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Timing Isn’t Your Business


When one thinks about timing one usually
Thinks about synchronicity – things happening
In one’s favor despite the odds. Things working out
For one always is something most people would doubt
Could occur. The vibration that you’re offering
Demonstrates the nature of your reality.

Things are always becoming because people are
Always asking the universe for something more
Than what they have already but only when they
Are perceiving the world in a positive way
Will good things begin happening. Choose to adore
The fact that what you’re wanting is not very far.

No such thing as ‘wrong timing’ can ever occur.
Things are lined up according to your vibration.
If things aren’t going your way then you probably
Have a fair amount of negative energy
But for this there can still be a celebration
Because then you’ll know exactly what you prefer.

Find one reason after another all day long
To feel satisfaction. Start with meditation
Because it’s plain and simple. It can get you there
Rather quickly. Good timing happens when you care
More about how you feel. Life is your creation
And no one else but you should be singing your song.

It’s Done! Chill Out!


Would a new BMW interest you?
Things like this you’ve been manifesting easily
Just by maintaining a pure state of alignment.
You’re on top of your vibrational refinement
As you chill out and look for fun and clarity.
You delight in witnessing your dreams coming true.

It may feel like you don’t really want what you get.
It just happens and that’s such a nice place to be.
You associate wanting with worry and stress.
Certainly you know this won’t lead to happiness.
It’s important that you keep your vibration free
Of resistance yet you don’t see it as a threat.

When you find pure alignment with who you’ve become
By your identifying something you desire
Then the universe just begins yielding to you
Shovels full of manifestations. You need do
Not a damned thing but wait for it all to transpire.
You know where all the good in existence comes from.

Looking for fun and clarity happens to be
The best way for preparing yourself to receive
Anything that you want. You must know that It’s Done
So Chill Out! A new chapter in life has begun –
One in which there’s only happiness to achieve.
Good things come to you when you live life happily.

Speed Things Up

Great Speed

Anytime you think something in an asking way
What happens is there’s a natural momentum
That’s begun and cooperative components
Start assembling. You can delight in the suspense
As things happen. You understand how thoughts become
Things of value without a whole lot of delay.

So what you’ve asked for is already underway.
Things become clearer as momentum increases.
Go with the flow of that. Just don’t do that thing you
Do that keeps you from having your big dream come true.
As you feel your best the universe releases
What you’ve asked for. Your heart cannot lead you astray.

How can you Speed Things Up? It’s by taking the stick
From the wheel so it spins freely. Satisfaction
Speeds things up in an instant and what slows things down
Is your choosing to wear a perpetual frown.
If you do the universe has a reaction
That is certainly not what you’d call a picnic.

What you don’t want speeds up with dissatisfaction.
What you do want speeds up when you’re feeling at peace
With it not having happened yet. Be satisfied
And the floodgates of abundance will open wide
Then the speed at which you manifest will increase.
All because you’ve attuned your point of attraction.

Life Is Supposed To Be Good


I woke up this morning. I’m alive and quite well.
I was not taken hostage. My house is still here.
My children haven’t been slaughtered before my eyes.
I have no particular reason to despise
Anyone. I can walk the streets having no fear
Of abduction. I’ve no tragic story to tell.

What I know is that I’m made of Source Energy
As is everyone. Life Is Supposed To Be Good.
If it isn’t it’s my fault because everything
That I’m living and feeling and thus offering
To the universe cannot be misunderstood.
But if this is true why is there atrocity?

There’s no answer that anyone can understand.
Evil and hatred are part of humanity
But there’s much more wellbeing. The peace that I know
I’m most grateful for. As for the pain and sorrow
Suffered by others how much more sad can one be?
It’s damned awful. I stand with my heart in my hand.

There are only two factors – how fast my stream flows
And which way I’m pointed in it. Life has caused me
To make choices and that’s what gets the stream going.
If I let the stream turn me then I’ll be flowing
With it and not against it so naturally
I’m well protected from humankind and its woes.

Forget About Timing

Waste Of Time

There are so many kinds of things in the process
Of becoming. One may ask if it’s possible
For the timing to be off on something so right
And of course it does. People can be off despite
Their intention to orchestrate some meaningful
Course of action. To this we must all acquiesce.

Yet to call it ‘wrong’ timing is introducing
Resistance into the equation. Try to see
That your struggle to make things turn out the right way
Only leads to failure and to constant dismay.
It’s a colossal waste of time and energy.
Nothing but pain and sorrow does it your heart bring.

You’ve put things into your vortex of creation
For eternity. Every time you want something
To be better into the vortex it’s added
And it’s easy for you to just get out ahead
Of all that you’ve put in there. Only you can bring
What’s there to you. It’s all about your vibration.

The cooperative components are all there
So step back from it. Instead of trying to move
All the pieces give yourself a well deserved break
And Forget About Timing for your spirit’s sake.
Everything about your life will greatly improve.
As you release resistance you’ll have time to spare.

Freedom, Growth, And Joy

Street Happy

Into this life experience each of us comes
With a triad of intentions. They are freedom,
Growth, and joy, and they are intended equally.
To reach for satisfaction you’re perfectly free
And in doing so all kinds of blessings will come
Showering down upon you in infinite sums.

Expansion or growth happens as you’re reaching for
Satisfaction. The contrast of life causes you
To ask for something better. That is expansion.
You can grow while you’re having a whole lot of fun
In fact joy is required to get the other two
Activated. Your energy tends to be more.

Satisfied with the potential of things getting
Better, you energize your point of attraction.
That’s enough for you. Just feeling good is okay
Because you know that good things are coming your way.
It all happens because of your satisfaction.
You are free to feel your best in any setting.

Why do you think you want whatever it may be?
It’s because you think you will feel better but you
Can feel better in the present. You’ve already
What you want though it exists vibrationally.
Tapping into you true self is all you need do.
You intended to live your life here happily.

Deliberate Segment Intending

Time Adjusting

Like a pinball I feel that I get bounced around
Quite a bit through life. I don’t seem to have control
Over much. I have too many things going on.
The enthusiasm I once had is now gone.
If this game isn’t won what becomes of my soul?
Within each day no time of contentment is found.

I would love to understand this ever present
Law of Attraction field of response more clearly.
What I’ve been told is that I can Segment Intend
Purposefully but I don’t fully comprehend
How to do it. Is something the matter with me?
Please someone help me out of this predicament.

Most people when they wake up they wander into
Their day having responses to what’s going on
Around them and as the day gathers momentum
It takes them places they’d rather stay away from.
Segment Intending is what folks depend upon
To make their days fulfilling and fun to get through.

You can start having experiences where you
Understand why you’re having them because you did
It deliberately. Your point of attraction
Is maintained and you’ll find immense satisfaction
And in practice it is a fine way to get rid
Of resistance. You can have your wishes come true.

The ‘When’ Factor

What The Heck?

Timing is none of your business in the sense that
If you can take timing out of the equation
You will see that your alignment is everything.
When you’re in alignment the universe will bring
What you want to you and the manifestation
Will come quickly – almost as fast as an eye bat.

Why it hasn’t come yet is a question only
You can answer because only you can decide
How long you will take to get out of your own way.
Take your mind off the issue and then try to stay
Somewhere close to alignment. Nothing is denied
But you can keep what you want from coming to be.

Your timing is controlled by your vibrational
Alignment. It has absolutely nothing to
Do with anything outside of you – not one thing.
It has only to do with how long you’re taking
To allow what you’ve been wanting to come to you.
The timing of your wellbeing is natural.

Between where you are and where you want to be there
Is a gap which is timing and your resistance
Makes it wider and longer. Talk yourself into
A rampage about all the good coming to you
And appreciate whenever you get the chance.
Of what is working already be more aware.

Speed Things Up

Fast Movement

There’s a stick in the wheel. There’s a foot on the brake.
How can I Speed Things Up then? It makes perfect sense
To remove the foot from the brake or the stick from
The damned wheel. It’s your mind that you must overcome.
When you know what not to do then why the suspense?
To get things to speed up should be a piece of cake.

It can’t come any faster than you allow it.
Your desire you’ve already set into motion.
The momentum gets stronger as you attune to
What you want. It’s how things are attracted to you.
You could say that your inner being’s devotion
To your wishes is to your greatest benefit.

Speed Things Up by not slowing them down. Easier
Said than done you may say but that just isn’t true.
You Speed Things Up with satisfaction. You slow things
Down with dissatisfaction. Your vibration brings
Things to you so it matters a whole lot when you
Are contented as you would most likely prefer.

If you want something but you have lingering doubt
That you’ll get it you’re offering mixed signals to
The benevolent universe. Be more aware
Of when you feel resistance. Indeed you must care
About how you feel always. To thyself be true
And don’t be surprised about how things will turn out.

Satisfaction And Joy

Happy Children

Each of us comes into this life experience
With three equal intentions. You came for freedom,
Growth, and joy. You are your own point of attraction.
From reality you could use some distraction.
You’ve the freedom to even cut yourself off from
Happiness but you do so at major expense.

You’re free to find alignment or not. You’re free to
Think this or that. Your freedom is an absolute
Promise to you and you cannot help but to grow.
Through the creative process you can come to know
Satisfaction And Joy. You will have an acute
Understanding and clarity in what you do.

Even though you see no direct route to what you
May be wanting you’re satisfied in the knowing
That there is one. The satisfaction indicates
Your alignment with your source. Indeed it creates
The very vibration that gets good things flowing
Into your life all due to your positive view.

Reaching for Satisfaction And Joy is the way
To find alignment with freedom and expansion.
Unless your intention is to find harmony
With yourself you won’t be the person you could be.
Do believe in the practice of having more fun.
You’ve no one but your inner being to obey.

Don’t Think Too Much


It’s because you’ve practiced micromanaging things
That you fear that you’ll squash the manifestation.
You’ve practiced controlling conditions. You don’t yet
Trust the universe to yield what’s best. You can’t let
Life occur on its own. You may feel frustration
Over the universe’s perceived offerings.

There’s a difference between your believing you
Have to figure it all out and make it happen
And understanding that everything is aligned
Perfectly. In your thinking you just have to find
Ways around your resistance. Your outlook will then
Be more positive. You’ll have a fresh point of view.

Your work is to allow it to be realized
By you not to make it happen. The difference
Between going after it and recognizing
It when it comes is huge and it means everything
To your point of attraction. Is this making sense?
The art of allowing is what is exercised.

Just accept that good things are happening to you
All the time. Be aware of them and be thankful
And expectant of wellbeing and abundance.
Life has absolutely nothing to do with chance.
Let the powerful provident universe pull
You in the right direction – the one that’s most true.

Emotional Calibration

Colorful Weights

I like how responsive the Law of Attraction
Is to what I have calibrated myself to.
I can tell by the way I feel whether or not
I’m aligned with what I want. It matters a lot
That I keep myself happy in all that I do.
Emotions are perfect guidance for everyone.

Abundance expands proportionately to match
The desires of the planet. My dream has come true.
Everything falls into place just like the Law states.
Positive attitude throws open the floodgates
Of blessings of affluence. Each moment brings new
Inspiration. Lord knows I could use a big batch.

When it feels wrong to share how I feel with someone,
I recall that not everyone I encounter
Vibrates at the same frequency as I do, so
I can calibrate to the little that they know,
Or remain at my level. What I would prefer
Is to not have my attitude become undone.

I reach further than I am and then calibrate
To the new as I feel and then calibrate more.
That’s the deliciousness of life. There’s no ending
To the tweaking and my blissfully ascending
The emotional ladder. The life I adore
I am living because I am free to create.

It’s Your Doing

Self Pride

You’re Source Energy in a physical body.
Life is meant to be good for you, and if it’s not,
Then It’s Your Doing. Everything that you’re living
And feeling is a good reason for thanksgiving.
Now that you are here, you can give it all you’ve got.
God is someone whose work one cannot call shoddy.

There are only two factors determining how
Life is going for you. One is how fast your stream
Is flowing, and the other is which direction
You are pointed. You have control over each one.
Life causes the momentum oft’ in the extreme.
The direction is by the guidance you allow.

When you’re bucking the current of who you’ve become,
You will feel negative emotion instantly.
You’re defying your purpose. This cannot feel good.
More than anything else, it must be understood
That going with the flow is your reason to be.
In becoming, you just need to lighten up some.

Turn and go with the flow. That’s all you need to do
To move effortlessly toward all you desire.
How to do that will be a perfect unfolding.
You are now practicing the art of allowing.
Unending are the good things that you will acquire
On your journey. Which direction is true for you?

Life Becomes Magic

Mystical Creation

When you are in the middle of conversations
And events and activities, you’re already
Pretty far down the path. At an earlier stage
The path of least resistance you want to engage.
Long before you get going, aligned you will be
With your wishes in uncertain situations.

There’s a vibration that’s either in alignment
With who you really are, or it isn’t at all.
This vibration is at the root of everything
That you are. It is constantly encouraging
You to greatness if only you can hear the call.
You can do so only by your conscious intent.

Whatever the vibration you’ve got going on
Will evolve into something. It will escalate
And become more. The first thing that you recognize
Is a thought, an impulse, or a pleasant surprise
In your package. It feels good to anticipate
Only good and that it’s a conclusion foregone.

At an unconscious level, vibrations received
Are translated into something you can relate
To the moment. It’s how vibration becomes thought
And how thought turns to thing. Your attention is brought
Into focus as you kick back and contemplate
The abundance of goodness in all that’s perceived.

Chill Out!

Don't Sweat

It’s not as if I wanted a car that badly.
I simply had a daydream about having fun.
I heard someone speak of their BMW,
Then I thought it would be nice if I had one too.
I perfected the feeling of my having one,
Then it happened. What I had wanted came to be.

I look for fun and clarity – not the new car
Necessarily. What I want is alignment
With how my inner being perceives everything.
Only more fun and clarity can it all bring.
I’m convinced that there can be no better time spent
Than finding evidence of how lovely things are.

Finally, I’m experiencing the power
Of the leverage of alignment, where before,
I would think about it, then try to rein it in
Like a fish on a line. It was wearing me thin.
Life does not have to be such a painstaking chore.
I can have life the way that I most would prefer.

When there is a vibration that becomes a thought,
That’s a manifestation worth celebrating.
Momentum gathers quickly with no resistance
Such as worry or doubt. I must give it a chance.
With each thought and emotion, I am creating
My own narrative with its spectacular plot.


Good Speed

How do I speed things up? By not slowing them down.
It means that I must take the stick out of the wheel.
There’s a natural momentum created by
My asking, and my inner being does comply
With my wishes. It’s all in the way that I feel.
Things cannot move faster if I’m wearing a frown.

I can go with what is already underway.
The cooperative components are being
Assembled. It is by the Law of Attraction
That I’m able to manifest. What has begun
Will continue until it is what I’m seeing
Come together before me each and every day.

That thing that I keep doing that doesn’t let me
Move as quickly as I want toward my desire,
I must be aware of, and just stop doing it.
Easier said than done it seems, I may admit,
But I must remember that I have the entire
Universe to support me. What fun this can be!

I speed up things I want by being satisfied.
I speed up what I don’t want with discontentment
And frustration. If I suspend my resistance
For a moment, then things work out as if by chance.
Momentum increases through my conscious intent
To be happy. There’s nothing that can be denied.

Timing Is None Of Your Business

Let Momentum Unfold

Many things are in the process of becoming.
So is it possible for timing to be off
On something that is so right? Of course that can be.
To call it wrong timing is unnecessary.
At this notion your truer self would surely scoff
One can take care of business by doing nothing.

Timing is none of your business, and this is why.
Throughout your life you have gathered much momentum.
All cooperative components are in place
To bestow upon you an intelligent grace.
You can trust that what you have will always come from
How you take to the process you cannot deny.

What it would be like you can only imagine…
Alone trying to move all the pieces around.
There are too many of them. Leaving them alone
Relieves you of the task of grasping the unknown.
By trusting in the process content can be found.
Then you will witness timing like it’s never been.

Find one reason after another to partake
Of the feeling of satisfaction through your day.
Know that all that you’ve asked for is manifested
In vibrational escrow. You are not tested
In the least by the process. Take time out to play.
You’re no master of timing so give it a break.

Speed Things Up

Overcoming Resistance To Acceleration

Have I not heard enough about how to move on
Happily ever after above the thick clouds
From the tons of self-help books and through my asking?
The resistance I feel prevents me from basking
In all that I am living. My yearning enshrouds
All the grace I am given which is never gone.

“How do I speed things up then?” this novice may ask
While not feeling momentum in life day to day.
“…By not slowing them down.” Is the answer I hear.
Though it does twist my noodle, it’s perfectly clear.
Clear the twigs from the wheel’s spokes, then I surely may
Move more swiftly than ever. I’m up to the task.

There’s a natural momentum to everything
That is dreamt of or wished for. It starts by asking.
Then cooperative components fall into place.
The adventure is nice, but let’s quicken the pace.
I have gotten nowhere with my multitasking.
Can I know what the laws of the universe bring?

I speed things up with satisfaction. That’s for sure,
And I slow them down greatly with doubt, pain, and fear.
This law works in the opposite way just as well.
I have taken that route. It’s a roadway to hell.
I can remove the struggle from my atmosphere
And proceed with a spirit empowered and pure.