Tag Archive | depths

The Freedom To Be Happy

Young Superhero

To wake up feeling lively, to breathe some fresh air…
Having clear thoughts… aligning with the energy
That creates worlds… I love perpetual freedom.
I can be satisfied as I’m beating the drum
Of whatever excites me. Right now, I can be
In a state of fulfillment. It’s no longer rare.

To begin to discover who I am at heart
Is to be thus reminded that I am worthy
Of the freedoms I have. There’s no contradiction
With the freedoms of others. Indeed everyone
Has the same set. At least, that’s the way it should be.
Living my way to happiness is a fine art.

Freedom is the alignment of myself with who
I’ve become in vibration. My closing the gap
Is a constant endeavor. I think about things
That bring only the most positive of feelings.
Happiness is not being caught in someone’s trap.
The freedom that joy generates is nothing new.

I’ve the freedom to take my time in getting there
To wherever I’m going. My state of being
Is of utmost importance in what I receive.
Happiness is the one thing I truly believe
Is the ultimate in its resistance freeing
Capability, and it’s something I can share.

The Ripple And The Ocean

Natural Disturbance

The question is whether at this moment you can
Know or sense within yourself that underlying
Presence that is deeper than the person you are.
Elusive and intangible, it can be far
From easy to discern. It is mind defying.
It has concerned people since before time began.

It is all pervasive. It is your own presence
That cannot be sensed if you are trapped in your thought.
“Where’s this ‘presence’?”  I’m trying to find it but can’t.”
It’s of no use to go on a negative rant.

There’s a simple way of getting to what is sought.
What exists below your surface is quite immense.

When the mind is quieted for just a short while,
At first, it seems like nothing, It’s rather boring
Of a space for too damned long. But gradually,
You will find peace in that emptiness. You will see
That there is much more to you worth not ignoring.
The mind always wants to run the one minute mile.

The ripple is the thinking mind. It is akin
To the turbulent surface. The rebel ego
Can observe its connectedness with the divine
And the Ocean. You’re able to fully align
With that self most unnamable. It is the flow
Of life essence. The universe is found within.

Self-Discovery And Death

Wisdom And Existence

Disconnected and sealed entirely within
Our skin we seem to be, but it’s a deception.
The skin is not the boundary of the human.
Our senses indicate that we are other than
Everything else and thus illusion is begun,
But to think otherwise is societal sin.

You do not know how you manage to be conscious
Nor how to shape and grow your wonderful body.
But that doesn’t mean that you are not doing so.
You do many things always where you do not know
Or give even a thought as to how they could be.
Could they have something to do with the solar plexus?

You know not how the universe makes galaxies
Nor how musical, artistic, literary,
Or whatever genius or great talent is done.
It is true that you can’t teach it to anyone.
How do you know that you have a reason to be?
You are the consciousness that into this world sees.

Upon death some believe there will be nothingness.
Is that something to fret about? No memory
Have you of ever being before you are now.
If you happened the first time sheer chance might allow
You to happen once more rather eternally.
You are one with the universe so do not stress.