Tag Archive | justifying

Stop Resistance

Connected Hearts

Why do my manifestations always seem to
Go somewhere else? It’s as if I’m creating for
Other people. There must be something wrong with me
Or with how I’m creating. I just want to be
Of the proper vibration. What can give me more
Of an edge? What is it that I clearly must do?

Finding the path of least resistance I know will
Benefit me greatly but where do I begin?
It’s by practicing feeling good ‘til I’ve allowed
Something to manifest. My head’s not in a cloud
About it. At this game of life I want to win.
Many dreams in this world I have yet to fulfill.

I’ve been defending and justifying to those
Who don’t think I deserve what I want which has caused
My vibration to wither but now I’m aware
Of what happened. I don’t have to stay focused there.
If I do then the good flowing to me is paused.
I’ll go with what the most evolved part of me knows.

What I know now is different from what I knew
Before indoctrination into the mindset
Of innate insufficiency. My life reflects
What I know now. I look for positive aspects
In every situation. I’m willing to let
It all happen without my having much to do.



It’s a wonderful feeling. It’s one of relief
But you must trust what you are surrendering to
Which is your own magnificence and wellbeing.
Your surrender can be delightfully freeing
And it can shower tons of blessings upon you
If that you are most worthy is your firm belief.

And your are worthy beyond imagination
So don’t go there. Just concentrate on your desire.
Let it fully consume you. Let it resonate
To your highest frequency. That’s how you create
Your most vivid reality. You can acquire
Anything in this manner with your vibration.

You’re not surrendering to your desire. What you
Are surrendering is all your lingering doubt
And resistance – your trying too hard to make it
Happen for you. Decide you’re going to permit
What you’ve asked for to manifest. Speak more about
What you want with a more positive point of view.

The first manifestation is a feeling one.
When you start to have emotions about something
Then something is about to become real for you.
It’s how thoughts turn to things and how old becomes new.
Life can feel as if you have the world on a string.
Your surrendering also leads to lots of fun.

You Don’t Really Need A Job

Happy Teamwork

Do you like working for your money? If you do
Then you’re fortunate. Do you like money flowing
Into your life? Do you need to justify it
Coming to you? Can you find extreme benefit
In just thinking about it? You’re inner knowing
Tells you of all the wellbeing coming to you.

Is your justifying your way of allowing?
Can you feel that with this there’s enough room to play?
Your goal is to allow more and justify less.
Your attracting of wealth is a feeling process.
You could shift your perspective and get into a
Frame of mind that’s more abundantly endowing.

There are those who work really hard at what they do
But they don’t have much money and then there are those
Who don’t work much at all yet they have the money.
Don’t try to figure out how on earth this could be.
Those who have it clearly don’t have thoughts that oppose
What they want. Is this clarity helpful to you?

Do you think that it’s wrong for someone to have a
Lot of money? Do you believe that it’s finite?
Or do you believe that it’s always increasing
And that you can get some of it by releasing
Your resistance? Do you now know what’s wrong from right?
Let this interrogation do all that it may.

Two Realities

Merging Worlds

There’s a reality that you’ve been explaining,
Defining, exploring, documenting, and such,
But it doesn’t mean diddly. It’s just a façade
Of the consciousness which is a rather slipshod
Manager of perception. It offers not much
On its own yet it’s also worth your maintaining.

You’re standing in your now not really happy with
Where you are then you’re justifying how you got
Where you are by explaining it to everyone
Then you wonder why you can’t get anything done.
It just keeps the vibration active so it’s not
Recommended. Of joy you want to be the pith.

There’s another reality that’s parallel
To the physical. It consists of vibration
And it’s present tense. It’s happening here and now.
When you feel your way into it then you allow
It to be a physical manifestation.
It beats the other reality all to hell.

Here and now is simply a platform from which you
Can propel yourself into the reality
That you have been creating through your hopes and dreams.
Take a different view of the world as it seems.
Activate some new patterns vibrationally.
Be prepared for all of your wishes coming true.

That Was Then, This Is Now

So What?

Rather than talk about how things used to be you
Can speak of what’s becoming. The thing about ‘then’
Is that focusing on it keeps you where you are.
Following such a path will take you very far
From where you’d like to be. Magic can happen when
You decide to begin something totally new.

Maintaining you vibration is absolutely
Your most important work. Feeling good is your goal.
The path of least resistance is manifested
To all things in your whole life that you’ve requested.
Trust that the universe has things under control.
Again, your only job is to live happily.

Try your best not to go where you don’t want to go.
Don’t get hung up on what you did not know before.
What you know now is much different from what you
Knew before. There are so many things you can do
To maintain your alignment so you can get more
Inspiration to complement all that you know.

Yet to take a little trip down memory lane
Can sometimes be uplifting because everything
That you lived validates what you know here and now.
What was then, if it’s troublesome, do not allow
It to mess with the myriad blessings you bring
To the world. Nothing you do is ever in vain.

It’s Ready

Daily Bread

Life is a well-stocked kitchen that has every kind
Of ingredient anyone could imagine.
You can pluck from the shelves and make your loaf of bread
Or you may decide that you want a cake instead
But there’s no way you would put tabasco sauce in
What you’re baking. The thought never enters your mind.

You may not like tabasco sauce but do not try
To have it thrown out of the kitchen. If you do
You’ll find that it has gotten baked into your cake.
When you push against something it only will make
Things a lot worse. It can get the better of you.
The rights of tabasco sauce you cannot deny.

Just don’t give the tabasco sauce your attention.
It exists on the shelf somewhere. Leave it right there.
Don’t join groups. Don’t protest. It only creates more
Of the thing you don’t want and as ever before
It will haunt you to the point of utter despair.
You can’t establish tabasco sauce prevention.

Keep your consciousness focused on what you’re baking.
In your imagination it’s already done
So just go through the motions and let life evolve
As it should. Not a problem there is to resolve
In this wonderful kitchen that serves everyone.
Be at one with the masterpiece that you’re making.

Vibrational Patterns

Wave Nature

If and when the big bang happened there was no sound
Just because there were no ears to hear it but there
Was vibration before everything came to be.
Matter is packed with a whole lot of energy
Which is consciousness and it is fully aware
In a way that can only be seen as profound.

Nothing happens until something happens. But why
Does it happen? What’s the purpose of vibration?
To begin with it’s all about conscious intent
On the part of an entity who only meant
That the universe be a perfect creation
Which it is. It’s a fact that no one can deny.

As the word becomes flesh it vibrates everything
Into being. The Vibrational Patterns are
Everchanging, eternal, and absolutely
Attractive – not assertive. Anyone can be,
Do, or have anything. Joy is never too far
Out of reach. The spirit is ever enduring.

This ‘real’ world that’s defined, explained, documented,
And talked about incessantly doesn’t mean squat.
The vibrational reality is more real
Than the physical because anyone can feel
Their way into accumulating quite a lot.
Everything depends on how one’s oriented.

May Your Journey Be Blessed

Joyful Path

Surrender the beliefs that do not allow you
To evolve into the person you want to be.
Surrender the resistance to your worthiness
And the things in your life that are causing you stress.
You are meant to be here expanding happily.
May there be success in everything that you do.

Surrender what is keeping your burning desire
From becoming a part of your reality.
Life has caused you to ask. Your desire is valid
Which means you are the only one who can forbid
Its fulfillment. Surrender and get yourself free
Of the struggle. No effort does your peace require.

Allowing is another word to use instead
Of surrendering. It does not involve torture.
You’re allowing receptiveness to clarity
And wellbeing. Through your truth you easily see
That your journey through life will be safe and secure.
Thank yourself for allowing the good times ahead.

The first manifestation is an emotion
In the creative process. If it feels okay
Then prolong it but if not then focus elsewhere.
Thoughts become things so of your thoughts you must take care.
Be aware of what uplifts you throughout your day.
To your spiritual growth give much devotion.

Satisfaction And Conditional Vibration

Good Reception

It would be nice to just be zapped with the feeling
Of complete understanding that I can be, do,
Or have anything I want and without limit.
Life is supposed to be good. I should benefit
From the good I’ve created. I’ve come to a new
Way of knowing that seems to be more appealing.

If I can get closer to the understanding
That whatever I want I can have, then there will
Be a change in my life quite immediately.
The world will treat me better if I choose to be
Positive in my outlook, and I will fulfill
My desire for a big consciousness expanding.

I vibrate to conditions unconsciously so.
I observe things, then I offer a vibration
Because of what I’m observing. Then I get more
Of the sameness, but if I can vibrate before
The condition, then it becomes my creation.
I tell you this because it is good that you know.

Like a sculptor enjoys the process of molding
The clay, or the painter, the process of painting,
I cannot be frustrated or impatient that
It’s not done yet. I’m satisfied just working at
My creation. Is it not a wonderful thing
To witness one’s creation as it’s unfolding?

The Reality Of Vibration

The Eternal Spectrum

Everything in existence is of vibration.
Various schools of physics tell us this is so.
Is there any significance? What does it mean?
It does favor those whose psychic senses are keen.
We’re all made of vibration. The more that we know
Of ourselves, the more we’re part of the solution.

When you’re standing in your now, not really happy
With where you are, and then justifying how you
Got where you are by explaining it to all those
Who will listen, this activity greatly slows
The process of receiving what to you is due.
It is best to steer clear of negativity.

There’s a reality that you’ve been defining,
Explaining, documenting, and talking about.
It means didly compared to the reality
That consists of vibration. It’s actually
The realness that precedes realness. There is no doubt
That within every cloud, there’s a silver lining.

Want, with everything that you are, to understand
And feel your way into this vibrational state.
The describing of your current reality
You can stop long enough so that maybe you’ll see
That complaining about life won’t facilitate
Happiness nor your own consciousness to expand.

That Was Then

Sad Story Retired

All my manifestations keep going somewhere
Other than where I want them to, which is with me.
I’ve had this conversation with myself before,
And my thinking about it does not give me more
Of an edge on fulfillment. I need to break free
Of the prison created by my lack of care.

That Was Then. This Is Now. I know how to relieve
Myself of the resistance. By my maintaining
My vibration, I can manifest easily.
I am fully in touch with who I’m meant to be.
I know now that there is no use in complaining.
I am responsible for all that I receive.

The path of least resistance is being carefree.
Practicing feeling good until I have allowed
Something to manifest is in itself worthwhile,
But my appreciation goes the extra mile.
To the mission of happiness I am avowed.
I know now what the past has provided for me.

Then, I didn’t know what I know now, and what I
Know now is different from the grief I once knew.
I can better feel the path of least resistance.
Within each moment there exists the perfect chance
To be blissful. To my own self I must be true.
All the laws of the universe here do apply.

Let It In

Enjoy Life's Treasures

You’re the creator of your own experience.
The world isn’t broken. It’s just varied in ways
That cause clarification of what you prefer.
Do not place your bets on whatever may occur
In the contrast. You’re able to focus your gaze
On the things that delight you and make of life sense.

You’re in a well-stocked kitchen. It has everything
Imaginable in terms of ingredients.
You can pluck from the shelves and make a pie that you
Really love. No tabasco sauce can get into
Your pie unless your thinking of it is intense.
Your pie is of the vibration you’re offering.

Tabasco sauce is something that may worry you.
You don’t want it in your pie. How it ends up there
Is by your constant worry and much attention.
If you form a group supporting its prevention
From all kitchens, it will only end in despair.
Protesting is not something that you came to do.

All the trampling and bombing and voting against
Tabasco sauce in kitchens is offered in vain.
Look for things that are most satisfying to you.
It is one of the easiest things you can do.
Letting in the perfection, you have much to gain.
Take advantage right now of what will have commenced.

Righteous Surrender

Submission To Existence

My desire is not what I am surrendering.
It’s only the resistance that keeps me unsure
Of what I am surrendering to. There’s some doubt
That I will be happy with the way things turn out.
If I want something, my vibration must be pure.
Not onto petty battles am I meant to cling.

Life has caused me to ask, and I want to believe
What they say about asking. It will manifest
If I know I’ll receive it. The energy of
Being in the receptive mode is far above
That of doubt, lack, and discord. It would suit me best
That a positive outlook I strive to achieve.

Trying too hard, defending myself constantly,
Justifying, and rationalizing will bring
Only much disappointment. If I can let go
Of such things, then much better things I’ll come to know.
To surrender in no way involves torturing.
It’s about my alignment with source energy.

The first manifestation is an emotion.
If it feels good, I’ll welcome it. If it feels bad,
I’ll look elsewhere to find something to focus on.
The conclusion that I will do well is foregone.
My emotional guidance is my best comrade.
To my inner being I give much devotion.

You Don’t Need A Job

Trapped In The Rat Race

You work hard for the money, and it’s not enough.
You need more and more of it as time marches on.
The rat race is appalling. You’ll do anything
To get by or get over. Hopelessly you cling
To a pipe dream. Your excitement for life is gone.
You would say without question that your life is tough.

If you don’t like the feeling of working, do you
Like the feeling of the desirability
Of tremendous amounts of money pouring in?
Do you justify having it? Is it a sin
For others to have plenty? In order to be
In a state of receiving, there’s one thing to do.

You can shift your perspective and get more into
The mode of allowing. Less justification
You will need for receiving. There are people who
Have an awful lot for the little work they do.
There are those who work hard, yet for all they have done,
They have not much. How can this enigma be true?

Those who have all the money without the effort
And the struggle that others go through realize
That it’s not about action while dissatisfied.
It’s about alignment with spirit as your guide.
It’s easy to become healthy, wealthy, and wise.
Of the universe you have eternal support.

Maintain Your Vibration

Stay Aligned

I like rain. It’s refreshing. It keeps folks indoors
Far apart from my business. The whether forecast
Is a joke to be pitied. They promise rainfall,
Yet I wait all day long, and there’s nothing at all.
I’ll be glad when this disgust that I feel has passed.
It’s a fact that this sorry assed town rain ignores.

It becomes, then, a challenge. I come from a place
Of compacted resistance about everything.
I cannot let conditions control how I feel.
Whatever may be happening, I can appeal
To my conscious awareness. What I’m offering
By my mood can be powered by infinite grace.

To find the path of least resistance is to let
Life show me its wonderfulness and to practice
Feeling good, which is always a cool exercise.
Things do manifest often, and it’s no surprise
That I can help myself much by thinking like this.
Certainly it’s a most valuable asset.

Complaining will cause my vibration to erode
In an instant. I knew this a long time ago
Before I was talked out of it by others who
Had forgotten, but now I know just what to do
To maintain my vibration. Tonight it may snow.
If it doesn’t, I’m still in the receptive mode.

A Consciousness Challenge

The Vortex Of Destruction

The white noise is annoying. There’s an addiction
To societal drama. It’s in the foreground
Of most people’s attention, and I must confess
That I too have a habit of going for less
Than I ought to. There is not much good to be found
In my wasting time this way. Besides, it’s no fun.

By exploring ‘what is,’ I cannot justify
What’s becoming. I’m a powerful creator.
Can I give up what I know as reality
 And begin living my life much more happily?
There’s a deeper dimension that I can explore.
I don’t go there that often. The question is, Why?

The vibrational nature of my being I
Can accept without question. The way that I feel
Must be the only thing that can matter to me.
I can’t ask others to behave differently
To affect my emotion. What I know as real
Can be changed by spiritual laws that apply.

I can withdraw from the reality I know
Long enough that I can explore the resources
Of my imagination. I appreciate
Solitude and the silence that helps me create
With the guidance of powerful unseen forces.
In this way, I allow my consciousness to grow.

That Was Then…

The Past Is Of No Use

Once my manifestations always seemed to go
Somewhere else and my life was an absolute mess
Of revenge and frustration. I know well by now
How to shift my mood consciously and to allow
Natural goodness to which I have full access.
Did I need pain and sorrow in order to grow?

Maintaining my vibration is certainly key
To my forward momentum. I cannot afford
The wasting of my life force on feeling depressed.
It’s my decision only if I am obsessed
With the negative aspects which should be ignored.
I must entertain only thoughts that will please me.

The work is finding the path of least resistance.
Practicing feeling good until I have allowed
Wonderful things to happen, it’s easy for me
To feel appreciation. I am completely
In relationship with life, and I am endowed
With a spirit that masters any circumstance.

I need not defend or justify to others
Who’ve decided that I don’t deserve happiness.
It erodes my vibration. That was in the past.
Day by day I am learning to live the contrast
Provided for my growing. I suffer much less
And I’m more willing to do what my heart prefers.

You Do Not Need A Job

Employment, Freedom, And The Web Of Self-Worth

Do you like working for the money that you get?
Indeed, do you like money and how well it flows
Into your life experience? Is the feeling
One of bliss in knowing you’re fully deserving?
Can you just allow all that its blessing bestows?
Or must you justify it due to your mindset?

Is the justifying that you’re doing your way
Of allowing? Can you feel that there’s enough room
To play with? You can shift your perspective so that
You can be more allowing. You’ll get that down pat.
Then less justification you’ll need to assume.
Feeling good about money enlivens your day.

There are those who work hard and don’t have a whole lot.
There are others who work little and are wealthy.
The latter are the ones who have figured it out.
It is not about action. They know beyond doubt.
It’s about your vibration and being healthy.
If you want change to happen, do give it a shot.

The real work that you do is about energy…
About habits and attitudes and feeling good.
It’s telling the new story the way it should be…
Just as you want it to play out and exactly
As is by divine forces it is understood.
Thoughts of recession cannot be reality.

Many Times Through The Day

That Was Then, This Is Now

“That Was Then; This Is Now!” I should state this all day.
What enters my awareness only I allow,
But collective vibrations seep in from all sides.
I can trust what I get through spiritual guides
Is of infinite value available Now.
I can manifest good news always in this way.

Memory lane is fettered with all that has been.
A trip down there too often defeats the purpose
Which is to readjust to a new behavior.
I at times find I’m stuck there looking for the cure
To the current psychosis and eternal fuss
And record the abominable once again.

“That Was Then; This Is Now!” There’s no other moment
More important than this one because it reflects
All the moments before now. I’m moving forward.
I would blush if I knew how much I am adored.
I should know that some conscious force loves the complex
Act of forces at play here that we may prevent.

It’s a mixture of tough love and infinite grace
Made available to me that I persevere.
Keeping up the momentum of feeling good now
Validates life without my needing to know how
To digest all its detail. The path I make clear
Is the one I will follow but try not to chase.

Everything Is Ripe And Ready

Beholding The Harvest

The world seems to be broken to little old me.
It would take no convincing that I could be wrong.
Some would say that it’s ‘varied’ instead of deranged.
I would like to see that way. Can my view be changed
In an instant after having lived for so long
Witnessing human nature as gross as can be?

Yes, the glass is half empty and also half full.
But of what? It’s a question that begs to be asked.
Wine of wisdom or wickedness… or something worse?
All that happens is because the world is diverse
Too much so for too many. The proudly unmasked
Are the perpetrators of some share of the bull.

Yet amid the mass psychosis I understand
That the kitchen is well stocked with ingredients
Of all kinds. If I don’t want tabasco sauce in
The pie that I am making, I would not begin
Protesting its existence. That wouldn’t make sense.
Where is there room for our consciousness to expand?

Well, that isn’t my problem. I’ll not make it so.
I could join groups against tabasco sauce, but why?
Focusing my attention on what pleases me
Still remains a most significant remedy.
Empathy for the tormented I can’t deny.
There’s a lot about this world that I need not know.

Surrender And Everything Comes

The Natural Release of Effort

When an army surrenders there’s torture involved
So the word has some issues. There needs to be trust
That the thing one surrenders to is of value
In securing fulfillment. One can live anew
In releasing resistance. One need but adjust
To improved circumstances and problems resolved.

Negative connotations now pushed to the side,
There are good things that good people surrender to.
Anything that does not support my heart’s desire
I can let go of gladly. The peace I admire
And the freedom of not having so much to do.
I release my resistance and give up false pride.

I cannot stop desiring. I can’t surrender
Wanting things that I want. I will always want more.
But I do give up beliefs that keep me held back
Like my incessant struggle and feelings of lack
And my trying too hard to keep up a good score.
I relax and allow what life has to offer.

But there is a much better word. That is, Allow.
It’s a much clearer meaning. It puts everything
In proper perspective. The manifestation
That comes first is emotional. I am the one
Who allows infinite intelligence to bring
All the guidance that I need for right here and now.