Tag Archive | consciousness


Life Is Good

Attitude defines the person. It is a learned
Tendency to evaluate things in a way
That is certain. People, issues, things, or events
Are the predispositions which are the contents
Of the ego mind wherein the attitude may
Have a wide range as the total self is concerned.

Attitudes range form very bad to very good.
In psychology, attitude is the construct
Of a mental and emotional entity
That characterizes a person. It can be
The main influencer of a person’s conduct.
Many social factors need to be understood.

For spiritual seekers, it’s good to know that
Attitudes will change over time. By letting go
Of beliefs and positions that are negative
A much healthier life on this earth you will live.
Attitudes will change naturally as we grow
In experience. Your searching never falls flat.

Attitudes laced with jealousy, hatred, and fear
Have been associated with ill health, whereas
Positive attitudes such as joy, love, and peace
Help the body. There is a substantial increase
In wellbeing. Do know that your attitude has
Everything to do with what in life does appear.

Shift Your Thoughts

Mental Maintenance

What’s missing isn’t missing. It’s well on the way.
Think about manifesting this way and you will
Be in perfect alignment with your cherished dream.
Don’t be fearful of focusing in the extreme
On the thing that you’re wanting. Just go for the thrill
Of daydreaming. In a positive mood you’ll stay.

There’s no trick to getting your thoughts more harmonized
With ‘that which does nothing but leaves nothing undone.’
It can be the natural way you think always.
Life can be offered to you with fragrant bouquets.
You’re that which is eternal, and you are the one
Who can choose to be happy and God energized.

“With my luck it won’t work out.” This sick attitude
Is a tape played by many. “With my luck it will
Show up faster than normal.”
Now, this is the way

To speak to the universe. It’s a brand-new day
When you can get the negative mind to be still.
You’ll achieve easily whatever is pursued.

You will become a collaborator with fate.
When you let go of gossip, the cheap tabloid news,
And the negative circus. You can radiate
Outward God realized thinking. Do not let hate
Become part of your consciousness. You are one whose
Powerful mind can keep you in a happy state.

Life Can Cause You To Feel Better

Freedom And Joy

There are many more consciousnesses focused here
In this physical plane of existence than there
Are people on the planet. There’s quite a party
Going on all around us that we do not see,
But we know that it’s possible to be aware
Of the nonphysical if our hearts are sincere.

We summon the collective. Multifaceted
Is our nature. Consciousness needs not a body
Necessarily. It’s a continuous stream.
Our awareness of our bodies does make it seem
That we are separated. This happens to be
An illusion that the mind is constantly fed.

Things that happen to people that they can’t explain
Are the doings of those who are disembodied.
From that vantage point, they often communicate
With the ‘living.’ When we’re in a receptive state,
We are hip to their antics and don’t feel the need
To be cautious. In fact, there can be much to gain.

You don’t miss the water until the well runs dry.
In the same way, you do not miss your connection
To the whole of who you are until you have not
Had it for such a while that your spirit is shot.
Look upon your community with affection.
Wonderful things will happen, and you will know why.

The Physics Of Creation

Social Interaction

The art of allowing is the art of being
In the receptive mode of all that you’ve become.
How do vibrations turn into thoughts, and how do
Thoughts turn into things? What you give attention to
Manifests. In fact, it’s where everything comes from.
It could also be called the art of farseeing.

What is the actual physics of vibration
Becoming a reality? The expanded
Version of you is all knowing. When you’re thinking
Of something exciting, components are linking
Together in vibration as if commanded
By your wishes. The ‘hard’ work is already done.

Emotions of elation bring more clarity.
You become more specific and then you allow
Universal forces to do what they do best.
Notice how much of your biggest dream is addressed,
And feel appreciation that now you know how
Easily manifesting happiness can be.

Focus on something and watch it show up over
And over again. Don’t give your attention to
Ill conceived limitations. Your satisfaction
Is the point from where a new journey is begun.
Give yourself and the whole world the best part of you.
Being that person, your life only gets better.

Your Natural Frequency

Life Pulse

When you are finding ways where you can consciously
Allow your Vortex of Creation to tune you
To Your Natural Frequency, you own the world
Then your Vortex of Creation must be unfurled.
All the deliberate creating that you do,
You expect it to turn out magnificently.

When you’re not tuned to Your Natural Frequency,
Then you’re pointing the finger at some injustice,
Or you’re beating the drum of righteous guilt and blame,
Then you wonder why things keep on staying the same.
When you’re there, you are nowhere near a state of bliss.
Instead of complaining you can just let things be.

Letting things be does not mean that you have no care
For what’s happening in the world or down the street.
You’re much better off tending to your vibration.
In this way, you’ll succeed in getting more things done
On a level spiritual. Life can be sweet.
Nothing can be done with the mindset of despair.

By effectively utilizing the power
Of deliberate focus, you can get to where
You will be in a state of alignment mostly.
You can’t get others to be as you’d have them be,
But you can promise easily that you will care
More about how you feel despite what may occur.

Maintain Your Vibration

Stay Aligned

I like rain. It’s refreshing. It keeps folks indoors
Far apart from my business. The whether forecast
Is a joke to be pitied. They promise rainfall,
Yet I wait all day long, and there’s nothing at all.
I’ll be glad when this disgust that I feel has passed.
It’s a fact that this sorry assed town rain ignores.

It becomes, then, a challenge. I come from a place
Of compacted resistance about everything.
I cannot let conditions control how I feel.
Whatever may be happening, I can appeal
To my conscious awareness. What I’m offering
By my mood can be powered by infinite grace.

To find the path of least resistance is to let
Life show me its wonderfulness and to practice
Feeling good, which is always a cool exercise.
Things do manifest often, and it’s no surprise
That I can help myself much by thinking like this.
Certainly it’s a most valuable asset.

Complaining will cause my vibration to erode
In an instant. I knew this a long time ago
Before I was talked out of it by others who
Had forgotten, but now I know just what to do
To maintain my vibration. Tonight it may snow.
If it doesn’t, I’m still in the receptive mode.

The Best Is Yet To Come

Enjoying Life

Your job is to feel as good as you possibly
Can feel and be as happy as anyone could.
You have the wind of divinity at your back.
You’ve defined where you want it to go. Keeping track
Of the moments of wonder feels just as it should.
You have now got a handle on prosperity.

But you have seen nothing like what is before you.
You’re on the verge of deliberate alignment,
Which means that more specifics begin happening.
Your clarity and eagerness for life will bring
You the blessings. They come by your conscious intent
To stay positive in everything that you do.

Your appreciation for others will improve,
And the management of the Law of Attraction
Now has palpable meaning. The crevasse between
Clarity and confusion is easily seen
So that you are aware of what needs to be done.
You are reminded of this with your every move.

You’re a world citizen with a unique worldview
Who most singularly has the ability
To access unseen powers that do worlds create.
There’s no looking back now that you have reached that state
Of complete alignment with all that you can be.
The path of least resistance is made clear for you.

Embodying Stillness

Meditation By The Sea

If you go to visit a Zen monastery,
Where they call meditation ‘sitting,’ one may ask
“How long you have been sitting? I’ve been sitting for
A few decades or so.” “Doesn’t you butt get sore?”,

May be one’s response who is not up to the task
Of doing the work that is most necessary.

Sitting in meditation, one is familiar
With a method, but don’t confuse it with the state
You are in while you’re doing it. Meditation
Is a state of pure presence. You can be at one
With the universe, and you do not have to wait
To become more aware of who you really are.

The method is designed to facilitate the
State of consciousness, but at some point every one
Must be dropped so that you can be right in that place
Of immaculate presence. Its welcome embrace
Is available to you through meditation.
Method is simply the way of coming to be.

One evolves to the point where no method at all
Becomes necessary to be in alignment.
If you get too attached to your method, then you
Will defeat your intention. What you may go through
To get there may be subject to some refinement.
It cannot be for you an impossible call.

Deeper Dimensions Of Stillness

Journey Into The Soul

The mind is a computer. If you leave it on
All the time, it will get hot and not perform well.
If it’s turned off completely and given some rest,
Then throughout its lifetime it will function its best.
Your are the only one who is able to tell
If its wellbeing is a conclusion foregone.

To get free of the thinking mind is to transcend
The voice in the head that never stops its chatter.
It’s conditional thinking to which you’re a slave.
It makes all the difference in how you behave
And what in life to you does most truly matter.
It is difficult for the mind to be your friend.

There’s another dimension that is not of mind
But of essence. The stillness that one may behold
In the silence has been taught for thousands of years.
It is already present, although it appears
That it is being overlooked. What is pure gold
Is ignored. It is the way this world is designed.

It’s like the fish may be tempted to not perceive
The presence of the water and spend its whole life
Saying, “I have been told there’s an aqueous force
That surrounds and contains us.”
We cannot endorse

This nonsensical outlook which can lead to strife.
Stillness is not something that one has to achieve.

Being In Nature

Getting Close To The Earth

“Seek out a quiet place in the forest,” said he
Who was called the Buddha thousands of years ago.
He practiced meditation, and that’s what he taught.
He was available to anyone who sought
Spiritual enlightenment. He was also
Big on nature. He loved it most passionately.

In nature, there is ‘stillness’ that’s different from
That which is artificial and caused by the lack
Of the clamor incessant. This kind one can hear.
When you listen to nature with an acute ear,
The stillness is apparent. You peek through a crack
In eternity. Magnificent insights come.

Nature teaches connection. It has much to do
With the way we develop spiritually.
Nature relaxes as well as energizes.
When alone or with others it crystalizes
Consciousness into oneness. It’s easy to be
Just oneself without pretense. God bless the guru!

Refrain as much as possible from thinking while
You’re in nature. Just be the awareness behind
Your acute sense perceptions. Be fully at one
With all that you experience. You have begun
To connect to the heart and detach from the mind.
Nothing in the woods can put a cramp in your style.

Abide In Me

Give Me Your Unending Trust

Remain stable and fixed in a state of oneness
With all things because they exist all within you.
When you see yourself as no longer separate
Or in isolation, you will appreciate
A newfound sense of freedom. How can this be true
If one’s life is the epitome of distress?

Consciousness is a shared phenomenon. No one
Is apart from it. From the level of spirit,
Human beings can feel much less isolated,
But because of our nature we’re easily led
To hold fast to the notion of self. We submit
To belief in separateness in the long run.

It’s not natural for us to see everything
As One thing. A unique person standing apart
From all others is how the self must be perceived
Unless some kind of enlightenment is achieved.
Individual expression is at the heart
Of the purpose of all that is now happening.

As you abide in me as I abide in you,
Something magical happens. Connection is made
With the consciousness of everything that exists.
We can meditate on how each person consists
Of all others and everything. Be not afraid
To explore this most enlightening point of view.

The Web Of Life

The Network Of Consciousness

Human consciousness is at the same time aware,
Understanding, and sensitive, yet ignorant.
The most ordinary everyday consciousness
Leaves out more than it takes in, and in the process,
It discards much importance. The mind simply can’t
Take in all that there is. Such a gift would be rare.

If we could extend our awareness to include
Those things that we leave out, then a deep inner peace
We would know, which is something that we should not know
According to the rules of society. So
To get the lowdown on life it’s best to release
Everyday understanding which is a bit crude.

A fabric interwoven so as to reflect
On front and back each other’s opposite pattern
Is the same as all life is. The bad and the good
Comingle in a network that is understood
To be the way it is, but it’s of great concern
How extremes in a troubled world interconnect.

Our sense organs are receptive and selective.
They pick out from a tiny band of frequencies
What we know to be real to us, and as we grow,
Newer instruments invented will help us know
More of the universe’s possibilities.
There’s still much to be explored from our perspective.

Talk To The Future Self

Inspiration From Within

Time is such that it falls within eternity.
Thus we’re able to visit, whenever we choose,
Other versions of ourselves. The information
We get from such visits may be the solution
To the issues we have now. Is this not good news?
Connection with the unknown does set the soul free.

Someone wants to get pregnant. In fact, it’s her goal.
Her desire to bring forth a child is very strong.
But for now she’s unable. The contract she made
With the spirit forthcoming cannot be betrayed
But by worry and doubt. She did get before long
Information from herself about this new soul.

Passion is what is needed to gain the insight
To proceed with the present. Also you must trust
That it’s not about time. It is about timing.
You can contact your future self just by being
Open to information. All that is discussed
Between you and your future you is only right.

We are all in the trusting mode every moment
Of our existence or else we could not exist.
You don’t have to ‘learn how’ to trust. Simply decide
On exactly what you will trust. You can confide
In the guidance of your future self. Do resist
The temptation to doubt what comes to the present.

Feeling Good Lets It In

The Key To Ultimate Acceptance

It seems that life programs us for not feeling good
And for not having fun. It’s because the contrast
That manifests in this time space reality
Is for our spiritual growth ultimately.
Hard work is honored. We’re taught to remain steadfast
In our struggle, as every good citizen should.

This mindset becomes outdated in the long run.
Leveraging of energy is easier
Than action that is taken. It doesn’t take much
Energy if you are wholeheartedly in touch
With you true self. Only pleasantness can occur
In the process of chilling while getting things done.

Time shortage consciousness stems from too much effort
Or focus on something that can be easily
Taken care of through your thought or meditation.
Energy outdoes action a billion to none.
You are now realizing how life ought to be.
Universal forces give you loving support.

It takes not long for you to be in such a state
Of contentment where nothing at all bothers you.
From there you have control over this universe.
This is quite the real deal. We’re not here to rehearse.
Is feeling good something that is long overdue?
It’s time to let the goodness in. Why do you wait?

What Is Consciousness?

Definition Of Being

Existence, as is known, is one unbroken thing.
All That Is contains everything that can be known
And unknown. There is another version of it.
That knows not itself at all. It has not a bit
Of consciousness. The feeling of being alone
Is all that this region of existence can bring.

What exactly is consciousness? It’s awareness
Of oneself by knowing what is not of the same
Awareness that oneself is or has. Existence
Contains all that there is. It needs no self-defense.
Consciousness is awareness by another name
Whether or not it has the desire to express.

All That Is creates within itself otherness.
It’s aware of itself through all that it creates.
It’s a kind of reflective energy pattern.
Consciousness means that one is able to discern
Individual selfhood and how it relates
To the otherness. It’s an eternal process.

Everything reflects consciousness. It is the way
That all of creation can become self-aware.
 Every creature is seeing through the eyes of God.
The mechanics of it all is nothing slipshod.
Infinite are the points of view one can compare
To oneself. All existence evolves as it may.

The Split Of Parallel Reality

The Coming Quantum Change

Two mirrors facing each other are in effect
Infinite iterations of reality.
Similarly there are many universes.
The more that I contemplate this thing the worse is
My perverse understanding, yet I need not be
Ignorant for much longer. I hope I’m correct.

Or I could just not think of it altogether.
Giving much pain to my brain is all it may do.
It is up to me only in every known world
That my most hidden purpose be rightly unfurled.
I’m much bigger than I thought. I am someone who
Is important on each earth as I would prefer.

With the firm recognition that I occupy
Way much more space than just my physical body,
I’m aware of connections to realities
Not the same as this one, and from each I may seize
Information and insight to get myself free
From the clutter of this life that has gone awry.

Natural is the timing that I’ve created.
Ever changing cycles is what earth’s all about.
That there is an infinity of them can be
Food for thought, reason for action, and finally,
Enough conscious attention to mitigate doubt
That all worlds are by nature interrelated.

Why Is This Happening?

The Purpose Of Quantum Change

We engage the conundrum. Too much here goes wrong.
Reaching out for help with my writing I am cursed
By brute force to become a citizen of hell.
So, to me, it seems this world is under the spell
Of ballistic aggression. I was at my worst
Of spiritual wellness. I did not feel strong.

This event, among many, remains in my craw.
Severe stomach issues cannot be diagnosed
Because they are in essence psychosomatic.
My actions are a sign that I’m mentally sick.
I know I’m not alone. The whole world is sclerosed
In a consummate puzzle of nature’s faux pas.

But for the grace of God I become infamous.
To be known as a danger or risk to others,
I’m unconsciously fearful of speaking loudly.
What I have to say is not for others to see
Until some kind of huge transformation occurs.
There is nothing about my writing to discuss.

What I am or I am not vibrationally
Brings about an explicit expression of things
That are either despicable or wonderful.
I must know that my words have not much of a pull
In this real world of monumental happenings.
The unfinished enigma becomes part of me.

Outside The Box

Try Something New

Each one of us on earth is a facet of the
Multidimensional Crystal Of Creation.
Consciousness we are given to make us aware

That we are that, but some folks are caught in the snare
Of a box of beliefs that could well weigh a ton.
It allows not the creative mind to be free.

Thinking Outside The Box means thinking in a way
That expands creativity and consciousness.
It is a permission slip to experience
Getting close to the higher mind in present tense.
Balance and connectivity one can access
Any moment. One gets better with each new day.

Move your consciousness so that it exists halfway
Between your higher mind and your physical one.
From this vantage point you’re in a specific state
That allows understanding. From there you create
Brilliantly without effort and with lots of fun.
The Crystal you’re part of is a psychic bouquet.

Our belief systems are needed to reinforce
What we call our reality. Nothing exists.
In the physical universe. It’s all spirit.
Hold only those that are to your benefit.
One is trapped by what one’s belief system insists.
Take a really good look at those that you endorse.

Allowing Simplified

The Engine Of Manifestation

If you’re more aware of what you are perceiving
And less so of how others are perceiving you,
You can stay in the art of allowing always.
You did not really come here to spend all your days
Understanding perceptions of others. It’s true
That it adds some resistance to all your grieving.

I have consciousness flowing to me and through me.
Everyone who has ever lived has their own view.
They’re looking at this moment not as I see it
But from spirit – a vantage point that defies wit.
Allowing is made simple. All I have to do
Is to stay in the receptive mode constantly.

That part outside yourself that you’re trying to reach
You will find is inside you. If you are tuning
Yourself to the frequency of it you will find
That you are it. It’s vital that you never mind
Anything that does not support what you’re doing.
You are all of the pieces and emulate each.

Consciousness of pure intellect and of feeling
Is that which can assist me right here and right now.
Do not let conditions that I cannot control
Rob the life force within me and cripple my soul.
With some practice I can train myself to allow
Loving grace which makes life so much more appealing.

The Choice Is Yours

Total Self-Responsibility

Motivated by money, power, and control,
The ego of humanity triggers decay
Of its terminal body. Madness and disease
Are the rhythmic death rattle. The putrid feces
That escape as it dies is enough to convey
That the human condition is less than heart whole.

The system is bankrupt so those now in power
Want to hold on to all that they can and to kill
Off a lot of people so that they can retain
Their control over everything. All is in vain
Because there are those who recognize their free will
To remain oblivious to things that occur.

People fell into too low a conscious level.
The human spirit once enslaved by the ego
Has long left. Narcissistic we’ve grown in mindset.
Savage capitalism is then a big threat.
The body is decaying. The process is slow.
Where in this is there space where the heart can revel?

We are all instruments of a higher power.
Mass psychoses and Kool Aid cults all must take place.
The cycle of existence – creation and fall
And eternal redemption – we go through it all.
We’ve the choice to be zombies or creatures of grace.
Is it so hard to figure out which you prefer?


Emotional Understanding

Easily compassion comes with people we know
Because we are more familiar with who they are.
Understanding and clarity we have more of.
Offering someone comfort expresses our love
When the person we cherish feels not up to par.
It is the healthy and natural way to go.

With those who we don’t know, it becomes difficult
To get close to the feeling that they hold inside.
People are their own business. They have sovereignty
Over their lives – no others. This happens to be
Not the best attitude. With the heart open wide
Many blessings returning may be the result.

People have belief systems quite solid and strong
In order to break through them one must understand
Exactly where they’re coming from deep in their heart.
The expanding of consciousness is a fine art
For the one who is seeking an outlook more grand
Than the black and white illusion of right and wrong.

People work only with what is in their toolbox.
As valid as yours is their idea is too.
A degree of acceptance of that is just fine.
To achieve the expansion one cannot decline
The key to understanding adverse points of view.
Human nature remains a divine paradox.

The Web Of Life

The Cosmic Collective

Human consciousness is at the same time aware
And is sensitive to its own understanding,
But it also is ignorant of many things.
If we know what we shouldn’t then this knowledge brings
On a much deeper knowing about everything.
Yet our everyday consciousness can’t take us there.

Our sense organs are selective. They will pick out
Certain things they’re receptive to but that is all.
The electromagnetic spectrum is so wide
And within a small segment is where we reside.
Our perception of everything is fairly small.
We take in very little and tolerate doubt.

Consciousness leaves out more than it cares to take in.
That’s the way things are set up in this here and now.
Yet because of this what it’s programmed to ignore
Would be helpful in quelling our horrors and more.
Is there some way on this earth that life may allow
Us to be more enlightened? Where would we begin?

Though it is wise and natural that we’re this way
We gain some understanding through what we access
Through our forms of technology and practices
Of the nature of spirit, and what this all says
Is that we are given the choice to acquiesce
To the grace and the power of forces at play.

More Souls In Heaven

The Perpetual Spiritual Balance

Nearly eight billion people there currently are
On this little old planet. That seems quite a lot,
But the population is not at its highest.
There have been times before when the planet was blessed
With much more than this many. This means we are not
In a popular crisis. We’ve not grown that far.

But where do all the souls come from? This I must ask
From my unique perspective as one single clump
Of a lump with some consciousness. It’s not easy
To see past the illusion that registers me
As a part of this time space reality dump.
So to answer the question now becomes my task.

Consciousness is nonphysical right from the start
Which in fact is eternal. It is flexible
And fluid in expression. I am not assigned
To one piece of the puzzle though I am inclined
To believe I’m a separate humanhood full.
As I look at this closely it’s not very smart.

I am from the nonphysical energy stream
From which come multifaceted consciousnesses
All experiencing this dimension as one.
Eternal is the being who’s ever begun
With an infinite number of ways to express.
In terms of the nonphysical, life is a dream.

You’re Not Earning, You’re Attracting

With Every Waking Breath

You get up in the morning then go rush outside
To breathe in all the air that you’ll need for the day.
Others will suck it all up if you hesitate.
It would be a disaster if you had to wait
Until air is replenished. To live in this way
Is absurd, most atrocious, and undignified.

Paranoia is normal in times of distress
Where the most basic needs may be subject to threat.
But reality dictates that all is quite well.
In the mind of the not aligned much fear does dwell.
When you think about money and feel some regret
You grow into the circumstance of having less.

It’s your aspect of beingness that you engage
Much more than tons of hard work to make yourself feel
Justified in the having of a salary.
You don’t feel that you’re quite worthy enough to be
In reception of good things without the ordeal
Of the quid pro quo contract for a decent wage.

With ten dollars you can do so many good things.
As you embrace that feeling you appreciate
Everything that you do have. Then you will have more.
Look for reasons to feel good, and learn to explore
All the things that excite you. What you then create
Is a life of abundance and many blessings.

Stop Resistance?

Increace Current And/Or Voltage

One beholds The Resistor – subject to Ohm’s Law.
In electronic circuitry it does the job
Of opposing electrons as they try to move
Through their pathways. The only thing it wants to prove
Is its will to drop voltage. The flow it does rob
Stabilizes and balances, and without flaw.

Current, Voltage, and Resistance are the three things
That have formed a relationship universal.
Each can affect the other, except resistance
Is a fixed entity introduced to enhance
Electronic behavior and boost their morale
By the changes to voltage and current it brings.

The behavior of humans is somewhat the same
As the antics of circuits. How the creator
And the object created obey the same laws!
It may seem that we’re destined and locked in the jaws
Of some rigid machinery, but it is more
Than the mind can be wrapped around yet it can claim.

Voltage is all the efforting we think we need
To get things done, and current is the ease of flow
Of the things that we’re doing. Resistance is that
Which presents us with challenge. Sometimes we fall flat
And apply yet more effort. What we need to know
Is that flow times resistance is effort indeed.

To feel good means maintaining a high vibration.
The best way to do that is by practicing joy.
Being conscious of how you feel, you get to choose
Which path is least resistive. This way you can’t lose
There are many a technique that you may employ
But to reduce resistance you must have more fun.

The Art Of Allowing

...Versus the Science of Hoping

Simple signals made complex among consciousness
Introduce much resistance in what is perceived.
If I’m more aware of everything that I see
And less concerned about what others think of me
I will stay in allowing mode and be less peeved.
Other people’s perceptions are the cause of stress.

I have source flowing to me and through me always.
Everyone who has ever lived sees through my eyes
When I’m in full alignment with all who I am.
I can follow a self-designed worthy program
From the infinite consciousness of those made wise
By their now point of vantage. I offer much praise.

What I’m reaching for is that outside part of me.
There’s a whole lot of consciousness at my avail.
But if I’m tuning myself to their frequency
I become them in essence momentarily.
The convergence of clarity on a large scale
Is a thing worth my knowing if I am To Be.

I’ll allow myself to feel the fullness of who
I am truly. Conditions are best to discard.
They disrupt the vibration that I would achieve.
There’s no value in guessing what others believe.
When my vision gets cloudy, then life can get hard.
I’ve enough to feel worthy without much to do.


Sweetest Spices Of Life

I can create realities, each different
Than the other, and I don’t need anybody
Else to kindly agree with me. That’s up to me.
Satisfied I am mostly with all that I see.
Life has caused me to tell it just how it should be
In the way that it keeps me just shy of content.

Life, I know, hears what I say and feels what I feel,
Having had my acquaintance for so long by now.
Yet the question is always, Where am I in all
That I’ve asked since I’ve been here?
It hasn’t been small.

All that I need some help with is how to allow
Earth’s bounty to consume me in ways that are real.

All that I want I do not have, and it’s okay.
In the purest vibrational form they exist.
This day has been a good day. I learned a bit more
How to look at life not as a hard karmic chore
But a marvelous mission where souls may enlist.
Tomorrow I’ll do better than I did today.

Tonight’s rest is forthcoming. As I drift to sleep
I’ll attract nothing thought wise. This shell I vacate
To let forces of nature do as they are meant.
There’s no reason why I can’t be much more content
Than I was for today and maintain such a state.
I’ll start off on a good foot. My wholeness I’ll keep.

Compulsive Thinking Cessation

Tuning The Noise Filter

Thinking is an addiction when it’s ego based.
Resistance to the moment and things as they are
Turn the mind into digital circuitry lost
In destructive anxiety and at great cost
To my sense of wellbeing. I am very far
From the life that I’ve longed for. Has it gone to waste?

There are two types of thinking. The futile is one
Where the mind spins in circles. Problems it creates
As well as certain enemies and grievances.
This dysfunctional state creates circumstances
Marked by fear and regret. Nothing but gloom awaits
When I’m stuck in a mind trip, and it ain’t no fun.

The other kind of thinking, not of the ego,
Comes from someone who’s deeper – the real part of me.
When I access this person in meditation,
Thinking then is constructive. I don’t feel undone.
Real thinking is creative, but positively.
Fruitfulness is the outcome as I get to glow.

Thought can be in the service of something worthwhile.
Universal Intelligence is but the best
To give all my devotion. A friend I can make
With this moment most present for everyone’s sake.
I’m a tool by which infinite love is expressed.
This indeed is much more than a reason to smile.

Rest Easy

All Is Well

There’s an end to each good day as there is to all.
How well did it go? Does it matter anyway?
It’s tempting to get caught up in this day’s drama.
Challenges cloud my thoughts. They’re a source of trauma.
I lose sight of the true value life is today.
I forget that my privilege is nothing small.

But today is now over. For sleep I prepare.
No matter what the day held, it’s time to let go
Of the big things that I think I can’t overcome.
Just because I cannot doesn’t mean that I’m scum.
Timeless Truth that my eternal soul gets to know
Needs to be to my consciousness made more aware.

Stepping back for a moment, the bigger picture
That my soul sees already, is clearer to me.
Everything’s working out exactly as it should.
In the end, life’s a dream that can always be good.
Like a story with chapters, each day’s end can be
One of joyful reflection. My thoughts can be pure.

“Let the Universe Celebrate Itself Through You!”
It’s the one affirmation I most need to hear

Echoing back to me as I end this fine day.
Now is time to listen to what it wants to say…
Not out of desperation. It’s motive is clear.
I am whole as I am now. This is always true.

Sure Signs

Proofs Of Providence

When does life happen for me? This question I pray
To whatever will hear it and give an answer
That I can perceive readily and understand.
Humbled by present circumstance, I can’t demand
That the provident forces do as I prefer.
My addiction to Sure Signs consumes me this day.

But I know that in good time the good life will come.
That I can conjure up enough passion in me
Is a manifestation that I can’t ignore.
Can I be satisfied with my not getting more
Than a wonderful feeling and be completely
In the state of receiving? This is hard for some.

When the words come right to me with relative ease
And the things that I write about start to make sense
To that self who is needy, it is a sure sign
That the things that I’m asking for soon will be mine.
But to savor the feeling of blissful suspense
Is to be still in lack mode. Not much will I seize.

My words are of importance, but only so far
As they give inspiration, if only to me.
I feel that I’m quite worthy to still be alive.
Though I’ve made some mistakes, I’m expected to thrive.
Validation I need not in order to be
In the state of acceptance of things as they are.

Know Thyself

The Spiritual Mirror Image

Since childhood I’ve been learning and relearning things
That others get the first time and with greater ease.
I don’t find it a problem until I’m perceived
And am judged for the way I am. Then I am peeved.
But I’ve been a fine bastard with my psychoses
And this self-observation – my ego it stings.

It’s and ongoing process. Self-discovery
Grows from learning of this world and all of its ways.
But the self that is studied is of the body
And the thing that we know as personality
Yet the more subtle essence for most of us stays
In the depths of the psyche concealed completely.

I would study myself, but just what does that mean?
I must ask myself questions that puzzle me so.
Is myself the perceiver? Or am I that who
Perceives he who’s perceiving? If I follow through
With this interrogation, what truth could I know?
…Consciousness is recursive and clearly obscene?

The mind is a fifth limb. It will grasp and hold on
To the things it perceives. I know that it’s a tool.
It itself is perceived by that which is unnamed.
The true self is a mirror wherein all is framed
In its pureness of being. I’ll take that as cool.
It’s the source of all selfhood from which life is drawn.

How To Feel About Money

Attitude Toward The TokenSeparate is the problem from the solution.
It must stay that way, otherwise things don’t work out.
In the answer, the question is not returned to.
Life’s direction is one way. There is forward view.
Hindsight is only good for admitting that doubt
Is built into the way things are normally done.

I don’t want a rough ride through life. I want freedom
From the fears that my feelings of lack place on me.
Every subject is two subjects – like a magnet
Has two poles that are opposite. What I beget
Depends squarely upon which end I mostly see.
Simply thinking about money renders me glum.

Placing that money magnet aside for a spell
To then pick up another one that feels better
Is my best course of action – which is not to act.
When the subject of money has lethal impact
It is best to kibosh the damned thing then defer
It to when I’m more suited and feeling quite well.

On one end is the money. On the other end
Are the feelings of happiness, freedom, and flow.
I want many more choices to do what is fun…
The feeling that the universe truly is one
With my passion and worthiness. I must let go
And let treasures from heaven upon me descend.


I Am

Unlike Any Other

Welcome magic and wonder, true brilliance, and grace.
Welcome joy, satisfaction, all pleasure, and strength.
May the essence of beauty and presence of form
Be the way of existence and surely the norm.
Excellence be the blessing throughout the wavelength
Of the spectrum of Being in this time and space.

What I seek I have already. What I must know,
I can understand. All I wish I could, I can.
Who I want to be, I am. What I seek, I own.
I comply with the knowing that I’m not alone
And have never be so since before life began.
I accept love and give all that I have also.

I am seed. I am tree; the flower and the bee.
Fire and wind I am both. I am mother and child.
I am mighty and loud, yet I silently tread
Lightly upon this earth. The goodwill that is spread
Is of nature. I am reason, and I am wild.
I’m the buyer and seller who oft’ disagree.

I am ease and great power; the bridge and tower.
I am sand and the beach. I am student; I teach.
Modest and monumental, I’m brave yet gentle.
I’m all that exists and I’m coincidental.
I am many and few; I am every and each
Of God’s essence within you as life does occur.

Another World

Alien To All That Is Known

From one world to another I want to transcend
In a state meditative whenever I can.
Freedom I have to enter a world of pure bliss
Which in life is the sweetest nectar. Like a kiss
To the confounded consciousness, it is more than
A brief break from attention the mind does expend.

With a peanut sized consciousness I can only
Have a peanut sized understanding of most things
But if I can expand it beyond boundaries
Then the world becomes friendly, and my acts appease
Others’ whose offer harshness. The exercise brings
On a flood of awareness most definitely.

There’s a pure vibrant ocean of consciousness in
Each one of us, and it’s called The Unified Field.
Modern science says all matter emanates from
This Field which has a consciousness that can become
That of anyone seeking it. What is revealed
Is awareness divine yet within human skin.

People look like friends rather than enemies when
They have sought true alignment by going within
Where there’s infinite knowing, creative release,
And a path that will lead to the ultimate peace.
Can this life be a game that one can play to win
With no harm done to others as ever has been?

Heard Immunity

The Continuance Of Aftermath

On approaching the climax of social disease
Evolution of hate networks reaches its peak
Spreading literal violence throughout the land.
Network Spews is the lifeblood we witness firsthand
Through the acts of the populous whose minds are weak.
Can a nation recover from such times as these?

One America, schizoid, is out of control
Believing insurrection must be the right way.
Funded by evil forces with dark network ties,
The proud group of deplorables truly despise
Anyone who is different, and they must play
Vehemently their ill-assumed psychotic role.

Those who’ve heard that a white country is most evolved
And that people of color are a subspecies
Then believe in a white world where all must adhere
To a whitewashed supremacist doctrine in fear.
In a world such as this, white men do as they please
And the issues of living are never resolved.

That’s the way it should be to the ones who forget
That this nation was built by the sweat of non-whites.
It’s been since commandeered by the human ego.
Network Spews is for people who don’t want to know
What is of the truth, especially civil rights.
Those immune to reality are the big threat.

The World I Create

The Existence Imagined

Self and Other, the ultimate dichotomy,
Are of singular essence. The world that I see
And the one who is seeing it are a duo
Intertwined in a tight dance. They do not let go
The same world viewed by many can then only be
One that we’re all a part of. We all could agree.

But that’s ideal thinking. In reality,
Magnitude of perspective has staying power.
Strong beliefs held by many can overcome fate.
When they’re used for that purpose, things can turn out great.
It is rarely that positive change does occur
In a world suffering from low morality.

What I am is everything that I’ve come to know
Throughout my life experience. Many billions
Of viewpoints has the same situation at hand.
Any one of them could be minuscule or grand.
 The inherently transcendent – those are the ones
That can raise global consciousness which is now low.

At all times we are part of the situation.
To deny that is foolish and leads to despair.
Through my creative process and vision, I make
A world that is much kinder and wider awake.
No world that is created is too much to bear
As a process of healing is rightly begun.

Change The Story

All Of Life Is Imagined

For the first seven years while under hypnosis
Theta waves are the consciousness’ only game.
With no programming present, young ones will create.
Make believe is a playful and most dreamlike state.
Lower is this consciousness which isn’t the same
As adults’ because children can live in pure bliss.

But within that time period of seven years,
Children get all their core beliefs and programming
From observing their family and those around
Who provide ample input. What science has found
Is that during this time we record everything.
It becomes our subconscious with deep rooted fears.

By the time we are eight years, the damage is done
So to speak of a reference can be worthwhile.
“Rich Dad, Poor Dad,” the story, appears to ring true.
Everything that we’re told when we’re young has to do
With the lives we create for ourselves and our style
Of relating to others or welcoming none.

There becomes an imbalance. As time has its way…
The creative aspect that we had in childhood
Is nearly nonexistent compared to before.
And the consciousness element is grossly more.
Repetition and habit are well understood
To be good for the changing of stories today!

In the subconscious basement there may be some things
That may cause us to self-sabotage any grace
That the universe offers. The story I tell
Can be one of magnificence or one of hell.
And once I tell my story I cannot erase
What the universe hears and what answer life brings.

The Most Obvious Secret

Not So Blissful An Ignorance

A circus of three rings is the number preferred.
It makes sense of insanity and it provides
Division of attention among all odd things
That congrue in a cluster where impotent kings
Take their hand at mismanagement. No one decides
What to not pay attention to by thought or word.

Divided is the nation. Two worlds are as two…
Incongruent but yet so. There’s no precedent
For divergent societies to understand
Civil war in a new age yet on the same land
Stained with blood of our ancestors. Our swift descent
Was decades in the making. It now has come due.

 In The Room are two elephants, both of great size.
Each ignored by the other, they merge into one
Grip that fits all occasions with realities
Fatally coexistent. The hope one may seize
Is that change is eternal. Nothing is begun
Without somehow expecting to deal with some lies.

Human Nature continues. I within it all
Am amazed and enlightened by all that is seen
As a fervent backlashing. Much wider awake
One becomes in observance. Another mistake
Nature may have made, and it may wipe the slate clean
Of its aberrant outgrowth. To it, we are small.

Racing Thoughts

Formula 1 Brain

So one after the other, they leapfrog around
And create their own business that can’t be resolved
By themselves nor known others. Their quest is futile.
In their race for more heartache each painstaking while,
They prevent me from being more spirit evolved.
What they come up with isn’t at all that profound.

Keeping me wide awake at nights, they have control
Of my very existence. I need to detach
From the process that isn’t a real part of me.
Knowing that it is not me allows me to see
What it is that would be but a more fitting match.
I know that which I don’t want and what makes me whole.

Panic thinking is useless. It serves no purpose.
From that powerful standpoint I’m able to choose
Something else to focus on as hard it may be.
I may regain some control eventually.
It seems to be a gamble. There is much to loose
Because if I do nothing, further I’ll regress.

Then there’s always the body – the final frontier.
Since I know thinking sucks now, I know my breathing
Will provide a diversion and needed relief.
When caught up in a problem, relaxing is chief.
A small pocket of comfort this small act will bring.
Issues still will exist, but stress will disappear.

Evolution Through Disruption

The Cost Of Living Buisness

All the worst of my problems alone I create
Through the master controller of identity
On the personal level. I’m doomed to attack.
For the rest of my life here I’ll just watch my back.
Evil doesn’t become me, but insanity
Seems to be what consumes me and authors my fate.

The abstracted part of me – the self not made whole –
Is only form identity. It’s not the same
As the timeless consciousness that I am truly.
Everyone is that essence with none else to be.
With this form I am subject to sorrow and shame
That I feel often times to the depths of my soul.

Oneself can’t be perfected. It’s like whack-a-mole.
Once things are put to order, something falls apart.
Never ending the struggle it is to portray
A complete living model. And I must obey
The aspect of disruption. It strengthens my heart
Just to know of the sick truth I cannot control.

Evolution of consciousness cannot take place
In a world picture perfect with no suffering.
One would dance on the surface of life and not grow.
Compassion and deep insights one can’t come to know.
Disruption in my life is a wonderful thing
If I can learn to trust it as God’s loving grace.

On Preparing To Diet

Getting Ready For Vital Work

We are that which we eat. Someone say it ain’t so.
What goes into my bloodstream becomes part of me.
If I quack like a pig and break wind like a cow
I need not fail to wonder since they are my chow.
My hot wings have no feathers so how can I flee
The zoo which is my body? And do my cells know?

I am that which I think. I cannot deny that.
Every thought that I’m thinking connects to others
Of the same kind. Together they color my mood.
So it is best that I consume good mental food
So my life may be livable as it occurs.
Consciously I must keep my mood from falling flat.

Many decades of pent up negativity
Is the result of carelessness. What I take in
To my body and mind must be wholesome and free
Of all negative karma. What goes into me
Must be free of what kills me or else it is sin
That is rough on the soul when compounded daily.

Before starting a diet it’s best to prepare
Through an intensive purging of body and mind.
One can bypass the junk food the same as bad thought.
Though it takes lots of effort I will grow a lot
In the ways of the spirit as life is designed.
Dieting is the way we become more aware.

Joyful Always?

The Magnificent Spirit

The left nut I would give and the gold kitchen sink
To find joy in the moment that lasts all day long.
I hear say there are those who are Joyful Always.
Fettered folk who fall needy should offer them praise.
I shall not show my jealousy. That would be wrong.
Sneaking up on some joy I at all doth bethink.

I have felt awfully happy even while in pain.
The problem is sustaining it more than a while.
Wellbeing means exuberance. Life energy
Flows without interference thus most easily.
How to get there and stay there could fit my profile
If I got rid of thinking that drives me insane.

Depression means life energy has reached a low
Through the cycles recursive of tapes that are played
From the cage of the closed mind. The only way out
Is to know my mortality without a doubt.
In this way I’m reminded of my true crusade.
Pettiness has no path on the way I should go.

 I create what I’m doing in every detail.
Karma means it’s my action. The questions for me
Are: How joyful am I? And how much do I give
Out to others? This is a most wise way to live
For this brief earthly sojourn. I can choose to be
Cognizant of my time here. That way I can’t fail.

Consciousness Inside Out

All The Cosmos Within

I am doing this world as, in turn, it does me.
Consciousness therefore flows between both easily
If I can but remember this always is true
Even though I’m brought up with a different view –
One whose mental distortions make it hard to see
That I am everything that the cosmos must be.

Every outside there is has as well an inside.
They are different yet they go with each other.
There’s a secret between them: To seek out new ways
To discover their sameness so that both will raise
Ever higher their consciousness and empower
Each the other with respect and mutual pride.

Consciousness is of two types. One is the spotlight
That stays focused on one thing at one time only.
The other is the floodlight. It is more aware
Of the general picture, and it will take care
Of what’s in the background automatically
In support of the spotlight who wants to shine bright.

My behavior and how I feel differs not from
That of this world in total. It and I are one
And the same. This is true for all inside out pairs.
That of me which is floodlight is the one who cares
About all that exists and can do harm to none.
Infinitely profound is the beat of my drum.

One Simple Trait

Focused Intent

How do birds of prey find exactly what they want
As they scan countless acres of raw wilderness?
Nature gives them keen senses. Their infrared sight
Helps them track mammal urine in pitch black of night.
Extreme intent and focus they also possess.
Any creature below them they’re willing to daunt.

Andrew Carnegie, after he made great success,
Caught the ire of the government. They thought that he
Was engaged in illegal things. He proved them wrong.
When they asked him why his businesses were so strong…
“I can keep myself focused,” he said truthfully,
“On one thing for five minutes. I won’t go for less.”

School systems value information as ideal,
And too much floods the mind with what it does not own.
When attached to memory, I identify
With the things I remember and barely get by.
Knowledge is the true quest. Information alone
Is useless because it’s not the same as what’s real.

What too much information can do to the mind
Is severe Attention Deficiency Syndrome.
One loses the ability to take things in

Through the senses and consciousness. It’s such a sin.
To know that I know not much gets me close to home
In this world of deep data that traps humankind.

Loving Kindness

A Last Glimmer Of Hope

Is there one supreme consciousness who knows all things
And lives throughout eternity in a fine place
Among worshiping angels and folks who were good
While engaging their brief duty of humanhood
On one odd speck of stardust deficient of grace?
That sounds God awful human as e’er the dick swings.

Consciousness is at issue. What atheists know
Or don’t know is precisely defined with logic
That would rival most Vulcans. Their minds are focused
On the tangible evidence. Science they trust
Over mere intuition, thinking it’s a trick
To distort their reality and cause them woe.

That’s why faith is a mystery. Others include
Life and death and the changing of blood into wine.
No one knows what will happen for sure when we die.
Anything conjured up then is worth a good try
As a viable framework with which to align.
The ego wants its virtuousness to exude.

Cultivation of virtue just makes common sense,
But it’s hard to attain such and stay there for long
Due to traits that aren’t virtuous, but that’s ok.
Cultivating Presence is the natural way
To disburse Loving Kindness. Not much can go wrong.
Communion with oneself is most proper defense.

New Realities

Brighter Horizons

Things I don’t like are priceless. Their value to me
Is both great and expanding to more clarity.
My desires, by my living, are magnetic waves
That the universe picks up. Each wave then behaves
As solution phase shifted so that easily
Doors to bright New Realities I clearly see.

What I see as a nightmare is just the inverse
Of how I would prefer things. It’s the negative
Of the same image glorified. That does exist.
So this means every time that I get really pissed
Waves are transmitted telling how I’d like to live…
But to dwell on the negative is a strong curse.

What I feel as a negative I must let go.
To be focused intently on the solution
I do when it’s not in my conscious awareness
Just by knowing that the universe will address
Every detail of circumstance. My work is done!
I’m a split personality. It’s good to know.

I arrived here from spirit to play out my role
As a flesh and blood human among the contrast
Made available to me and all who partake.
The spirit helps the human to come more awake
To the positive image, brighter and more vast
Than the human can fathom with its mortal soul.

Calibrating desires is just something I do
Every moment I’m living, hence it’s natural
For this strong harmonizer to blend with discord.
But I must break that habit and start moving toward
The direction unfettered by poor rationale.
I owe this to myself now that I have a clue.


The Right Of Free Will

I don’t know where my hiccup decisions come from.
They’re like guttural spasms. The choking of air
Is the constant anxiety. Thinking things through
Only adds more confusion. Whatever I do,
Worrying about worrying while in despair
Is a blend of psychosis that renders me numb.

In my mind there’s a feedback loop endlessly closed.
Thoughts that speed as if race cars are always the same.
Did I take enough time to consider every
Possible thing I should have and confidently?
In a dither of doubt no relief can I claim.
Choices are not decisions. My truth is exposed.

There are infinite data – too much to take in
For any given situation that occurs.
Deciding on an issue by using the mind
May result in catastrophe for my behind.
Doing just as I please is what this self prefers.
Can there be a solution that won’t mete my sin?

Mystical states of consciousness can be achieved
Where there is a natural lightness of feeling
Difficulty is effortless. Life is a breeze.
I’m not at that place yet, but I feel more at ease.
I’m a cloud not misshapen… a God awful thing
That is badly designed. In that, I am relieved.

The awareness state I’m conditioned to resist.
The repugnant sensation of discord creates
Sensory basis for the ego to appear
To convince me that no state is better than fear.
We are not helpless creatures consumed by our fates.
Intuition is something that can’t be dismissed.

Just Attend To Your Breathing

The Life Affirming Function

A delightful companion is always a plus
In the fine art of ‘breath watching,’ as it is called.
It’s a mechanism of the body, we know.
When we pay more attention to it, we will grow
Both in health and in spirit. We can be enthralled
By this motion magnificent for life and thus.

It is the most practiced form of meditation.
It’s so basic and simple while easy to do
Since we do it most constantly yet not aware
Of this God given process. We give much more care
To our outward appearance, but any guru
Would advise more attention to breathing be done.

A sharpness or a keenness begins to ensue
As perfect becomes practice within a time short.
It’s a process amazing most naturally.
One can only get more conscious and completely
Needless of preparation or others’ support.
An increase in awareness will surely accrue.

The perpetual play of my breath, as I see,
The maker of my body holds with a kind hand.
The taker of my being, the same creator
Whose hand I firmly hold until there is no more,
Has no wish to escape. My most vital demand
Is ongoing fulfillment of wanting to be.

Perceiving Without Labels

Appropriate Futility of Scrutiny

It’s so hard not to use labels with or without
Specific information about what’s inside.
Human egos have them, and they place them upon
Anything possible. We depend so much on
Our conceptual symbols. No way are they tied
To the essences naming them. Be there no doubt!

We can sense life in two ways. Personality
Is a relative tool of survival we use
To communicate everything stored in the mind.
But the other way is of a different kind.
There’s the space of light consciousness which, if we choose,
Can get us to perceiving things quite label free.

The practice of perception is done anywhere.
Most ideal is the environment of nature.
There, one can just observe things simply as they are.
Dropping into this beingness is as bizarre
As the person who senses it’s calming allure.
Getting in touch with one’s true self shouldn’t be rare.

Consciousness on two levels – the transcendent one
And the self with its biases – both we engage.
What plays out in the foreground is of the ego.
In the background, the true self can lovingly show
Its full brightness. The false self may then come of age
Through the coolest relationship ever begun.

Like a lampshade, the person I am gives the light
From my spirit eternal its formative hues.
The conditioned self is dense and heavy a load.
Knowing of my true light source I’m well on the road
To then loving my neighbor as my true self who’s
The same essence eternal which is just as bright.

Speak Your Consciousness

Be Thyself!

Satisfying World Hunger For Truth is at hand
By the shifting of powers to new ways and means
Of achieving more union. Intense is the pain
In the stomach collective after the insane
Inundation of falsehoods. Mendacious machines
In positions of leadership are to be canned.

We learn to keep our mouths shut when we are children
Sensing it may be safer. The fear of offense
Is sufficiently powerful as the censor
Of the truth of the heart that oneself can’t ignore.
I may rest in my silence but at great expense
To my sense of integrity. Weak I am then.

But the times, they be changing to something more real.
It had long been forgotten, but now truth returns.
Open to conversation, ourselves are transformed
In the space of acceptance where all hearts are warmed.
When we speak our true consciousness everyone learns.
Differences among folk we cannot conceal.

What people are responsive to is honesty.
So fed up with the bullshit, enough we have had.

No matter how we’re programmed, we sense energy
And go by our gut feelings. We may not agree,
But we may be moved and enlightened just a tad.
Our beliefs do not matter, we will come to see.