Tag Archive | harder

Becoming Invincible

Bright Day Ahead

So much has come before you. The world has been here
Long before your arrival preparing for you.
You’re Source energy in a physical body
And your purpose is to live your life happily.
All That Is thanks you for your willingness to chew
On the contrast in this physical atmosphere.

All That Is is what Source is and you are the same
Energy that creates worlds. You’re selfish enough
To want to feel good always. You’re fully aware
Of what feels otherwise and you stay clear of there.
You’re prepared for whenever the going gets tough
Because to you this wonderful life is a game.

You have no idea of how worthy you are
So at times you expect choices to be bigger
And harder to make, find, apply, and to achieve.
In such cases you must try your best to believe
That you’re worthy of better. Don’t let it trigger
A downward momentum because you’ve come too far.

All That Is benefits from all that you go through
On your journey but do it for yourself also.
As you do you’ll feel less vulnerability.
You will feel more invincible naturally.
There is no stopping you due to what you now know.
Take advantage of what has been laid out for you.

Effortless Realization

Active Contemplation

You have done all the efforting as you’ve sifted
Through the contrast. You know what you don’t want and do.
Now that you’ve launched that rocket the universe will
Gather all the components needed to fulfill
Your desire. It should come as no surprise to you
That good things happen as you remain uplifted.

If it still feels like effort it means you’re slowing
Everything down. You may be too much in your head.
If you’re thinking too much about what you should do
You cannot maintain a positive point of view.
You may feel that you need to try harder instead
Of allowing wellbeing to begin flowing.

There’s never too much thinking when you’re guided by
How you feel in each moment and you have control
Over that. Let everything you do be inspired.
It’s a marvelous way to get what is desired.
That you feel on top of the world should be your goal.
You can always feel good without having to try.

You’ve been taught to follow the path of diligence
And hard work but people do it to compensate
For their lack of alignment with what they desire.
Being in the receptive mode doesn’t require
Any effort at all. You need only feel great.
The power of your good vibration is immense.

Sifting Through The Contrast


This world offers me contrast. I like it when I
Engage it day to day without having to be
Ever discouraged by it. My life is a breeze
For the most part. I take everything with much ease.
I know that everything is working out for me.
Fortunate for me is that I don’t have to try.

I’d put forth so much effort to get to a place
Where I couldn’t be satisfied. Now that I’m free
Of the struggle I thought I needed to go through
There’s nothing in the universe that I can’t do,
Be, or have. I’ve decided that I’m most worthy
Of wellbeing, abundance, and infinite grace.

Effortlessly I’m on the path to everything
That I could ever want and the contrast provides
Opportunities for me to sift and sort out
What I do want from what I don’t. It’s all about
My discernment. My emotional system guides
Me along through whatever may be happening.

Contradictory thought will make me feel like I
Need to try harder in order to compensate
For my not having gotten into alignment
With my spirit. My quest is one of refinement.
Bless the contrast because it gets me to create
A magnificent life – one I cannot deny.

Speak What You Love

Elegant Joy

I love being alive. I love knowing the laws
Of the universe. I love going with the flow.
I love knowing how this all works. I love knowing
What I know and I love knowing where I’m going.
Bless my soul for this opportunity to grow.
I’m no longer so plagued by the way that I was.

I love knowing that I have an inner being
Who’s looking at everything and feeling delight
About all that takes place. Evil it doesn’t see.
This being who is the eternal part of me
Sees my life and my future as sunny and bright.
I endeavor to see the way it is seeing.

I love knowing that sometimes I’ll get out of whack
And it’s not such an issue because I can get
Back in harmony with my internal rampage.
The wellbeing is dominant. So why engage
With the thinking that I know that I will regret?
It takes just some fine tuning to get back on track.

I want everyone to be joyful. I want there
To be cooperation among humankind.
I know that it’s not my responsibility
To help others discover their reason to be.
Everyone deserves wellbeing and peace of mind.
I love that by my choice I become more aware.

Manifestation Is Near

Prepared To Receive

Nature never rushes, yet it accomplishes
Everything. What it means is that I am complete.
My desires are inspired. What I want to attract
Into my life is certain and soon to be fact.
Every step toward its realization is sweet
As if the universe responds to my wishes.

The journey should be effortless. When I’m really
In the flow, then the going is easy and fun.
I’ve sifted through the contrast and have decided
What I want. By my inner being I’m guided
In the receiving of what is already done.
I got rid of the effort factor completely.

If I am struggling, then I am slowing things down
Quite a bit. It’s important that I be aware
Of my trying much too hard to make it happen.
It is done! I do not have to go there again.
Of my vibration I must take the utmost care.
I will not receive squat if I’m wearing a frown.

The path of least resistance is something that I
Am encouraged to take. Some say that it’s lazy
To expect something without the hard work involved.
I know that It’s done, so every problem is solved.
I look only for better things coming to me.
With my wishes the kind universe does comply.