s coming
Don’t get hung up on how the universe will bring
It to you. You can trust the process completely.
In your happiness you’re always making progress.

Stop Noticing The Lack


What’s the trick to this notion of not noticing
The lack of what I want? Is there something I can
Do to gain understanding? It’s so hard to be
Super excited about something I can’t see.
Obvious it is that I’m trying harder than
I need to. How do I deal with this sort of thing?

You do it by getting good at focusing on
Things that are easier, and by keeping your mind
Off subjects that are harder. You have to align
With the attitude that things always work out fine.
From anywhere you are you can easily find
A better feeling thought just as day follows dawn.

You can own how you feel about your not having
What you want. Be explicit, but do not pretend
That you don’t want it after all. It’s already
In production, albeit vibrationally.
You’re attached to it, but you do not have to spend
Much time there because it’s just an acknowledging.

Then ask yourself the questions that will lead you to
A more general space. “Have I not been worthy
Of the things I’ve received in the past? Am I not
Worthy now? Am I thankful for all that I’ve got?”

Just this much will change your vibration completely.
Get in touch with the most expanded part of you.

Trust The Process

Mundane Movement

There’s nothing that exists that you cannot fully
Manifest. If this time space reality can
Cause you to want for something, then it can provide
It to you. To you nothing is ever denied.
You prefer to see things this way much rather than
Living life by default – not deliberately.

Everything is vibration. All that you perceive
Is merely a translation through your five senses.
But the physical world is slowed down energy.
Things that exist vibrate at their own frequency.
Be cognizant of when awareness commences
Of the state of alignment you want to achieve.

What you think is more tangible than vibration
Really isn’t. Once you begin to understand
The full nature of vibration, you will be clear
About what you want and you will have conquered fear
Of the process. You will have taken full command
Of your newfound ability for creation.

Care enough about how you feel to stay focused
On your wishes no matter what is going on
Anywhere around you. Learn to live on purpose.
Is there anything further we need to discuss?
You’ll rejoice knowing that some resistance is gone.
In this elegant process you can come to trust.

Don’t Worry About What Others Think


People spend most of their lives in gut wrenching fear
Of what others may think of them. They lie awake
At night wondering how they would cope without the
Approval of others, and they obsessively
Change their image when they find the slightest mistake.
They can’t get satisfaction from how they appear.

To the verdicts of strangers we all surrender
Our freedom to fail gracefully. Those we don’t know
And don’t even like all that much we cater to.
Even though we don’t like being told what to do,
We do it without thinking. It causes us woe.
We play the role of the malignant pretender.

Don’t complain. Don’t explain yourself to anyone.
“Become independent of the good opinion
Of other people.”
Trust yourself. You and only

You know the enlightened one you were meant to be.
Don’t let other people’s judgments have dominion
Over how you feel. Then awareness has begun.

When we really mess up, almost no one will be
Looking or caring very much. They’re too involved
With their own issues. Our disgrace will be subsumed
Into social amnesia, so we’re never doomed
By unwanted attention. One who is evolved
Is above that kind of negative energy.

You Will Never Stop Wanting

Ever Wanting

Do know that life is supposed to be good for you.
You’re Source Energy in a physical body.
So much has come before you. Your inheritance
Is of massive proportion. It isn’t by chance
That you are who you are, and vibrationally,
You’re aligned with your purpose. Each moment is new.

You’re selfish enough to feel as good as you can
By forking in the direction that feels as good
As you can make it feel. You pay more attention
To the way that you feel and to having more fun
Than the chatter of others who say that you should
Be working a lot harder on some noble plan.

You will begin to see physical evidence
That you are queued up to receive wonderful things.
There’s no price to be paid. You are more than worthy
Of the best life can offer. You must be ready
To receive. You will tap into all the wellsprings
Of abundance and spiritual providence.

You will never stop asking for something better.
That was your promise to Source before you came here.
You will understand what’s happening to you and
Why it’s happening to you. You will take command
Of your life. Your outlook will be perfectly clear.
To the universe you are an open letter.

What Feeling Am I Reaching For?

Blissful Pondering

Things come easily to me because I don’t care
About things coming to me. They drop from the sky.
I expect things to happen exactly my way.
If they don’t I am not overcome with dismay.
I can still keep my happiness kite flying high.
Nothing is more important than my staying there.

I don’t offer effort because I understand
That the laws of the universe bring unto me
Anything that I want. I do not justify
My wellbeing through hard work. I no longer try
To make things happen for me. I finally see
That the universe has everything well in hand.

Expectation means that there’s a desire in me
And that my belief is in the same exact place
So that there’s no resistance. I don’t think about
Whether it comes or not. I don’t introduce doubt
Into anything wanted. The infinite grace
Of the universe is something that I can see.

I pay much less attention to things as they are
And much more to things as I would want them to be.
Staying focused on what is will keep me right here.
Looking forward will keep my mind perfectly clear.
What Feeling Am I Reaching For? This is for me
The question for each moment. It will take me far.

You Need Not Wait So Long


Why does it take so long? Am I doing something
That I shouldn’t? What is it that I need to do
To get things to move faster? The longer I wait
The more anxious I get until I can’t see straight.
I can have my cake, but can I still eat it too?
The time lag for me is extremely frustrating.

The time lag is most helpful in closing the gap
So that more contrast causes you to fill in more
Of the details. You clarify your creation.
It exists, but it is totally vibration.
Let the universe bring you what you’re asking for.
Then go meditate, or perhaps, go take a nap.

You improve your ability to recognize
Your creation. It is all about perception.
You want to be under the influence of your
Higher purpose. The faith in your heart must be pure.
To get in the receiving mode, go have some fun.
This is what any wise one on earth would advise.

You reduce impatience by anticipation
Of what’s coming, by dreaming of where it’s going,
And by tasting the sweetness of the expansion.
You cannot get it wrong because it’s never done.
Be aware of what the universe is showing
That fits in with your magnificent creation.

If I Want It, I Can Have It

Ready For Fun

If I really want something, I cannot believe
That it might be impossible. If I can feel
In my gut that it will happen, then it will come.
My inner being is where all my faith comes from.
I am focused on what to me has much appeal.
I can stay in the right attitude to receive.

I cannot make a contradictory statement
To the universe. It will respond in a way
That may not be delightful. I want my wanting
To feel good even though I do not have the thing
That I want. In a positive mood I can stay.
Finding ways to be excited is time well spent.

I like knowing that I want something to become
Manifested. It means that it must come to be.
Whether I’m on the trail of it or it’s here now,
I can keep myself in the right mode to allow
The blessings of the universe to come to me.
I get much satisfaction from beating that drum.

I can ask and get on with it. I don’t have to
Bound myself up in yearning and long suffering.
It’s a no brainer that things will always work out.
Life is good to me as long as I have no doubt
That the universe can bring to me anything
That I want. Every moment of life is brand new.

Appreciate Who You Are

Emotional Flowers

This nation is conceived in original sin.
Slavery through gestation created a beast
Rather than a republic of civilized folk.
White supremacists war against those who are woke.
Civil War didn’t end. It has only increased
In severity. Our consciousness is of skin.

And since mine isn’t lily white, which side I’m on
Is made obvious for me. Should I be afraid
For my life or my freedom? This is a nation
That adores assault weapons and the creation
Of a living hell impossible to evade.
Will there be satisfaction when all hope is gone?

Enough of this sick story! If I’m to remain
In alignment with my source, I have to replace
This one with one of my own that doesn’t include
Anything that would adversely affect my mood.
Only those thoughts that uplift me I shall embrace.
By creating my own story I’ve much to gain.

I must be selfish enough to want to feel good.
If my focus is yanked away, I’ll readjust
Easily back to my story of how things are
And of who I am. This attitude is by far
One in which I can absolutely put my trust.
I appreciate expressing my humanhood.

The Game Of Manifestation

Game Of Life Tokens

Playing the game of virtual reality
Can be fun and exciting. Its purpose is to
Set your vibrational tone apart from something
In the moment that may be rather upsetting
You can shift things completely to what pleases you.
Playing this game is one of your reasons to be.

Sometimes people are offering a vibration
Based on something that happened a long time ago.
They may not even remember what happened then,
But it still shows up in their lives time and again.
Only what’s in the past is what these people know.
In a game like this, their interest would be none.

The vibration that you’re offering is because
Of whatever you’re focused upon constantly,
And the universe responds to your vibration
By what shows up in your life. When you have begun
To accept your vibration as reality,
You’ll be in alignment with spiritual laws.

Conjuring in your mind how you want things to be
Takes intention and focus. It shifts you away
From the unsettled present. The subconscious mind
Accepts dreams or reality. It is designed
To treat both the same, and it’s a wonderful day
When the power that you have you finally see.

Let Go And Trust


Let’s put things into context. I’m going to be
In the workforce. I’m graduating from college
In a short while. I’m really excited about
Doing interviews. I’ve many talents to tout
Way beyond all my training and expert knowledge,
But things don’t seem to be working out easily.

For the most part, though, I enjoy where I’m at now.
Some days are better than others generally,
But the difficulty comes when I focus on
What sometimes feels like struggle. My dream has not gone
By the wayside at those times. The best part of me
Is the one that has taught all of me to allow.

If I see what’s gone wrong, I stir up the contrast
And invite idle worry about rejection,
But it also shoots off a rocket of desire
To the universe which accepts what I require
In a system that operates with perfection.
I’ll see only what I want and remain steadfast.

All I need is to get into that trusting place
And accept that I’m worthy of what I ask for.
There’s no limit to how much good can come to me.
I can have things just the way I want them to be.
I know that I’ll forever be asking for more
Of the universe’s fund of infinite grace.

Let Go Of What Is

The Unfulfilled Present

My life has a dark cloud over it. I perceive
That it follows me everywhere. My money woes
Overwhelm me. I can’t find an easy way out
Of my troubles. My future is fettered in doubt.
I’m in this dilemma constantly, and it shows
That I lack in my ability to receive.

It’s a horrible story. Even though it’s true,
To stay focused upon it does me little good.
I create more of what I give attention to.
The old story can only lead to something new
If the laws of the universe are understood
To be functioning in everything that I do.

The new and improved version of my own story
Can include anything that I feel should be there.
If I’m stuck in the same old beliefs by habit,
Then my authoring will be of no benefit
In changing my vibration from that of despair.
A cooperative component I must be.

‘What is’ has no real meaning, in fact, it is past.
Each moment is a new one. The more I let go
Of the negative feelings, the more I allow
Inspiration and insight to tell me just how
To proceed on my journey. I most want to know
How to make wonderful moments in my life last.

Make The Universe Listen

Infinite Horizons

Feel the power of telling your own new story.
It’s not easy to do it in the beginning.
It’s something to warm up to. Determination
To begin telling yours your way can be much fun.
You can tell one in which you are always winning.
It can be one where you are in all your glory.

As you do, be aware not of things as they are,
But instead, keep your focus on what can become.
Pay attention to the evidence happening
In the way that you feel. The universe will bring
You impulses and insights. You benefit from
Believing that what you want is not very far.

You’ll begin to let go of bygones, injustice,
Bad behavior, ill wishes, grudges, and mistakes
Of others and your darned self, and you will replace
Them with thoughts of the things that you truly embrace.
Purify your vibration. Avoid the headaches
Brought on by negative emotion such as this.

Use the power of your focus and the guidance
That comes forth from within you. Make The Universe
to you by letting it know your intent.

In each moment toward your goal find fulfillment.
When you’re in alignment it will freely disburse
All that you’ve ever wanted, so give it the chance.

Stay In Alignment In Difficult Times

Windows Of Perception

I feel best when I have those moments where things that
Used to mess with me hugely do not anymore.
I can handle things quite well. Not much bothers me.
I believe meditation has helped me to be
More connected to spirit than I’d been before.
I am more discerning about things I look at.

But the question is, regarding the bigger things
That I have no control of, how can I remain
In alignment with spirit? The world and its woes
Are things I shouldn’t look at. They are but shadows
Of a vacant reality, so there’s no gain
In sustaining it. Only the happy heart sings.

It’s a difficult situation when someone
Who I love suddenly dies. The Source within me
Knows there is no death, and I can communicate
With those who are in spirit if I concentrate
On making the connection. I have to be free
Of emotional trauma before it is done.

Situations don’t have to control how I feel,
And I don’t have to blunder my way through the day
Unaware of my feelings. I get out ahead
Of the difficult issue by choosing instead
To selectively sift difficulty away.
In each moment I can find what is most ideal.

Life Can Cause You To Feel Better

Freedom And Joy

There are many more consciousnesses focused here
In this physical plane of existence than there
Are people on the planet. There’s quite a party
Going on all around us that we do not see,
But we know that it’s possible to be aware
Of the nonphysical if our hearts are sincere.

We summon the collective. Multifaceted
Is our nature. Consciousness needs not a body
Necessarily. It’s a continuous stream.
Our awareness of our bodies does make it seem
That we are separated. This happens to be
An illusion that the mind is constantly fed.

Things that happen to people that they can’t explain
Are the doings of those who are disembodied.
From that vantage point, they often communicate
With the ‘living.’ When we’re in a receptive state,
We are hip to their antics and don’t feel the need
To be cautious. In fact, there can be much to gain.

You don’t miss the water until the well runs dry.
In the same way, you do not miss your connection
To the whole of who you are until you have not
Had it for such a while that your spirit is shot.
Look upon your community with affection.
Wonderful things will happen, and you will know why.

Love Of Life

Joy Of Being

To turn thoughts into things is why you have come here
To this leading-edge planet. You’re an extension
Of divine energy. You are co-creating
With eight billion others. It’s a wonderful thing
To be living in this physical dimension.
There are so many things within it to hold dear.

This environment is one of diversity –
Not of sameness. The world is becoming much more
Than it ever was. You came to participate
In this mass evolution. You appreciate
Every opportunity you have to explore
The contrast to determine how good life can be.

You knew things that you knew you would not remember
Upon coming here. There is a separation
That you fully agreed to, but you have guidance.
Don’t think that you arrived here totally by chance.
You are part of the magnificent creation
Of a life on earth that most people would prefer.

You love taking your inner being to places
That it has never been before. You’re its tour guide
As it leads you to happiness along the way.
It does not condemn you if you choose to betray
Its influence. You have the freedom to decide
To be receptive to spiritual graces.

One Simple Trick

Financial Growth

Once your desire is strong, your body and your mind
Naturally move in the direction of that
Which is wanted. Sometimes the mind gets in the way.
All the negative clutter will surely betray
Your initial intention. Your wanting falls flat.
The challenge is to stay positively aligned.

From the mind comes everything ever created.
Through its complex machinery all came to be.
It can be trained to focus in the direction
Of delight in each moment and having more fun.
Keep your mind in a condition of clarity.
It’s your freedom to be constantly elated.

Wherever your desire is, your mind will be there.
Can someone or something take your mind off the prize?
It happens all too often, unfortunately.
As you rid yourself of some negativity
You recover your passion, and you energize
Rather than be de-energized into despair.

The mind is like a mirror. If there’s distortion,
You cannot see things clearly, but when it is clean,
Then the vision is absolutely amazing.
Be more conscientious about what you’re thinking.
The reflection of a happy life can be seen
In your own mental mirror. True sight has begun.

Because You Believe

Love In Hands

You were born with a strong sense of your wellbeing
But not with practiced control of your vibration.
So, you practice. As you explore enough contrast,
You launch brand new desires. Your horizons are vast.
You want to become a master of creation,
So you think only those thoughts that are heart freeing.

When you want something and it does not come to be,
You may think that some outside force is preventing
It from coming. Believing yields more evidence
That it just may not happen. It doesn’t make sense.
To believe what you want won’t come is tormenting.
It remains a big part of your reality.

A belief is just a thought that you continue
To keep thinking. Your observation of something
Holds it in your vibration, then you attract more
Of the same. If it is something that you adore,
Then your focus upon it can be fulfilling.
But if it’s not, is there something that you can do?

You can stop thinking it. You can cease offering
The vibration of your current situation.
Don’t deny what you’re feeling. Just feel something new.
By focusing in another direction, you
Can change your belief into a much better one.
By your believing, you can create anything.

Your Emotions

Flavors Of Feeling

Emotions are a big deal. They mean everything.
Through you feelings you generate a vibration
Which is responded to by all that receive it.
Yet, you can control the signal that you transmit.
It’s not complicated. It can even be fun
To feel better. All it takes is some fine tuning.

You’re Source Energy in a physical body.
The variety that surrounds you inspires new
And constant awareness of what you would prefer.
Manifold are the preferences that occur.
The thoughts that you’re thinking have everything to do
With the way you feel, so select them carefully.

Pay attention to the emotions that you feel
All day, every day. They are your indicator
Of the vibrational mix between you and Source.
Within you is contained a most provident force.
You will learn to feel better sooner or later.
No matter what the circumstance, it is ideal.

It does not take much tuning to come back into
Alignment with who you really are at your core.
It’s the consistency of holding yourself there
That brings things that you’re wanting from out of nowhere.
Shift your thinking. You can enjoy life a lot more.
There is not anything else that you need to do.

Let It Come

Prime Delivery

What is it that you want? Do you like the feeling
Of knowing that it’s coming? Does it move about
And expand as you think of it? Does your desire
Fill you with excitement? Does it set you on fire?
It feels wonderful if you don’t crush it with doubt.
Keep your thoughts focused on what is most appealing.

Noticing the absence of what you want will keep
It from coming. Believe in your heart that it will
Manifest. If you feel that it’s taking too long,
Or that something unknown could cause things to go wrong,
Things remain set in motion, but you’re standing still.
It’s as if there’s a party, but you’ve gone to sleep.

Packages at the front door should be no surprise.
You knew that they were coming. Much in the same way,
You can know that what you want is coming for sure.
It happens only if your vibration is pure.
If you don’t feel yourself worthy, then you betray
What it is that you want. It causes its demise.

Use the power of your mind and the precision
Of your own guidance system. Complete alignment
With what you want you can focus yourself into.
Get acquainted with the much larger part of you.
Don’t create by default but remain confident
In the process and in the power of vision.

Understand Your Emotions

Emotional Neutrality

Sometimes you can feel frisky. Lots of energy
Is flowing. No resistance nor blockage have you.
When you feel lethargy, you have not much focus
Or resistance. You have not the energy, thus
You have little to do the things you want to do.
Thankfully, you are guided emotionally.

The emotion that you feel is all about the
Energy between you and your inner being.
It has nothing to do with anyone else, but
It feels like other people’s behaviors are what
Cause your main maladjustment. You end up seeing
The whole world as a threat and a gross place to be.

When you feel negative emotion, what it means
Is that your strong opinion about whatever
Differs greatly from that of your inner being.
It is only when both of you are agreeing
That you feel positive. You can never sever
The connection you have through spiritual genes.

You don’t have to explain a thing to anyone.
Everyone has their own inner being who knows
Everyone else’s. Let that give you peace of mind.
Consciously you decide that you can be more kind
To yourself and to others. You want to expose
Your true self to the world. This is how life is done.

You Are Being Led

Spiritual Connection

Provident is the guidance you get from your Source
Who is the larger part of you. You’re connected
To this being who’s non-physically focused,
But the person that you are must learn how to trust
That this being is real. If it is rejected,
You will be experiencing utter remorse.

A belief is just a thought that you continue
To think because you’ve given it your attention.
You’re taught to be objective and realistic.
Encouraged you were to reject the fantastic.
It may not have been done through conscious intention
But the knowledge you have now can benefit you.

Your Source has the perspective of the big picture.
It can see the path of least resistance for you.
The Law of Attraction is responding to your
Inner Being and you. Everything you adore
It keeps track of. You can open the floodgate to
Your vibrational escrow and perhaps much more.

Your Source never looks back at where you were before
Nor where you are right now. It looks forward only.
Its focus is on where you are going – not where
You have been. It leads you by its infinite care
For your happiness and wellbeing constantly.
You are led by your Higher Self; you can be sure.

Speak Up For Yourself

A Meeting

This world gives you two choices. You either can be
A bully or a doormat. This kind of thinking
Can get you into troublesome situations
With others, but the wisest people are the ones
Who know there are more choices. They are unshrinking
In the ways of relating most positively.

How do you Speak Up For Yourself without being
Angry and aggressive? You are always speaking
Up for yourself vibrationally. This is true.
The entire universe is responding to you.
It will bring to you whatever you are seeking.
With the process you must be fully agreeing.

Getting in someone’s face is clearly not the way
To resolve any issue. It makes things much worse.
Come into alignment with what you want and then
Speak from pure inspiration. It is only when
You rely on the power of the universe
Are you given the appropriate words to say.

When you have a strong negative reaction to
Some injustice, the question becomes apparent.
Do you brood in it and talk to others about
Your mistreatment? Do you get a bullhorn and shout
To the world all about it? Don’t be declarant
Of perceived lack of power. It is within you.

The Physics Of Creation

Social Interaction

The art of allowing is the art of being
In the receptive mode of all that you’ve become.
How do vibrations turn into thoughts, and how do
Thoughts turn into things? What you give attention to
Manifests. In fact, it’s where everything comes from.
It could also be called the art of farseeing.

What is the actual physics of vibration
Becoming a reality? The expanded
Version of you is all knowing. When you’re thinking
Of something exciting, components are linking
Together in vibration as if commanded
By your wishes. The ‘hard’ work is already done.

Emotions of elation bring more clarity.
You become more specific and then you allow
Universal forces to do what they do best.
Notice how much of your biggest dream is addressed,
And feel appreciation that now you know how
Easily manifesting happiness can be.

Focus on something and watch it show up over
And over again. Don’t give your attention to
Ill conceived limitations. Your satisfaction
Is the point from where a new journey is begun.
Give yourself and the whole world the best part of you.
Being that person, your life only gets better.

Talk About What You Want

Exciting Conversation

Can things happen just the way that you want them to?
When you’re thinking or speaking about your desire,
Your are for or against it. It you want it, ‘But…’
It is likely that you’ll always be in a rut.
When you speak from excitement, then you will acquire
What you’re after. There’s nothing else you need to do.

Give your undivided attention only to
What is wanted. Do not speak about its absence.
Your awareness of what’s missing keeps it away.
Speak with passion and feel that it is as child’s play.
People will see that your emotion is intense.
Everyone will see the most evolved part of you.

Talk About What You Want in a positive way,
That is, with enthusiasm and without doubt
That it will manifest because it already
Exists in vibration, so it must come to be.
Spend no time worrying that things will not work out.
When you’re happy, folks will listen to what you say.

You’ve released enough resistance, and you’re ready
To know it when you see it. You’re not trying to
Make what you see to be it. Living happily
Ever after is the place you’re wanting to be.
So, look forward to what is exciting and new.
Evidence of alignment you’ll begin to see.

This Moment In Time

Capturing Eternity

In this moment, the power to change anything
You possess without question. Now is the juncture
Where the focus of you and who you’re becoming
Are converging. So, you are now manifesting
This moment in totality. Do know that you’re
The creator of now and all that’s happening.

You may think that big money, a house, or a car
Are manifestations. This is certainly true,
But in the truest sense, it’s the full infusion
Of the Source within you that deserves inclusion
As a manifestation. The best part of you
In this moment can never be considered far.

To a lesser or greater degree, you occlude
The blessings that are flowing directly to you.
Yet you can change the moment with just a feeling
Or a thought of something that is most appealing.
What you choose in this moment is always brand new.
You can manifest a most loving attitude.

You cannot separate the manifestation
From your depth of emotion. Find the feeling place.
Your can feel as if you’re sneaking in the back door
To a good time. The universe will offer more
To prove the reality of infinite grace.
What shows up in your life is all your creation.