Tag Archive | resistance

That Was Then

Sad Story Retired

All my manifestations keep going somewhere
Other than where I want them to, which is with me.
I’ve had this conversation with myself before,
And my thinking about it does not give me more
Of an edge on fulfillment. I need to break free
Of the prison created by my lack of care.

That Was Then. This Is Now. I know how to relieve
Myself of the resistance. By my maintaining
My vibration, I can manifest easily.
I am fully in touch with who I’m meant to be.
I know now that there is no use in complaining.
I am responsible for all that I receive.

The path of least resistance is being carefree.
Practicing feeling good until I have allowed
Something to manifest is in itself worthwhile,
But my appreciation goes the extra mile.
To the mission of happiness I am avowed.
I know now what the past has provided for me.

Then, I didn’t know what I know now, and what I
Know now is different from the grief I once knew.
I can better feel the path of least resistance.
Within each moment there exists the perfect chance
To be blissful. To my own self I must be true.
All the laws of the universe here do apply.

Make Peace

Positive Change

Something wants to change. What in the world could it be?
I don’t know, but not knowing what shape it will take
Isn’t driving me crazy. I only know that
This Law of Attraction stuff I do have down pat.
All that is revealed is by the peace that I make
With the present and all that has happened to me.

I got happy. I stand here in my wholeness and
In my full resonance with what I have become.
As I revel in that, changes do make their way
Into my life experience. It’s fun to play
In a world that adores me. My life is awesome.
Of my thoughts and feelings I’ve assumed full command.

I could set a goal, identify a timeline,
And hold to it, but that rarely is fulfilling
Because my awareness of the thing I have not
Ties every expectation into a tight knot.
I don’t like when that happens, so I am willing
To believe in my heart that everything is fine.

Making peace with where I am has helped me to be
More in touch with my true self who is satisfied
No matter what the circumstance. My emotion
From my place of asking, “Why?” is what gets things done.
How I feel about living is my only guide.
I’ll get used to the idea of being free.

Think Of Something Else

The Art Of Daydreaming

Am I ready for my new relationship? No!
If you were, you’d be living it. Something keeps you
In a place of resistance. Do you deserve it?
Then it’s lined up for you. It’s to your benefit
To distract yourself from it. Do what you can do
To remain optimistic in how things will go.

You face too much reality. In doing so,
You’re looking where it isn’t. You have collected
Enough data. Let the universe analyze
And produce something that will delight and surprise
You completely. Prepare for the unexpected
To happen. Be respectful of what you don’t know.

Think Of Something Else. If the issue is money,
You could withdraw your focus and find a lover.
Any subject that feels good to you will allow
Another thing to happen. How you feel right now
Is your guidance toward what you will discover
To be most satisfying just as it should be.

It’s too easy. Most people don’t let it happen
Because they have formulated a belief that
There’s some price to pay and that it is difficult.
Things not working out for you will be the result
Of your negative thinking. Embrace where you’re at.
Take control of what you manifest once again.

Perfect Body

Physical Beauty

I want a Perfect Body without exercise.
Can I do this? Is there some kind of magic trick
I can pull from a hat to make me look my best
To the world beauty hungry? I cannot invest
In a program that can be effort specific.
How can I become a diva in people’s eyes?

There is all sorts of evidence of people who
Without work have achieved a body fantastic.
How they do it is by visualization.
All kinds of scientific studies have been done
Proving that if I’m wanting to look like a brick
There’s no process of torture that I must go through.

The reason that most people resist the action
Is because they’ve been doing it with energy
Not lined up with their purpose. The work that is done
Is grueling. My journey is supposed to be fun.
If I compensate through action, then agony
Will result. There will be energy depletion.

Visualize it first, then enjoy the doing.
I can’t get good results if I am exhausted
In the struggle. I’ve no time for discouragement.
The focus of my mind’s eye is being content
With the present. I’m up for the journey ahead.
Every dream that I have is worth my pursuing.

In Your Spare Time

Simply Joyful And Carefree

The earth spins in its orbit in proximity
To other spatial bodies. From your perspective,
This alone is a reason to be satisfied.
The perfection of it all cannot be denied.
It could be that it’s your only reason to live.
If it is, then the universe has to agree.

That wellbeing is dominant is the point here.
Things are going to happen that will bring you down.
Someone may bump you car. Your flight may be canceled.
In the depths of depression, you may be compelled
To consider the reasons for wearing a frown.
You are not in a crisis. This must be made clear.

Emotions indicate degrees of resistance
Or allowing. Anger, regret, fear, and despair
Are the worst. Love, appreciation, and passion
Are the best to experience. Nothing’s more fun
Than to feel your excitement, which is why you care
First and foremost about making your life a dance.

At the middle of the spectrum of emotion
Is serene satisfaction. You are contented
And have energetic vibrational control
Of the moment. Whatever awakens your soul
Is the clue to where you must be oriented.
Do believe that your life is supposed to be fun.

Gratitude Makes It Happen

Loving Here And Now

I enjoy being called upon to do something
Wonderful and exciting. It gives me the chance
To show off my magnificent abilities.
I am grateful that I can perform with such ease.
Everyone gets a kick out of my song and dance.
To the table I have but my best self to bring.

I don’t need the condition to get this feeling
Of fulfillment. Others are not necessary
For me to be about life truly excited.
All alone I can be perfectly delighted.
It is as if the whole world revolves around me.
I know how to reach a state that is appealing.

It is counterintuitive to me right now,
But it won’t be for long. The more effort offered,
The more I hold myself in the wrong vibration.
In this way I can hardly get anything done.
I’ll become a spiritually conscious nerd
So that infinite wisdom I’ll learn to allow.

For this life I am grateful. It’s an emotion
I can feel without trying if I really care
About joy in my living. My acknowledging
The good things about life and appreciating
Everything I consider a sacred prayer.
Gratitude is something to give much devotion.


Personal Magic

If I don’t care about something, therefore I’m not
Resisting it, then it will come most easily.
If I want it a little bit and have little
Resistance about it, then I know that it’ll
Be a little bit difficult. If I really
Want it but don’t expect it, turmoil have I got.

So, in my not wanting and not caring about
Something, I can attract it. Therein lies the key
To creating. Wanting something a little bit
And then letting the desire expand will permit
Many good things to flood my life naturally.
If I want something, it is best that I chill out.

Let desire grow a little… or generally.
Think about what it feels like to be in that place
Where I have what I’m wanting. Let the momentum
Gather quickly. The manifestations will come
Easily through acceptance of infinite grace.
I can have things the way I prefer them to be.

The speed will pick up as the Law of Attraction
Causes general wanting to turn specific
In how it arranges people, places, and things
In support of my purpose. Fulfillment it brings
To my life, which is for me now a magic trick.
Less resistance in life is good for everyone.

Things Will Flow

Open Source Abundance

Things begin to start flowing once you realize
That they should, because everything works out for you.
You’re aware that there is an emotional scale.
Your conscious and positive intent must prevail.
There is nothing but goodness from your point of view.
Knowing your guidance system is healthy and wise.

Going from despair to revenge, you are aware
Of relief, even though it is still negative.
You have no control when you are hopelessly lost,
But with revenge, a big psychic river is crossed
Wherein you have decided that you want to live
With enthusiasm and without the despair.

Letting go of resistance is the only way
To crank up your emotion to its highest state.
Relief is no resistance, and satisfaction
Is the best place to be for the simple reason
That a beautiful life you can’t help but create.
For the good life, there is only your joy to pay.

Fast momentum is gathered in your letting go
Of resistance. The leverage in alignment
Is of enormous power. When you’re satisfied,
Then nothing in the universe can be denied.
You’re at one with the provident, ever present
Unseen forces that will allow blessings to flow.

Ask Questions That You Can Answer

So Many Answers

When will I win the jackpot? How long must I wait?
Where is all that I’ve asked for? Who all can I blame?
These questions have no answers. It is of no use
To evoke them. So doing will sadly produce
Confusion, and my circumstance will stay the same.
I must be aware always of what I create.

To accomplish a budget, I have to earn more
Or spend less. This translates to beliefs and desires.
If I want something and I believe it can be,
I’ll feel good, and it’s likely to happen to me.
Being in the receptive mode only requires
That I focus on something that I’m grateful for.

Wanting something, but doubting that it can become
A reality is a despicable place
To be in. When beliefs and desires are aligned,
Powerful insights begin to enter the mind.
Pulling back is impossible. I can’t erase
Having wanted. I continue beating that drum.

I can ask why I want something. I can answer
That question easily and without any doubt.
I can imagine being there and doing it.
The feeling of expectation I can transmit
To the universe. It figures everything out.
I’ll not be surprised by the blessings that occur.

My Ego


How can I make the dance a little bit better
Between God and my ego? How can I become
More aligned with my wishes vibrationally?
How do I get to know the divine part of me?
I know where my humanity emanates from.
My ego, to the world, is an open letter.

That part of me that is called the ego is my
Receiving divine guidance. I am connected
By default, but at times, there is uncertainty
About where in the scheme of it all I should be.
That’s the part of me that needs to be directed
On its journey. The ego is best to comply.

The all-powerful, all knowing, uplifting source
Of creation is recognized by the ego
Which is this human body. It tends to complain
About life. It is always trying to attain
Something it has already. It just doesn’t know
That it is in the hands of an almighty force.

The ego is a prism. It translates the light
Of divinity into all that I perceive.
The artist is created. The ego, therefore,
Cannot lose its connection. Indeed it is more
Than a physical nuisance. One has to believe
That the ego will see a future that is bright.

You Came To Love

Heavenly Hearted Earth

You came here to love one another and to be
In alignment with nature. You came to have fun
On your fabulous journey through life. You came here
To learn all about love – the opposite of fear.
You are love, so the learning that needs to be done
Is of yourself which is in others what you see.

It’s your nature to love – even the rotten one
Who always manages to get on your bad side.
That one is a big advantage to your growing.
Are you moved to focus on your inner knowing
When you can’t love the bastard despite having tried?
You can do nothing with the momentum begun.

It’s not that you are wrong about the awfulness
Of this person. It’s that you’re misunderstanding
Their value to you in helping you to decide
How you want things. In this way, you are not denied
The thoughts that lead to your consciousness expanding.
Negative feelings you do not want to express.

You came here to love. You did not come to surround
Yourself with loving people. You knew there would be
People who make it difficult. These are the ones,
Who through your attention to them, will offer tons
Of resistance, but you can respond lovingly.
Where you least may expect love is where it is found.

You Get What You Believe

Creating Your Reality

It’s a different orientation when you
Understand that you create your reality
And that you’re the attractor, by your attention
To the world around you. This space time dimension
Has enough contrast to sort through so you may be
Overwhelmed with excitement in all that you do.

Your life is created by the story you tell
To the world and the universe. Your memories
Of relations with others and conversations
And how you feel about things accumulate tons
Of experience. Your life is made up of these
Episodes of fulfillment that you know so well.

You’ve the ability to think differently
At any moment and about any issue.
Your power of creation is what you believe
To be yours by nature. All that you may perceive
Is consistent, but you can make it ever new
By selecting a more positive way to see.

Find something you can focus on, and feel your way
To a state of elation. Find your clarity
In alignment with feeling good most of the time.
When you feel lousy do know that it’s not a crime.
Watching your thoughts turn to things almost instantly,
You will find satisfaction all day every day.

Maintain Your Vibration

Stay Aligned

I like rain. It’s refreshing. It keeps folks indoors
Far apart from my business. The whether forecast
Is a joke to be pitied. They promise rainfall,
Yet I wait all day long, and there’s nothing at all.
I’ll be glad when this disgust that I feel has passed.
It’s a fact that this sorry assed town rain ignores.

It becomes, then, a challenge. I come from a place
Of compacted resistance about everything.
I cannot let conditions control how I feel.
Whatever may be happening, I can appeal
To my conscious awareness. What I’m offering
By my mood can be powered by infinite grace.

To find the path of least resistance is to let
Life show me its wonderfulness and to practice
Feeling good, which is always a cool exercise.
Things do manifest often, and it’s no surprise
That I can help myself much by thinking like this.
Certainly it’s a most valuable asset.

Complaining will cause my vibration to erode
In an instant. I knew this a long time ago
Before I was talked out of it by others who
Had forgotten, but now I know just what to do
To maintain my vibration. Tonight it may snow.
If it doesn’t, I’m still in the receptive mode.

Special Delivery

A Present For The Present

If I don’t want it that much, it comes easily.
General desires carry the least resistance.
If I really want something and really believe
That I’ll get it, then it is by law I’ll receive
What I want in a hurry. It isn’t by chance.
Anything that I focus on must come to be.

Wanting something badly and believing it will
Never happen will cause me to struggle within.
Keeping up that momentum creates agony.
I must do all that I can to keep myself free
Of a bleak situation, therein I begin
Writing a new contract that my heart will fulfill.

It is by expectation that things manifest
Into my life – the good, the bad, and the ugly.
My focus on the good things in life is a must.
In the long run, I am much more willing to trust
That in my life, the things I want will come to me.
No matter what I’m going through, I know I’m blessed.

The key is to want something not too much then let
The desire for it grow naturally. It will
Gather momentum. Things begin picking up speed.
I’ll end up with a healthy desire – not from need,
But through my expectation and leaning to chill.
My belief in myself is my greatest asset.

The Most Important Story

A Relaxing Good Read

Once I had mental illness. Perhaps I still do
And don’t know it, but that’s okay. I’m feeling fine.
If I had something physical, I might feel pain.
Would I then have a reason to bitch and complain
About life? It could be that I’m ill by design.
Any excuse for my behavior I’ll cling to.

There’s a kind of arthritis that cripples the mind
And makes of it a battlefield. I remember
Ways that I’ve treated others. I shelter my shame
In my writing. I have but my own self to blame
For the damage. This life has been a disaster
As I now reflect on how to leave it behind.

Positive thoughts evade me when pain is intense.
I can think only thoughts that reflect how I feel
At any given moment. The need to detach
Is apparent. I am a vibrational match
To all that enters my life. My self-made ordeal
Is a foolishly pathetic psychic expense.

My body with its sick mind is different from
The intense emotion that steals my attention.
I can change how I feel much easier than I
Can get rid of the illness. I don’t have to try
To get better. I remain in this dimension
Looking forward to whoever I may become.

Don’t Worry


I just let life come at me, and then I respond
So that when I want something, the way that I feel
Is quite positive. But the opposite is true
About things that I don’t want. Not much I can do
Under this circumstance. My self-structured ordeal
I wish could be banished with a kind magic wand.

Do I really have any control over my
Own experience? Something tells me that I should
Have as much because I’m the creator of me.
I can have it the way that I want it to be.
I am well on my way, when this is understood,
To a life of fulfillment with no need to try.

There’s a deeper part of me that knows very well
What I’m thinking and wishing. It’s fully aware
Of where I am and where I would most like to be,
And it has staked a vibrational claim on me.
About past sins and failures… It will not go there.
If I go against it, I experience hell.

The vibrational driver’s seat I can be in.
The path of nonresistance, for me, is the one
To be focused on. There is no need to worry.
As I stumble upon it deliberately,
A new setpoint of understanding has begun.
I can run a fine race without having to win.


Happy About Life

When a car has its brake off, and it’s out of gear
On a steep hill, it will move and gain momentum
Very quickly downward. In the same way, I can
Go from satisfaction to a place better than
Mere contentment. There’s nothing I need overcome
But my own resistance and corruptible fear.

Satisfaction into ecstasy or into
Love or exhilaration, or into passion
Happens as I have practiced. It gets easier
To live life in a way that I most would prefer.
Finding ways to feel good is always in fashion.
The emotional scale is not something that’s new.

I can feel much relief if I go from despair
To revenge, for example. I have some control
With the latter. I don’t want to stay there too long.
In that state, I will end up doing something wrong.
Feeling better is always the ultimate goal.
Of my emotions I am constantly aware.

There is a fine tuning adjustment to be made.
The relief that I feel is more resistive than
Satisfaction, although relief is a good thing.
When I’m satisfied, doors then begin opening.
There’s no other way but to do all that I can
To stay happy. Before, I had been too afraid.

Expect It, And It Shall Be

Keep The Faith

Know your worthiness. You have every right to be
In a state of bliss mostly. In the direction
Of the flow you are pointed. The better you feel,
The more good things come to you. Your life is ideal.
You do not have to justify your having fun
No matter what you’re doing. You’ve learned to be free.

In the past there was struggle. You were not in sync
With your hopes, dreams, and wishes. You could not allow
Abundance and wellbeing. You felt not worthy.
Your self-doubt you have rid yourself of completely.
You have come a long way to the way you are now.
You have taken control of the thoughts that you think.

You are powerful. You have the right to create
Anything you want. The entire universe
Is queued up to assist you in your creation.
You have learned to relax and let it get things done.
You have chosen the right way to fully immerse
Yourself in all its blessings. The feeling is great!

The happier you get, the more potential for
Happiness that you have. With your conscious intent
You have reached the point where you ask and it shall be.
It’s not true that no one can be always happy.
Awareness of how you are feeling will prevent
Your not knowing all the avenues to explore.

Happily Ever After

Enjoyment Of Life

Why do you define yourself in such terms of lack?
You cannot look at yourself in bogus ways, nor
Can you argue for your limitations and be
Happy in your life. Forget the past completely.
Feeling better than you have ever felt before
Is a good game when the universe has your back.

You have been trained to look through your physical eyes.
You can learn to feel through vibrational senses.
Do not think your way to it. Find the feeling then
Let the thoughts flow. A deep soothing will happen when
You consume life as it joyfully commences.
Talk yourself into feeling your way to the prize.

“It’s alright. I’m just fine. I was born to be here.
I’m on my path. I’m pure positive energy.
Ideas are flowing to me. Inspiration
Comes to me. I have so much appreciation
For the things I’ve got going that benefit me.
Well enough is in progress. I’ll not interfere.”

General is the way to go – no specific.
Life is meant to be fun. Wellbeing is assured.
Make peace with yourself. Make it alright where you are.
Don’t let others guide you to a place that is far
From where you want to be. Your desire has matured
To where your life can be a virtual picnic.

Your Only Work

Think Only Good Thoughts

Your work is to believe what you want. That is all.
You can be a cooperative component
With your very own powerful and important
Thoughts and feelings. You can let the universe grant
You its blessings. You can by your conscious intent
Reduce negative momentum down to a crawl.

Stop the split energy with the lame excuses
That hold you where you are. Your awareness can be
On the things that uplift you. Keep your spirits high.
Don’t be tempted to talk about the reasons why
You are where you are to others incessantly.
Only more of the same is what that produces.

Have fun watching things come into place and getting
The fullness of it happening. The only thing
That prevents it is looking at how things are now.
It’s the opposite of what you want. You allow
It to happen by not constantly focusing
On what is. It is potentially upsetting.

Enjoy the breath of fresh air that new desire brings.
Resist the temptation to face reality.
Lean in the direction of that which you prefer.
Don’t let what is occurring in your life deter
You from your dreams, and know that what’s coming will be
Evidence of the positive nature of things.

Magic Mantra

Earth Becomes Heaven

I Am Satisfied and that’s the way I should be
Just because I am conscious. I’m fully aware
That I’m not here to fix a world that is broken.
It is not. Why this truth does remain unspoken
Is a mystery I need not the wide world share.
If I said I was lying would you believe me?

I Am Satisfied with what has not yet occurred.
I have not the resistance that I had before
When I was tripping over what’s not happening.
There is nothing more harmful to my wellbeing
Than to say there are no avenues to explore.
Thinking that things are hopeless is simply absurd.

I’d been pushing the concrete noodle way too long.
It has not brought me happiness but misery.
I cannot make things happen. I cannot dictate
To the universe what I want it to create
So that I can be made eternally happy.
I’m surprised now by how I had things so damned wrong.

I can’t turn the world right side up. I can only
Be a part of all that is, and that is content
With all that is. I trust, stay in tune, and allow
The guidance of discovery to show me how
In this moment to be here and fully present.
Satisfaction with nothingness is ecstasy.

Get Out Of The Way!

Let The Energy Move

It’s all about vibration and Source Energy
That lives through me. It’s not about continuing
To think thoughts that are contrary to my desire.
I am grateful for having the tools I require
To attract as I want. It’s a beautiful thing.
I need some good advice on how to let things be.

How often do I want something yet I believe
Just the opposite? A belief is nothing more
Than a thought I keep thinking. I could meditate
Or daydream about things that I appreciate
To suppress the mind’s chatter. They open the door
To my feeling and being able to receive.

I perceive there’s a problem and then take it on
Like a dog on a bone. All this activity
Yields not much in the way of my satisfaction.
I shall trust that my Energy Source gets things done.
I’ll encounter resistance, and it will help me
To decide upon what conclusions can be drawn.

Negative thought is proof that there are positive
Thoughts to choose from. My fear means that there does exist
An unseen force that I must learn to believe in.
Wellbeing becomes apparent as I begin
To Get Out Of The Way and to cease and desist
With my thoughts and behaviors that are resistive.

Communicate With Non-Physical

Spirit Is Among Us

Since my mother has passed she’s been blinking the lights
Everywhere I go to let me know she’s around.
I’m surprised and delighted to know that she can.
She communicates now with me much better than
She did when she was physical. What we have found
Is continued relationship and grand insights.

But is she or is she not communicating
With me? Or is my wishful thinking making me
More susceptible to exotic episodes?
If I ask these questions the connection erodes.
She exists still, and I am most grateful to be
Receptive to the truth. Peace of mind it does bring.

There can be no resistance in that vibration.
She is passed, and she’s not doing anything strange
Or upsetting. It’s best for me to understand
That the soul never ceases. This knowledge is grand.
It makes me more receptive to positive change
In my outlook which is of my own creation.

My mother is no longer the human being
That she was. Resistance, fear, and doubt are released.
Everything that we fought about no longer holds
Any interest so that whatever unfolds
Is of value. My feel for life is then increased.
I’ll adhere to this wonderful way of seeing.

Moving On

Leaving The Past Behind

In the mind there’s no subtraction or division.
The way you think is pretty much the way you feel.
There’s no reason to make this all complicated.
Your emotions and thoughts can’t be separated.
How does one reach the point of beginning to heal?
The mind does addition and multiplication.

You can think someone is a wonderful person,
But the thought may change in line with their behavior.
Tomorrow you may think the same person as one
Not as you had before thought. Your thinking can run
Up and down the wide spectrum. It generates more
Of an overall image. By nature it’s done.

Thoughts repeated are memories. They come and go
As do most of your feelings. The ones that are strong
Are not easily changeable. They interfere
With the moment’s thought process. The one who is dear
To the heart is a problem when something goes wrong
With the contract. The drama has something to show.

When you add to your troubled thoughts they multiply.
Each one leads to another. Momentum begins
To develop. The unsettled mind is agile.
Take a break from these thoughts. Contemplate for a while
On the absolution of all your psychic sins.
Love is the only way for you to say goodbye.

Spiritual Leverage

The Power Of Spirit

Grab that bull by its horns. Now you’ve got something you
Have to struggle with before being gored to death.
You must get up and do it. It’s the only way
To get things done in this world. This thinking just may
Get you somewhere exalted, but don’t hold your breath.
There may be no fulfillment in all that you do.

Understand what your purpose is. Why are you here?
Has it to do with action? What’s it all about?
Action, when you’re in the flow, is satisfying,
But when there’s resistance, it can be exhausting.
It is hard to have to always hammer things out.
Often times desperate people act out of fear.

What influence are you under when you receive
The inspiration to act? If you want to slay
A dragon, then upon you the best luck is wished.
With allowance you get much more work accomplished.
When you’re tapped in, turned on, and tuned in you will play
With forces of the universe, if you believe.

Just make sure you’re under the influence of Source,
Which means your inner being, when you are acting.
No matter what you’re feeling let your beingness
Be the thing that guides you to ultimate success.
The entire universe is based on attracting.
Nothing of much value comes from using brute force.

Sudden Money Storm

A Good Gust Of Goodness

What happens is, without even knowing it, we
Are trained into our thoughts and beliefs regarding
Money by people who know not much about it.
The teacher who is struggling can’t be seen as fit
To advise on abundance. Their demonizing
Of the rich is a grotesque incongruency.

Look at what’s going on, and just listen a bit
To the national or the global dialogue
About money. People hate it and want it too.
This psychic tug of war has caused people to do
Things they don’t like. We’re in a perpetual fog
As the restless economy troubles the wit.

The good thing about this is that we are throwing
So much abundance into the vast infinite
Intellect of the universe. All have access
To nonphysical treasure. The want we express
Sets expansion in motion. It is only right
That our cup of wellbeing be overflowing.

It does not take much easing up on our habits
Of thinking before abundance begins flowing.
We can do something radically different.
Relax your vibration and behold the torrent
Of abundance befall you. Make it your knowing
That you get what your consciousness freely permits.

Magic Words

Verbal Power Tools

Why do we define ourselves through language of lack
When we’ve come to be so much of who we now are?
It’s because we’ve trained ourselves to see with our eyes
Rather than feeling our way. Indeed it is wise
Not to think our way through it. We may stray too far
From the target. What can we do to keep on track?

Find a good feeling and then let the thoughts follow.
It’s quite easy to do this. It’s also soothing.
We do this by saying everything is alright.
“I am fine. All is well, and my future is bright.
Positive energy surrounds me. Everything
That I do is exciting. I go with the flow.”

Do not get too specific. Just stay general
So as not to get hung up in all the detail.
The specifics are handled by the universe.
It’s most important that you commit to immerse
Yourself in your self-soothing. In this you can’t fail.
Get yourself to believing that you’re that special.

You can’t argue for your limitations and be
Anywhere close to happy. With yourself make peace.
Make it alright where you are. The things that you say
To yourself subconsciously all throughout your day
Lead you to the place of spiritual release.
Say nice things about yourself, and do it with glee.

God Will Show You The Way

Divine Providence

Many names there are for God. What is the divine?
By nature alien to us and most supreme,
The Being is imagined in myriad ways.
What is common is the fact that humans give praise
To the one consciousness who will have their esteem.
The distance between we and it is our design.

It would have us know that we are worthy beyond
Our ability to know in our condition.
Life causes us to ask, and God always answers
Not always in the way that the asker prefers.
We want to be in the sweet spot of creation
Where between each of us and God is a strong bond.

Our work is to get into the receiving mode.
What we receive is the feeling of alignment
With the God who lives in us and through us always.
Praying this way it’s guaranteed one’s spirit stays
Open to the receiving of divine intent.
God does not communicate in a special code.

I accept the perfection within the contrast
That keeps producing more asking for improvement.
The collective consciousness of all who exist
Now in spirit along with God want to assist
With the human condition and being content.
Faith that I have in my worthiness is steadfast.

Time Shortage Consciousness

The Conflicted Eternity

There’s no time to do all the things I need to do.
If the days were made longer would I find relief?
Or would time dissipate still leaving me upset?
To my peace of mind time is an ongoing threat.
Have I been trained to suffer such temporal grief?
And is life all about torment and feeling blue?

These questions I ask as if everyone is prone
To time management issues. Perhaps only I
Alone am stricken with Time Shortage Consciousness.
Knowing this can’t be true I can ruminate less
In my pot of self-pity. I can’t wonder why
I can’t find the time. I know that I’m not alone.

Most people are believing more in action than
They are in the leverage of smart energy
So they work themselves weary with not much to show
For their effort. It is good for people to know
That they can get things done more spiritually.
Then it is easier to come up with a plan.

I can only receive if I am up to speed
With what I’m asking for – in this case, alignment
With my truest self. This softens my resistance
And the struggle I put into the circumstance
Of my living, and simply by feeling content
I can create the time that I most truly need.


Know And Anticipate

Do things come faster to you when you are blissed out
With no worries or cares about what’s happening
In the moment with your life? Things are going well.
Every once in a while, though, in darkness you dwell.
You know that you will get what you are expecting
And that there is no place for your infrequent doubt.

You want to pinch yourself to know that it is true.
You have manifested well. Life is a delight.
Questioning your worthiness slows everything down
Immensely. You don’t want to be fraught with a frown
In places in your mind that just do not feel right.
Don’t compare yourself with anyone except you.

You will never stop asking for more. It’s the way
That the universe operates. Stay pointed in
The direction of the flow of your heart’s desire.
Devouring your life experience is the fire
That you want to keep stoking. There’s nothing to win
Because you are the top prize each and every day.

With very little effort you can reach the place
Where you ask and things happen immediately.
There’s always more to celebrate. With each new day
Do expect things to work out pretty much your way.
You can’t be blissed out always although you can be
Moving in the direction of infinite grace.

Life Is A Vacation

Relax Into Life

No manifestation can take place in spirit
Because physical substance does not exist there.
That’s why those who are in spirit are focused here
On this leading edge. In this perfect atmosphere
They observe and have guidance they most gladly share
With those who are willing and able to hear it.

Manifestation is the most spiritual
And authentic part of the creative process.
This path of culmination is co-creation
Between ourselves and spirit because anyone
Who is open to spirit will have more success.
It’s sublime if it can become habitual.

That Life Is A Vacation is becoming clear
To me as someone now physically focused.
Blissfulness begets boredom in reality.
That’s why spirit allows for resistance to be
One of our standard choices. We must learn to trust
In our gut feelings always to mitigate fear.

To the things we want the path of least resistance
Is revealed. If you’ve got resistance going on
Then you can’t see the path and put too much effort
On achieving things. Your sweat and tears only thwart
What is coming right to you. Conclusions foregone
Favor this fine vacation within the expanse.


Natural Overcoming

As you identify it in general terms
Then the specifics of it will come before you
Put your label on it. Rather than deciding
What it’s going to be and forever trying
To make the universe fit into your own view,
Why not have faith in what all that is good confirms?

Chill out and let the universe show itself to
You as it is. Everything you’ve ever wanted,
One at a time, is kept track of yet in spirit.
You must be in the receptive mode to get it
If not, then by acting you become self-daunted.
People who don’t know this by now are but a few.

Spirit knows the relationship that each of your
Wishes has with the others. Cooperative
are arranged by Law of Attraction.

It’s your inner being who gets everything done
On the spiritual level. You want to live
The thrill of expecting and then receiving more.

In that quieted mind state, you are not trying
To make it happen, yet you are unstoppable
In your faith in unseen forces working for you.
No matter what is happening, you’ve access to
Infinite intelligence. Perfectly stable
Are the laws. They need no over-clarifying.

Speak Your Desires Into Existence

Tell Your Dreams To The Universe

The enormous power of non-resisted thought
Everyone has. It takes the form of momentum.
You can say you would like to have this thing or that
But the ‘but’ that follows quickly makes it fall flat.
“I want it, but it’s difficult…” Don’t beat that drum.
Nothing changes. You will not receive what is sought.

The more you let a thought flow without resistance
Then the more speed it picks up; the more energy
It attracts. This momentum is what manifests
Things into your experience, and this suggests
That your power is awesome. Yet how can this be?
By no means are you ever the victim of chance.

If you think about something that you don’t care that
Much about, then you offer not much resistance
So it’s gaining momentum however slowly.
The notion of non-resisted thought ain’t crazy.
You may be interested in how to enhance
The momentum by engaging in lots of chat.

Speak more often about what you want with others
Who you know are supportive, and stay positive.
Don’t let ‘buts’ and ‘objectivity’ kill your dream.
Believe that you have access to a steady stream
Of wellbeing, abundance, and desire to live
No matter whatever situation occurs.


Individual Expression Through Social Interaction

What you do in life chooses you. You don’t choose it
But you can reject it and do something safer.
At some point, when you create yourself to succeed,
You will either drop that creation and be freed
To explore who you really are, or you’ll concur
With how others see you for their own benefit.

You do not exist. We’re all playing characters
To help us interact well with one another.
I’m the flickering light and the dancing shadow –
Nothing masquerading as something folks can know
By its name so that the performance can occur.
Anyway, it’s the way society prefers.

Do not kill who you really are for something fake.
Energy depletion will occur if you do.
Inauthentic personalities to maintain
So that you fit in well is a definite drain
On your life force. It is best that you remain true
To your mission. You’ll less likely make a mistake.

You can join the game, fight the wars, and play with form
All you want, but to find real peace you must let go
Of the armor. Your need for acceptance makes you
Quite invisible in this world. Your light shines through
The temple of your body. Let your spirit grow
By not following the practices of the norm.

Pain Relief

Dealing With Resistance In The Body

All pain is resistance to the natural self.
Everyone has one that is in excellent shape,
But that self is a counterpart of your body.
If you stub your toe, the message may simply be
‘Watch your step’ because it was a narrow escape.
Sadly, the only word that rhymes with ‘self’ is ‘shelf.’

Let’s say you have an expectation that something
Will occur but it doesn’t and then you resist
The process that’s unfolding which causes you pain.
You act on it, but everything done is in vain.
The intensity of it cannot be dismissed.
You are caught in the trap of overreacting.

You are not buying into the natural flow
Of how things unfold in your life, understanding
Not that things are occurring to give you the chance
To know more about yourself, so the circumstance
Of the pain that is present is an offering
Of a wonderful opportunity to grow.

Whether your pain be physical or of the mind
Know that in it there is a magnificent clue
Regarding what is needed for your wellbeing.
Pain can sometimes help us toward better seeing
Things we do to ourselves without our meaning to.
This message is designed for all of humankind.

Every Little Secret


Sublime Revelations

I’ve been dealing with back pain for over three years.
I have not been able to get a good night’s sleep.
I’m awakened suddenly often through the night.
If I get back to sleep it’s fitful all despite
My efforts to feel wholesome. I manage to keep
Myself from feeling hopeless despite all my fears.

What I want exactly is to wake up restored,
Refreshed, joyful, and eager to start the new day.
Can my natural state of wellbeing return?
About pain there are some things I truly should learn.
For Every Little Secret I’m willing to pay
Undivided attention. This I can afford.

Long before the pain manifested within me
I was pushing against things and making life hard
Which feels terrible on the emotional scale.
I must use resources that are at my avail.
Negative patterns of living I must discard.
I can savor the feeling of being pain free.

Do anything and everything that you can do
To soften the awareness of the nagging pain.
If that means taking pills then by all means do it.
To the emotional work I still can commit.
Absolute physical wellness I can attain
By releasing resistance. I must follow through.

When Manifesting Feels Like Hard Work

Effort At Earning

There’s no doubt that I’m anxious. My ultimate dream
Still keeps me up and running the rugged rat race.
I relinquish control albeit nervously
But the current is speeding up quite rapidly.
I’m accomplishing all the things that I embrace
But again I am moving too fast in the stream.

Everything though is relative. If an airplane
Is high up in the sky and moving at high speed
There is little resistance. But if on the ground
Then a case of white knuckles would be quite profound.
From my vantagepoint having the need to succeed
It remains hard to deal with for such little gain.

Have I really let go of the oars or have I
Held on to the belief that my work must feel hard?
Letting myself flow downstream should not be a chore.
I am doing enough. My doing any more
Is counterproductive. With sufficient regard
To the way that I’m feeling things can’t go awry.

When I get into sync with divine energy
It takes little to no action to manifest.
When I am flowing with it I do not feel it.
It seems like I am soaring. Indeed I am fit
To pursue my heart’s passion without feeling stressed.
Consciousness, clarity, and guidance are with me.

The Emotional Scale

The Continuum Of Feeling

I am bored with my whole life. It makes little sense.
The longer I exist the less I am enthralled
By what life has to offer. The matter with me
Is that I’ve lost connection. I would like to be
Who I am at my finest. I’m neither appalled
Nor delighted. I’ve lost the feeling of suspense.

I want to feel contentment. I want to let go
Of all that I’ve been pushing against. I am done
With the struggle and striving. I just want to be
Comfortable and wholesome within my body.
I can get there on my own. I’m the only one
Who can make changes to my feeling status quo.

My boredom is the tipping point to contentment.
If I can make that tiny jump I’m on my way
To releasing resistance to feeling better.
The appropriate practice indeed must occur.
Life for me can seem like a delightful ballet.
How I feel at the moment I cannot resent.

I know that things are going sufficiently well.
With that thought I can feel some internal relief.
Noticing the positive aspects of my life
I can lower the frequency of psychic strife.
That I can control how I feel is my belief
Otherwise I’d be living unspeakable hell.

The Most Important Story

The Greatest Tale To Be Told

Once there was an old man who did not feel worthy
Of the slightest of good luck or the smallest chance
Of a blessing because of a mountain of guilt.
Psychological walls over time had been built.
Those whom I’ve harmed should know that I’m not in a trance
But my excuse is absolute insanity.

I’m in pain. The body hurts. I’m coming of age
Where I see things more clearly than ever before.
I find myself pre-living a full life review.
How can my thoughts be positive? What can I do
To feel better? Is there something I can explore
That will help me to not be a fool upon stage?

A complete separation from the emotion
Of the pain is accomplished through conscious intent.
I can manifest general feelings of hope.
If I get to remain here I’m willing to cope
With the mess that I’ve made and to somehow repent
For a life that was mostly spent in delusion.

In the face of what is unwanted I can still
Feel the goodness life offers, and I might as well.
Punishing myself for what I’ve done can’t be done.
Once I have wrapped my heart around this I’ve begun
To climb out of my peculiar version of hell.
Making this story right shall relieve me of ill.

Why It’s Not Coming Faster

Relax And Allow

How do I get the money out of the vortex
And into the bank where it can be of some use?
How do I meet the soul mated love of my dreams
In her absence? I don’t understand why it seems
That I’m stuck because I’m not able to produce
What I want. The issue is mundane and complex.

I have to not need to have it right before me
So that I can see, hear, taste, smell, touch, and behold
It in its actuality. I must accept
The vibrational version which is always kept
In spiritual escrow. How good things unfold
Is by tuning my vibration accordingly.

If it hasn’t come yet it means only one thing.
I am not a vibrational match to what I
Want so strongly. I must find a way to relax
There is nothing to gain through my frivolous acts.
With the laws of the universe I must comply.
I may not understand now what good it may bring.

By nature I am one who turns thoughts into things
By being in the receptive mode. I can’t be
In a bad space where I cannot pick up the clues
That the universe constantly sends. That’s good news.
I don’t have to blame others for what’s up with me.
My vision is the clearest of understandings.

Things Will Fall Into Place

Let Divine Forces Do Their Work

You alone get to create your reality.
If it has the wherewithal to stir within you
A desire then it does have the ability
To deliver it so that your own eyes can see
That the Law of Attraction is probably true.
In a state of alignment may you always be.

Be more high minded in your thoughts. Don’t gravitate
To the lower vibrations that come with your day.
Feeling good can compare to keeping a budget.
If desires and beliefs balance there is no debt
To your overall feeling, and if you can stay
Well ahead of your wanting you’ll be doing great.

You cannot stop your wanting. Once life has caused you
To find passion for something you cannot go back.
So don’t try not to want it if it causes stress
Thinking more about why you want it and much less
About how it will happen puts you right on track.
Keeping up your vibration is all you need do.

There is no regression. There’s only expansion.
You can only move forward. Go with what you know
Increases the momentum of who you become.
Things Will Fall Into Place from where all things come from.
Take advantage of your full access to the flow
Of blessings from the universe, and have more fun.

That Was Then…

The Past Is Of No Use

Once my manifestations always seemed to go
Somewhere else and my life was an absolute mess
Of revenge and frustration. I know well by now
How to shift my mood consciously and to allow
Natural goodness to which I have full access.
Did I need pain and sorrow in order to grow?

Maintaining my vibration is certainly key
To my forward momentum. I cannot afford
The wasting of my life force on feeling depressed.
It’s my decision only if I am obsessed
With the negative aspects which should be ignored.
I must entertain only thoughts that will please me.

The work is finding the path of least resistance.
Practicing feeling good until I have allowed
Wonderful things to happen, it’s easy for me
To feel appreciation. I am completely
In relationship with life, and I am endowed
With a spirit that masters any circumstance.

I need not defend or justify to others
Who’ve decided that I don’t deserve happiness.
It erodes my vibration. That was in the past.
Day by day I am learning to live the contrast
Provided for my growing. I suffer much less
And I’m more willing to do what my heart prefers.

How To Ask

Anatomy of Prayer

Asking moments happen while amid the contrast
That life offers whether or not I focus on
What I like or what I despise passionately.
If it came down to logic then I’d always be
Feeling good about asking. Energy is drawn
From attention to my dream. I remain steadfast.

Positive expectation of what I ask for
Is expected by forces that will bring about
What I want. As I want, the universe expands,
And I must become the person who understands
The nature of my asking. I need to chill out
And find other means of pleasure I can explore.

Tugs of war that I’m feeling in that place inside
Where all feeling is dealt with are sure enough signs
That I’m not in the right mood to do my asking.
To expand and not go there is devastating.
The slightest bit of doubt usually confines
One to where what is asked for is simply denied.

When I am fascinated and feeling passion
In the things that I’m doing, I know I’m on track
To be receptive to impulses and insights
From the broader perspective. My spirit delights
In the confirmations that I keep getting back.
I feel that my fine work here will never be done.

An Adjustment Of Focus

Attention To What Matters

Were I ready to live a new life of splendor
I’d be living it rather than writing about
How my sorry assed life compares to most others.
Fortunate is that my true self never concurs.
It is only the human confounded in doubt
Who’s always ready to give itself a low score.

How can I stop my doing that thing that I do
Which involves looking at where things cannot be found?
Could I practice on things that are somewhat easy
Like knowing that I’m worthy although I may be
An oblique mechanism of clockwork unwound?
I know that I’m someone who is not without clue.

Reaching for satisfying thoughts gets easier.
With attention diverted from the nagging thing,
I am free to explore others not related.
As long as it feels better I’ll go right ahead
With the things that I’m thinking. I know this will bring
Blessings to me, the treasured experiencer.

There’s no price that I must pay. I am deserving
By virtue of my being. This I must believe
Yet not call it survival. I feel not a threat.
Maybe life hasn’t gotten the best of me yet.
I’ll strive to always be in the mode to receive
What is best from the universe. It’s my calling.

Allowing Simplified

The Engine Of Manifestation

If you’re more aware of what you are perceiving
And less so of how others are perceiving you,
You can stay in the art of allowing always.
You did not really come here to spend all your days
Understanding perceptions of others. It’s true
That it adds some resistance to all your grieving.

I have consciousness flowing to me and through me.
Everyone who has ever lived has their own view.
They’re looking at this moment not as I see it
But from spirit – a vantage point that defies wit.
Allowing is made simple. All I have to do
Is to stay in the receptive mode constantly.

That part outside yourself that you’re trying to reach
You will find is inside you. If you are tuning
Yourself to the frequency of it you will find
That you are it. It’s vital that you never mind
Anything that does not support what you’re doing.
You are all of the pieces and emulate each.

Consciousness of pure intellect and of feeling
Is that which can assist me right here and right now.
Do not let conditions that I cannot control
Rob the life force within me and cripple my soul.
With some practice I can train myself to allow
Loving grace which makes life so much more appealing.

Gratitude Makes It Happen

Open Heart Mastery

In a big way I’m selfish. It’s all about me.
There are so many wishes that I want fulfilled
And I’m totally satisfied with where I am
Even with all its chaos. I work a program
Where I get most things done because I am strong-willed.
Am I somewhat disgusting? I don’t want to be.

Through experience I learn the way to behave.
Because I am hard headed there’s no other way.
I’ve learned that when I don’t care, things turn out alright,
And I don’t have to struggle, much to my delight.
My resistance vibration causes me dismay
Can I weed out the habits that do self-enslave?

The entire world is revolving around me
And every one else. It’s counterintuitive
At this point, but it will not be for very long.
There’s an uncanniness to my getting things wrong.
It’s a specialized talent that I’m made to live,
But I don’t have to use it if I let things be.

All in all, it’s a good life. I am grateful for
All the things that still thrill me. I appreciate
That I can be excited without anything
In the outer world causing it. What it can bring
Is an ease of contentment. When I’m in that state
I expect and am showered with blessings galore. 

Tell The Story You Want To Tell

Let Go Of What Is

There’s a big background story to all that goes on.
We all know all about it. Life causes you to
Want for things to be different than what they are.
You sort out things in life that are not up to par
And you have thoughts about them. Also what you do
Is emit a vibration that Good acts upon.

That’s the most basic story behind everything.
Each of us has our own version based on the one.
Integrated you become with your strong desire.
Graces come when the heart of the soul is on fire.
You are the author of every story begun.
You know that your own life is most captivating.

The new and improved version of what is wanted
Exists as a vibration that can manifest
But you must be ready to believe what you want.
If you can’t believe your dream, it will only haunt
Every moment and probably make you depressed.
Necessary it is not to feel so daunted.

Observation of what is is what’s at the core
Of all psychic stagnation and your resistance.
Things can’t change much while seeing them the same old way.
See them as you would like them to be everyday.
Peace on earth and good tidings don’t happen by chance.
There’s so much about right now you’re best to ignore.

Many Times Through The Day

That Was Then, This Is Now

“That Was Then; This Is Now!” I should state this all day.
What enters my awareness only I allow,
But collective vibrations seep in from all sides.
I can trust what I get through spiritual guides
Is of infinite value available Now.
I can manifest good news always in this way.

Memory lane is fettered with all that has been.
A trip down there too often defeats the purpose
Which is to readjust to a new behavior.
I at times find I’m stuck there looking for the cure
To the current psychosis and eternal fuss
And record the abominable once again.

“That Was Then; This Is Now!” There’s no other moment
More important than this one because it reflects
All the moments before now. I’m moving forward.
I would blush if I knew how much I am adored.
I should know that some conscious force loves the complex
Act of forces at play here that we may prevent.

It’s a mixture of tough love and infinite grace
Made available to me that I persevere.
Keeping up the momentum of feeling good now
Validates life without my needing to know how
To digest all its detail. The path I make clear
Is the one I will follow but try not to chase.

No Worries

The Freedom of Consciousness

My responses to living at times I perceive
As much too automatic. The things that I want
Positively I respond to, and the reverse
Is the case with things I don’t want. What could be worse
Than being such a slave to the dreams that may haunt?
In the end, it’s the feeling I want to achieve.

Under these circumstances I have no control
Over my own experience, and it’s not right.
I’m supposed to have complete control over that.
So my responsibility cannot fall flat.
Consciously I must move by the way of delight.
No other way of behaving renders me whole.

Inside me there’s a being who’s thinking about
My now moment in time – each and every moment.
And it has a perspective and an opinion…
And awareness… a stake in the game to be won.
There is nothing that it wants more than my accent
Up the ladder emotional without a doubt.

Positive nonresistance while focused upon
Only things that delight me – may this recipe
Be the one that fulfills me. I need worry not.
My vibrational set point does matter a lot.
What I want out of life is to be more happy
Rather than too reactive and somewhat withdrawn.

The Threshold Of Alignment

Adjustment Toward Awareness

Tune into yourself on a regular basis.
The furthest extended big part of you is who
Is the most evolved part of you. The energy
That creates worlds you harness and most easily.
When you are not resisting, things will come to you.
In the desert of life you are the oasis.

All the things that you deem wonderful have become
One with your evolved being. When you are a match –
Which means that you’re not doubting with negative thought –
To your higher vibration, then things that are sought
Begin flowing to you with delightful dispatch.
You know just where your positive feelings come from.

So when you become that extended part of you
You have infinite power at your beck and call.
You have practiced yourself into your alignment.
You’ve withstood harassment from those who are hellbent
On denying your power. You need not be small
To appease ignorant folk. The have not a clue.

You do not doubt your knowing. Your experience
Gives you plenty of wisdom. Your practiced feeling
Of elation comes on automatically.
Now that you know the process it’s easy to be
In the mode of alignment. The good it will bring
Is a thing worth achieving. It makes common sense.