Tag Archive | prayers

How To Pray

Consumed In Prayer

You can pray from a place of extreme need or from
Thankfulness. Which way do you think gets more results?
For some, praying is like going to the toilet.
It’s become a mere function that’s used just to get
Satisfaction. But what if your praying insults
That which hears it? You can’t expect a good outcome.

When you pray out of indignation and despair
It sets up a vibration that makes the problem
More severe. You give it more of your attention.
In your praying you’re better off not to mention
Any issues because God knows all about them.
When you speak to divinity do so with care.

Santa Claus was a big thing when you were yet small.
Since then you’ve come to know that it all was a lie
But you still pray as if God comes down the chimney
Once a year with the answers you seek earnestly.
You may pray your behind off yet ask yourself why
God has not taken time to respond to your call.

When you pray from a place of appreciation
You put yourself in a better state to receive
Maybe not what you’re asking for this time around
But relief from your misery will have been found.
A state of alignment isn’t hard to achieve
As you find the object of your adoration.

How To Pray

Moment With Divinity

Two-way communication between God and you
Is established at any time you make it so.
You can pray from a place of appreciation
Or from pity. So, it’s easy to see which one
Is likely to be answered. Your pain and sorrow
Isn’t looked at. What then is the right thing to do?

Desolation is palpable when you’re in need
Of assistance. The urgency overwhelms you.
You only make things worse as you pray mournfully.
Relief from your situation can’t come to be.
You may conclude there’s no God, but that isn’t true.
There’s no way for divinity to intercede.

When you pray, you’re shooting rockets into the sky.
No matter from which place that your asking comes from,
It is answered, but you have to be receptive
To the answer. The constant attention you give
To the problem won’t cause the solution to come.
If your prayer isn’t heard, this is the reason why.

Prayers of appreciation are what to go for.
Somewhere near hope is where you must be beforehand.
Be thankful for and bless things that are going well.
Only you can get your own damned self out of hell,
And when you do, then your consciousness will expand.
Praying with a self-healing heart opens the door.

How To Pray

Asking Intently

I have prayed for so many years for certain things
But it seems that the more that I do, the harder
I feel about receiving the things I pray for.
I always wonder if I could do something more
For my wanted manifestations to occur.
I lose faith in my meaningless prayer offerings.

This puzzle of thinking is familiar to some.
I’ll include myself in this. I often forget
That there are two different ways that one can pray…
Out of neediness or thankfulness. And which way
Proves to be more effective? It’s an easy bet.
Just because you feel needy, you are never scum.

All prayers are not answered in the order received.
They’re addressed instantaneously in the mind
Of the Master Creator. Appreciation
Is the best kind of prayer for indeed everyone.
If you ask in a whiny voice you will not find
That your prayers have been heard and all has been achieved.

Pray from inside your happiness. Be thankful for
All there is in your life that is most wonderful.
Don’t pray from scarcity or from feeling that you
Are not more than deserving. You’ve nothing to do
But believe your magnificence and be grateful
For what you have already. Then you’ll receive more.