Tag Archive | gravity

Immutable Laws

Science Conscious

Gravity is always working whether or not
You believe in it. You don’t have to believe in
Gravity for it to work. You won’t float away
Due to your disbelief. On this earth you will stay.
Breaking this law would be committing mortal sin
Against nature. One never can be in that spot.

There’s a whole lot of energy locked up inside
The atom. It’s release can cause devastation
Or a sustainable source of clean energy.
It can do tremendous good for humanity.
This law also works always and our flirtation
With it is like a big can of worms opened wide.

Current always seeks the path of least resistance
In a circuit. Voltage is always equal to
Current times resistance. This law works all the time.
There’s no way that one could be accused of the crime
Of electrical battery. All one can do
Is honor their electrons at a safe distance.

It’s quite the same way with the Law of Attraction.
This law works all the time and it can’t be broken.
You’re always manifesting. The trick is to do
It on purpose. The whole universe supports you.
About what you desire you must be outspoken.
In your life you can always find satisfaction.

Gravity’s Twin

Stage Magic

Gravity is the force that attracts a body
Toward the center of the earth or anything
Having mass. It’s a weak force, the scientist’s say
Yet a fall from a cliff is a cause for dismay.
Overcoming it can sometimes be challenging.
Those who have fallen would wholeheartedly agree.

One of the most powerful forces that exists
Surrounds and affects us. If approached consciously
And intentionally it can be used to change
Our future for the better. It’s not all that strange
That, like gravity, this force can turn out to be
Rather difficult on the person who resists.

It’s the Law of Attraction I’m talking about.
Gravity is the contrast we experience
As extreme seriousness and heightened alarm
And the fear that people are out to do one harm.
Often one doesn’t know that they’re not making sense
In their thinking. There are issues to be worked out.

Decide what you want and focus only on it.
How will it feel when you finally reach your goal?
You can feel that way right now to speed things along.
Once you feel what you’re wanting nothing can go wrong.
Of your point of attraction you must take control.
To your ultimate happiness you must commit.

I Get To Decide


What I’m most thankful for is the freedom to be,
Do, or have anything, and I Get To Decide
How I feel in each moment which is important
To my point of attraction. Who says that I can’t
Find a way to keep myself always satisfied?
I’m thankful that this knowledge is now part of me.

There’s a much bigger picture. I’m fully aligned
With my purpose. Sometimes I have split energy
But I can quickly get back to being aware
Of my sense of wellbeing. I just have to care
More about feeling better than needing to be
Always right which makes people think that I’m unkind.

“If life is just a series of single events
Interacting with each other what’s it all mean?
What’s the point? Go ahead. Just tell me what to do.”

I once did have this rather parochial view
But by now quite a bit of wellbeing I’ve seen
And its absolute dominance makes perfect sense.

I’m here for the pleasure of life – for the pleasure
Of knowing the fullness of who I’ve come to be.
My inner being and I are two aspects of
The same thing. It tells me that I must learn to love
Everything about life unequivocally.
I’ve decided that life is an awesome treasure.


Biography of Being

Ever since my childhood I’ve been too much unlike
Other people. I’ve never perceived things the way
They are seen by most others. I do not complain.
For the first time in my life I know I’m insane
But there still is an enormous price I must pay
For the harm that I cause while my mind is on strike.

I cannot get excited about the same things
That would turn on most anyone else without fail.
I’m not sad for the same reasons that others are.
I’ve not felt the same happiness. It’s very far
From that felt by most others in oddest detail.
A victim I have been through my false beginnings.

Everything that I loved I loved all quite alone.
Back when I was a little one loved and cared for
I uncovered for better or worse mysteries
Of existence that nary another one sees.
I know that I am here to experience more
Than the average seeker. My strange life has shown.

From the natural places this earth shows to me
Come the questions and answers that are of essence
To the best of my knowing that all is okay.
This world I am a part of. The part that I play
May seem small but in essence it’s rather immense.
All that I must do now is be happy to be.

Enigma Be

Existence Indecipherable

Things get more out of order as time marches on.
Randomness unpredictable is quite the way
That the universe functions. With dark energy
Keeping things from collapsing most violently,
Gravity on the earth plane has but to obey
Forces that are entropic and ever foregone.

How many different ways something can occur
Is its measure of entropy. It is also…
Of all possible combinations energy
Can have both magnitude and direction. To be
In a world such as this one, much one need not know
Lest the mind be molested by its constant whirr.

Verily I say nothing if I mention not
That collisions in deep space make crap loads of light
That is bright and kinetic. It goes everywhere.
Gravity, for that purpose, is something to bear
And transform into purpose for making things right
By the stardust I’m made of. I am nature’s plot.

Every thing has its place, and it’s Out Of Order,
And with randomness left to imagination.
As part of the whole process, I need be aware
That I am such. I’ll do much to take special care
Of my share of enigma, for in the long run,
Everything that happens is as I would prefer.