Tag Archive | source

Let It Come

Prime Delivery

What is it that you want? Do you like the feeling
Of knowing that it’s coming? Does it move about
And expand as you think of it? Does your desire
Fill you with excitement? Does it set you on fire?
It feels wonderful if you don’t crush it with doubt.
Keep your thoughts focused on what is most appealing.

Noticing the absence of what you want will keep
It from coming. Believe in your heart that it will
Manifest. If you feel that it’s taking too long,
Or that something unknown could cause things to go wrong,
Things remain set in motion, but you’re standing still.
It’s as if there’s a party, but you’ve gone to sleep.

Packages at the front door should be no surprise.
You knew that they were coming. Much in the same way,
You can know that what you want is coming for sure.
It happens only if your vibration is pure.
If you don’t feel yourself worthy, then you betray
What it is that you want. It causes its demise.

Use the power of your mind and the precision
Of your own guidance system. Complete alignment
With what you want you can focus yourself into.
Get acquainted with the much larger part of you.
Don’t create by default but remain confident
In the process and in the power of vision.

You Are Being Led

Spiritual Connection

Provident is the guidance you get from your Source
Who is the larger part of you. You’re connected
To this being who’s non-physically focused,
But the person that you are must learn how to trust
That this being is real. If it is rejected,
You will be experiencing utter remorse.

A belief is just a thought that you continue
To think because you’ve given it your attention.
You’re taught to be objective and realistic.
Encouraged you were to reject the fantastic.
It may not have been done through conscious intention
But the knowledge you have now can benefit you.

Your Source has the perspective of the big picture.
It can see the path of least resistance for you.
The Law of Attraction is responding to your
Inner Being and you. Everything you adore
It keeps track of. You can open the floodgate to
Your vibrational escrow and perhaps much more.

Your Source never looks back at where you were before
Nor where you are right now. It looks forward only.
Its focus is on where you are going – not where
You have been. It leads you by its infinite care
For your happiness and wellbeing constantly.
You are led by your Higher Self; you can be sure.

The Physics Of Creation

Social Interaction

The art of allowing is the art of being
In the receptive mode of all that you’ve become.
How do vibrations turn into thoughts, and how do
Thoughts turn into things? What you give attention to
Manifests. In fact, it’s where everything comes from.
It could also be called the art of farseeing.

What is the actual physics of vibration
Becoming a reality? The expanded
Version of you is all knowing. When you’re thinking
Of something exciting, components are linking
Together in vibration as if commanded
By your wishes. The ‘hard’ work is already done.

Emotions of elation bring more clarity.
You become more specific and then you allow
Universal forces to do what they do best.
Notice how much of your biggest dream is addressed,
And feel appreciation that now you know how
Easily manifesting happiness can be.

Focus on something and watch it show up over
And over again. Don’t give your attention to
Ill conceived limitations. Your satisfaction
Is the point from where a new journey is begun.
Give yourself and the whole world the best part of you.
Being that person, your life only gets better.

Something You Can Control

Physical Pain

I’m in pain, and it’s chronic. I find no relief.
Positive thoughts escape me. What else can I do
But to suffer throughout life? My ailing body
Is the source of my torment. I so want to be
In the best of health. I know something is askew
With something I don’t know about, which gives me grief.

How can I think positive thoughts when I’m in pain?
Is that not a fair question, given that I take
This body everywhere I go? It’s a big part
Of how I feel at any moment. In my heart
I know that there’s an answer. God, give me a break
From the psychic conundrum. I’ve nothing to gain.

Positive emotion is what I want to feel.
I have to separate out the emotion from
The manifestation that I call my body.
The emotion I can control quite easily,
But the body has already gained momentum,
So it may take time for it to completely heal.

Between fear and hope there is a big difference…
Like between life and death or recovery from
A health issue. If I can manage to prolong
The manifestation of pain, I can’t go wrong.
The condition will have an amazing outcome
Feeling better is what to me makes the most sense.

Simple States Of Affairs

Emotional Creativity

How I feel is important. So, what else is new?
By default I can feel one way or the other,
Yet it seems I’m controlled by my environment.
Why do I often fall short of feeling content
With a life that includes all the things I prefer?
I have now asked the question. What else can I do?

It’s just the simple state of affairs that I’m not
Up to speed with my higher self. It doesn’t mean
Any thing else but that. Negative emotion
Only means that I know that something can be done
To get happy but no way to do it is seen.
I had known this at one time. Somehow, I forgot.

The larger part of me maintains my vibration,
And I know every reason for every feeling
Of emptiness is that I am blocking the flow
Of abundance and wellbeing. I also know
What to me at any moment is appealing.
For this knowing I have much appreciation.

My higher self is the much larger part of me
Who exists mostly in spirit but who’s also
With me here and now. It’s well worth remembering
That my higher self is the source of everything
I could ever conceive of. The more that I know
Of what it knows, the much better off I will be.

The Freedom To Be Happy

Young Superhero

To wake up feeling lively, to breathe some fresh air…
Having clear thoughts… aligning with the energy
That creates worlds… I love perpetual freedom.
I can be satisfied as I’m beating the drum
Of whatever excites me. Right now, I can be
In a state of fulfillment. It’s no longer rare.

To begin to discover who I am at heart
Is to be thus reminded that I am worthy
Of the freedoms I have. There’s no contradiction
With the freedoms of others. Indeed everyone
Has the same set. At least, that’s the way it should be.
Living my way to happiness is a fine art.

Freedom is the alignment of myself with who
I’ve become in vibration. My closing the gap
Is a constant endeavor. I think about things
That bring only the most positive of feelings.
Happiness is not being caught in someone’s trap.
The freedom that joy generates is nothing new.

I’ve the freedom to take my time in getting there
To wherever I’m going. My state of being
Is of utmost importance in what I receive.
Happiness is the one thing I truly believe
Is the ultimate in its resistance freeing
Capability, and it’s something I can share.

Just Let Things Be!


I’ve released enough resistance. I’ve lots of fun.
I know that things are always working out for me.
If I am here to make this world a better place,
Then I need to know which purpose I must embrace.
Should I focus on what I want or let things be?
Do I need to do something to get something done?

I do not have control over this world, so I
Might as well let things be because I have no choice.
Life causes me to ask for something different,
Then the universe will pick up on my intent.
Among billions, there’s enough reason to rejoice.
So, if change isn’t happening, we should know why.

As long as I don’t focus in opposition
To what I want, I’m okay. There’s no resistance
To my better ideas. The universe will
Do its best to fulfill me. I live for the thrill
Of observing things happen. I know at first glance
That I’m the creator of each and every one.

Giving up the resistance means letting things be.
In so doing, wonderful things start happening.
Line up with every good feeling notion that you
Can give birth to. Life can be exciting and new.
You can be, do, or have, in this world, anything.
Know that the universe supports you eagerly.

It’s Your Doing

Self Pride

You’re Source Energy in a physical body.
Life is meant to be good for you, and if it’s not,
Then It’s Your Doing. Everything that you’re living
And feeling is a good reason for thanksgiving.
Now that you are here, you can give it all you’ve got.
God is someone whose work one cannot call shoddy.

There are only two factors determining how
Life is going for you. One is how fast your stream
Is flowing, and the other is which direction
You are pointed. You have control over each one.
Life causes the momentum oft’ in the extreme.
The direction is by the guidance you allow.

When you’re bucking the current of who you’ve become,
You will feel negative emotion instantly.
You’re defying your purpose. This cannot feel good.
More than anything else, it must be understood
That going with the flow is your reason to be.
In becoming, you just need to lighten up some.

Turn and go with the flow. That’s all you need to do
To move effortlessly toward all you desire.
How to do that will be a perfect unfolding.
You are now practicing the art of allowing.
Unending are the good things that you will acquire
On your journey. Which direction is true for you?

Your Are Never Alone

Forgotten Wellbeing

Aloneness is illusory – a condition
Of the troubled mind. No one is ever alone
Nor has ever been. You’re not here being tested
But supported. Whatever you have requested
Is attended to. You do nothing on your own.
This universal law applies to everyone.

You are not being challenged here. You are inspired
By the contrast. You’re here to make that adjustment.
The emotional journey is your only way
To keep track of your progress. From utter dismay
You can reach something better. Your upward ascent
Is essential. It is absolutely required.

You have grandparents, their parents, and theirs as well
Along with teachers and healers who you don’t know
But who are now in spirt and focused upon
Everything you’re about here. Perhaps it may dawn
Upon you that you’re special. Believe that it’s so.
Practice it until you know everyone can tell.

Ask yourself, “What are you doing with this moment?
Are you letting the magic happen or are you
Pinching it off because of some ridiculous
Thing that happened?”
Vibrations of worry and fuss

Are anathema to anything that you do.
Your existence in this world is no accident.



“You are powerful beings.” This much has been said
By those who had been human but now are spirit.
We are worthy beyond their ability to
Describe to us. The thing they would like us to do
Is to be open to their help and not fear it.
Never feel that your life is hanging by a thread.

The sweet spot of creation is where you’re content
With your here and now, yet you are ready for more.
Life has caused you to ask. Your source has answered you.
Get into the receptive mode. You can work through
Your resistance by thinking of things you adore.
Satisfaction will guide you to your fulfillment.

You accept the perfection in all the contrast
That life offers. It keeps producing more desire
From within you. On your path of least resistance,
You are conscious of anything that will enhance
Your vibration. Your feeling good doesn’t require
Anything but your decision to have a blast.

“Get rid of all of that resistance, or we will
Tell you nothing else anymore!”
Is this what they,

Who are now out of body, would offer to us?
No, they wouldn’t. If it feels like you’ve missed the bus,
There’s another and another right on the way.
Living is learning how to kick back and to chill.

So Close

Put Rut

There’s nothing more frustrating than being so close
To what you have been after, yet you are not there.
There is nothing more important than feeling good.
Reaching for the best feeling thought is understood
To be the best activity. That’s if you care
About how you feel. When it’s good, then be verbose.

Sharpen your signal just a bit, and you will find
Manifestations happening that are ideal.
Talking in opposition to them keeps them from
Coming to you. As long as you’re beating the drum
Of their absence, they never become for you real.
With its absolute presence you must be aligned.

There’s a mountain of money lined up for you now.
Throughout life, your vibrational escrow has grown
In its value to you. You’re not that far away
From your dream. Make it a special part of your day
To nurture your fulfillment. This practice alone
Yields to you satisfaction. You need but allow.

Find vibrational alliance with who you are
By virtue of your wishes. Rockets of desire
That you send to the universe are tended to.
Stop complaining. You cloud the water when you do.
Clear and bright is your signal when your heart’s on fire.
Again, what you’ve got coming is not very far.

How To Pray

Moment With Divinity

Two-way communication between God and you
Is established at any time you make it so.
You can pray from a place of appreciation
Or from pity. So, it’s easy to see which one
Is likely to be answered. Your pain and sorrow
Isn’t looked at. What then is the right thing to do?

Desolation is palpable when you’re in need
Of assistance. The urgency overwhelms you.
You only make things worse as you pray mournfully.
Relief from your situation can’t come to be.
You may conclude there’s no God, but that isn’t true.
There’s no way for divinity to intercede.

When you pray, you’re shooting rockets into the sky.
No matter from which place that your asking comes from,
It is answered, but you have to be receptive
To the answer. The constant attention you give
To the problem won’t cause the solution to come.
If your prayer isn’t heard, this is the reason why.

Prayers of appreciation are what to go for.
Somewhere near hope is where you must be beforehand.
Be thankful for and bless things that are going well.
Only you can get your own damned self out of hell,
And when you do, then your consciousness will expand.
Praying with a self-healing heart opens the door.

A Magnificent Story

Abundant surprise

Whatever you are living at any moment
Is an indicator of what you’re offering
By vibration. The feeling is temporary.
Have you been telling yourself the same old story?
Telling it like it is doesn’t yield you a thing
But a difficult life and extreme discontent.

There are two kinds of drumbeats that people follow.
One is that of frustration. “I don’t have enough.
I hate them. I don’t like what they’re doing to me.
I don’t like what is happening with my country.
Ever since I was little, my life has been tough.”

Beating this drum takes you where you don’t want to go.

But the other drumbeat is a lot different.
“There is plenty. I have enough, and what I need
Is lined up for me. Circumstances and events
Come together for me, and it makes perfect sense
That there is nothing wrong. I have planted the seed
Of desire. I have faith in its full fulfillment.”

The way you feel is everything. This is because
It is The indicator of whether you are
Closing or widening the gap between who you
Really are and the troubled self. All you can do
To beat the drum of happiness carries you far.
This is all according to spiritual laws.

Practice Wellbeing

Abundance Of Heart

Everything that happens is a co-creation,
And when I decide I’m going to blame the one
Who seems most at fault, nothing much will have been gained.
My part in the whole matter must be ascertained
And acknowledged by me, then progress is begun
Toward healing an unworthy situation.

Cooperative Components we are to one
Another – not to do bad things and not to teach
On another life lessons. We’re here to sift through
The abundance of contrast. We could form a new
Coalition of countenance, lest we beseech
The mindset of confusion in getting things done.

The source in me has a different opinion
Often than I do. It sees the world as sublime
In its essence. It values the variety.
It is the source of all my creativity.
There is nothing better I can do with my time
Than to find ways to be happy and have more fun.

As I do, I begin to tune my vibration
To my source. There can be nothing accidental,
As everything is vibrationally aligned.
If I practice this, in a short time I may find
That my happiness in life is fundamental.
I shall know the meaning of appreciation.

Happy Go Luckily

High Spirits

All good feelings you have means that you’re translating
The vibration of your source most accurately.
Your source is always transmitting its signal to
You to guide you in whatever you’re going through.
Positive emotion means you happen to be
Receiving source’s signal. There’s no debating.

This does put everything in the perfect context.
It speaks to the fact that you are an extension
Of that same source which is always aware of you.
When there is adoration in your point of view,
You will easily get your source’s attention.
Be surprised and delighted by what happens next.

Negative emotion is the diminishment
Of your vibration compared to that of your source.
But it does offer guidance. Give it due respect.
Your connection to your source is always direct.
Consciously you can get it to keep you on course.
Things will happen in life that you cannot prevent.

Do be nice to yourself by appreciating
Someone else. There is nothing nicer you can do
Than allowing source to flow through you to someone.
Your life is rejuvenated when this is done.
Know that your source is the most sacred part of you.
For your own good it is always advocating.

Let It In

Enjoy Life's Treasures

You’re the creator of your own experience.
The world isn’t broken. It’s just varied in ways
That cause clarification of what you prefer.
Do not place your bets on whatever may occur
In the contrast. You’re able to focus your gaze
On the things that delight you and make of life sense.

You’re in a well-stocked kitchen. It has everything
Imaginable in terms of ingredients.
You can pluck from the shelves and make a pie that you
Really love. No tabasco sauce can get into
Your pie unless your thinking of it is intense.
Your pie is of the vibration you’re offering.

Tabasco sauce is something that may worry you.
You don’t want it in your pie. How it ends up there
Is by your constant worry and much attention.
If you form a group supporting its prevention
From all kitchens, it will only end in despair.
Protesting is not something that you came to do.

All the trampling and bombing and voting against
Tabasco sauce in kitchens is offered in vain.
Look for things that are most satisfying to you.
It is one of the easiest things you can do.
Letting in the perfection, you have much to gain.
Take advantage right now of what will have commenced.

It’s Yours!


Don’t allow the negative pattern to repeat.
It’s just a matter of no longer offering
The resistant thought. You cannot deactivate
A thought once you have thought it. You can navigate
To another that is more to you appealing.
You can never get used to feeling incomplete.

When you ask, it is given, but ask, then let go
Of the asking because your ‘don’t have’ vibration
Holds you stagnant. Still unfulfilled, you then become
Disillusioned about where all good things come from.
After asking, attend to your expectation
Of receiving. The universe will make it so.

Let the universe find its most clever ways to
Satisfy and delight you. Use any excuse
You can find to feel good. It’s basic creating.
In this world you can have just about anything.
A rampage of wellbeing you may introduce
To the moment. It’s most beneficial to do.

“I’ve been here before. There have been things I’ve asked for
From a place of not having them, and it was not
A big deal. The Law of Attraction is causing
All the cooperative components to bring
Things together.”
This attitude helps you a lot.

Your treasures are before you for you to explore.

The Vibration Of Trust

At One With Existence

There’s a gap between what I want and where I am,
And it scares me because I don’t know who, when, where
Or how things are to happen. The steps I don’t see
To the outcome that is favorable to me.
It’s too big and to uncomfortable to share
Unless I can make of it a final exam.

To be a deliberate creator I must
Do the work. I cannot operate out of fear
Of the unexplained and unobserved. I must be
In alignment with infinite source energy
And go through the darned process. It will be made clear
In due time. I could use an attitude of trust.

The Vibration Of Trust is an old mystery
Come to life every eon. Spiritual Law
Matches that of the physical at some level.
In the magnificence of the Law I revel
Even though my life is mostly fettered in flaw.
I must believe it like the law of gravity.

I can find that vibration. My expectation
That things will work out for me becomes more and more
Solid as I focus more upon my desire.
I cannot be of my own dream a denier.
I can know that it will happen down to the core
Of my being. This exercise will get things done.

Fast Energy

Light Speed

Things can move a lot faster if I want them to.
I have known what I’ve wanted for quite a long time.
The divine and the universe know this as well.
By the way that I’m feeling within I can tell
How much of a mountain I have chosen to climb.
There are no exercises that I need to do.

This world is about physics. I evaluate
My progress by how well I can move things around
Either by force or intellect. How can this be
Beneficial? The mundaneness of life, to me,
Is a circus where no fulfillment can be found.
It stifles my ambition and will to create.

Having boots on and slogging through two feet of snow
Is what it’s like here on earth. Its slow energy
Is distressing, but I can make it go faster.
One does not have to go visit a Zen master
To become enlightened. One can get that for free
From within, yet the process is still rather slow.

With the energy that creates worlds I connect.
Focusing in a way that my normal thoughts stop
Is done through meditation or being engrossed
In something that I love doing. I get the most
Satisfaction from writing. Though it ain’t hip hop,
It’s a thing I’m hell bent on trying to perfect.

Powerful Statements

Strength Written

Life is supposed to be good for you. This is so
By the promise made to you before you came here
In this time-space reality. All is aware
Of who you really are and all that you’ve put there
In your Vortex of Creation. What you’ve made clear
Is that, through life’s contrast, you are destined to grow.

The larger part of you is aware and focused
Upon your vibrational escrow. It’s holding
The tone for that. When you’re in the vicinity
Of receiving the signal, happy you will be.
When you’re not, then your wishes are not unfolding
Into physical essence. It is about trust.

The emotions you feel are your very best friends.
Whether positive or negative, they guide you
Away from or toward complete satisfaction.
Friendly indicators they are. You are the one
Who decides in each instance what it is you’ll do.
It is best to go with what your gut recommends.

It’s easy to shift thoughts. You do it frequently.
Things are working out for you. Make lists of those things
That are easy to feel good about, and focus
Upon them often, and give yourself an A plus
For alignment and your positive offerings
To the world you inhabit most passionately.

All That You’ve Asked For

Ultimate Treasure

You now know too much, having been here for a while.
You know who you are. You know that your vibration
Is maintained by the larger you, and you know how
To stay in the receptive mode and to allow
Energy to flow through you for the creation
Of a positive and most fulfilling lifestyle.

When you’re not up to speed with the best part of you,
Emptiness is the feeling. The state of affairs
Is a simple one. You know that you have control
Of how you feel. The circumstance can make you whole
In the knowing that the larger part of you cares
About you and about all that you want to do.

You could be… but you’re not. Negative emotion
Keeps you stuck in a cycle. You know how it feels
To be happy and carefree. This state of being
You have known to be one of the most agreeing.
You are receptive to what your spirit reveals.
You know that there’s value in appreciation.

Feeling good feels, at first, like your acknowledging
That you feel good, then appreciating the fact,
And, upon recognizing that you have control,
Your intention to feel good will be your main goal.
It becomes easier to maintain your contact
With all that you have asked for, indeed everything.

My Ego


How can I make the dance a little bit better
Between God and my ego? How can I become
More aligned with my wishes vibrationally?
How do I get to know the divine part of me?
I know where my humanity emanates from.
My ego, to the world, is an open letter.

That part of me that is called the ego is my
Receiving divine guidance. I am connected
By default, but at times, there is uncertainty
About where in the scheme of it all I should be.
That’s the part of me that needs to be directed
On its journey. The ego is best to comply.

The all-powerful, all knowing, uplifting source
Of creation is recognized by the ego
Which is this human body. It tends to complain
About life. It is always trying to attain
Something it has already. It just doesn’t know
That it is in the hands of an almighty force.

The ego is a prism. It translates the light
Of divinity into all that I perceive.
The artist is created. The ego, therefore,
Cannot lose its connection. Indeed it is more
Than a physical nuisance. One has to believe
That the ego will see a future that is bright.

You Came To Love

Heavenly Hearted Earth

You came here to love one another and to be
In alignment with nature. You came to have fun
On your fabulous journey through life. You came here
To learn all about love – the opposite of fear.
You are love, so the learning that needs to be done
Is of yourself which is in others what you see.

It’s your nature to love – even the rotten one
Who always manages to get on your bad side.
That one is a big advantage to your growing.
Are you moved to focus on your inner knowing
When you can’t love the bastard despite having tried?
You can do nothing with the momentum begun.

It’s not that you are wrong about the awfulness
Of this person. It’s that you’re misunderstanding
Their value to you in helping you to decide
How you want things. In this way, you are not denied
The thoughts that lead to your consciousness expanding.
Negative feelings you do not want to express.

You came here to love. You did not come to surround
Yourself with loving people. You knew there would be
People who make it difficult. These are the ones,
Who through your attention to them, will offer tons
Of resistance, but you can respond lovingly.
Where you least may expect love is where it is found.

Tell It The Way You Want It Told

Your Story Your Way

What you’re living is only a temporary,
In the moment indicator of what you are
Offering by vibration. Your feeling creates
A magnetic transmission. Your positive states
Bring about blessings that border on the bizarre,
Yet, this moment, as all, at some point, cease to be.

Tell a different story than the one that you
Were provided by others because it does not
Measure up to the real you, nor does it suffice
As one which includes things that you consider nice.
You are authorized by God to write your own plot.
You’re the star, the director, and the staging crew.

The old story contains things that are best to lose.
When you’re beating the drum of, “I don’t have enough,”
Then you draw others like you and give power to

The notion of not having. What you’re free to do
Is to tell the new story where life isn’t tough.
The best thing about it all is you get to choose.

Listen to the call of your source, and follow through
With the impulse to do something and change the way
You approach life and others. Your story can be
One in which everything works out successfully.
We are all acting with other forces at play.
Be open to what is more refreshing and new.

Just Ask, And It’s Yours

Take What Is Yours

Allowing the negative pattern to repeat
Will keep you in the same place. By not offering
The resistant thought, you put the process on pause.
You can deactivate what is surely the cause
Of the losing streak that just keeps on occurring.
Who knows why you are suffering constant defeat?

The way to deactivate a negative thought
Is by activating another to replace
The one present. The solution oriented
Find it difficult. Don’t be too much in your head.
“When You Ask, It Is Given!” If this you embrace,
Then the wealth of the universe to you is brought.

At some point, you have to stop asking and expect
Things to happen. If you just keep on asking, then
You’re holding yourself in the ‘don’t have’ vibration.
Ask for it, then get off it! It’s already done!
You will get what you ask for, that is, only when
You let go and give the unseen its due respect.

This is basic creating. You’ve been here before.
There have been tons of things you’ve asked for from a place
Of not having them, and because you are aware
Of the laws of the universe and of the care
Provided by divinity, heavenly grace
Here on earth is something you were meant to explore.

Perpetual Mantra

The Eternal Ringing

I know that things are always working out for me.
It’s a bold affirmation considering that
My past has caught up with me. I now realize
That I’ve screwed up completely. Does this make me wise?
I cannot listen to my mind’s idle chitchat.
Can I still live my life as I want it to be?

Things often work out for me. Sometimes I’m aware
That they are, and it feels good whenever they do.
I don’t need to focus upon the condition.
All I need is to give myself full permission
To be more worthy of the mantra being true.
It’s a statement that any person can declare.

Things are always working out for me. It is fact.
I’m beginning to trust in my own wellbeing.
I’m not worthy of feeling unworthy of it.
All that is created is for my benefit,
And my inner being is never agreeing
With my self-loathing. That’s not part of my contract.

I can help things to work out by my consciously
Accepting and repeating what has been made clear.
I can smooth out the flow of what’s coming by my
Remembering that I can completely rely
On the mantra perpetual. A new frontier
Of enlightenment is available to me.

The Creative Process

Subtle Forces Of Being

Creation happens always. There is not a rest
To be taken. It maintains its cyclic process
Constantly. The first thing that is meant to occur
Is your thinking and asking for what you prefer
Of the universe. It will provide nothing less
Than complete satisfaction that’s fully expressed.

What happens then is that the universe collects
Cooperative components to yield to you
Through the path of least resistance what you desire.
Entities unknown to us convene and conspire
To support your intentions. All you need to do
Is feel good in its happening in all respects.

Through appreciation and through meditation
You can reach that state where you’re able to receive
Inspiration that guides you. In your bag of tricks
Are the tools that are needed in order to fix
Resistant momentum. It is when you achieve
Contentment with you’re here and now you become one.

Trying to make things happen will happen much less
When you’re in alignment with who you really are.
If you are entertained by the things that you do
Then the blessings of the universe come to you.
Be content in the knowing that you can’t stray far
From the path that will lead to pleasure in success.

The Most Important Story

A Relaxing Good Read

Once I had mental illness. Perhaps I still do
And don’t know it, but that’s okay. I’m feeling fine.
If I had something physical, I might feel pain.
Would I then have a reason to bitch and complain
About life? It could be that I’m ill by design.
Any excuse for my behavior I’ll cling to.

There’s a kind of arthritis that cripples the mind
And makes of it a battlefield. I remember
Ways that I’ve treated others. I shelter my shame
In my writing. I have but my own self to blame
For the damage. This life has been a disaster
As I now reflect on how to leave it behind.

Positive thoughts evade me when pain is intense.
I can think only thoughts that reflect how I feel
At any given moment. The need to detach
Is apparent. I am a vibrational match
To all that enters my life. My self-made ordeal
Is a foolishly pathetic psychic expense.

My body with its sick mind is different from
The intense emotion that steals my attention.
I can change how I feel much easier than I
Can get rid of the illness. I don’t have to try
To get better. I remain in this dimension
Looking forward to whoever I may become.

So Close…

Simplify The Complicated Path

Nothing is more important than that you feel good.
Make this your major mantra throughout every day.
Do not try to find the best feeling thought that you
Ever thought and then hold it. This no one can do.
Just reach for the best feeling thought and stay away
From the thoughts that don’t make you feel the way you should.

You’re So Close to receiving the things you desire.
On subject after subject you can find pure bliss
If you sharpen you signal a bit. You’ve become
Clear and bright, but resistance is keeping you from
Seeing clearly. You can learn to get around this
By thinking all the good thoughts your mind can acquire.

You say you want more money. The wealth you’ve amassed
In vibrational escrow you wouldn’t believe.
You’ve been putting it there since the day you were born.
It is ready when you are, and it will adorn
You in untold abundance. Open to receive
What is due you. You have found your treasure at last.

When you give birth to something, powerful forces
Then become it. Complaining that it’s not here yet
Is the way to prevent it from coming to be.
Let yourself go with what you want, and only see
What you want. All your past failures you must forget.
Think exclusively the thoughts your heart endorses.

Happily Ever After

Enjoyment Of Life

Why do you define yourself in such terms of lack?
You cannot look at yourself in bogus ways, nor
Can you argue for your limitations and be
Happy in your life. Forget the past completely.
Feeling better than you have ever felt before
Is a good game when the universe has your back.

You have been trained to look through your physical eyes.
You can learn to feel through vibrational senses.
Do not think your way to it. Find the feeling then
Let the thoughts flow. A deep soothing will happen when
You consume life as it joyfully commences.
Talk yourself into feeling your way to the prize.

“It’s alright. I’m just fine. I was born to be here.
I’m on my path. I’m pure positive energy.
Ideas are flowing to me. Inspiration
Comes to me. I have so much appreciation
For the things I’ve got going that benefit me.
Well enough is in progress. I’ll not interfere.”

General is the way to go – no specific.
Life is meant to be fun. Wellbeing is assured.
Make peace with yourself. Make it alright where you are.
Don’t let others guide you to a place that is far
From where you want to be. Your desire has matured
To where your life can be a virtual picnic.

Trust What Is Coming

Allow Truth To Enlighten

On some things I’ve been focused that matter a lot.
In the process I’ve managed to launch more rockets
Of desire into orbit than I can believe.
There is some work to do so that I can achieve
Things that will put more money into my pockets.
I can be grateful for all the cash that I’ve got.

Can I say that my point of attraction is strong?
I’m accustomed to trusting in what I can see,
But with things that are unseen it’s more difficult
So a mix in my vibration is the result.
What can I do to get rid of doubt completely?
In a world of abundance is where I belong.

The word ‘trust’ is appealing. The feeling I get
When I hear it is one of relief from the strain
That I feel when I’m doubtful. I can know that I
Am part of a big picture, so I can rely
On the forces in motion because they contain
The answers to all things that have not happened yet.

Looking at other things around me that agree
With what I want to see already is the way
To slow down the ill thinking. Remembering how
It was before I had them indeed will allow
My belief in the eternal forces at play
In creating a world that is just right for me.

Expect A Miracle

Know Your Worthiness

You’re the creator of your own reality.
Repeat this until it cannot be forgotten.
It’s the most important thing that you’d care to know
About life. As it is practiced, it will soon show
As impeccable competence. What happens then
Is that you’ll become the person you meant to be.

A harmonic you are of the fundamental
Frequency of divinity. The vibrations
Of your being are all constantly intertwined,
And within the purest vibration you will find
That you are much happier with your creations.
Love, joy, and gratitude are all incidental.

You can know who you really are. You can feel it,
And you know it when you feel it elevate you
To a state of magnificent revelation.
You can make it be of eternal duration.
Practice feeling that way is all you have to do
Frequently so you get maximum benefit.

You can feel the expansion of your beingness
More at some times than others. Make it your intent
To practice for another while. You’ll establish
A pattern of vibration where your slightest wish
Will come true. You will realize that you were meant
To make miracles happen. You’ll not expect less.

Connect To Your Soul And Receive

Realization Of Unity

I write fairy tales, legends, myths, and short stories.
Poetry I take aim at. Am I any good
At anything that I produce? Is it from me
Or from somewhere outside me to a large degree?
Either way I feel that I’m doing as I should.
Ideas come upon me with relative ease.

Anapestic tetrameter fascinates me.
I can conquer the rhythm when I’m at my best.
What I write about sometimes comes straight from the heart.
When I do sit to write there’s never a false start.
The mass consciousness through me is often expressed
Yet it’s all just vibration most ultimately.

If a tree falls in the forest it makes no sound
If there is not an eardrum and brain to translate
What is only vibration into what makes sense
To the consciousness, and there is no difference
With regard to receiving. One who’s filled with hate
Cannot realize blessings though they’re all around.

Praise yourself not only when you have the answer.
The question or the problem is of great value.
What influence are you under when you create?
Is it from a place of love? Let it dominate
Your receptive perception in all that you do.
Your soul knows about only things you would prefer.

A Powerful Message

Life Changing Information

Through the eyes of God I’m privileged to be seen.
I express my deep love and appreciation
For everything in my life. I see where I’ve been
Under the influence of a counter amen,
But at least I’m expanding when all’s said and done.
I’ll get better at keeping my vibration clean.

Thoughts that are undesirable can affect me
In a way that is lethal. I take extreme care
Not to be disappointed. I take no delight
In having to get myself involved in a fight
For my own rights. I do know that life isn’t fair.
Useless then are comparisons, definitely.

Being seen through the eyes of God, I’m not a mess
Of a being conflicted, deranged, and at war
With myself and the world. I am seen as perfect.
Being made by God this is what I would expect.
I’m divinity, thus I am free to explore
Avenues that will lead to ultimate success.

Guilt is so overwhelming. The will to survive
Is diminished, yet there are things I need to do
And to suffer. My karma must catch up with me.
Let this be the only reason I want to be
On this earth a while longer. So, what else is new?
Nothing much except I’ve chosen to stay alive.

Magic Words

Verbal Power Tools

Why do we define ourselves through language of lack
When we’ve come to be so much of who we now are?
It’s because we’ve trained ourselves to see with our eyes
Rather than feeling our way. Indeed it is wise
Not to think our way through it. We may stray too far
From the target. What can we do to keep on track?

Find a good feeling and then let the thoughts follow.
It’s quite easy to do this. It’s also soothing.
We do this by saying everything is alright.
“I am fine. All is well, and my future is bright.
Positive energy surrounds me. Everything
That I do is exciting. I go with the flow.”

Do not get too specific. Just stay general
So as not to get hung up in all the detail.
The specifics are handled by the universe.
It’s most important that you commit to immerse
Yourself in your self-soothing. In this you can’t fail.
Get yourself to believing that you’re that special.

You can’t argue for your limitations and be
Anywhere close to happy. With yourself make peace.
Make it alright where you are. The things that you say
To yourself subconsciously all throughout your day
Lead you to the place of spiritual release.
Say nice things about yourself, and do it with glee.

God Will Show You The Way

Divine Providence

Many names there are for God. What is the divine?
By nature alien to us and most supreme,
The Being is imagined in myriad ways.
What is common is the fact that humans give praise
To the one consciousness who will have their esteem.
The distance between we and it is our design.

It would have us know that we are worthy beyond
Our ability to know in our condition.
Life causes us to ask, and God always answers
Not always in the way that the asker prefers.
We want to be in the sweet spot of creation
Where between each of us and God is a strong bond.

Our work is to get into the receiving mode.
What we receive is the feeling of alignment
With the God who lives in us and through us always.
Praying this way it’s guaranteed one’s spirit stays
Open to the receiving of divine intent.
God does not communicate in a special code.

I accept the perfection within the contrast
That keeps producing more asking for improvement.
The collective consciousness of all who exist
Now in spirit along with God want to assist
With the human condition and being content.
Faith that I have in my worthiness is steadfast.

Everything I Want Just Comes To Me

Effortless Abundance

Relief has the same feeling as satisfaction.
They are both indicators that I’ve succeeded
In deactivating any stray resistance
In my vibration. I feel this way not by chance
But by practice. It’s by how I feel that I’m led.
From this place of alignment my whole life is run.

I’m allowing my inner being to call me
To completion, but that isn’t quite the right word
Manifestations eventually occur
In abundance. Life does treat me as if I were
Someone special. To it I feel that I’m preferred.
I live for feeling aligned vibrationally.

I no longer set goals. Things come most easily
With the least bit of effort. I’ve an oblique view
And an understanding that things always work out.
I have long since released fears and crippling doubt.
Spiritually, all things I’ve wanted accrue.
I just need to be open and resistance free.

Manifestations are secondary to me.
I am hooked on the feeling of being aligned
With my innermost being. When I’m in that space
I make peace with the world, and by infinite grace,
Everything I Want Just Comes To Me, and I find
It to be a satisfying reality.

Connect To Fast Energy

Hook Up To Lightning Fast Power

It is normal to evaluate our progress
Through the physics of this world. We want to compare
What we have with others’. We try to overcome
Gravity, inertia, speed, and our momentum.
Practicing meditation or consummate prayer
Guarantees us some indication of success.

Meditation means focusing on stopping thought.
When we do so, resistance must also subside.
This allows our vibration to rise to a state
Where we are more able to connect and create
With the fast energy that is freely supplied
And that will help us to attain that which is sought.

There’s much power in this. Most folks are competing
With others, trying to edge one another out.
This madness is mundaneness and disrespectful
To ourselves as a species. To resist the pull
Of the negative aspects of our fear and doubt
Is the challenge that only keeps on repeating.

Our impatience is justified, yet we rarely
Are connected so that time works in our favor.
We may slog around trying to move things along
Until we are exhausted knowing it was wrong.
Rendezvous with the moment and learn to savor
What’s available to you. It’s fast energy.

Life Is A Vacation

Relax Into Life

No manifestation can take place in spirit
Because physical substance does not exist there.
That’s why those who are in spirit are focused here
On this leading edge. In this perfect atmosphere
They observe and have guidance they most gladly share
With those who are willing and able to hear it.

Manifestation is the most spiritual
And authentic part of the creative process.
This path of culmination is co-creation
Between ourselves and spirit because anyone
Who is open to spirit will have more success.
It’s sublime if it can become habitual.

That Life Is A Vacation is becoming clear
To me as someone now physically focused.
Blissfulness begets boredom in reality.
That’s why spirit allows for resistance to be
One of our standard choices. We must learn to trust
In our gut feelings always to mitigate fear.

To the things we want the path of least resistance
Is revealed. If you’ve got resistance going on
Then you can’t see the path and put too much effort
On achieving things. Your sweat and tears only thwart
What is coming right to you. Conclusions foregone
Favor this fine vacation within the expanse.


Your Amazing Life Force

Is the car in the garage my reality?
It is rugged and solid, and if I punch it
With my fists I’ll know pain like I wouldn’t believe.
My reality is only what I perceive
To be real, and the vibration that I emit
Arranges my reality as it must be.

Although it was assembled somewhere at some plant,
And the pieces were fashioned by man or machine,
Can it ever be accurate that it is real?
It’s just a perception any person can feel
With their consciousness. In the world all can be seen
As something that is physical and elegant.

A manifestation is my ability
To perceive. That Is It! There is nothing to add
To improve on its meaning. The Magic Potion
Is in expressing with my deepest emotion
What I would like to see changed. Has this world gone mad?
If I can ask the question I help make it be.

It is tricky to hold one’s thought on the unseen.
The mixing of realities often occurs.
The rub is to observe reality enough
But not so much that I become bogged down with stuff
That is not what the better part of me prefers.
I consider Magic a part of my routine.

The Vibration Of Wellbeing

Everything that happens is a co-creation.
If I decide that I ought to blame the one who
Seems to be the most at fault rather than to take
Full responsibility for what I make
Of my life I’ll feel awful. So what I must do
Is be a component of cooperation.

We have all come to this earth not to do bad things
To each other and not to teach others lessons.
We’ve come here to experience the awesome joy
Of alignment. To do that it’s best to employ
Conscientious observance of situations
Where we can feel much better such that the heart sings.

The divine source within us has an opinion
Which is usually different from our own.
Vulnerability physical senses know
But our nonphysical senses would have us go
With our strength. It’s the only thing they will condone.
The divine spark of wholeness is with everyone.

Decide that you will feel your best no matter what
The conditions may be. Savor thoughts that feel good.
Look for reasons to feel good wherever you are.
As you practice you won’t have to look very far
For your purpose in life. It will be understood.
In a short time your view will be pure and clear-cut.

The Emotional Journey

Freedom Of Emotional Flight

What happens when you have those feeling places that
Contradict one another? A change of career
Has been on my mind lately. I get excited
About travel abroad. The adventure ahead
I can feel with much passion. There also is fear
That I’ll leave other parts of my life falling flat.

I want to do an institute in India.
I can feel creativity flowing through me.
I love collaborating. The people I meet
Will provide opportunities that will be sweet.
In my heart I believe this is how it will be.
I can do very well in that rich arena.

But again apprehension in blended into
My feelings of elation. Some risk I will take.
It’s a lot of hard work. I will be out of touch
With my family and friends who I cherish much.
Dangerous it may be. The decision I make
Is one of great significance. What shall I do?

When I think thoughts that feel good, I feel good inside.
The reverse is true also. I care more about
Getting into alignment vibrationally.
The Emotional Journey is one that should be
Taken before all others. I’ll deal with my doubt.
My awareness of how I feel shall be my guide.

Make The Universe Listen

Command The Cosmos

You create the vast universe as it creates
You and all others in it. Telling your story
As you want has the power to change anything
In your life that’s not working. Alone you can bring
About what is needed in terms of your glory.
You must know that a wonderful treasure awaits.

Your story as you tell it can eliminate
All the bygones, mistakes, grudges, and injustice
Of all manner. You will begin to let it go
And replace it with that which you have come to know
As benevolent, hopeful, and things such as this.
No one can mess with the story that you create.

Purify your vibration. Practice the power
Of your own mind. Step back into remembering
Who you are, why you came here, and what you shall do.
All that is benefits from all that which is you.
With every thought that you think you have everything
At you beck and call naturally as it were.

Do whatever you must to feel good. If it takes
Dissolving stagnant relationships, so be it.
Put your undivided attention on the things
That bring you the most pleasure despite happenings.
Your life was meant to be a comfortable fit.
The game of your alignment is truly high stakes.

Ask This Question

The Most Important Thing To Ask

Much obscene information erupts into play
With my daily reality. There is no need
For me to ask a single thing. Too much goes on
For the mind to keep track of. Consensus is drawn
From the common collective. In this way I’m freed
From the wild chase that would make a waste of my day.

Negative emotion always means that I’m not
In agreement with how my inner being feels
About what I am dealing with. It cannot see
Any evil in anyone including me.
It’s the epitome of positive ideals.
What it thinks about all things should matter a lot.

I could choose to be angry about many things
That involve people having to be different
Than they are in order for me to be happy.
They won’t change who they are just to satisfy me.
There is one other option. I can be content
In the clarity that my inner being brings.

How does my inner being feel about this thing
That I’m focused upon?
Is my gut in a knot?

If so, it means I’m not in agreement with it.
My internal guidance is of huge benefit.
It tells me when I’m warm or cold and when I’m hot.
It’s the only question I will keep on asking.

The Most Important Story

The Greatest Tale To Be Told

Once there was an old man who did not feel worthy
Of the slightest of good luck or the smallest chance
Of a blessing because of a mountain of guilt.
Psychological walls over time had been built.
Those whom I’ve harmed should know that I’m not in a trance
But my excuse is absolute insanity.

I’m in pain. The body hurts. I’m coming of age
Where I see things more clearly than ever before.
I find myself pre-living a full life review.
How can my thoughts be positive? What can I do
To feel better? Is there something I can explore
That will help me to not be a fool upon stage?

A complete separation from the emotion
Of the pain is accomplished through conscious intent.
I can manifest general feelings of hope.
If I get to remain here I’m willing to cope
With the mess that I’ve made and to somehow repent
For a life that was mostly spent in delusion.

In the face of what is unwanted I can still
Feel the goodness life offers, and I might as well.
Punishing myself for what I’ve done can’t be done.
Once I have wrapped my heart around this I’ve begun
To climb out of my peculiar version of hell.
Making this story right shall relieve me of ill.

Feel As If It Is

The Heck With Reality!

Faking it ‘til you make it is faking your way
Through your life. Unending currents of resistance
Complicate your achievements because pretending
Puts a make believe accent on what you’re sending
To the answering universe. Only by chance
Will your character and you be one with the play.

You can act as if something is yet not believe
That it is. It is best to find the emotion
Of what you want to happen and amplify that.
Upon getting that going you will not fall flat
On your mission. Do know that you’re the only one
Who can feel your way into the mode to receive.

Find the vibration that is within the desire.
Why do you want it? What’s the feeling that you get
When you focus upon it with all your intent?
Feel As If It Is and that you are truly meant
To receive what it is without trouble or sweat.
Know that the universe is not a denier.

To feel better is the reason people want things.
Going for pure emotion will bring them to you
Yet you need not the manifestation to be
Absolutely and totally necessary
For the way that you are feeling. This you can do
Simply for the sublime freedom and peace it brings.

Listen To The Call Of Source

The Message From Everywhere

Forces that create worlds come from one single source
Which is also inside you. It is all knowing.
Just beyond your awareness impulses received
Are those of constant guidance. Once you have achieved
Consciousness of your contact you won’t be owing
Anything to a thought stream that you can’t endorse.

Listen To The Call Of Source? But how does it sound?
It depends on where you are in aspect to it.
If appreciation is what you mostly feel
You’ll get shivers and goosebumps. You will not conceal
Your enormous excitement, but if there’s a bit
Of despair then revenge is all that may be found.

Only you know where you vibrate on the spectrum
Of emotion. Revenge may offer some relief
From bitter rage and anger. You can reach that place
Where you are most receptive to your source’s grace.
Do not let your analyzing become the thief
Of the life you deserve. That would be kind of dumb.

Get to that place where you are more hopeful than not.
It’s not hard. With some practice you’re on your way there.
Steady streams will be flowing of blessings and more.
Talk about things that feel good. The more you explore
What it is that excites you you’ll be more aware
Of that special connection that matters a lot.


Universal Personal Magic

You must meet the vibration. You can’t be above
Or below it. In order to draw things to you
You can’t want them so much that you fear they won’t come.
Every act of good fortune comes directly from
Having met the vibration. The thing you must do
Is believe yourself worthy of infinite love.

Your thoughts create your life, so whatever you do
Make sure your thoughts are positive affirmations.
Otherwise you will be stuck in the same old grind.
Carefully worded phrases by you are designed
To uplift and propel you. Among the best ones
Are those specifically created by you.

Fall in love with the universe because it’s true
That it loves you most passionately from the start.
It wants you to succeed in all that you try out.
All that stands in the way is your confounding doubt
That things can work out for you. You’ve drifted apart
From the self that is an integral part of you.

You are good on your own. Do love yourself dearly
And the world that shows up for you will blow your mind.
You decide how you want things and they shall occur.
By now, you are not considered an amateur.
You can manifest anything when you’re aligned
With forces that create worlds and quite easily.

Allowing Simplified

The Engine Of Manifestation

If you’re more aware of what you are perceiving
And less so of how others are perceiving you,
You can stay in the art of allowing always.
You did not really come here to spend all your days
Understanding perceptions of others. It’s true
That it adds some resistance to all your grieving.

I have consciousness flowing to me and through me.
Everyone who has ever lived has their own view.
They’re looking at this moment not as I see it
But from spirit – a vantage point that defies wit.
Allowing is made simple. All I have to do
Is to stay in the receptive mode constantly.

That part outside yourself that you’re trying to reach
You will find is inside you. If you are tuning
Yourself to the frequency of it you will find
That you are it. It’s vital that you never mind
Anything that does not support what you’re doing.
You are all of the pieces and emulate each.

Consciousness of pure intellect and of feeling
Is that which can assist me right here and right now.
Do not let conditions that I cannot control
Rob the life force within me and cripple my soul.
With some practice I can train myself to allow
Loving grace which makes life so much more appealing.

Frequency Of Freedom

Periodic Release

Freedom is of a spectrum of satisfaction.
It’s a positive feeling most generally.
It feels good to wake up in the morning refreshed
And it is most uplifting to not be enmeshed
In the drama of yesterday. Freedom To Be
Is in essence its most proper definition.

I am free to breathe deeply my fill of fresh air
And to think as I wish as clearly as can be.
Freedom feels like I’m floating in elegant space.
I can choose how receptive to infinite grace
I will be in the moment. Freedom is for me
Firm alignment with the good of which I’m aware.

With the energies that create worlds I’m in tune.
The freedom of connection is what I so choose.
Incrementally all the things that I’ve asked for
Are available to me. I need not do more
Than to be receptive. There’s no paying of dues.
To the one who thinks otherwise I am immune.

Freedom is the allowance to let everyone
Be as they choose to be without contradiction
To my own sense of who I am. It’s my pleasure
To be free to explore undiscovered treasure
In the depths of my being, and as this is done
I shall maintain my frequency by having fun.