Tag Archive | deliberately

The Truth About Phychics

Scientific Thought

Some folks claim to be psychic. They’ll tell you that they
Can see spirits and often times communicate
With nonphysical beings. Can this be the case?
Is it true that these kinds of events can take place?
How can one be in this most unnatural state?
What’s one simple thing that can cast all doubt away?

Being psychic doesn’t always mean that you’re tapped
Into nonphysical. To be psychic means you
Read thought energy. There’s plenty of it around
And both negative and positive can be found
Among people now living. You’re receptive to
These thought forms. At interpreting them you’re quite apt.

Terrified about crossing bridges suddenly,
One may consult a psychic who may determine
That because once the bridge took a terrible blow
People died. Even though it happened long ago
Fearful thought forms are deeply embedded within
The very space time fabric through eternity.

You’re tuned into lots of different frequencies
And depending upon where you’re tuned you’re picking
Up on thought forms so you may be vulnerable
To things that you don’t want to become meaningful.
If things get too bizarre then it’s worthwhile sticking
With a world where clear information you can seize.

Exploring The Contrast

Purple Fog

You’ve been here before. This time it’s not a big deal.
Contrast you’ve become used to. You’re fully prepared
To feel through it. You’ve learned to let go of control.
You now know very clearly what’s good for your soul
So that this time around there’s no need to feel scared.
Make something good of what seems so bleak and surreal.

Tell yourself what you know which is that you’ve done all
That is necessary. All you have to do now
Is to let the momentum carry you along.
With your positive attitude you can’t go wrong.
Through the contrast you can find a way to allow
Evolutions to manifest both big and small.

It’s fun to explore contrast deliberately
Not by default. Contrast gives your life true meaning.
It causes you to want things to be different.
You can manifest change through your conscious intent.
Know that spiritual forces are convening
To offer you their wise assistance lovingly.

All the time feeling good is what you’re reaching for.
To feel better than you do right now is the key.
Any excuse in the world that you can find to
Feel delighted is most beneficial to you.
Exploring The Contrast can be done happily
As you shift your focus to something you adore.

It Gets Better

Mental Torment

No matter how it looks everything is always
Working out for you. Everything that’s happening
To you is temporary so take it in stride.
Know that the universe is always on your side
If you can but allow it. It’s not a big thing.
Don’t beat up on yourself for your current malaise.

You can contour your vibration all day every
Day into precisely that which will fulfill you.
This cooperative universe is showing
You always that wellbeing is overflowing.
Everyone on earth goes through what you’re going through.
It’s a blessing though that it’s not necessary.

There’s no chance, fate, assertion, or lack of control.
Absolute control you have over how you feel.
You’ve the ability to think, feel, and behold
What takes place. You can cause want you want to unfold
Once you take your circumstance not as an ordeal
But as an exercise that will strengthen your soul.

Think and feel then observe what goes on around you.
Watch the universe gather cooperative
Components that match up with your own vibration.
You’re a master of deliberate creation.
In a world of contentment you’re able to live.
It Gets Better. Believe it is all you need do.

Tapping Into The Energy

Energy Source

Feel Your Worthiness. That’s the key to everything
About life. The way for you to feel it is by
Focusing on something you want to manifest
Without any resistance. Believe that your blessed
To receive it. By expressing the reasons why
You deserve it you’ll get what will make your heart sing.

Find an interesting thought and follow it out.
Let it please you just because it feels good to be
Contemplating something that brings pleasure to you.
Keep on thinking it. The universe caters to
The one who has learned how to live life happily.
That you’re worthy there shouldn’t be a hint of doubt.

If good things happen for you but not under your
Conscious awareness you might call it luck or fate
Or something outside of you but this isn’t so.
Nothing is outside of you as long as you know
Very well how to stay in a positive state.
Of your capacity for joy you can be sure.

Witness things falling into place all around you
And look for positive aspects in everything.
Start deliberately finding things you adore
Then the provident universe will bring you more
Things just like it. The vibration you’re offering
Is the determining factor in all you do.

Every Day

Stone Balance

All that you’ve ever wanted from the beginning
Of your life on this planet and even before
Does exist as vibration not manifested.
In specific detail all that you’ve requested
Of the universe happens to be part of your
Vortex of Creation. It’s constantly spinning.

You’re a vibrational being also but you
Have a physical body with which to perceive
Your environment. You decide what you prefer
From the contrast life offers. All that may occur
Is due to your vibration. Begin to believe
In your Vortex. It’s the wisest thing you can do.

Accept the vibrational manifestation.
You came here with the delicious intention of
Being a deliberate creator. You knew
That the contrast would stir excitement within you.
You intended to line up with all that you love.
You knew this world to be one of fascination.

You came here to add to the expansion of the
Universe in a personally dramatic
And emphatic way. Realize this Every Day.
Your Vortex is only one good feeling away.
There’s no reason for you not to be ecstatic
About all in this world you can have, do, or be.

Allow The Nonphysical

The Intelligent Void

The fullness of who you are is not only you.
It includes many others who now are deceased
But who knew you. Your fullness may also include
Relatives now in spirit. Their infinitude
Of existence is lighter than the human beast.
Helping us with our lives is part of what they do.

Healers and teachers throughout the ages are part
Of the fullness of who you are focused right here
And right now on whatever you’ve got going on.
Your awareness of your fullness depends upon
Your belief in the nonphysical atmosphere.
Since they were human they know of the human heart.

The nonphysical is focused on you right now
So ask yourself these questions, “What am I doing
With this moment? Am I allowing the magic
To happen?”
Your not asking allows the tragic

To occur. Your happiness is worth pursuing.
The nonphysical can show you exactly how.

There’s power, grace, passion, and eagerness for you
From the spirit world. You’re a beloved being
Who is blessed beyond your ability to know.
You raise your vibration by simply letting go
Of resistance. You will find spirit agreeing
With your wildest most exciting dreams coming true.

Thinking On Purpose


I’ve been doing so much fun and joyful thinking.
I’m achieving amazing results as I do.
I just keep getting happier throughout each day.
I know that things are always working out my way.
I’ve no doubt that my most cherished dreams will come true
And that things come with ease and not by my swinking.

I do focus wheels and make lists of positive
Aspects but I deliberately and mainly
Pay attention to how I feel in each moment.
I’m cognizant of how my precious time is spent.
I prefer thoughts that are absolutely gainly.
I think that this is the best way for me to live.

A cooperative component I must be
With the universe’s orchestration of my
Happy story. It shows me how well I’m doing
With my life. I don’t have to spend time pursuing
Much of anything. Without my having to try
I attract what I want and most confidently.

I’ve begun to feel the power of directing
My thoughts relative to everything that I care
Much about. I can create deliberately
My own positive version of reality.
I can feel better anytime and anywhere.
My wellbeing is what I’m always expecting.

Super Fast

Rocket Of Desire

Without any resistance rockets of desire
Shoot out from you and go to the outer reaches
Of the universe. From there they’re attended to
By spiritual forces. They offer to you
The way to their becoming. One who beseeches
Of the universe is caught in a huge quagmire.

When you ask it is given, in fact, right away
But by vibration only. You have to align
With the frequency of what you want for it to
Manifest into something physical for you.
With the temporary absence of it be fine.
Let the fact that you’ve asked for it brighten your day.

What are you fascinated by? Don’t let it be
All the problems, struggles, and the daily news feed.
Be turned on by the intricacies of your dream.
By taking full command of your consciousness stream
You take care of yourself and you don’t feel the need
To be anything other than resistance free.

Know who’s setting your tuner. Don’t let it be one
Who’s upset with you or someone in a bad mood
And your knee jerk responses. Decide to take care
Of your own tuner by being fully aware
Of your feelings. Take control of  your attitude.
Know that what you have asked for is already done.

Deliberately Doing Nothing

Lazy Day

Choose only what feels best to you. Learn to relax
And do noting deliberately. Doing so
Is still doing something but at least you can say
That it could be the start of a wonderful day
One where into your life many blessings will flow.
Just enjoy whatever you’re doing to the max.

Everything that you’ve been living and asking for
Becomes known by universal intelligence.
It knows you most completely and it adores you.
You can adore it right back by attending to
Your vibration. The things that you need to commence
Are commencing and working for you ever more.

Be inspired to do the things that you want to do.
If it’s something you don’t then block off enough time
To do it without pushing yourself to the hilt.
If you find yourself doing something out of guilt
You may feel that your not doing it is a crime.
Remember that what you do is all up to you.

You can assume the identity of one who
Is on quite a vacation with fascinating
Things to do with all kinds of exciting people.
As you learn how to chill your whole life becomes full
And delicious. Relaxing is stimulating
For the over stressed and over worked parts of you.

Nonphysical Forces

Old Church

Consciousness is eternal. It has not an end
Or beginning and like energy it cannot
Be created or done away with. It can change
From one form to another. So is it so strange
That people throughout time have given it a lot
Of attention? With its existence we contend.

We can’t speak much about it because when we do
We get hung up on words and concepts that come from
Our connection to physical reality.
It can only become known spiritually.
Consciousness never looks for the final outcome
Because it’s nonexistent from its point of view.

All who have gone before us are now in a place
Outside of what is physical. Their energy
And attention of focus on what we do here
Is benevolent and powerful and with clear
Intention that we all live our lives happily.
We have the tendency to call it divine grace.

Worthy, blessed, and beloved beings are we
Who have come into this physical dimension
To create as we’re meant to in this here and now.
Our being spiritual means that we allow
Unseen forces to guide us. You’re an extension
Of the nonphysical here temporarily.

Observing Versus Creating

Mind Power

“I respond to my environment therefore I
Need to have control of it although I cannot.”

It’s the greatest dilemma known to humankind.
Unless conditions are right we simply can’t find
Satisfaction. Your giving it all that you’ve got
Doesn’t get it no matter how hard you may try.

By observing things then responding to them you
Give up much of your power to feel as you should
In any situation whether it’s pleasing
Or disgusting. The only thing that’s worth seizing
Is contentment in each moment. Your feeling good
Is your primary focus in all that you do.

Don’t attempt the impossible. Don’t say that you
Would feel better under a certain condition.
You put yourself in a very difficult place.
There’s an alternate mindset that you can embrace.
Be prepared for the ultimate acquisition
Of wellbeing and all your wishes coming true.

Instead of observing ‘what is’ try conjuring
An image and letting ‘what is’ respond to it.
Feeling good is the purpose of this exercise
And in time there’s no doubt that you will realize
Much improvement. All it takes is just a small bit
Of accepting that you can create anything.

Dominance Of Wellbeing

Bright Horizon

Don’t you love knowing that you’ve the ability
To contour your vibration all day everyday
Into precisely that which will satisfy you?
Isn’t it nice to know that your dreams will come true
When you focus on them in a persistent way?
Isn’t this a perfect time space reality?

There’s no fate. There’s no chance. There’s not one single thing
Pushing itself into your life experience.
How you think and feel determines what comes to you.
No matter how it looks believe that this is true.
The wellbeing existent is rather immense.
It eclipses the wave of human suffering.

This cooperative universe is showing
You the very components that are equally
In the vibration that you’ve got activated.
This is how your reality is created.
You can have things the way you’d prefer them to be.
Abundance and wellbeing are overflowing.

You can think, feel, and then watch what happens to you.
A vibrational match they are, you’ll come to see.
Things are always working out for you and it’s time
You start living a life that is richly sublime.
Focus your attention more deliberately
Only on the wellbeing you have access to.

Your Spiritual Essence

Spiritual Pattern

Humankind and injustice are peas in a pod
So it seems from this vantage point. Who can believe
That we’re all made of spirit? If you’re having doubt
That our enlightenment is what we’re all about
Then you’re not alone. Everything people perceive
Has an essence of evil which is a façade.

Everything is of spirit including the one
Who appears to be evil and in this earth school
Nothing matters but spiritual refinement.
Do we each come with a specific assignment?
Perhaps it’s simply to follow the golden rule
Which would mean that everyone should have lots of fun.

Your Vortex of Creation contains all that you
Have been wanting from day one. It’s vibrational
In essence. You access it when you feel your best.
When you do anything you want will manifest.
Feeling is your link to what is spiritual.
That you are a spiritual being it’s true.

You have come forth into this physical body
With the delicious intention of being a
Full-blown deliberate creator. Do your best
To remain in congruence with your happiest
Ever moments. Your expansion happens this way.
Be concerned with your growing vibrationally.

Just Chill Out!

Personal Freedom

There’s so much more to feel good about than to not
And there’s so much more working than not… so much more.
So don’t find things to fret about. Turn off the news
And your phone for a while. You have nothing to lose
But distress and distraction. Take time to ignore
Everything but yourself which is all that you’ve got.

A nice break from your constantly beating the drum
Of the struggle gives you the opportunity
To replenish your energy and clear your mind
Of its clutter. Leave all of your troubles behind
For the moment. Just focus on being happy
And allow the feeling of wellbeing to come.

Feel yourself feeling much better as you release
The resistance and the negative energy.
Feel yourself turning in the proper direction
In the stream of wellbeing through your connection
With your higher self who supports you completely.
This idea alone brings about inner peace.

Just Chill Out! That’s the answer to any issue
That consumes you. You have the freedom to be whole
And wholeheartedly living your life happily.
Pretty soon you’ll get so good at this that you’ll be
One who has mastered the fine art of true control
Which is of how you feel and what motivates you.

Nonphysical Forces

Celestial Being

It’s been said that there’s nothing to worry about
As the earth spins in perfect proximity to
The sun and other planets. The physical world
Is an elegant mystery to be unfurled
And respected because it’s the right thing to do.
It’s a wonder how everything seems to work out.

Before time, space, and physical reality…
Or perhaps along with it, the spiritual
World existed. It gave birth to all that is known
To be physical. It means that we’re not alone
In this huge cosmic haystack though it’s natural
For a person to think that’s the way it must be.

Outside time and perception there’s no resistance
To the flow of thought energy so consciousness
Is complete and eternal. It has to take part
In creation. This notion is taken to heart
By all those who have nothing but love to express.
All of existence didn’t just happen by chance.

All those who’ve come before you who have passed away
Are still with you. They’re focused on your here and now.
Are you letting the magic happen or are you
Pinching it of by doing that thing that you do
That prevents it? It doesn’t take much to allow
Spiritual forces to take part in your day.

Trust The Process

Quality Quest

There’s nothing that exists in your wanting that you
Cannot fully manifest. Law of Attraction
Says that if you can dream it it can become true.
Lining up with it is all that you need to do
And you do it by reaching for satisfaction
And by maintaining a positive point of view.

Everything in this universe is vibration.
Once you begin to understand this you begin
To think and feel deliberately. You believe
That all that your senses are able to perceive
Is more tangible therefore you have less faith in
The vibrational form of manifestation.

You’re a vibrational being and you attract
By your focus so you must be fully aware
Of what you’re doing. Most folks create by default.
Usually it results in psychic assault.
About how you feel you must give your utmost care.
Don’t allow things to happen just so you’ll react.

You have an inner being – your spirit… your soul.
The expanded part of you is Source energy.
It’s your true essence. Trust that it knows everything
About you and believe that to you it can bring
Anything you can dream of immediately.
Hooking up with it is the way to become whole.

Stop Negative Thoughts

Psychic Distress

All the things that I don’t like take over my mind
In a big way. I’m unable to concentrate
On anything else but my bad situation
Which I know by now is of my own creation.
My life as I know it is in such a sad state
That relief from my negative thoughts I can’t find.

When I find myself in negative emotion
It tells me that I’ve got some resistance going
On within me. It also lets me know that I
And my inner being don’t agree. This is why
I feel badly. How can I get good thoughts flowing?
To how I feel I must give utmost devotion.

I’ve decided that I’m going to render this
Vibration inactive. By my writing it down
And then placing it in the ‘inactive’ box I
Put myself in the driver’s seat. When I apply
Simple rules of alignment I can’t wear a frown.
In not trying this trick out I would be remiss.

I can vibrate deliberately. When I do
I always get measurable responses from
This vibrating universe. This is a sure thing.
It’s not iffy or chancy. Indeed it will bring
Everything that I want. All the good that will come
Through my change in perspective will render me new.

Enjoy Deliberately Doing Nothing


My relief is at issue. To not have to be
In control and to not have to put everything
Together would be a welcomed experience.
My heart tells me that I can afford the expense
Of a break from reality. Peace it would bring
To my life and my inner being would agree.

Deliberately doing nothing is doing
Something and it’s the smartest thing that I could do
Because in doing nothing I come to allow
Inspiration to do things to enter my now.
When I decide to pay much more attention to
How I feel it’s my spirit that I’m renewing.

Forcing myself to do something isn’t the way
Of my spirit which knows only joy and freedom.
I instead am concerned with what feels best to me.
When I feel my best my life unfolds perfectly
And the happier I feel the more I become
Energized and prepared for a wonderful day.

It’s about feeling better about what I do
Normally. Life is meant to be interesting
And delicious. This is my new identity.
After such long hard struggle it’s nice to be free
To just be and to not have to do anything.
How I feel reaffirms what I know to be true.

The More I Appreciate The More I Receive

Occupational Joy

In the worst of times there are people who do well.
No matter what the economy is doing
There are those who prosper and those who suffer loss.
To the latter it’s as if life is a coin toss.
There’s fear in whatever they may be pursuing.
They have a continuing sad story to tell.

When you tune yourself into appreciation
For the beautiful things in your life you offer
A vibration that’s positive. Who then will you
Rendezvous with? The ones who are committed to
Their alignment will enter your life as it were
To assist in your magnificent creation.

Complaining is a technique used by people who
Have relinquished their power to turn thoughts to things.
They can’t jump on the good wheel. It spins way too fast.
They get thrown to the bushes. They cannot get past
The grand illusion of power and what it brings
To the table. It’s not what the wise one would do.

Law of Attraction gives everyone exactly
What they’re offering by their vibration, so you
Have the best reason to go for your heart’s desire
And your hard work and struggle it doesn’t require.
It is time to prepare for your dreams coming true.
To feel your very best is your reason to be.

Responding To Negative Emotion

Anger Mob

When the natives get restless who should get uptight?
There’s no answer that makes any logical sense
Because it’s human nature. When we do something
That hurts us we keep doing it and it won’t bring
Any change in behavior so at great expense
We ignore any consensus on what is right.

I’m aware of my feelings. They’re moving toward
Something I don’t want happening. I’m asking for
Reassurance that I can get back to a place
Of alignment with who I am. I’m not my race.
I’m a spirit who should be giving a lot more
Attention to the fact that by God I’m adored.

I catch the feeling before it gains momentum
Then I can do something with it rather than let
It take me places that I would rather not go.
How I feel right now is all that I need to know.
Life cannot seem to me to be a constant threat.
My inner being is where all my strength comes from.

If I have an opinion about anything
And I don’t feel well as I’m thinking about it
It means that my inner being doesn’t agree
With what I’m thinking. It becomes then good for me
To be mindful of the vibration I transmit.
Negative emotion I find interesting.

Cause And Effect

Physical Law

Every single effect in the world has a cause –
An original starting point. Every movement
Or action is a link in a chain of events.
There’s a reason that things happen and it makes sense
That all actions have causes. By conscious intent
We create according to universal laws.

In the universe all inanimate objects
Are connected within the same space. There is no
Separation. If you move your hand you’re moving
All of space. You don’t have to go on reproving
What the laws state. It’s just a worthwhile thing to know
And the matter is really not all that complex.

Within the universe everything that exists
Has always existed in one form or other.
Human thought creates movement no matter how small.
It gains momentum as it ripples throughout all
Of the universe. No random act can occur.
Onward into eternity movement persists.

It’s the intention that lies behind the action
That’s of greatest concern. Generate good simple
Behaviors and thoughts that will create good fruit and
Sow further good seeds for the future. Understand
That the purpose of karma is not to rimple
Your consciousness unless you want that to be done.

Trust The Process

Let It Fly

There’s nothing that exists in your wanting that you
Can’t make happen. If this time space reality
Has the wherewithal to cause you to want something
Then it has the express ability to bring
It right to you. It’s all done vibrationally.
That you are a vibrational being is true.

Look around and you’ll notice that this world is chock
Full of stuff and people doing all kinds of things.
The world is much less tangible than we perceive
It to be. That’s why it’s such a bear to achieve
Proper focus from which a good idea springs.
That you’re made of vibration may come as a shock.

Your desires form a vortex that can’t be perceived
Through the senses. It’s a pool of pure vibration.
And you have little by little created it.
Your belief and trust in the process will permit
Some of it to take form. It’s your own creation.
An alignment with the universe you’ve achieved.

Care enough about how you feel. There’s an early
Subtle stage where a thought doesn’t feel good to you
Or you may have a good thought and it fades away
But your awareness of it will help you to stay
In alignment with all that your vortex can do
To surprise and delight you perpetually.

Trust The Process

Mundane Movement

There’s nothing that exists that you cannot fully
Manifest. If this time space reality can
Cause you to want for something, then it can provide
It to you. To you nothing is ever denied.
You prefer to see things this way much rather than
Living life by default – not deliberately.

Everything is vibration. All that you perceive
Is merely a translation through your five senses.
But the physical world is slowed down energy.
Things that exist vibrate at their own frequency.
Be cognizant of when awareness commences
Of the state of alignment you want to achieve.

What you think is more tangible than vibration
Really isn’t. Once you begin to understand
The full nature of vibration, you will be clear
About what you want and you will have conquered fear
Of the process. You will have taken full command
Of your newfound ability for creation.

Care enough about how you feel to stay focused
On your wishes no matter what is going on
Anywhere around you. Learn to live on purpose.
Is there anything further we need to discuss?
You’ll rejoice knowing that some resistance is gone.
In this elegant process you can come to trust.

No Matter How It Looks

Man In Tears

When I look at my troubled past, all I can see
Is someone who has taken too many wrong turns.
I’d call myself a loser, were it not a sin
To agree with most others. How can I begin
To make peace? This is the biggest of my concerns.
Does the universe find disappointment in me?

I’m not well and have never been. I can accept
That I may be dangerous to society,
But my inner being doesn’t see me that way.
It helps me to put up with myself through the day.
How I’ve been in the past matters so much to me
That at functioning here and now I am inept.

Things are always working out for me No Matter
How It Looks
at any point in time, and if I

Can accept this as truth and feel myself worthy
Of releasing my past, much better off I’ll be.
It makes no sense for me to keep wondering why
I evolved as I did. Screw the mental chatter.

I can think and feel, therefore, I can be aware
Of what happens because of it. I have control
Of my own thoughts and feelings. Things will be alright.
I am worthy of the good things in life despite
The perceived severe toxicity of my soul.
The relief is like taking a breath of fresh air.

It Will Flow

Table Cash

If I think by default in a less conscious way,
Then the things I’ll attract into my life will be
Mediocre at best. Things will stay much the same.
It’s a pity when I have but myself to blame
For my psychic stagnation. The world that I see
Then is not very friendly. My heart I betray.

If, however, I think on purpose, as it were,
My attention is deliberately focused,
And it’s joyful. With the power of my own mind
I can think of a better thought. I’m not confined
In my thinking. There’s no law that says that I must
Think along certain lines that I wouldn’t prefer.

I list positive aspects. I do focus wheels,
But mostly I just find reasons to be happy.
Then I watch for the universe’s evidence
Of wellbeing. I know that it must be immense.
A cooperative component I must be
To my wishes. I must know how happiness feels.

It’s so exhilarating to be creating,
Not by default but by my conscious intention.
Avalanches of good things that match how I feel
I expect to be flowing. I know that it’s real.
I enjoy my job of finding ways to have fun.
It Will Flow! This is truly worth overstating.

Your Natural Frequency

Life Pulse

When you are finding ways where you can consciously
Allow your Vortex of Creation to tune you
To Your Natural Frequency, you own the world
Then your Vortex of Creation must be unfurled.
All the deliberate creating that you do,
You expect it to turn out magnificently.

When you’re not tuned to Your Natural Frequency,
Then you’re pointing the finger at some injustice,
Or you’re beating the drum of righteous guilt and blame,
Then you wonder why things keep on staying the same.
When you’re there, you are nowhere near a state of bliss.
Instead of complaining you can just let things be.

Letting things be does not mean that you have no care
For what’s happening in the world or down the street.
You’re much better off tending to your vibration.
In this way, you’ll succeed in getting more things done
On a level spiritual. Life can be sweet.
Nothing can be done with the mindset of despair.

By effectively utilizing the power
Of deliberate focus, you can get to where
You will be in a state of alignment mostly.
You can’t get others to be as you’d have them be,
But you can promise easily that you will care
More about how you feel despite what may occur.

Your Are Never Alone

Forgotten Wellbeing

Aloneness is illusory – a condition
Of the troubled mind. No one is ever alone
Nor has ever been. You’re not here being tested
But supported. Whatever you have requested
Is attended to. You do nothing on your own.
This universal law applies to everyone.

You are not being challenged here. You are inspired
By the contrast. You’re here to make that adjustment.
The emotional journey is your only way
To keep track of your progress. From utter dismay
You can reach something better. Your upward ascent
Is essential. It is absolutely required.

You have grandparents, their parents, and theirs as well
Along with teachers and healers who you don’t know
But who are now in spirt and focused upon
Everything you’re about here. Perhaps it may dawn
Upon you that you’re special. Believe that it’s so.
Practice it until you know everyone can tell.

Ask yourself, “What are you doing with this moment?
Are you letting the magic happen or are you
Pinching it off because of some ridiculous
Thing that happened?”
Vibrations of worry and fuss

Are anathema to anything that you do.
Your existence in this world is no accident.

Your Work

Fill Your Heart With Love

Feeling Good is your only work. That simply said
Means that there’s nothing else you need to focus on.
You’ve been here before. There are things you have asked for
From a place of not having them, and you got more
Than you asked for. Positive conclusions are drawn
Regarding how your life goes. It’s full steam ahead.

It is fun to explore the contrast consciously
Then sift out your idea, which is better than
The present situation. Then before your eyes
It becomes your reality. Therefore it’s wise
To be happy as much as you possibly can.
When you do that, you can then let everything be.

If you’re not a vibrational match to the thing
That you want, you can recognize that emotion
To be negative, then do something about it.
This is human. It happens, but when you admit
That it does, then you can give proper devotion
To believing that what you’re wanting is coming.

Two components, desire and belief, are needed
To achieve what you want, but desire and anger
Do not mix. You can do it with desire and love.
You begin by keeping your vibration above
That of this world’s obsessions. You much would prefer
Clarity, contentment, and alignment instead.

Fundamentals Of Vibration

Heterodyning Frequencies

There’s this thing called the Vortex. It’s like a whirlpool
Of magnificent, pure, positive energy
That you have been creating since before you came
To this earth. One could say that it feels just the same
As a visit to heaven. It is ecstasy
Definitely, the Vortex is something way cool.

You’re a vibrational being. You can access
Your Vortex of Creation at any moment.
It contains the spiritual essence of all
That you’ve ever wished for – both the big and the small.
It is reached easily through your conscious intent.
You can’t get there if you are in a state of stress.

Find vibrational alignment with your Vortex
By being satisfied in the heat of desire.
Wanting without resistance allows receiving
Of the thing wanted. It is by your believing
That it will manifest, so infuse your entire
Being with knowingness to get the right effects.

A deliberate creator you came to be,
Knowing that there’d be contrast to inspire you to
Want for better conditions. Your Vortex expands
In response to your wanting. You are in good hands
When you realize the much larger part of you
Who is guiding you always vibrationally.

Thinking On Purpose

The Power Of The Positive Mind

What I think about thinking may matter to some,
But to most, it’s a matter not worthy of thought.
The mind can be a joyful place or one of pain.
Without one, can a person then become insane?
It’s of weblike construction where all thought gets caught.
Some have said the mind is where misery comes from.

It’s fun to think On Purpose, that is, consciously.
Amazing results one can have just by thinking
Better thoughts. With the power of your mind, you can
Manifest anything you want without a plan.
It is only a simple matter of linking
With your Purpose. It happens vibrationally.

You can train your vibration into a better
Feeling place, and the fun part is that you can see
Evidence of things happening. You will see more
And more coming. Your thinking will open the door
To receiving what you want deliberately.
You do not have to be a hard nosed go-getter.

Begin to feel the power of the directing
Of your thoughts relative to everything you know.
Your are a creator. Through your conscious intent,
You are not far from realizing fulfillment.
Let the universe to you its promises show.
Your life is all about what you are expecting.

Play This Game

The Universe Invites You

Look for good feeling things. What a wonderful game!
It’s so easy to do that. It’s simply child’s play.
This wholesome affirmation is translated well
To adults who’ve forgotten the best way to tell
If they are in alignment. What you do this day
Reflects how much good feeling you’re willing to claim.

Remember the attitude you had as a child.
You appreciated everything you could see,
And you trusted that most people are truly good.
You had little resistance in early childhood.
You believed fun and happiness should always be
Important, and your dreams were most freely compiled.

Let that be then the tone of each and every day.
Go to sleep in a state of appreciation.
Think of things that uplift you, and be thankful for
All the aspects of your life that you most adore.
In the morning you will feel as bright as the sun.
From the start you will notice things going your way.

The feeling of detachment means that you’re aligned
With your true self. This is a supreme unfolding.
Your set point of vibration will change as will your
Point of attraction. Your happiness is the cure
For your ills. Be aware of the clay you’re molding.
You’ll become much wiser and enjoy peace of mind.

Things Will Go Your Way

All Is Well

Everything that is manifest at one time was
A vibration, then a thought, before it became
What we now perceive with our physical senses.
Is it wrong that our belief only commences
When the actual manifestation we claim?
Yes, it’s so according to spiritual laws.

The whole universe was at one time only thought –
A consensus of intent of nonphysical
Entities, and their focus keeps things in order.
What we see as chaotic just doesn’t concur
With the overall view, yet a part of you shall
Stay in touch with the unseen of which you’re begot.

You can’t define love in manifestational
Terms, but you can surely feel it, and you know it.
Yet it’s only a feeling you have inside you.
It Is Real. Now, the only thing you have to do
Is align with that vibration. You will permit
Yourself to take on a positive rationale.

You challenge life to show you its weaknesses so
You can yearn for the strengths. You don’t want to be bored.
You want to be exhilarated and to feel
The passion that’s within you that no one can steal.
Being turned on to life shall be your just reward.
Be open to what the universe wants to show.

Listen To The Call Of Source

The Message From Everywhere

Forces that create worlds come from one single source
Which is also inside you. It is all knowing.
Just beyond your awareness impulses received
Are those of constant guidance. Once you have achieved
Consciousness of your contact you won’t be owing
Anything to a thought stream that you can’t endorse.

Listen To The Call Of Source? But how does it sound?
It depends on where you are in aspect to it.
If appreciation is what you mostly feel
You’ll get shivers and goosebumps. You will not conceal
Your enormous excitement, but if there’s a bit
Of despair then revenge is all that may be found.

Only you know where you vibrate on the spectrum
Of emotion. Revenge may offer some relief
From bitter rage and anger. You can reach that place
Where you are most receptive to your source’s grace.
Do not let your analyzing become the thief
Of the life you deserve. That would be kind of dumb.

Get to that place where you are more hopeful than not.
It’s not hard. With some practice you’re on your way there.
Steady streams will be flowing of blessings and more.
Talk about things that feel good. The more you explore
What it is that excites you you’ll be more aware
Of that special connection that matters a lot.

Every Day

The Refreshing of Each Cycle

Happiness is the vortex of source energy
That consumes all creation. It is such a state
Of superlative joy for no reason at all.
It’s the best feeling ever that I can recall
While in this realm of being. I live to create
And promote my rendition of reality.

My nature is vibrational as are all things.
I’ll accept that the vortex holds the vibration
Of all good that is manifest. My sole intent
Is achieving alignment with all that is meant
To delight and fulfill me. Each new day begun
Is a blessing that only my happiness brings.

I knew long before coming here that I’d partake
Of this physical substance to discover ways
I can offer improvement or at least a voice.
Coming here to be silent was not quite my choice.
I’ve enough energy left for ten million days
If I don’t squander it by not being awake.

I must treat every day of this reality
As if I am one with it because it is true.
This vortex is a real thing, and I have access
Any time that I want. I define my success
By the way that I’m feeling – not things that I do.
Practicing this thing daily is okay with me.

How To Unblock

Make It Come

There’s this thing that I really want that has not come,
And I want to know why it is taking so long
To receive what I’ve asked for so vehemently.
Yet, forgetting about it, I’m told, is the key,
Which makes ass backwards sense. If I’m doing things wrong
Just by wanting too much, I must be awfully dumb.

Of course, this way of thinking and acting defeats
What I want to accomplish. I must understand
What seems like such a puzzle. How Do I Unblock?
I defeat the solution by taking full stock
In the fact of the lack of the thing I demand.
Energy meant for living my dying depletes.

Getting out ahead of it is what I can do.
Doing what I’ve kept doing will get me no more
Than I always have gotten. Another approach
Can be found. I can trust in my spirit as coach.
The process I am making too much of a chore.
I can tell by how I feel. It is a strong clue.

The emotional scale is as real as any
That traverses a spectrum of polar extremes.
Most deliberately the ascension is made.
I should then be excited and not so afraid
That somehow I’ll not honor all my hopes and dreams.
What I want is as important as the journey.