Tag Archive | self-reflection

What Is Consciousness?

Definition Of Being

Existence, as is known, is one unbroken thing.
All That Is contains everything that can be known
And unknown. There is another version of it.
That knows not itself at all. It has not a bit
Of consciousness. The feeling of being alone
Is all that this region of existence can bring.

What exactly is consciousness? It’s awareness
Of oneself by knowing what is not of the same
Awareness that oneself is or has. Existence
Contains all that there is. It needs no self-defense.
Consciousness is awareness by another name
Whether or not it has the desire to express.

All That Is creates within itself otherness.
It’s aware of itself through all that it creates.
It’s a kind of reflective energy pattern.
Consciousness means that one is able to discern
Individual selfhood and how it relates
To the otherness. It’s an eternal process.

Everything reflects consciousness. It is the way
That all of creation can become self-aware.
 Every creature is seeing through the eyes of God.
The mechanics of it all is nothing slipshod.
Infinite are the points of view one can compare
To oneself. All existence evolves as it may.

Sunday With Spirit

Peaceful Transformation

Nothing is wrong in Kansas as far as I see,
And I must see it that way if I’m to survive.
Transformation of vision comes with some practice.
Things that I believe wrongly I’m free to dismiss.
All that I know I’m ready to sort and archive.
Everything I belong to becomes part of me.

There are people who care about me that I know.
It is not out of pretense that they express it.
Had I not thought that these people had it in them?
The light of my life force shines but ever so dim…
Much too often and too much for me to admit.
Is it time for what I hold to kindly let go?

Awakened to the true love that does surround me,
Do I feel not deserving still due to my shame?
And can I show my sorrow, although it is true,
To myself and the universe? What can I do
To receive people’s love? Does this life that I claim
Have a sense of direction spiritually?

If my life had no guidance then would it be so
That I have many choices to throw me off track?
If I offer the question, my path I must know
At a much deeper level. It’s time I let go
Of constant self-undoing and never look back
At the life gone asunder played out long ago.

Karmic Lessons

Rabbit Hole Through Eternity

Rabbit holes condescend upon consciousness here
In the land of the living. Do I feel at home,
Unprepared and afflicted in survival ways?
Life so far has been difficult… nothing to praise
In terms of its significance. Dark caves I roam
For the lessons within me I may learn in fear.

The particular judgment to which I’m assigned
Has to do with the personal self and its deeds,
Whether done while enlightened or in deep despair.
In relations with others have I shown much care?
I have been quite the dipshit. My life now proceeds
Into its final chapter again undefined.

What on earth has it been like among human kind?
I’m a little preemptive by using past tense,
But real time is not linear as is on earth.
I’m already conceived and awaiting rebirth
In another contraption both heavy and dense.
If I took it or left it would anyone mind?

What I’m here to learn mostly is how to behave
With myself and all others in this rigid school.
So acceptance and gratitude are big for me.
It’s been tough all along, but at last I can see
How to transform defectiveness into a tool
To unlock my true value. And I must be brave.

Submergence Into Self

Deep Self-Analysis

Transient are some tensions that debilitate
And cause psychic confusion when one is alone.
They connect to the deeper ones if one is caught
In a whirlpool consisting of circular thought.
When it happens I sometimes feel cut to the bone
Where the matter, now marrow, becomes evil’s bait.

Convoluted emotions turn me inside out.
If I try to suppress them they grow even worse.
Intellect is a hamster’s wheel trying to still
Uncontrollable feelings. Yet it can’t fulfill
What it wants to so desperately. It’s a curse
To behold my submergence in utter self-doubt.

Sensitive are the issues that I have to face
At one time or another. Why do I delay
What I know is forthcoming? Though it causes pain
If I work my way through it, indeed I will gain
Needed healing and insight to show me the way
To a peaceful existence in God’s loving grace.

When in touch with the hidden aspects of my soul
Revelations significant to what I’ve done
In the past provide assurance I’ll come to know
The extent of the harm and the debt that I owe
To all whom I’ve mistreated forgetting not one.
While within the submergence I can become whole.