Tag Archive | communication

Your Highest Priority

Serene Solitude

In order to live a life of awareness and
Freedom, in other words, to create Authentic
you need commitment, courage, compassion,

And appropriate action. Communication
With others is more conscious. You feel terrific.
You’ve found what allows your consciousness to expand.

All are of equal importance but commitment
Helps to get the ball rolling. Commitment to what?
To yourself and to your becoming more aware
Of your purpose. It’s important for you to care
About how you are feeling deep down in your gut
About living your life to the fullest extent.

To create more consciously and constructively
Is all part of your purpose. Being able to
Connect with people better than you’re doing it
Presently can be of tremendous benefit
To your growth as a spirit. You’re able to do
What it takes to develop spiritually.

Commitment is the deep fuel. It’s the thing that makes
It all happen. Rather than withdrawing into
Judgment or needing to please others you can be
Much more aware of Your Highest Priority.
May you have freedom that before you never knew.
The decision on your part is all that it takes.

Cellular Communication

Body Talk

All the cells of your body know just what to do
To maintain your wellbeing. They communicate
Well with each other also with Source Energy.
In this way they’re intelligent and they can be
Of immense value to you when you’re feeling great.
They do all that is needed to benefit you.

Your cells are offering requests and receiving
Responses directly from broader perspective.
But it’s possible for you to focus on things
That are bothering you. Enough static this brings
To your cells’ clear reception that thier objective
Is defeated. Good health may beyond retrieving.

You cannot speak their language. It’s much too obscure
To be understood by you. So talk to them in
General terms. If you try to get specific
You frustrate yourself and continue to be sick.
As you practice talking to them you will begin
To feel change, then less suffering you will endure.

Step back from the specifics. Focus on something
Different altogether. In doing so you
Introduce less resistance. Get out of the way
Of your cells’ rightful asking. In good health you’ll stay.
It may not be the prescription that you’re used to
But good health and a feeling of peace it will bring.

Communicate With Non-Physical

Spirit Is Among Us

Since my mother has passed she’s been blinking the lights
Everywhere I go to let me know she’s around.
I’m surprised and delighted to know that she can.
She communicates now with me much better than
She did when she was physical. What we have found
Is continued relationship and grand insights.

But is she or is she not communicating
With me? Or is my wishful thinking making me
More susceptible to exotic episodes?
If I ask these questions the connection erodes.
She exists still, and I am most grateful to be
Receptive to the truth. Peace of mind it does bring.

There can be no resistance in that vibration.
She is passed, and she’s not doing anything strange
Or upsetting. It’s best for me to understand
That the soul never ceases. This knowledge is grand.
It makes me more receptive to positive change
In my outlook which is of my own creation.

My mother is no longer the human being
That she was. Resistance, fear, and doubt are released.
Everything that we fought about no longer holds
Any interest so that whatever unfolds
Is of value. My feel for life is then increased.
I’ll adhere to this wonderful way of seeing.

Of Two Minds

The Twin Within

I don’t have to actively create my desires
If I merely focus on following the flow.
Fulfillment of my needs will always manifest
If they are relevant to my being my best.
The current of creation is one that I know
Contains all the things that my existence requires.

In my current of creation there is knowledge
Beyond what my physical mind can comprehend
But the higher mind is what the current contains
While the ego mind thinks it knows all and complains
About guidance it’s given. How can I suspend
It’s behavior? I fell like I’m on the knife’s edge.

Making things happen is a form of resistance
To the current, therefore I must go with the flow
And let my life unfold for me naturally.
Let the perfect machine of synchronicity
Do its good work by stopping thinking that I know
Anything because I don’t. I’m taking a chance.

I’ve no clue whatsoever. This matter is fact.
The beginning of wisdom is knowing that I
Do not know, but the higher mind knows everything.
It knows what needs to happen, and by listening
To its guidance. I have no choice but to comply
With my higher mind for a positive impact.

Sharpen Your Mind

The Power Of The Brain

There’s a huge difference between confidence and
Clarity. You may feel that you can do something
But you lack proper focus and act randomly.
Confidence – a poor substitute for clarity –
Is not nearly enough that progress it will bring.
There is always room for consciousness to expand.

Crossing a busy highway is life compared to.
Vehicles are moving at a very fast pace.
If your vision is foggy you’re taking a chance.
You could say some Hail Mary’s in this circumstance
But you may get run over. Your ultimate grace
Is in seeing where you’re going and what to do.

The spine is not just a physical organ. It
Is a serious communications network.
Such a complex assemblage requires proper care.
Your perceptions and emotions are processed there
Where negative vibrations are destined to lurk.
There is something you can do for your benefit.

A natural upsurge of energy is gained
By your putting your feet together and squatting.
This will strengthen the back muscles and activate
The lumbar region of the spine. Keep the back straight.
This simple exercise brings instant wellbeing.
Clarity of brain function can thus be maintained.

Anxiety And Depression

Personal Hell

The Dead End I have reached. There is nowhere to go
That is not without torment. “Struggle is okay,”
Would say friends if I had them. “We all can relate
To the bitter taste life has. When in a lost state
Know that you’re not alone although it seems that way.”

Could there be a ‘friend’ inside me who I don’t know?

What I feel is reality, and it is now.
Contemplating ending it all, I find relief
In the knowing that doing so may curse my soul.
What if it is already too much less than whole?
My own negative thinking I know is the thief
Of my spirit. I’d feel better if I knew how…

So we all go through hard times, and I would do best
To be patient with myself. I deserve a break.
Some rest and relaxation and good exercise
When I’m feeling much better is proper and wise.
I must move this damned body while I am awake
Whatever that may look like and rightly expressed.

I must force myself off the couch and on a walk.
I can create something from the pain that I feel.
Things that make me wonderful, blessed, and unique
And the things I appreciate counter the bleak.
I become all the better throughout the ordeal.
Therapy for the psyche is positive shock.

Avoid Disease Forever

Attitudinal Protection

Sometime when you were little you may have been told
That your aunt died of cancer… your grandmother too.
If you were told that it runs in the family
And that you will die from it, it’s easy to see
How you can make it happen. All that can ail you
Does it because your mind has been thoroughly sold.

When you focus on something you don’t want, you are
Blocking energy flow that provides wellbeing
To your body most naturally. It is true
That illness is simply lack of wellness. This clue
Is forgotten by many who end up seeing
Sickness as part of nature – a notion bizarre.

With our words we’ve become such communicators.
We believe that speech passes good information
But we don’t need to identify with the lack
Of a thing that is normal. It’s like talking smack
When the word illness is used. It gets not much done
To facilitate healing and effective cures.

We’ve been trained to believe that objectivity
Is intelligent. This notion needs to be changed.
We create what’s not wanted by giving it names
And solutions that come with extravagant claims.
Some of them are produced by the truly deranged.
We each have guidance systems to keep us healthy.

The Future Post Virus

Toward A Newer Normal

Microorganisms other than us are we,
And few cells truly are ours. The process of birth
Blesses newborns with bacteria and good germs.
They add to the new person, in most certain terms,
Symbiotic survival while here on this earth.
This relationship satisfies both completely.

Until death do us part, my acquired cells and those
Of my own are the dynamic duo that keeps
Me alive and performing at my very best.
I feel certain imbalance whenever I’m stressed.
It is best that I honor these feeling receipts.
Surely if I ignored them I would welcome woes.

We’ve been in a pandemic. There isn’t a soul
Who knows not this true fact due to technology.
So, it does get inflated, and more of us die.
Yet it’s of grave importance. We cannot deny
Proper communication. Eventually
An effective solution helps us reach our goal.

But vaccines are like old jokes to sharp viruses.
One word changed in the punchline will make them mutate.
Earth has formed neural networks. All life plays a part.
When the brain of the planet discovers its heart,
Dysbiosis will cease, then nature can create
Maximum diversity to cure weaknesses.