Tag Archive | resistance

The Threshold Of Alignment

Adjustment Toward Awareness

Tune into yourself on a regular basis.
The furthest extended big part of you is who
Is the most evolved part of you. The energy
That creates worlds you harness and most easily.
When you are not resisting, things will come to you.
In the desert of life you are the oasis.

All the things that you deem wonderful have become
One with your evolved being. When you are a match –
Which means that you’re not doubting with negative thought –
To your higher vibration, then things that are sought
Begin flowing to you with delightful dispatch.
You know just where your positive feelings come from.

So when you become that extended part of you
You have infinite power at your beck and call.
You have practiced yourself into your alignment.
You’ve withstood harassment from those who are hellbent
On denying your power. You need not be small
To appease ignorant folk. The have not a clue.

You do not doubt your knowing. Your experience
Gives you plenty of wisdom. Your practiced feeling
Of elation comes on automatically.
Now that you know the process it’s easy to be
In the mode of alignment. The good it will bring
Is a thing worth achieving. It makes common sense.

Things Will Flow

Believe In What You Know Is To Come

The emotional scale is a continuum
Of all possible feelings. One end is despair
And the other is ecstasy, and in between
A progression to wellbeing clearly is seen.
If I want to feel happy then I must take care
That I know precisely where bad feelings come from.

From despair to revenge is a positive leap.
I have much more control, and I find some relief
From a cold crippling numbness that eats at the soul.
It’s not healthy to stay there, but I feel more whole
If at least I feel anger. It is my belief
That I can avoid things that my spirit can’t keep.

Between having no resistance and letting go
Of resistance, there is a subtle difference.
Like a car with its brake off and it’s out of gear
Momentum gathers quickly. It’s best I adhere
To the basic psychology. It does make sense
To create my momentum and go with the flow.

From complete satisfaction into ecstasy
Can happen rather swiftly. I’m not complacent
With the way that things are. I’m exhilarated
With the wonderful world that I have created
Wherein I have the freedom to dwell in content.
I have no doubt that good things will flow unto me.

A Perfect Body

In The Best Shape Possible

You are fairly good looking – not perfectly so.
Does your mirror reflection reveal what is fact?
You abhor doing exercise. That’s much to hard.
It’s not like you have plenty of lard to discard
But what people don’t say about you has impact
On the mind and the oversensitive ego.

Can you have that perfection? Can you have a shape
That is supple yet muscular without the work?
Could it be that you’re lazy? Is that an insult
That may stick in your craw and produce the result
Of your moving your body more? Demons may lurk
In the unsettled consciousness without escape.

There have been several studies done already
By science as it looks at mind over matter.
The conclusion is that visualization
Is as effective as the physical action.
Without knowing, people do it to get fatter.
And uncanny device is the human psyche.

The combining of both functions is the best way.
You resist action because without energy
You become exhausted long before you begin.
But if you’re motivated to your getting thin
You prepare for the miracle of your body.
The alignment done first is a small price to pay.

Source Will Show You The Way

Relax Into Your Desire

You are powerful beings and worthy beyond
What can be described easily. In the sweet spot
Of creation, you came here to ask and receive.
Life can suck but your Source knows just how to relieve
Your most negative feelings. You’ve asked for a lot.
It Is Given. Your Source can do not but respond.

Life causes you to ask, and Source shows you the way
Around any resistance that you’ve created
Then provides what is asked for vibrationally.
It is up to you only to let yourself be
In the mode to receive all that is awaited.
You have only the Source within you to obey.

Anything that is practiced becomes powerful.
Good or bad are the choices. You know which one feels
More attuned to your liking. You know what to do
When a negative feeling becomes part of you.
A rampage of appreciation often heals
Negative psychoses even with their strong pull.

The guidance of your Source is always at your call.
It is ready, willing, and able to give you
Every clue that you need to get you through your day.
Infinite intelligent forces are at play
To help you to discover the one person who
Is yourself at your truest – the best one of all.

Timing Is None Of Your Business

Let Momentum Unfold

Many things are in the process of becoming.
So is it possible for timing to be off
On something that is so right? Of course that can be.
To call it wrong timing is unnecessary.
At this notion your truer self would surely scoff
One can take care of business by doing nothing.

Timing is none of your business, and this is why.
Throughout your life you have gathered much momentum.
All cooperative components are in place
To bestow upon you an intelligent grace.
You can trust that what you have will always come from
How you take to the process you cannot deny.

What it would be like you can only imagine…
Alone trying to move all the pieces around.
There are too many of them. Leaving them alone
Relieves you of the task of grasping the unknown.
By trusting in the process content can be found.
Then you will witness timing like it’s never been.

Find one reason after another to partake
Of the feeling of satisfaction through your day.
Know that all that you’ve asked for is manifested
In vibrational escrow. You are not tested
In the least by the process. Take time out to play.
You’re no master of timing so give it a break.

Where Is Heaven?

Finding The Way Within

Heaven is on this earth plane, some people have said.
But for me to believe that there’d have to be some
Lame condition that would have to be satisfied.
Yet what I dare demand offers access denied.
I have trouble believing that the kingdom come
Has no queen and is right here on this rock instead.

We are told that the nature of heaven is bliss
And of unending loving of God and of all
That exists to cast love upon, including us
Through our intimate journeys and absent the fuss
Of conditions of any kind. No one is small
In this place of pure spirit. I do believe this.

Could heaven be connected to earth in some way
That makes one an imperfectly real reflection
Of the rest of existence? If this could be true
It becomes then much easier to take the view
That I do have some trouble with. I am the one
Who shall find the connection to joy come what may.

This fantastic phenomenon of existence
Remains all that has ever been projected here
In this moment. This leading edge of creation
Is where spirit is focused. Each and everyone
Of us is part of heaven that heaven holds dear.
The freedom offered by this notion is immense.

Healing Through Alignment

Natural Wellbeing

How does my belief system or my alignment
Affect cells of my body? And can it reverse
Or eradicate a diagnosis given
To me by the good doctor? I’m ever driven
By my mindset and attitude. They are a curse
If I can’t clean them up through my conscious intent.

Everything is about alignment. All illness
Is about resistance, but this path may be least
Resistive in the long run. Within all contrast
Is the clarity needed for joy unsurpassed.
Flow of energy through the body is decreased
By some form of resistance. Typically it’s stress.

Illness is about energy moving faster
Than my body allows it. It is resistance
To the wealth of wellbeing that is natural.
It’s made worse by my having a sick rationale
About living in general. This circumstance
Can make of my life one colossal disaster.

If I summon the energy, I must make sure
That I’m fit to receive it. I need to relax
And release the resistance by keeping ahead
Of such manifestations of consummate dread.
My health is something I can’t let fall through the cracks.
I know that my alignment is the perfect cure.

You Get What You Believe

The Result of Deep Focus

It’s a different orientation when you
Understand that you create your reality.
You are the sole attractor of all that you get.
Whenever things come to you that you do regret
It’s because you’re not believing it completely.
Things that happen are because of your point of view.

Your life is created by the story you tell,
And by things you remember, and conversations.
It’s about how you feel about things and about
Finding ways to enjoy life… to mitigate doubt
That you are meant to be here. All the conditions
Are set up by the power intent does compel.

Do intend to be joyful in every moment.
Find something you can focus upon, and create
A magnificently clear point of attraction.
You do not have to think about getting things done.
You enhance your commitment to feeling just great
By acknowledging when things reflect your content.

Guide yourself to awareness and observations
Of things turning out your way as you get to know
How to tune yourself instantly into that space
Where you’re fed by the cosmos’ infinite grace.
Turning thoughts into things that will constantly flow
Is what you came here for. You’re among blessed ones.


The Ultimate Cure

Do I know that I’m breathing? Sometimes I forget
In the everyday business I put myself through.
So I’m given a hiccup, a belch, or a yawn
By the forces of nature which I depend on
Because I can’t remember some things I must do.
Have I come to know air as a vital asset?

I can use it to focus on since I’ve learned how.
Things I need to distract myself from are many.
Thoughts that carry resistance, by breath I release
To God’s infinite knowing. I find inner peace
Through a technique of breathing that’s just right for me.
It’s the best way I know to relax and allow.

The flow inward and outward of life giving air
Parallels with digestion. All cyclic function
Makes a pump of the body in integral ways.
If all systems are synchronized the body stays
Easily and rightly in its best condition.
Breathing is something that should be given some care.

Make your conscious attention to your breath your friend.
It will lower your blood pressure and calm your nerves.
Clarity and new insights will replace all doubt.
Any moment you have cannot be one without
The continuing cycle that all life deserves.
It’s the best advice anyone could recommend.

Ask Differently

From The Best Vantage Point

If you do feel like asking, it’s all well and good
That you do from a vantage point of strong belief
That your asking is answered. You have to resist
The temptation to doubt it. Excuses exist
That you need not hold onto. They act as a thief
In the darkness it brings you in your humanhood.

Do not ask from a feeling of desperation.
That indeed has to pass before work can be done
On securing a neutral enough vibration
So that there’s less resistance. Then work has begun
You must always remember that you are the one
Who gets to decide how your own program will run.

Whenever you ask, the universe does expand.
Whether or not you follow is all up to you.
Tugs of war take place when you ask and you don’t go
Which causes disappointment. You cut off the flow
Of the grace that is due you. So do follow through
With what’s already answered by forces most grand.

When you ask from a space where you don’t feel uptight
Then there is no resistance to get in the way.
Feeling exhilaration and passion for that
Which is your heart’s desire, you will rarely be flat
In your asking vibration. This is how folks pray.
You’ve the power to conjure things in sheer delight.

Everything Else Will Fall Into Place

Work Behind The Scenes

If this reality has the wherewithal to
Inspire something within you then you can be sure
That it can well deliver it, and it is you
Who creates your reality in all you do.
It behooves you to make sure that your thoughts are pure
And that you maintain mostly a positive view.

Your desires and beliefs translate into real things.
When they match up completely you feel at your best.
But if you think you can’t have something that you want
Then this lack of belief is the thing that will haunt
All your hopes of its coming. Life isn’t a test.
It’s a service to you that the universe brings.

You cannot just forget the thing that you desire.
It may seem logical to stop the momentum,
But you cannot pull back from the new expansion
That is caused by your wanting. In fact, it is done
In the eyes of the universe. Just relax some.
Be surprised and delighted by what you acquire.

You can only move forward. Forget about where
Or how things come together. Just focus on why
That you want what you’re wanting. Imagine being
And feeling how it will be. The art of seeing
Everything in its best light is well worth a try.
All else will fall into place when given such care.

Stop Resistance?

Increace Current And/Or Voltage

One beholds The Resistor – subject to Ohm’s Law.
In electronic circuitry it does the job
Of opposing electrons as they try to move
Through their pathways. The only thing it wants to prove
Is its will to drop voltage. The flow it does rob
Stabilizes and balances, and without flaw.

Current, Voltage, and Resistance are the three things
That have formed a relationship universal.
Each can affect the other, except resistance
Is a fixed entity introduced to enhance
Electronic behavior and boost their morale
By the changes to voltage and current it brings.

The behavior of humans is somewhat the same
As the antics of circuits. How the creator
And the object created obey the same laws!
It may seem that we’re destined and locked in the jaws
Of some rigid machinery, but it is more
Than the mind can be wrapped around yet it can claim.

Voltage is all the efforting we think we need
To get things done, and current is the ease of flow
Of the things that we’re doing. Resistance is that
Which presents us with challenge. Sometimes we fall flat
And apply yet more effort. What we need to know
Is that flow times resistance is effort indeed.

To feel good means maintaining a high vibration.
The best way to do that is by practicing joy.
Being conscious of how you feel, you get to choose
Which path is least resistive. This way you can’t lose
There are many a technique that you may employ
But to reduce resistance you must have more fun.

You Will See It When You Believe It

Sight Is Knowing

Is believing seeing or seeing believing?
Some confusion is worthwhile for some clarity.
You must be a cooperative component
With your own thoughts of power through conscious intent.
Not against what you’re wanting can your thinking be.
Try to be in the state of always receiving.

Talk yourself into believing what you desire.
Refrain from the temptation to tell your story
Of the way things are constantly. Don’t grab the ear
Of another and tell them all about your fear.
They will label you toxic. It’s better to be
Positive so that wholesomeness you may acquire.

What is may be of interest to others who
Think that what is is important to care about.
We have many excuses for not achieving
What we want in the present. But here is the thing.
What is isn’t of value. It generates doubt
About what you’re receiving and all you can do.

You must let go of what is so you can allow
What’s becoming to happen or else it will not.
New desire born of contrast is living fresh air.
Just decide to be delighted on the way there.
The journey toward fulfillment does matter a lot,
And the power that you have is right here and now.

The Art Of Allowing

...Versus the Science of Hoping

Simple signals made complex among consciousness
Introduce much resistance in what is perceived.
If I’m more aware of everything that I see
And less concerned about what others think of me
I will stay in allowing mode and be less peeved.
Other people’s perceptions are the cause of stress.

I have source flowing to me and through me always.
Everyone who has ever lived sees through my eyes
When I’m in full alignment with all who I am.
I can follow a self-designed worthy program
From the infinite consciousness of those made wise
By their now point of vantage. I offer much praise.

What I’m reaching for is that outside part of me.
There’s a whole lot of consciousness at my avail.
But if I’m tuning myself to their frequency
I become them in essence momentarily.
The convergence of clarity on a large scale
Is a thing worth my knowing if I am To Be.

I’ll allow myself to feel the fullness of who
I am truly. Conditions are best to discard.
They disrupt the vibration that I would achieve.
There’s no value in guessing what others believe.
When my vision gets cloudy, then life can get hard.
I’ve enough to feel worthy without much to do.

Just Let Things Be?

Release Compulsivity

It was sung by The Beatles a long time ago.
Let It Be and an answer will be on its way.
We’ve no choice in the matter. We might as well be
In a place of acceptance. The world that we see
Causes us to want better that our asking may
Bring about proper changes albeit quite slow.

How do we make those changes if we don’t grab hold
Of the horns of the bull work? Is asking enough?
It’s such a democratic way of doing things
And the ways of republicans too often brings
Tyranny to the people. Our lives become tough.
Is it best to just ask and let nature unfold?

Focusing on what I want or letting things be
Is the choice made available. Both can be done
As long as I’m not in opposition to what
I would like to have happen. I’ll keep my mouth shut
About what the heck’s wrong with things and just have fun.
I can be quite effective by being carefree.

The universe is designed to stand on its head
In response to our asking. Demand we cannot
That the path of another creator be changed
To suit anyone’s wishes. Be thou not deranged
But indulge in the positiveness of your thought.
Each of us gets to choose either freedom or dread.

Get Out Of The Way

Be Invisible To Life

Your true self is in heaven and is always high
In vibration, but your lesser self may not be.
Yet the contrast is forever in your control.
If you let go of worry, You will feel more whole.
As your frequency rises, much more you can see.
The emotional spectrum is what we live by.

The rise in your vibration defeats the contrast
And the lowering of it makes living more tough.
Our beliefs come from thought forms that we’ve practiced well.
By the way we are living most others can tell
What our nature of thinking is and other stuff
We’d prefer to keep private and ever bypassed.

Meditation is helpful. It quiets the mind
By your focusing on something neutralizing
Like your breathing or rainfall. It’s not difficult.
You will know a new wholesomeness as a result.
You could also just appreciate. Daydreaming
Is another fine method if you’re so inclined.

Do feel blessed enough to let yourself feel good.
You can trust the nonphysical out in deep space.
Why not trust those in spirit who guide us along?
Getting out of your own way, you cannot go wrong.
Let the universe show you its infinite grace.
That self which is your truest knows well that you should.

Be Easy

...Get Happy

What goes on in a real world is ripe to be feared.
Civil War has been raging cold since Reagan’s reign.
Fair elections endangered along with the laws
Of a once free democracy gives no one pause
But the people right in there who must be insane.
Contrast is no illusion. It’s hardly revered.

But I’m here for the contrast. Isn’t everyone?
That’s how I know precisely ways things ought to be.
I’ll keep myself deliberately in a state
On my path of enlightenment absent the weight
Of a gravity timestamp. I’ll make history
In the ways that are playful, exotic, and fun.

Through sublime insignificance I play the role
Of the avid observer with passion to tell
What e’er may be of focus. A unique witness,
I need not hold resistance, for that causes stress.
I can test life with small things and watch them turn well
And then tell all about it. That makes me feel whole.

Improvement comes with practice at being easy.
It can only get better if I up the game
With attention to bigger amid the contrast
That exists to excite me. The angst is bypassed.
My uniqueness I dare to proclaim without shame.
I can make a big deal out of coming to be.

These Words

Every Moment Is New

Focus wheels are a good thing if not overdone.
Residue of resistance in my vibration
Can be eradicated if I work them well.
But to focus too long or too hard is sheer hell.
It defeats the whole purpose. Indeed it will bring
The issue into dominance. What had begun
As a helpful solution turns out to be none.

Simple problems encountered are handled with ease
When the focus required is not too much to bear.
If after a good while, improvement isn’t seen,
Then it’s time to just give up and wipe the slate clean.
Starting over is done often. Rarely it’s rare.
Every moment is new to do with as we please.

Trying too hard at anything isn’t the way
To achieve what I’m after. A wonderful thing
Happens when I find out that I am weary of
The whole subject completely. Then, like an old glove,
I’ll abort and discard so that newness can bring
On the breakthrough that I need to get through the day.

An uncluttered space of pure desire I behold.
I’m fast forwarded there with a sense of freedom
To ponder big the question, “Now what do I choose?”
Since I am starting over, I’ve nothing to lose.
In the long run I can’t help but truly become
A being of wellbeing as it does unfold.

Celebrate Your Ego!

Healthy And Wholesome Self-Praise

How can there be a better dance between ego
And the Source who sustains it whom I could call God?
I have lots of ambition. I’m ready to go
To wherever life takes me. My heart wants to show
It’s magnificence to the world that it be awed.
It’s something to be proud of as it helps me grow.

The ego gets a bad rap because it is true
That one that isn’t healthy can be dangerous.
But a wholesome one beams with the power of grace.
It’s my Source that I’m channeling as I embrace
Who I am at my truest. Ego is a plus
On the journey of spirit if it is made new.

That part of me which I call the ego is me
Receiving Source’s guidance when I’m feeling fine.
If I’m not well, then demons are giving me tips.
Only two ways the ego has. One will eclipse
The other. It’s a question of how I align
With the higher vibration that will set me free.

Ego is but a conduit through which can flow
The clear messages from Source I want to receive.
When I’m tuned in, tapped in, and turned on, I am there.
In expressing my selfhood, I show that I care
For the world and its people. I truly believe
That life is not worth living without an ego.

Compulsive Thinking Cessation

Tuning The Noise Filter

Thinking is an addiction when it’s ego based.
Resistance to the moment and things as they are
Turn the mind into digital circuitry lost
In destructive anxiety and at great cost
To my sense of wellbeing. I am very far
From the life that I’ve longed for. Has it gone to waste?

There are two types of thinking. The futile is one
Where the mind spins in circles. Problems it creates
As well as certain enemies and grievances.
This dysfunctional state creates circumstances
Marked by fear and regret. Nothing but gloom awaits
When I’m stuck in a mind trip, and it ain’t no fun.

The other kind of thinking, not of the ego,
Comes from someone who’s deeper – the real part of me.
When I access this person in meditation,
Thinking then is constructive. I don’t feel undone.
Real thinking is creative, but positively.
Fruitfulness is the outcome as I get to glow.

Thought can be in the service of something worthwhile.
Universal Intelligence is but the best
To give all my devotion. A friend I can make
With this moment most present for everyone’s sake.
I’m a tool by which infinite love is expressed.
This indeed is much more than a reason to smile.

Empowering News

The Only News Of Value

I consist of two life forms inside of one skin.
One of them is my true self – my inner being.
It is made of no substance – just pure consciousness.

Divine Light is its essence. It wants to express
Everything that is wholesome and spirit freeing.
It will never go back to where once it has been.

The other being is a most personal one
With a flesh and blood ego, personality,
And a growing collection of hopes and desires.
It is that self which struggles and easily tires.
In its quest for its being who it needs to be
It will frequently lose track and feel overrun.

The only difference between the two is that
My true self doesn’t look back. It looks straight ahead.
It’s the forwardmost version of me here and now.
Anything that I want is mine if I allow
Myself to be directed by spirit instead
Of the sad sack who suffers and has it down pat.

There’s no need for defense or justification.
My comparisons cripple and have no meaning
But contrast is a good thing. Without it no growth
Would occur in the one self yet surely not both.
I must go with the one which is forward leaning
Where my issues are weaker and I have more fun.

All Else Falls Into Place

The Need To Adjust Things

Oddly shaped are the raindrops as freely they fall.
Must I do something with each before it can rest
On the surface now built up? Where is my control?
This life game is a journey, but what is the goal?
If I play with the right folk, I won’t fail the test,
Yet that doesn’t prevent me from dropping the ball.

My mind is a container. Its volume of thought
Can’t exist without big holes of dead empty space.
If by staying high minded I’m able to change
How each thought takes the surface – if I can arrange
Them before they cannot be – I’m running whose race?
This game is at its most basic fatally fraught.

I create my reality, damn it to hell!
It should not be a death sentence but awesome news.
My desires and beliefs must be in alignment.
If they’re not then this lifetime is one I’ll resent.
Whatever it may come to, I do get to choose
Every thought that I think and where each one should dwell.

How things might come together is not my business
Nor should it be of any concern. Only why
Should fill up the container. Good things will in turn
Fall in place rather nicely. God’s grace I discern
Showering down upon me like rain from the sky.
All I need do is trust in the simple process.

Be Easy About Life

The Purity Of Simplicity

Wishing life would get easy gets old too damned fast
For the spirit within me to keep a straight face
While pretending to see it as many highways.
Up and down, then around things, they’re often a maize
In the menacing mindscape. Is there saving grace?
Or is there no escape from the life of contrast?

“I wish I were a willow…” is no wizard’s way
To finagle a safe wiggling out of this mess
That I’d something to do with. To be but a tree
In a blanket of sunlight with no way to see
All the world it reveals is to be without stress,
Gravity notwithstanding nor how it may sway.

Rather, I am the substance of all I desire –
All the passion and focus I feed to the dream
Of becoming who I really am at my core.
Am I worthy of good things? I couldn’t be more!
My uniqueness is one with the energy stream
From which life flows. Struggle my life doesn’t require.

All There Is provides meaning to focus offered.
Holding little resistance, oneself will allow
Only good things to happen. The contrast I feel
Is the pearl in the oyster that life will reveal.
All I need do is kick back and let life endow
Me with joy and wellbeing. My Spirit Be Heard!


Ascending The Emotional Ladder

In releasing resistance I find true relief.
I must know that this feeling is better by far
Than a hell ever present. The sorrow and pain
That I have caused for others because I’m insane
Now congest the insides of me and leave a scar
On my sense of direction. I am my own thief.

The emotional ladder is what I must climb.
From the bottom abysmal with deepest despair,
The next rung is anger. I need someone to blame.
It’s a much better feeling wherein I reclaim
Some power that I’d lost by not being aware
That there is such a spectrum. It’s here all the time.

Moving up the emotional scale is to feel
My way to satisfaction, and from there, onward
To the freedom and peace that I ask strongly for.
There is only momentum toward that and more.
The resistance I nurture cannot be ignored.
I can only release it in order to heal.

Nowhere near to the top do I find myself now.
Although I feel relief, no vibrational match
Does it make to fulfillment of ultimate dreams.
The increase in momentum between the extremes
Of emotion I’m able to use to detach
From what’s wrong with my present then learn to allow.

The Missing Piece

That Which Everyone Is In Search Of

I’ve been feeling there’s something in life that should change.
Some resistance I do have knowing exactly
How or what it would look like, but how it would feel
Must be my only focus. Then life will reveal
What it is that I’m missing. The trick is to be,
With regard to passion, within receiving range.

Stand I must in the wholeness in true resonance
With who I am and revel, then changes will come.
And I will recognize them on their way to me.
It’s a struggle to create deliberately
Because there’s an awareness one can’t escape from.
It’s resistance about the current circumstance.

Remaining on the treadmill of things as they are
Prevents me from their changing to something other
Than to keep trying, then failing. Then the despair
Takes control of the spirit. No wellness is there.
To make peace with where I am now has to occur.
The next piece about making peace then can’t be far.

The ability to feel good no matter what
Is the treasure I must know that I own outright.
Where, when, or how is not the question to be asked.
It is why that I want that leaves goodness unmasked
So that I can discover with utter delight.
Getting through the resistance, one needs a shortcut.

Tipping The Vibrational Scale

To One's Own Advantage

When consumed in vibration, like feeling my best
At whatever I’m doing, I need to take care
That I won’t then feel guilty. What if the next shoe
That will drop is calamity. What will I do
If my mood begins plummeting out of nowhere?
Can I know that forever and always I’m blessed?

“I have found my beloved. She is my soul mate.
Whenever we’re together our hearts beat as one.
I have wished for so many things that have come true.
Feeling so much on top of the world as I do,
I can know that my asking will never be done
And there is not an ending to what I create.”

I cannot know the bigness of provident grace.
I provide the ingredients through my desire.
Then forces universal take over from there.
All I need do is let go and be more aware
Of assurances given me as they conspire
To surprise and delight me all over the place.

Seeking thought non-resistant, the pleasure therein
Is the mind made more quiet. Can I tip the scale
From my guilt for enjoyment of life here and now?
I must feel myself worthy, then I can allow
What is good to come to me in every detail.
Can I rid myself of my existential sin?

Wonderful things may happen. Amazed I’ll not be
Though it goes against habit. Some work it does take
To where I am expectant of things working out
To my general favor. The presence of doubt
Is a cumbersome killjoy that leads to heartache.
All that I have been asking for will come to be.

The State Of Allowing

The Awareness Of Bliss

In that state of wellbeing I most want to be…
Where I find some relief from the problems I face.
“Lack Of Money” – the sign I flash unconsciously
Keeps the good life from coming. This hurt part of me
Is the subject of complete financial disgrace.
What I want is to be more financially free.

So, this drum I’ve been beating is quite negative.
It puts me in a cold sweat. I can’t keep my head
In the sand for much longer. Things only get worse.
As my thoughts become dangerous, I feel the curse
Put upon me by myself. Each moment I dread.
It affects my digestion. It’s no way to live.

My vibration is fucked up. I can’t deny that
Nor refrain from profanity. All that I feel
Has a purpose that spirit has asked me to share.
Those who know they’re not worthy must know that I care
For those suffering as I do. This Shit Is Real!
How do I engage myself in mortal combat?

Well the answer is simple. I can take a break
From my hell through a virtual reality.
Fantasy therapeutic and most creative
Will allow universal forces to then give
All that I have been asking. I just have to be
In The State Of Allowing. Too much is at stake.

Seventeen Seconds

A Miracle's Creating In Moments

Seventeen is the number of seconds it takes
To create some momentum from one focused thought.
In that bit of time, can I think just of one thing
Without measuring pros and cons and what might bring
On a rabid complexity where mind is caught
In a game of survival that’s played at high stakes?

After holding a single thought consistently,
It gains attraction power. Thoughts most similar
Coalesce and get stronger within the spirit.
Energized, the emotions will play and not quit.
And there is not a danger of going too far
As the source of all being is much part of me.

Another seventeen seconds… then, another…
After sixty eight seconds, emotion runs high
And impulses come flooding in from everywhere.
Manifesting the good feeling puts me right there
Where the universe notices. No longer shy,
All the life I’m entitled to has to occur.

I can’t deal with conditions, but feelings I will
Change exclusive to anything that’s going on
Which is outside my sacred self who is at peace.
Every bit of the struggle I need to release
To the cosmos for processing. Much fear is gone
By performing this exercise just for the thrill.

Fresh Advice For The Times

Cooperative Forces

Tough as nails is the business of staying alive
In a world that keeps changing, for better or worse.
At this point in time, the fate of humanity,
Operating from instinct still, brash and beastly,
May see its own extinction. Its self-contained curse
Focuses on the frictions that we all contrive.

Friction is but a blessing seen in its pure light.
Resistance is required for our survival,
For without it, too much ease in life will occur.
Opposition dealt with yields the growth we prefer.
Without fear we must welcome its kind arrival.
Seeing things in a new way makes living alright.

Knowing why there’s a problem with myself is key
To better understanding of what I create.
If I know not what ails me I cannot move past
The unknown thing that festers perversely steadfast.
I’m aware that my world is of evil and hate.
It must be a sight issue. That’s how I must see.

Loving myself I always will, even through hell.
I’ll believe I’m in heaven and up the ante
Loving myself so damned much that nothing matters.
Once I reach that awareness I can love others
Without needing theirs back. It can surely free me
From chronic people pleasing. For now, I am well.