Tag Archive | source

Frequency Of Freedom

Periodic Release

Freedom is of a spectrum of satisfaction.
It’s a positive feeling most generally.
It feels good to wake up in the morning refreshed
And it is most uplifting to not be enmeshed
In the drama of yesterday. Freedom To Be
Is in essence its most proper definition.

I am free to breathe deeply my fill of fresh air
And to think as I wish as clearly as can be.
Freedom feels like I’m floating in elegant space.
I can choose how receptive to infinite grace
I will be in the moment. Freedom is for me
Firm alignment with the good of which I’m aware.

With the energies that create worlds I’m in tune.
The freedom of connection is what I so choose.
Incrementally all the things that I’ve asked for
Are available to me. I need not do more
Than to be receptive. There’s no paying of dues.
To the one who thinks otherwise I am immune.

Freedom is the allowance to let everyone
Be as they choose to be without contradiction
To my own sense of who I am. It’s my pleasure
To be free to explore undiscovered treasure
In the depths of my being, and as this is done
I shall maintain my frequency by having fun.

Free From Opinions

Escape The Noise

To be free – truly free – of people’s opinions
Cannot be but an intellectual desire.
It echoes through the person of pure confidence –
Of the one who need only to make of it sense
Of the mind liberated which then may acquire
All that’s needed from nonphysical dominions.

The approval of others some see as pure gold.
It feels good in your face as you take in the breeze.
If they speak in the negative, badly you feel.
It may be stressful when people start to get real
Unless you’re made to see just as your stressor sees
Then you’d be satisfied with whatever is told.

Getting positive feedback is an addiction
Of the psyche. It craves more with each message heard.
It can be devastated with on lethal blow.
Yet it must come from somewhere, this thing I must know.
Feedback comes from a place where the spirit is stirred
And from where all due glory is already done.

Depend on the feedback of your inner being.
It’s feedback that you want, and your source can provide
Every praise that the healthy ego cherishes.
The big cloud which is your human doubt perishes
In your inner being who’s always on your side.
Simply learn how to make it your daily wellspring.

Everything Is Ripe And Ready

Beholding The Harvest

The world seems to be broken to little old me.
It would take no convincing that I could be wrong.
Some would say that it’s ‘varied’ instead of deranged.
I would like to see that way. Can my view be changed
In an instant after having lived for so long
Witnessing human nature as gross as can be?

Yes, the glass is half empty and also half full.
But of what? It’s a question that begs to be asked.
Wine of wisdom or wickedness… or something worse?
All that happens is because the world is diverse
Too much so for too many. The proudly unmasked
Are the perpetrators of some share of the bull.

Yet amid the mass psychosis I understand
That the kitchen is well stocked with ingredients
Of all kinds. If I don’t want tabasco sauce in
The pie that I am making, I would not begin
Protesting its existence. That wouldn’t make sense.
Where is there room for our consciousness to expand?

Well, that isn’t my problem. I’ll not make it so.
I could join groups against tabasco sauce, but why?
Focusing my attention on what pleases me
Still remains a most significant remedy.
Empathy for the tormented I can’t deny.
There’s a lot about this world that I need not know.

The Clues Are Being Given

Constant Help

Dreaming is not a crime, but indeed if it were
Then life would be a crime scene with infinite clues.
If believing in wonderful things were a sin
Would there be room for comfort within one’s own skin?
Through the contrast we sort, and the thoughts that we choose
We would most want to lead to things that we prefer.

You can never give up a dream, but sometimes you
Mitigate the resistance, then the dream comes true.
Once life causes you to want something, it is done.
All cooperative components have begun
To assemble. The only thing you have to do
Is to watch for and gain from each God given clue.

Accept that it’s vibration that moves everything
And brings life into focus. All that we perceive
Is at first a vibration before it is real
To the physical senses. The way that you feel
Determines the nature of the things you receive.
How vibration works is rather fascinating.

The intelligent universe is part of you.
It knows what makes you tick and what you have asked for
Since your very beginning. It offers guidance
To the path least resistive in your circumstance.
All that’s not on your path you are free to ignore.
The clues are being given. You must follow through.

The Hidden Dimension

Entering Other Worlds

Is there something in common in every culture
That creates within everyone the need for God?
Anyone who has experienced mystery
Knows that there’s a dimension that we cannot see.
The beauty of a mountain or sunset we laud
As the face of divinity. Yet are we sure?

The realization of wonder is something
That all people experience time and again.
The tremendous power of nature we behold
As a force greater than us that can’t be controlled.
We return to something but we cannot know when.
We are left with tons of clues for deciphering.

Throughout God’s evolution in our consciousness
There have been those of violence and compassion
And protectors of kings and queens and their campaigns.
Personification is still locked in our brains
To the degree that we may not ever be done
With the faces of God we create to excess.

God is a manifestation of energy
And the vehicle for it. Continuing war
Among world principalities over issues
Of our faith and anarchy can only confuse
What we know in our souls to be something much more
Than a situation where we act foolishly.

Source Will Show You The Way

Relax Into Your Desire

You are powerful beings and worthy beyond
What can be described easily. In the sweet spot
Of creation, you came here to ask and receive.
Life can suck but your Source knows just how to relieve
Your most negative feelings. You’ve asked for a lot.
It Is Given. Your Source can do not but respond.

Life causes you to ask, and Source shows you the way
Around any resistance that you’ve created
Then provides what is asked for vibrationally.
It is up to you only to let yourself be
In the mode to receive all that is awaited.
You have only the Source within you to obey.

Anything that is practiced becomes powerful.
Good or bad are the choices. You know which one feels
More attuned to your liking. You know what to do
When a negative feeling becomes part of you.
A rampage of appreciation often heals
Negative psychoses even with their strong pull.

The guidance of your Source is always at your call.
It is ready, willing, and able to give you
Every clue that you need to get you through your day.
Infinite intelligent forces are at play
To help you to discover the one person who
Is yourself at your truest – the best one of all.

Everything You’ve Asked For

Wishes Come To Be

If you’re not up to speed with who you really are
It is not condemnation. It’s stating of fact.
You respond to this simple statement of affairs
As someone who knows too much and someone who cares
About staying healthy by maintaining contact
With your own inner being which is never far.

That’s all negative emotion is. It’s a split
Between what your true self knows and your own belief.
But you know what to do now. Relax and accept
That your magic is real and not just a concept.
In accepting the concept you find true relief
Positive emotion is what you can transmit.

The Vortex contains everything you have asked for.
It’s the state of emotion that has true power.
Every dream, wish, or wanting that you’ve ever had
You can have. It’s a promise that is ironclad.
It is natural that you blossom and flower.
Every good thought leads to the creation of more.

Getting into this Vortex is not difficult.
Anyone can achieve this most high frequency
Of positive emotion. Your source knows it all.
Everything You’ve Asked For – both the big and the small
Is available to you. You just have to be
In the state of receiving to get the result.

The Creative Process

The Most Natural Force

Many colors and textures the canvas does hold.
The artist creates magic for the world to see.
From the contrast there is more asking and thinking
One evaluates how the mix of everything
Is conveyed to the seer who is more than free
To interpret its meaning which is manifold.

When you ask for something then the source with you
Through the Law of Attraction puts things into place
That will lead you right to it if you will allow
Your resistance and worry to lessen somehow.
You can know the existence of God’s loving grace
By your conscious awareness in all that you do.

But whatever way you can find to tune into
The frequency of who you are is justified
There are methods available to do just that.
The most useful ones offer a simple format.
Meditate and appreciate and do abide
By the guidance within you. That’s all you must do.

Be ready to be ready to be ready for
All the good that awaits you. You were born to be
Asking and receiving in real time every day
And like learning to dance, you will practice your way
Until you find your rhythm most naturally.
The fine art of creation you’ll come to adore.


The Dream Refracted

There’s something I hallucinated as a child.
It could not have been real. It’s effect upon me
Was to change my perception of life at that time.
That I told no one of it perhaps is a crime.
Was it imagination or reality?
I would like for the issue to be reconciled.

It’s a manifestation. This much I am told
By the guidance within me who knows more than I.
Everything that is physical is much the same
As the dream. It’s a more exaggerated game
In the wake state, and this is the main reason why
That there is so much ‘realness’ to all we behold.

More of my physical senses come into play
While I am wide awake and aware of so much.
The hallucination is a most vivid dream
Labored in its lucidity so that things seem
Absolutely coherent. This realm is of such
Contingent ambiguity throughout each day.

There’s no reality outside what I perceive.
It is all about perspective and nothing more.
I can manifest in the dream state just as I
Can do so while awake. So there’s no reason why
I can’t create a dream that I come to adore.
Consciousness of the two worlds remains a tight weave.

Day Of Judgement?

Deepest Self-Assessment

If someone is deplorable does he or she
Get the same love from God that anyone else would?
To the mind locked in dogma it shouldn’t be asked
For the fear that this same hateful God will then cast
One’s dark soul into Hades. It’s well understood
That we worship a God who’s as strange as can be.

There’s judgement and there’s justice. They are not the same,
And neither will suffice for the settling scores
And providing the closure that so many crave.
Acts of God are not like the ways humans behave.
What happens here on earth not a good God ignores.
Like a house pet, we want to give our God a name.

Whenever I’m feeling negative emotion
It means I have a point of view that doesn’t match
What the God within me thinks about the same thing.
Is the notion of my judgement supposed to bring
On an act of submission? No wrath I’ll attach
To a God whose love is as wide as the ocean.

People get what they ask for. Things do balance out
As the God who created all sees all take place.
Never ending, unfolding perfection is God.
That I am that way also cannot be so odd
That I don’t have full access to God’s loving grace.
No longer am I troubled by lingering doubt.

Ask Your Inner Being

The Cosmic Spirit Within

How does one turn a nightmare into some relief
From the ongoing struggle of living on earth?
This indeed is the quandary. If I’m allowed
By the spirit within me to feel well endowed
In the ways of alignment and relative mirth
Then most rarely will I be overcome by grief.

Truly grateful I am for a number of things,
But among them my feelings are of most value.
By them I can determine precisely just where
I agree with my spirit or not. With great care
I can lean toward fulfillment in all that I do.
And by asking the questions good answers it brings.

Do I think that I’m bad or do I think I’m good?
Each one conjures a feeling that can be assessed
Easily with some practice. The more that I ask
Then the more recognizable becomes my task.
Surely it beats the hell out of being depressed.
With my spirit, benevolence is understood.

Do I think that all things are possible for me?
Do I think that I’m morally bankrupt and sick?
Do I need to figure it all out this moment?
Is there time left that I may relieve my torment?
Can the walls I’ve made be dismantled brick by brick?
I can feel my way to the way things ought to be.

With These Words

Appreciation of the General Perfection

Revel in the general perfection of things
And make lists of all positive aspects there are
Concerning your existence. Source does have your back.
You do not have to tolerate feelings of lack.
Your appreciation for life will take you far.
Do bask in all the goodness your happiness brings.

Thank the sun as it rises for its being there
Whether or not you see it. You know things to be
In some fantastic order that cannot go wrong.
Feel the wonderment in knowing that you belong
In this world of perfection that you choose to see.
Of all good that is happening do be aware.

Your body has intelligence. It keeps you well.
With unconscious precision it knows what to do.
Thank your cells for their doing a fantastic job.
Nothing on God’s green earth has the power to rob
You of absolute happiness. Do know that you,
At the art of fine living, can learn to excel.

On an eternal treasure hunt you truly are.
The universe knows paths of least resistance
To your dreams, hopes, and wishes. Heaven earth can be.
Everything that matters to you is completely
Known and attended to in each life circumstance.
To find your place in living you need not look far.

Heaven Is Right Here

Behold The Perfection Apparent

This earth can’t be like heaven. So much has gone wrong.
The human infestation is reaching its peak
As they make the globe warmer before they die out
Due to incompetence and spiritual drought.
This perversion of heaven is wildly oblique.
Heaven should be a place where all do get along.

What if it were true that this is the leading edge
Of all consciousness – where spirit meets physical.
Culminating and manifesting through us all
Is the source of all being. That we should stand tall
Is the message they offer to the rational
And to those who are not. Be it their solemn pledge.

This would be quite the bummer for those who are not
Good at sifting and sorting selectively so
So the negative patterns practiced over years
Are the fuel that will feed their most challenging fears.
But for all others, this is a fine place to grow.
That’s why spirits like to incarnate here a lot.

Reaching for the hereafter while we are still here
Is not why we have come here. We came to engage
With this wave of creation with source energy
Ever conscious and present with us totally.
We’re right now on this time space reality stage
And it helps quite a bit to avoid the austere.

Allow The Nonphysical

Let Spirit Assist

Not alone are you in this and never have been.
There are those who, in spirit, are working with you.
Grandparents and their parents, teachers, and healers,
And all whom we call God among many masters
Are conscious and supportive of all that you do.
Their guidance is beneficial time and again.

You are not being tested here but supported
And you’re not being challenged but inspired to
Be the fullness of who you are which includes those
Who you love and who love you. Let spirit expose
Secrets to your fulfillment in all that you do.
Take delight in your knowing, then forging ahead.

Reveling in your moment are all who you know
And the infinite unknown whom you’ll never meet.
In this moment are you letting clarity come?
Or are you sabotaging it because of some
Little thing that upset you? It’s best that you treat
Yourself as loved and cherished. Let good tidings flow.

Listen to what is offered from beings who were
Where you are now in this time space reality.
Beloved, worthy, and blessed we are to them all.
Interest they have in what you do large or small.
Eagerness, grace, and power come ultimately.
Isn’t this the kind of life that you would prefer?

The Best Thing You Can Do

Make a Party of Life

It’s a pleasure to be alive. It’s so much fun
To behold dreams becoming real before my eyes.
All good feeling or positive emotion means
That I’m accurately translating through my genes
How my Source feels about things. It is for me wise
To maintain the connection my karma has spun.

My Source is always transmitting positively
Its definitive signal of love absolute.
I know that I’m connected when I realize
That I am part of my Source. It opens my eyes
To unknown worlds of splendor – the succulent fruit
Of a life filled with passion most definitely.

An extension of my Source I am and always
It’s aware totally of everything I do.
This is all I need know in order to survive,
And my Source knows what I need to prosper and thrive.
It’s profound adoration I feel as a clue
That we are most compatible throughout most days.

In the mode of receiving I am when aligned
With my Source’s perspective. One thing I can do
To be nice to myself is to offer love to
Someone else. It would be clearly out of the blue
So their faith in their own Sources they can look to.
In the loving of others I am redefined.

The Art Of Allowing

...Versus the Science of Hoping

Simple signals made complex among consciousness
Introduce much resistance in what is perceived.
If I’m more aware of everything that I see
And less concerned about what others think of me
I will stay in allowing mode and be less peeved.
Other people’s perceptions are the cause of stress.

I have source flowing to me and through me always.
Everyone who has ever lived sees through my eyes
When I’m in full alignment with all who I am.
I can follow a self-designed worthy program
From the infinite consciousness of those made wise
By their now point of vantage. I offer much praise.

What I’m reaching for is that outside part of me.
There’s a whole lot of consciousness at my avail.
But if I’m tuning myself to their frequency
I become them in essence momentarily.
The convergence of clarity on a large scale
Is a thing worth my knowing if I am To Be.

I’ll allow myself to feel the fullness of who
I am truly. Conditions are best to discard.
They disrupt the vibration that I would achieve.
There’s no value in guessing what others believe.
When my vision gets cloudy, then life can get hard.
I’ve enough to feel worthy without much to do.

Just Let Things Be?

Release Compulsivity

It was sung by The Beatles a long time ago.
Let It Be and an answer will be on its way.
We’ve no choice in the matter. We might as well be
In a place of acceptance. The world that we see
Causes us to want better that our asking may
Bring about proper changes albeit quite slow.

How do we make those changes if we don’t grab hold
Of the horns of the bull work? Is asking enough?
It’s such a democratic way of doing things
And the ways of republicans too often brings
Tyranny to the people. Our lives become tough.
Is it best to just ask and let nature unfold?

Focusing on what I want or letting things be
Is the choice made available. Both can be done
As long as I’m not in opposition to what
I would like to have happen. I’ll keep my mouth shut
About what the heck’s wrong with things and just have fun.
I can be quite effective by being carefree.

The universe is designed to stand on its head
In response to our asking. Demand we cannot
That the path of another creator be changed
To suit anyone’s wishes. Be thou not deranged
But indulge in the positiveness of your thought.
Each of us gets to choose either freedom or dread.

Unconditional Joy

The Essence of Bliss

The big bang of conditions began long ago
With all time, space, and matter. Our humanity
Takes it to the next level. We give them the chance
To control how we feel in every circumstance.
If conditions are good then it’s easy to be
In a state of pure joy. The reverse isn’t so.

But to have no control over how I’m feeling
Is to give away personal power freely
To outside circumstances. In living this way
It is my sense of who I am that I betray.
Things must be damned near perfect before I can be
Happier in this moment. Heartache that must bring.

Do not turn on the TV whatever you do.
It will bring you a tidal wave of conditions.
News networks search the planet for things that they know
Will frighten and upset you. Continuous flow,
Dramatized and with music, the shit cycle runs
People’s schedules and spirits. Most haven’t a clue.

One must form an opinion when taking life in.
It’s the way we are programmed. Our psyches digest
All conditions they’re given. Do give it a break
For to indulge it too much would be a mistake.
Take the guidance of what your own spirit knows best.
There’s no time like the present for you to begin.

Stop Trying To Please Others

The Most Foolish of Errands

Earth is exile from heaven or time out from hell
Depending on one’s outlook. Each in its own way
Teaches lessons of living while stationed on board
This space ship of a home. But by nature’s accord
Is its course planned and plotted. Behaviors aweigh,
Human creatures upon her don’t steer very well.

Sometimes I’m not behaving at all in the way
That others find delightful. I piss people off.
In a matter of time everyone I’ll have known
I’ll have alienated until I’m alone.
Anything I accomplish most others will scoff.
I’m a tough pill to swallow. With me do not play.

Creatures want to feel better. That’s all it’s about.
It’s import is tremendous. It can’t be denied.
But the guidance available is too immense.
Others lead with no sense of their omnipotence.
Their advice may be worthless if it is applied
So to put one’s faith in it, one dallies with doubt.

The most futile of efforts throughout history
Is to try to please others. It leads to distress
To the body and spirit. It fucks with the mind.
People are at a place now where being unkind
Is a full blown addiction. One has full access
To the absolute guidance of divinity.

Unconditional Alignment

The Most Fundamental Relationship

Conditions monolithic meticulously
Placed to honor eternity’s fine measurement
Of the moment worth noting in any event
Are the stones that outweigh us because they prevent
The free flowing of pure love that is heaven sent.
No demand made on others do I need To Be.

My alignment with myself is most important.
Before I give to others, I must firmly own
Who I am at my purest or else I can’t be
But a nuisance to those who may then chastise me
I can make no one happy nor can I condone
Taking on the assignment. Most surely I can’t.

The path of least resistance is one that is true
To the nature of who I am when connected
To the source that keeps galaxies spinning in place.
When I say that I love you, it is with the grace
Of freedom from conditions. I have perfected
The most basic commitment I need to tend to.

There is no interfering with another’s way
When oneself is receptive, together, and whole.
Alignment can be brute forced and henged into place,
 But the turbulence is something no one should face.
Being someone’s performer is not quite the goal
Unless one is well up for the hell one must pay.


Sweetest Spices Of Life

I can create realities, each different
Than the other, and I don’t need anybody
Else to kindly agree with me. That’s up to me.
Satisfied I am mostly with all that I see.
Life has caused me to tell it just how it should be
In the way that it keeps me just shy of content.

Life, I know, hears what I say and feels what I feel,
Having had my acquaintance for so long by now.
Yet the question is always, Where am I in all
That I’ve asked since I’ve been here?
It hasn’t been small.

All that I need some help with is how to allow
Earth’s bounty to consume me in ways that are real.

All that I want I do not have, and it’s okay.
In the purest vibrational form they exist.
This day has been a good day. I learned a bit more
How to look at life not as a hard karmic chore
But a marvelous mission where souls may enlist.
Tomorrow I’ll do better than I did today.

Tonight’s rest is forthcoming. As I drift to sleep
I’ll attract nothing thought wise. This shell I vacate
To let forces of nature do as they are meant.
There’s no reason why I can’t be much more content
Than I was for today and maintain such a state.
I’ll start off on a good foot. My wholeness I’ll keep.

Be Done With Doubt

Release Concern

Let’s not talk about doubt. Let’s just wave it goodbye.
But before that we need to know what it’s about.
Sometimes I feel that my life is out of control…
Like today. What society pays for my soul
Is a sad, paltry penance. Immense is my doubt
That I’ll ever be satisfied until I die.

Yet, the true source within me cannot see things wrong.
It sees only my worthiness beyond all doubt.
There’s a huge difference of opinion between
My ego and my true self. What does this all mean?
Have I time left to myself to figure things out?
My whole life in review is a very sad song.

It’s perhaps that I’m simply too tired and depressed
At this creative moment while focusing on
Thoughts that bum me out quickly. I find some relief
In my knowing that I can just change my belief.
Could it be that my issue could up and be gone
By my thinking of pleasant things and feeling blessed?

How can I feel my worthiness? I can let go
Of the work that I’m doing as a prostitute
By not focusing on all the ego concerns.
Karmic cycles are teachers. The wiser one learns
On the way to fulfillment. I am resolute
In my patience with myself and all that I know.

Celebrate Your Ego!

Healthy And Wholesome Self-Praise

How can there be a better dance between ego
And the Source who sustains it whom I could call God?
I have lots of ambition. I’m ready to go
To wherever life takes me. My heart wants to show
It’s magnificence to the world that it be awed.
It’s something to be proud of as it helps me grow.

The ego gets a bad rap because it is true
That one that isn’t healthy can be dangerous.
But a wholesome one beams with the power of grace.
It’s my Source that I’m channeling as I embrace
Who I am at my truest. Ego is a plus
On the journey of spirit if it is made new.

That part of me which I call the ego is me
Receiving Source’s guidance when I’m feeling fine.
If I’m not well, then demons are giving me tips.
Only two ways the ego has. One will eclipse
The other. It’s a question of how I align
With the higher vibration that will set me free.

Ego is but a conduit through which can flow
The clear messages from Source I want to receive.
When I’m tuned in, tapped in, and turned on, I am there.
In expressing my selfhood, I show that I care
For the world and its people. I truly believe
That life is not worth living without an ego.

Be Invincible

Dare To Live

It’s supposed to feel good here on this ball of rock.
In this time-space dimension we’re here to create
From our heartfelt desires a spectacular place.
The contrasting reality we can but trace
To the negative aspects that speak of our fate.
One who stands out does so with the response of shock.

Physical are our bodies. We may interact
In a world with the same building blocks as the stars.
But we’re truly spirit in physical bodies.
Through the process of forking, we’re able to please
Ourselves at any moment. And each one is ours
For choosing to feel better. Life is not abstract.

 It’s vital to be selfish amid the contrast
That is sifted and sorted through by everyone.
Spirit loves that we do this and helps us along.
As long as we are happy nothing can go wrong.
Life will not be ‘mysterious’ when having fun,
And when practiced enough, the good feeling will last.

There’s no price to be paid for the treasure you’ve stored
In your dreams over decades. All you have to do
Is to be in alignment, then magic happens.
Life can be made wonderful when seen through the lens
Of the enlightened spirit – the one inside you.
Be Invincible! Life is your finest reward.


Natural Defense

Say you’re looking at someone and don’t like what’s seen.
What is means is that your true self has not the same
Vision of that same person that your ego does.
Your feeling of disgust is most simply because
You are using that someone in essence to blame
For your lack of alignment, if we’re to come clean.

But what kind of relationship must be maintained
With a self so etheric and alien to
The self who’s most familiar to who you are?
Meditation can help. It is not that bizarre
That you draw what you focus on as we all do.
Be connected with your true self. There’s much to gain.

You could see other things when you look at this soul.
When these positive aspects are practiced by you
They will bring about changes in that person’s heart.
It would be but a pleasure to get a head start
On your quest of relating by attending to
The one you’ve with your true self. How’s that for a goal?

If someone cares to look at you in a bad way,
That one’s not connected to who they truly are.
Don’t be hurt by what others may think, say, or do.
That’s on them, and there’s no need for your feeling blue.
Your relationship with yourself carries you far
Through your world of relating each and every day.

Are Other People Real?

The Plasticity Apparent

This question that I must ask of my consciousness,
Wide awake and with focus upon humankind,
May be moot to most others who would call insane
Anyone who would ask it. Within their disdain
Is the key to the answer. Relief may I find
In engaging my asking, but not to excess.

People never are as I perceive them to be.
 Each of us wants to mold into specific shape
What we know through the senses. So, reality
Is just how I perceive it. And this I do see
As a fact most confounding. Is there an escape
From the pit of inscrutable uncertainty?

When connected to spirit, I see through the eyes
Of the source of all of us. The realer they are
They may rise to the image I see as their best.
They’re as real as I make them. This begs to suggest
That the eye that beholds others is just as far
From the truth, as imagined. My, what a surprise!

Chains of Pain are created through my observing
What I don’t care to look at, then adding to it
Some more doubt and confusion plus firm evidence
Of a flaw in the fabric of my existence.
The eye of the beholder sees what it sees fit
To be worthy and justified in its being.

The Help Of Spiritual Forces

Guidance Ever Present

Never am I alone even though it seems so.
I came screaming and kicking into what is now.
Some adjustment was needed with this attitude
For more positive insight on how life is viewed.
The clear message from spirit says I must allow
My wellbeing to happen by just letting go.

I am not being tested here but supported.
I am not being challenged. I’m being inspired
By the help of the unseen. This shift, I am told,
In my thinking will let better living unfold.
Finding something to fuss about is not required.
I can focus on being more joyful instead.

On the surface of life, the emotional grid
Is a calm, peaceful matrix, eternally wide.
But below there is turbulence. I can let go
Of what’s holding me down there. I’m grateful to know
That spiritual forces are all on my side
Only by my own choices is goodness forbid.

Everyone who has lived and died are present here.
What we try to call God are the spirits of those
Who have lived among us. Now in their own fullness,
They’re at pleasure to lovingly honor and bless
All that’s come into being. This consciousness knows
All that is wonderful and what all need to hear.

New Story

The Ever Unfolding Drama

Once upon a tough lifetime, the fool I became
Disconnected me from myself and family.
An awful disappointment I am to them now.
Resolution is futile. I can but allow
Divine guidance to soothe the decayed part of me
Who continues the story of sorrow and shame.

The process of atonement will not complete here
In the realm of the physical. It’s much too late.
Criminal are offenses that I’ve committed.
My life hangs by the tiniest bit of a thread.
Addicted to self-loathing, the hell I create
Is the product of thinking and acting from fear.

Any troublesome story deserves a rewrite
No matter how disgusting and vile it may be.
I’d been under the influence of human pain.
No regret have I. My actions I can’t explain.
I can remain the victim of insanity
Or amend the whole story to something more bright.

Life is short, and its meaning I’m left to pursue
Through intense introspection with much gratitude
For the lessons I’m given so that I may grow.
That I am worthy is all that I need to know.
If I don’t take this attitude, then I am screwed.
Any story can be changed to something brand new.

Happiness Amid Horror

Sublime Ignorance of the Status Quo

I Exist. Don’t I know it! This heat is intense.
It consumes not my sorrow. It savers my soul.
Agony is what I know in this time and place.
I cannot keep my mind off the horror I face
Through confounded incompetence while on parole
From abysmal circumstance. Have I some defense?

I can see through the flames just as they see in me
Their reflection in pure light. They’re taken aback.
Unexpected behavior to them is obscene.
I did wake up this morning. The grass is still green.
And although I’m consumed with such feelings of lack,
I’ve a lot going for me. That much I can see.

Satisfaction and relief feel almost the same.
I have deactivated the resistant part
Of my vibration righteously. Now I’m intent
On that satisfied feeling. I can’t be hellbent
On a manifestation. What’s dear to my heart
Is that sense of alignment. It’s my only aim.

Getting into the Vortex is what rings my bell.
It’s the state where my passion for life can explode
Into wonderful feelings and brighter insights.
Can I then be more open to reaching new heights?
My existence in hell is a brief episode.
In the heart of abundance my true self does dwell.