Tag Archive | painter

Cellular Communication

Body Talk

All the cells of your body know just what to do
To maintain your wellbeing. They communicate
Well with each other also with Source Energy.
In this way they’re intelligent and they can be
Of immense value to you when you’re feeling great.
They do all that is needed to benefit you.

Your cells are offering requests and receiving
Responses directly from broader perspective.
But it’s possible for you to focus on things
That are bothering you. Enough static this brings
To your cells’ clear reception that thier objective
Is defeated. Good health may beyond retrieving.

You cannot speak their language. It’s much too obscure
To be understood by you. So talk to them in
General terms. If you try to get specific
You frustrate yourself and continue to be sick.
As you practice talking to them you will begin
To feel change, then less suffering you will endure.

Step back from the specifics. Focus on something
Different altogether. In doing so you
Introduce less resistance. Get out of the way
Of your cells’ rightful asking. In good health you’ll stay.
It may not be the prescription that you’re used to
But good health and a feeling of peace it will bring.

Satisfaction And Conditional Vibration

Good Reception

It would be nice to just be zapped with the feeling
Of complete understanding that I can be, do,
Or have anything I want and without limit.
Life is supposed to be good. I should benefit
From the good I’ve created. I’ve come to a new
Way of knowing that seems to be more appealing.

If I can get closer to the understanding
That whatever I want I can have, then there will
Be a change in my life quite immediately.
The world will treat me better if I choose to be
Positive in my outlook, and I will fulfill
My desire for a big consciousness expanding.

I vibrate to conditions unconsciously so.
I observe things, then I offer a vibration
Because of what I’m observing. Then I get more
Of the sameness, but if I can vibrate before
The condition, then it becomes my creation.
I tell you this because it is good that you know.

Like a sculptor enjoys the process of molding
The clay, or the painter, the process of painting,
I cannot be frustrated or impatient that
It’s not done yet. I’m satisfied just working at
My creation. Is it not a wonderful thing
To witness one’s creation as it’s unfolding?