Tag Archive | desire

The Physics Of Creation

Social Interaction

The art of allowing is the art of being
In the receptive mode of all that you’ve become.
How do vibrations turn into thoughts, and how do
Thoughts turn into things? What you give attention to
Manifests. In fact, it’s where everything comes from.
It could also be called the art of farseeing.

What is the actual physics of vibration
Becoming a reality? The expanded
Version of you is all knowing. When you’re thinking
Of something exciting, components are linking
Together in vibration as if commanded
By your wishes. The ‘hard’ work is already done.

Emotions of elation bring more clarity.
You become more specific and then you allow
Universal forces to do what they do best.
Notice how much of your biggest dream is addressed,
And feel appreciation that now you know how
Easily manifesting happiness can be.

Focus on something and watch it show up over
And over again. Don’t give your attention to
Ill conceived limitations. Your satisfaction
Is the point from where a new journey is begun.
Give yourself and the whole world the best part of you.
Being that person, your life only gets better.

Talk About What You Want

Exciting Conversation

Can things happen just the way that you want them to?
When you’re thinking or speaking about your desire,
Your are for or against it. It you want it, ‘But…’
It is likely that you’ll always be in a rut.
When you speak from excitement, then you will acquire
What you’re after. There’s nothing else you need to do.

Give your undivided attention only to
What is wanted. Do not speak about its absence.
Your awareness of what’s missing keeps it away.
Speak with passion and feel that it is as child’s play.
People will see that your emotion is intense.
Everyone will see the most evolved part of you.

Talk About What You Want in a positive way,
That is, with enthusiasm and without doubt
That it will manifest because it already
Exists in vibration, so it must come to be.
Spend no time worrying that things will not work out.
When you’re happy, folks will listen to what you say.

You’ve released enough resistance, and you’re ready
To know it when you see it. You’re not trying to
Make what you see to be it. Living happily
Ever after is the place you’re wanting to be.
So, look forward to what is exciting and new.
Evidence of alignment you’ll begin to see.

This Moment In Time

Capturing Eternity

In this moment, the power to change anything
You possess without question. Now is the juncture
Where the focus of you and who you’re becoming
Are converging. So, you are now manifesting
This moment in totality. Do know that you’re
The creator of now and all that’s happening.

You may think that big money, a house, or a car
Are manifestations. This is certainly true,
But in the truest sense, it’s the full infusion
Of the Source within you that deserves inclusion
As a manifestation. The best part of you
In this moment can never be considered far.

To a lesser or greater degree, you occlude
The blessings that are flowing directly to you.
Yet you can change the moment with just a feeling
Or a thought of something that is most appealing.
What you choose in this moment is always brand new.
You can manifest a most loving attitude.

You cannot separate the manifestation
From your depth of emotion. Find the feeling place.
Your can feel as if you’re sneaking in the back door
To a good time. The universe will offer more
To prove the reality of infinite grace.
What shows up in your life is all your creation.

Be More Playful

Happy Hands

Be More Playful about your approach to living,
And accept that the laws of the universe are
Powerful, consistent, and unyieldingly fair.
You could not be more worthy. You could be aware
That you are without question a bright shining star.
You can let go of any practiced misgiving.

Focusing upon things that hold very little
Resistance is an easy and worthwhile way to
Change your vibration quickly, then other things will
Coalesce that are like them. Prepare for the thrill
Of it happening. Your life is a rendezvous
With adventure. You can’t remain noncommittal.

Things that you really care about can begin to
Surprise and delight you. You hold yourself apart
From those things by resistance to feeling better.
Limiting beliefs practiced will only fetter
Your spirit. Is it time that you take this to heart?
Your ability to see depends upon you.

Precision and uniqueness is that which is you.
As you play in life’s contrast, you are creating
Your experience. Start with things that are easy.
From the contrast, you define how things ought to be.
Willingness to take part is appreciating
Life as one sacred process exciting and new.

Set Your Day For Magic

Morning Devotion

There’s what needs to be fixed, and then there’s your desire.
Put your attention on that which is easier
And more fun to accomplish. Orientation
Toward making things happen gets not much work done.
There is tremendous leverage and great power
In your thoughts. Not a bit of work does it require.

Your action orientation in life causes
You to think that it takes hard work to get things done.
But as you learn to deliberately direct
Your thoughts, things working out quite well you can expect.
Focus more consistently in the direction
Of your wishes. Forget all about what was is.

Trying or working too hard is not the best way
To accomplish things. Prepare your day for magic.
Before bedtime the night before while still in bed
Let the things you appreciate drift through your head.
Fall asleep in a good state. This will do the trick
Of creating for yourself a wonderful day.

Prime your positive pump by saying sorts of things
That accentuate how you felt. Stick to your goal
Of remembering all the good things that occurred
Through the day. There’s no way one can call this absurd.
Once you get really good at this, you’ll have control
Of your day’s most eventful and fun happenings.

The Benefits Of Joy

Happily Receiving

There is something in balance with your energies.
When you hold a desire and you focus upon
It only and stop focusing on its absence,
In no time your satisfaction will be immense.
Blessings can happen when your resistance is gone.
Life gets better as you become easy to please.

If your reality now is not filling in
The way you want it to, your vibration is not
Where it should be, but you can change that instantly.
Your awareness of what’s missing can easily
Make you feel a bit needy. It matters a lot
That you muster some comfort within your own skin.

Creating is all about identifying
What is wanted, letting identification
Be enough, and then finding ways to get happy.
It is the natural state in which you should be.
You don’t need to worry about getting things done.
There is no limit to what happiness can bring

It’s already created – this thing you call now
A result of the energies that you have flowed
From the past, so look forward. All that lies ahead
Is created by right now. Be interested
In the things that bring you joy. Take the easy road
Through your life. You don’t need to worry about how.

Manifestation Is Near

Prepared To Receive

Nature never rushes, yet it accomplishes
Everything. What it means is that I am complete.
My desires are inspired. What I want to attract
Into my life is certain and soon to be fact.
Every step toward its realization is sweet
As if the universe responds to my wishes.

The journey should be effortless. When I’m really
In the flow, then the going is easy and fun.
I’ve sifted through the contrast and have decided
What I want. By my inner being I’m guided
In the receiving of what is already done.
I got rid of the effort factor completely.

If I am struggling, then I am slowing things down
Quite a bit. It’s important that I be aware
Of my trying much too hard to make it happen.
It is done! I do not have to go there again.
Of my vibration I must take the utmost care.
I will not receive squat if I’m wearing a frown.

The path of least resistance is something that I
Am encouraged to take. Some say that it’s lazy
To expect something without the hard work involved.
I know that It’s done, so every problem is solved.
I look only for better things coming to me.
With my wishes the kind universe does comply.

Why Isn’t It Coming?

Unnecessary Worry

“Why is it that there are things that I believe that
Are not coming?”
When you’re a vibrational match

Perfectly with what you want, it will come to be.
So, your wanting cannot be done desperately.
When you want something strongly you have to detach
From its absence. Forget all about where you’re at.

There’s no contradiction within you when you feel
The desire to its fullest despite the absence
In the physical of what you’ve been asking for.
Quickly and easily the universe can pour
Its blessings all upon you. What it can dispense
Is enormous. There couldn’t be a better deal.

You’re continually noticing that your dream
Is nowhere near fulfillment. This gets in the way
Of its manifestation. You want to be there
And not here, yet abundance is found everywhere.
This world remains a magnificent place to play.
Head in the direction of the abundance stream.

Talk more about what’s over there and less about
What is over here. Give your attention to that
Which you want. Nothing else must be of your concern
Except happiness. It’s something you need not learn.
The world is not a thing that you have to combat.
Do continue believing that things will work out.

Surprise And Delight

Pleasantly Excited

Like a fun Christmas morning each day can begin,
And it never ends. When I receive a desire,
Then get in the receiving mode, I manifest
What I’m wanting. I know my life is truly blessed,
And about my worthiness I need not inquire.
I’m made to be comfortable in my own skin.

All along the way, ideas and rendezvous
Punctuate my experiences, and the more
I remain in alignment, the more good will come.
My Vortex of Creation is where good comes from.
I am used to receiving things that I adore.
I look forward to always getting awesome news.

In what way is this kind universe going to
Do its thing to Surprise And Delight me today?
This question I ask frequently, and the answer
Is provided instantly. The life I prefer
I’m living in this moment. More is on the way.
There is no contradicting what I know is true.

Sometimes what I think is the end of the journey
I get fixated on, but there is no ending…
Just more good stuff to happen. I start every day
With a rampage of gratitude so that I’ll stay
In alignment. The vibration that I’m sending
To the universe is as I want it to be.

New Story

Life Conjuring

Money is as available as all the air
I can breathe. I do like breathing it in and out.
It is fun to imagine a lot of money
Flowing to me. I daydream of it blissfully.
In my space of creating there’s no room for doubt.
What I think about money I do so with care.

I’m the creator of my own reality.
I see how my feeling about money affects
How much comes to me. I’m happy to understand
That, with practice, I’ll be able to take command
Of my attitude. I become one who expects
Many magnificent things to happen to me.

I can tell by the way I’m feeling whether I
Am focused on abundance or on its absence.
Confident I am that in time I will align
My thinking with abundance. I will do just fine.
Money has to flow into my experience
If I’m ready to have it. Some laws do apply.

It’s not necessary for me to understand
Other people’s perspectives. I find alignment
In my own thoughts and feelings about abundance.
I am one who is able to fully finance
My desire by expecting the wanted event
To evolve. My New Story is as I have planned.

Non-Resistant Desire

Hard At Hoping

A brand-new Maserati would really go well
With my free style of living but is that my goal?
All that I really want is to be satisfied.
The path to it may be my having a new ride,
But I can’t say that having it would make me whole.
Still, the idea of having one rings my bell.

I must find other paths to the satisfaction
That I’m seeking before the car can come to be.
If I’m already satisfied, I’m in a state
Where the kind universe will gladly demonstrate
My positive alignment almost instantly.
I believe in the idea of having fun.

I don’t need the car really. I only want it
Because it enhances the good life I deserve.
Under the influence of my inner being,
Who is always superlatively agreeing,
I can easily handle when I’m thrown a curve.
Of the true self within me I’ve full benefit.

If I’m worried about something, then I’m under
The influence of doubt. I’m not in the right place
To receive the abundance that surely awaits
My alignment. I’m in the most blissful of states
As I open myself to universal grace.
That I’m having a great life is not a wonder.

So Close

Put Rut

There’s nothing more frustrating than being so close
To what you have been after, yet you are not there.
There is nothing more important than feeling good.
Reaching for the best feeling thought is understood
To be the best activity. That’s if you care
About how you feel. When it’s good, then be verbose.

Sharpen your signal just a bit, and you will find
Manifestations happening that are ideal.
Talking in opposition to them keeps them from
Coming to you. As long as you’re beating the drum
Of their absence, they never become for you real.
With its absolute presence you must be aligned.

There’s a mountain of money lined up for you now.
Throughout life, your vibrational escrow has grown
In its value to you. You’re not that far away
From your dream. Make it a special part of your day
To nurture your fulfillment. This practice alone
Yields to you satisfaction. You need but allow.

Find vibrational alliance with who you are
By virtue of your wishes. Rockets of desire
That you send to the universe are tended to.
Stop complaining. You cloud the water when you do.
Clear and bright is your signal when your heart’s on fire.
Again, what you’ve got coming is not very far.

Most Of Your Work Is Already Done

Time Now To Relax

What I needed was some way of being fulfilled,
Which I wasn’t. My dead-end job was killing me.
The anger and frustration was taking its toll
On my energy. I gave it my heart and soul.
For specific reasons, I could not be happy.
I believe that, in my work, I ought to be thrilled.

My vibration was not in that feeling good place
Where there is no confusion. The change that I sought
Couldn’t happen ‘til I worked on being okay
With where I was. Oddly, this is the only way
To attract something better. When given some thought,
I conclude that I’m worthy of provident grace.

I’d been on many interviews, and then one day
I was feeling lighthearted as if it mattered
Not at all. I had fun on that day’s interview.
By the end of a magnificent time, I knew
That I had it. I felt confident and flattered
In the process. I like it when things go my way.

Ninety nine percent of my work is already
Complete before I see the evidence of it.
I can come into vibrational alignment.
Feeling better is my only next assignment.
From the universal forces I benefit.
Everything is supposed to go just right with me.

Early Signs

Special Moment

Are you patient about the desire that has not
Manifested? You need not become complacent
About it, but if you understand that if you
Can be caused to want something, it’s certainly true
That this world can provide it. So be adjacent
To the feeling of having it. It helps a lot.

It doesn’t just have to be a dream that you feel
Good about. It can become your reality.
There are Early Signs of your manifestations,
And the most powerful in your life are the ones
That are mixed with excitement. Your being carefree,
You have found, is your way to make dreams become real.

Early Signs of your ultimate dreams coming true
Include lighthearted feelings and more ideas
Coming to you to guide you. The earliest sign
Is the contrast that gave birth to what you define
As a wanting. You know that you are as free as
You allow for life’s blessings to flow unto you.

Recognize it when it happens. Stay on its trail.
All the time, your path is being revealed to you.
The spirit within you knows what you have asked for.
Being in the receptive mode opens the door
To the realization of what has come due.
When the feeling comes, do notice every detail.

Your Life Will Change

Breaking Away

Were I zapped with a feeling of understanding
That I can be, do, or have anything that I
Want in life, and that life is supposed to be good,
Then my reason for being would be understood.
Life would change for the better if I would comply
With my own desire which is ever expanding.

It takes not much from where I am to get to where
I become what I’m wanting vibrationally.
I used to vibrate according to conditions
I perceived. It got me into tough positions
Of fear and confrontation. Not necessary
Was the waste of my life force. I chose to not care.

My vibration can alter any condition.
Staying focused on feeling the best that I can
In each moment is what creation is about.
There’s no room for the feelings of worry or doubt.
When I’m joyful is when I come up with a plan,
Otherwise there is effort in what I get done.

My jumping through hoops leads not to satisfaction.
It cones only through my having wanted something,
Moving in its direction, then seeing progress.
Every manifestation is a huge success.
I can trust the wisdom of my inner knowing.
This advice is applicable to anyone.

Your Only Work

No Kidding!

A cooperative component you must be
With your powerful, important thoughts and feelings.
You can’t think against your own desires and allow
Them to manifest. Don’t concern yourself with how
Things will happen. You need not know of the dealings
Of the provident forces that you cannot see.

Talk yourself into believing what you want. Cease
The split energy. You say that you want it, but
You have always been wanting it, and it has not
Come to be. If you wallow in this state a lot
You remain unfulfilled with a pain in the gut.
Only having it will give you ultimate peace.

Don’t shoot yourself in the foot with your awareness
Of ‘what is.’ It will hold you firmly in a place
Where you can’t see what could be or what’s becoming.
What is available to you is a wellspring
Of abundance, wellbeing, and natural grace.
When you let go of ‘what is,’ you’re making progress.

Where you are is no problem. From there, you can go
To the next step, which is to feel a bit better.
Lean toward the direction of optimism.
You can then be assured that the chances are slim
That your newfound enlightenment you will fetter.
Think only the thoughts that get good feelings to flow.

You Are Given What You Allow


The only approval you need is from within
To receive your heart’s wishes without resistance.
Energy is being traded on waves of thought,
Yet sometimes, in your struggle, you tend to get caught
In a trap of beliefs. It gives you not the chance
To accept that you’re absolutely free of sin.

For example, how does a person go about
Body shaping? It seems like a difficult task
That requires lots of focus. How hard can it be
To do something that most everyone would agree
To be helpful? This is a good question to ask,
But the answer may be digested with some doubt.

Each cell of your body is conscious and aware
Of itself, others like itself, and you also.
By your thinking, you have convinced them of some things.
But as you change your thinking, this act alone brings
About changes specific to how your cells grow.
The path of least resistance is taken with care.

The universe will give you what you will allow
Right up to the degree of resistance that you
Have in place. Get rid of it by your choosing ease
Over struggle. See what your inner being sees
From its broader perspective. Go with what is true
To your heart, and be always at peace with your now.

Your Work

Fill Your Heart With Love

Feeling Good is your only work. That simply said
Means that there’s nothing else you need to focus on.
You’ve been here before. There are things you have asked for
From a place of not having them, and you got more
Than you asked for. Positive conclusions are drawn
Regarding how your life goes. It’s full steam ahead.

It is fun to explore the contrast consciously
Then sift out your idea, which is better than
The present situation. Then before your eyes
It becomes your reality. Therefore it’s wise
To be happy as much as you possibly can.
When you do that, you can then let everything be.

If you’re not a vibrational match to the thing
That you want, you can recognize that emotion
To be negative, then do something about it.
This is human. It happens, but when you admit
That it does, then you can give proper devotion
To believing that what you’re wanting is coming.

Two components, desire and belief, are needed
To achieve what you want, but desire and anger
Do not mix. You can do it with desire and love.
You begin by keeping your vibration above
That of this world’s obsessions. You much would prefer
Clarity, contentment, and alignment instead.

Take Your Mind Off What Is

The Brink Of Desolation

I would like to let go of my reality,
But I can’t. It’s stuck to me like whiteness to rice.
I keep thinking that I’m moving forward, yet I
Cannot manifest no matter how hard I try.
What I need is someone to give me good advice
On how I can keep up with my own energy.

Something is out of balance. I know deep within
That when I focus on something and I have no
Resistance to prevent it from becoming real,
It will happen. It depends on the way I feel
About it. I can choose to just go with the flow.
This present moment is the best time to begin.

My awareness of my now is preventing my
Now from changing. It’s my responsibility
To maintain my vibration, so my attention
Is on good things. This does lead to the prevention
Of depression. What is now can elevate me
To the next level. All of my now does apply.

Now has already been created. It’s old news.
It’s also the bouncing off place for what is new.
This is deliberate creation at its best.
I can improve on how my wishes are expressed.
My emotions will tell me what I need to do.
I am kept in alignment by which ones I choose.

A Crisis Of Experience

Caution Needed

Beliefs that are contrary to the basic Law
Of Attraction
cause me to express a desire

For a better understanding of how it works.
I’ve heard tell of the many and wonderful perks
That come with such wise knowing to which I aspire.
There are no negative conclusions I can draw.

My inner being knows well the path I should take
That is most pleasing for me. It knows my value
And power, and it is calling me constantly.
It will keep calling until eventually
A Crisis Of Experience just happens to
Slap me upside the head so that I come awake.

“I’ll go out on the leading edge,” I said before
I arrived in the physical. “I’ll discover
Things that cannot be discovered unless I’m out
On that edge.”
With this promise, there can be no doubt

That I am here to be an all purpose lover.
Sifting through all the contrast is what I adore.

I know that my limiting beliefs are the cause
Of my problems. I know there does not need to be
An intermediary between me and my
Inner being. On it I’ll completely rely.
Alignment with what I’ve created consciously
Is my infinite goal, and to heck with what was.

Before It Comes To Be

Prepared For Magic

As you know what you don’t want, you know what you do,
And the larger part of you is fully aware
Of everything that you want. It is already
Living the life that you want, so you want to be
In alignment with that self, which means you must care
About what feelings percolate deep within you.

What are you doing in relationship to the
Expanded entity that you now have become?
The better you can feel, then the more up to speed
You are with who you are now, but you will impede
The process if you continue beating the drum
Of righteous indignation perpetually.

As you look at some aspects of life, you will see
Things that hit you the wrong way. They don’t feel as good
As you’d like them to. Many things do not sit well.
It may seem that the whole world has gone straight to hell
In a handbasket. This outlook is understood
Not to be something spiritually healthy.

Instantaneous healing, teleportation,
And the creation of anything instantly
Are powers that are dormant inside of us all,
But ours is the propensity to play it small.
You know that your life can be lived magically
When between you and you, there’s no separation.


Personal Magic

If I don’t care about something, therefore I’m not
Resisting it, then it will come most easily.
If I want it a little bit and have little
Resistance about it, then I know that it’ll
Be a little bit difficult. If I really
Want it but don’t expect it, turmoil have I got.

So, in my not wanting and not caring about
Something, I can attract it. Therein lies the key
To creating. Wanting something a little bit
And then letting the desire expand will permit
Many good things to flood my life naturally.
If I want something, it is best that I chill out.

Let desire grow a little… or generally.
Think about what it feels like to be in that place
Where I have what I’m wanting. Let the momentum
Gather quickly. The manifestations will come
Easily through acceptance of infinite grace.
I can have things the way I prefer them to be.

The speed will pick up as the Law of Attraction
Causes general wanting to turn specific
In how it arranges people, places, and things
In support of my purpose. Fulfillment it brings
To my life, which is for me now a magic trick.
Less resistance in life is good for everyone.

Righteous Surrender

Submission To Existence

My desire is not what I am surrendering.
It’s only the resistance that keeps me unsure
Of what I am surrendering to. There’s some doubt
That I will be happy with the way things turn out.
If I want something, my vibration must be pure.
Not onto petty battles am I meant to cling.

Life has caused me to ask, and I want to believe
What they say about asking. It will manifest
If I know I’ll receive it. The energy of
Being in the receptive mode is far above
That of doubt, lack, and discord. It would suit me best
That a positive outlook I strive to achieve.

Trying too hard, defending myself constantly,
Justifying, and rationalizing will bring
Only much disappointment. If I can let go
Of such things, then much better things I’ll come to know.
To surrender in no way involves torturing.
It’s about my alignment with source energy.

The first manifestation is an emotion.
If it feels good, I’ll welcome it. If it feels bad,
I’ll look elsewhere to find something to focus on.
The conclusion that I will do well is foregone.
My emotional guidance is my best comrade.
To my inner being I give much devotion.

Ask, Believe… Receive

Open Treasure

All you need is desire, but you hardly ever
Have a wanting for something without a belief
That opposes it. That’s why things have stayed the same,
Which makes you not believe in the attraction game.
Your desire then becomes something that gives you grief.
Your wanting is a spiritual endeavor.

If you could just have a pure desire, it would be
Such a blessing, because without the resistance,
It would manifest easily. If you believe
It can happen, then it’s likely you will achieve
Fulfillment of your wishes. It isn’t by chance
That this happens. Your heart must be resistance free.

Your desire will gain power if you can let go
Of the asking and line up with the energy
That creates worlds and keeps them suspended in space.
That power is your point of attraction and grace.
You do not have to prove or get others to see
The reason for your passion, for they cannot know.

When desires and beliefs match, things fall into place
Without effort, like magic. But when they do not,
Things are difficult. Yet negative emotion
Is your guidance toward a better solution.
As you’re living you life, give it all that you’ve got.
Take advantage of the power that you embrace.

Special Delivery

A Present For The Present

If I don’t want it that much, it comes easily.
General desires carry the least resistance.
If I really want something and really believe
That I’ll get it, then it is by law I’ll receive
What I want in a hurry. It isn’t by chance.
Anything that I focus on must come to be.

Wanting something badly and believing it will
Never happen will cause me to struggle within.
Keeping up that momentum creates agony.
I must do all that I can to keep myself free
Of a bleak situation, therein I begin
Writing a new contract that my heart will fulfill.

It is by expectation that things manifest
Into my life – the good, the bad, and the ugly.
My focus on the good things in life is a must.
In the long run, I am much more willing to trust
That in my life, the things I want will come to me.
No matter what I’m going through, I know I’m blessed.

The key is to want something not too much then let
The desire for it grow naturally. It will
Gather momentum. Things begin picking up speed.
I’ll end up with a healthy desire – not from need,
But through my expectation and leaning to chill.
My belief in myself is my greatest asset.


Manifest Happiness

What is in your Vortex that you’d like to define?
Find some simple thing that you know is over there
Such as a state of clarity and fulfillment.
What is there that you want? Are you in alignment
With its coming? All you need to do is to care
How you feel in each moment. Each one you design.

What is there that is missing? What is there that you
Cannot find yet in your daily experience?
Your Vortex of Creation contains everything
That you have ever wanted. It’s ready to bring
Them all to you. The volume of it is immense.
The more that you are wanting, the more you accrue.

What do you want that you don’t have? Pick something close
To your heart, but do not concern yourself with how
It will happen. The best question to ask is, “Why?”
This speeds up your momentum. The more that you try
To make things happen, the less blessing you allow.
In the reason ‘why’ you want it, you may engross.

The ’how’ will almost every time cause you to lose
Your connection to who you are, and you may stray
From the path, but the ‘why’ gives you more energy
To explore possibilities. Thus, you are free
Of the struggle of making things turn out your way.
Why you want to have something is always good news.

Things Fall Into Place

Universal Forces At Work

All the time manifestations happen to you.
Whether it’s a relationship, money, or things,
Like a new car or bigger house, you are aware
Of the feeling of wanting it. You must take care
That your feelings are positive. How you feel brings
Things to you much more quickly than all that you do.

The word manifestation in the truest sense
Is this moment in time. It is the junction where
The focus of you and of who you really are
Is converging. It means you are not very far
From receiving. About your feelings you must care.
Against negative feelings be on the defense.

Every detail of your life is manifested.
The alarm clock, the person behind the counter,
And the place where you live are manifestations.
Those that are driven by passion are the best ones.
You can always find a thought that you would prefer.
In your own wellbeing you must be invested.

Your emotional response to your heart’s desire
Guides you to it… or from it. You are in control
Of your own guidance system. You can’t separate
The manifestation from the feeling. Your state
Of alignment with yourself is the only goal.
From this present moment, the next is made higher.

Tell A New Story

Close The Old Book

Change my thoughts about money and life as a whole?
Is that hard to do? It depends on the story
I’ve been telling to myself and others I know.
For all that I have done, what do I have to show?
This question doesn’t lead me to any glory.
It will cause my thoughts to spin way out of control.

What then is the solution? I know that money
Is as available as the air I take in
And breathe out. I like thinking about the freedom
That it gives me. I know that the money will come
In good time as soon as I decide to begin
Focusing only on the place I want to be.

I can imagine a lot of money flowing
Into my life experience. I can see how
My feeling about money affects how much comes.
If I want it to flow in uncountable sums
I must Tell A New Story and learn to allow
The abundance that this world to me is showing.

I do get the essence of what I think about.
I can tell by the way I’m feeling whether I
Am focused on money or the gross lack of it.
Positive thoughts about money I must transmit
To the universe. I know that it will comply
With my best wishes. Of this I have not a doubt.

So Close…

Simplify The Complicated Path

Nothing is more important than that you feel good.
Make this your major mantra throughout every day.
Do not try to find the best feeling thought that you
Ever thought and then hold it. This no one can do.
Just reach for the best feeling thought and stay away
From the thoughts that don’t make you feel the way you should.

You’re So Close to receiving the things you desire.
On subject after subject you can find pure bliss
If you sharpen you signal a bit. You’ve become
Clear and bright, but resistance is keeping you from
Seeing clearly. You can learn to get around this
By thinking all the good thoughts your mind can acquire.

You say you want more money. The wealth you’ve amassed
In vibrational escrow you wouldn’t believe.
You’ve been putting it there since the day you were born.
It is ready when you are, and it will adorn
You in untold abundance. Open to receive
What is due you. You have found your treasure at last.

When you give birth to something, powerful forces
Then become it. Complaining that it’s not here yet
Is the way to prevent it from coming to be.
Let yourself go with what you want, and only see
What you want. All your past failures you must forget.
Think exclusively the thoughts your heart endorses.

The Cooperative Component

The Most Important Piece

With my own powerful and important thoughts, I
Can allow what’s becoming to be what is now.
If I think against my own desires, then the gap
Between what is and what I want becomes a trap.
In the course of my life, I must remember how
To enjoy it rather than to let it go by.

A Cooperative Component I can be
With the process evolving by feeling my way
To alignment. The journey and destination
Are of the same importance. They both can be fun.
If my thoughts become negative, then I betray
Everything that I live for. This now I can see.

I can talk myself into believing what I
Want to happen in my life. The way that I feel
Tells me in which direction I need to be faced.
Thinking of the past leaves in me a bitter taste.
I am rescued by better thoughts from the ordeal
Of self-doubt. On my self-guidance I must rely.

Letting go of what is in order to allow
What’s becoming is my work. I need not explain
Where I am now. It needs no justification.
Optimism remains the only solution
To the problem of apathy. Much I can gain
By dissolving my addiction to here and now.

Your Only Work

Think Only Good Thoughts

Your work is to believe what you want. That is all.
You can be a cooperative component
With your very own powerful and important
Thoughts and feelings. You can let the universe grant
You its blessings. You can by your conscious intent
Reduce negative momentum down to a crawl.

Stop the split energy with the lame excuses
That hold you where you are. Your awareness can be
On the things that uplift you. Keep your spirits high.
Don’t be tempted to talk about the reasons why
You are where you are to others incessantly.
Only more of the same is what that produces.

Have fun watching things come into place and getting
The fullness of it happening. The only thing
That prevents it is looking at how things are now.
It’s the opposite of what you want. You allow
It to happen by not constantly focusing
On what is. It is potentially upsetting.

Enjoy the breath of fresh air that new desire brings.
Resist the temptation to face reality.
Lean in the direction of that which you prefer.
Don’t let what is occurring in your life deter
You from your dreams, and know that what’s coming will be
Evidence of the positive nature of things.

Righteous Selfishness

Be Your Own Master

Don’t freak out when people tell you you’re not okay.
They don’t mean to be disrespectful. They just are.
You are in the exact place where you’re meant to be.
You cannot be off schedule. Nothing remotely
Is the matter. In fact, you are not very far
From achieving nirvana as if it’s child’s play.

And from this point forward, your conscious awareness
Is a keener experience. There are many
Who will please you and many who will let you down.
No one’s here to do either, so wearing a frown
Makes no sense, that is if you want to remain free
Of unrighteous encounters. You don’t need the stress.

Don’t look to other folks for what you already
Have within you. Your own heart knows what’s best for you.
Just notice it all softly – the nice subtle ways
That the universe structures itself to amaze
And delight you. There’s nothing that you need to do
But to be aware of your creativity.

You’ve decided to please yourself a whole lot more
Than you had been. You’re free to not stand on your head
Or jump through hoops for others’ worthless approval.
Your enlightenment means your constant removal
Of the psychic behaviors that have cause much dread.
There are some things in life that are good to ignore.

Make It Happen In A Day

Twenty-Four Hours To Pleasure

If I can feel it then in time I will see it.
I’ve just got to find some way of soothing the beast
That keeps me from receiving. My feelings of doubt
Bring me no satisfaction. I can do without
The emotional drama. May it be the least
Of my issues. To trust in myself I commit.

I can feel it, therefore, it must certainly be,
And it is. Everyone is receiving something
From the higher self or from the news of the day.
What we have in our lives must reflect in this way.
Always in the receptive mode, there is nothing
That I can’t choose for myself. I’m in this way free.

Momentum is another special puzzle piece.
Ever moving cooperative components
Are aligning themselves according to how I
Let it all happen… or not. The question is why
Do I want what I’m wanting. It has to make sense
To my truest self. My ego I must release.

Give your attention to something, and something will
Manifest in a short while – perhaps in a day.
Don’t be oblivious to the way that you feel.
Unseen forces that make worlds to you will reveal
Things that are most appealing. There is no delay
In its coming. Your wishes they want to fulfill.

Manifestation Vibration

The Frequency Of Fulfillment

Are you patient about the desire that has not
Manifested? You don’t want to be complacent
About it, but when you understand that if this
Time space reality, when you’re feeling your bliss,
Causes you to want something, then it can present
It to you. Your vibration does matter a lot.

It can be a reality you can perceive
With you physical senses. The dream can come true.
Be alright with it not having manifested.
It is better that you are fully invested
In the earliest signs that are revealed to you.
Impulses and good feelings are what you receive.

More ideas coming, and of course the contrast,
Without which there is no birth of fresh new desire,
Are the manifestations that happen early.
Once you have given birth to them then you must be
In the mode to receive them. All that you acquire
Is by letting things take place and having a blast.

You can’t want it, then doubt it. You won’t realize
Clues when they come upon you. You’re moving away
From it when you feel nervous. The receptive mode
Is required for a nice attraction episode.
Physical senses translate, all day, everyday
What we focus on. This is the ultimate prize.

Consistent Enjoyment

The Unending Pleasure In Life

Life is meant for enjoyment and for having fun.
Don’t let anyone fool you into believing
That you are meant to struggle to get anywhere.
That is wrong! You are meant to live without a care
And to become good at the art of receiving.
Much of your work at this point is already done.

We each have a vibrational escrow account
Which means everything wished for from your beginning
Exists now. It is spiritual in essence.
It is accessed simply by the bliss of suspense
In each moment of living. Your world is spinning
As you want it. You can handle any amount.

We translate into reality vibration
By our attention to it and practice of it.
Imagine yourself  traveling to the future
When things have turned out the way that you would prefer.
Then bring back that vibration for your benefit.
This will enhance your receiving mode a crap ton.

The next step is consistency. You’ve already
Achieved close enough proximity to your dreams.
Be aware of the thoughts you think – or stop thinking
Altogether. You’ll note the universe winking
To let you know that everything is as it seems.
Be eternally as happy as you can be.

Your Solar Plexus

Your Gut Chakra

Do your desires and wishes still feel good to you?
Do they enliven you? Are you happy thinking
About them? Can you get terribly excited?
Or do you feel, when thinking of them, certain dread?
Have your doubts made them become uninteresting?
Then perhaps some alignment is long overdue.

When you face the reality of the absence
Of something that you want, then you try to take score
While it’s on the way, you will slow everything down.
It’s for sure that you will end up wearing a frown.
You can know in your soul that all that you’ve asked for
Is in Your Solar Plexus. It’s rather immense.

The ‘reality’ of the absence isn’t real.
All things are ever present spiritually.
The vibrational beingness happens before
Things become physical, honestly, and the more
You focus on its being the more you will see
Manifestations occurring that are ideal.

You must feel it in Your Solar Plexus. It’s where
Your emotional senses are stored and processed.
Even though you can’t see them yet, things do exist
In vibrational escrow. So do not resist
The guidance of your gut. It really is the best
Indicator of truth, and it’s willing to share.


Your Amazing Life Force

Is the car in the garage my reality?
It is rugged and solid, and if I punch it
With my fists I’ll know pain like I wouldn’t believe.
My reality is only what I perceive
To be real, and the vibration that I emit
Arranges my reality as it must be.

Although it was assembled somewhere at some plant,
And the pieces were fashioned by man or machine,
Can it ever be accurate that it is real?
It’s just a perception any person can feel
With their consciousness. In the world all can be seen
As something that is physical and elegant.

A manifestation is my ability
To perceive. That Is It! There is nothing to add
To improve on its meaning. The Magic Potion
Is in expressing with my deepest emotion
What I would like to see changed. Has this world gone mad?
If I can ask the question I help make it be.

It is tricky to hold one’s thought on the unseen.
The mixing of realities often occurs.
The rub is to observe reality enough
But not so much that I become bogged down with stuff
That is not what the better part of me prefers.
I consider Magic a part of my routine.

Speak Your Desires Into Existence

Tell Your Dreams To The Universe

The enormous power of non-resisted thought
Everyone has. It takes the form of momentum.
You can say you would like to have this thing or that
But the ‘but’ that follows quickly makes it fall flat.
“I want it, but it’s difficult…” Don’t beat that drum.
Nothing changes. You will not receive what is sought.

The more you let a thought flow without resistance
Then the more speed it picks up; the more energy
It attracts. This momentum is what manifests
Things into your experience, and this suggests
That your power is awesome. Yet how can this be?
By no means are you ever the victim of chance.

If you think about something that you don’t care that
Much about, then you offer not much resistance
So it’s gaining momentum however slowly.
The notion of non-resisted thought ain’t crazy.
You may be interested in how to enhance
The momentum by engaging in lots of chat.

Speak more often about what you want with others
Who you know are supportive, and stay positive.
Don’t let ‘buts’ and ‘objectivity’ kill your dream.
Believe that you have access to a steady stream
Of wellbeing, abundance, and desire to live
No matter whatever situation occurs.

Push The Launch Button

Get Things Started

You’re the creator of your own reality.
Your life is like a rocket ship ready to go.
You’re moments from blast off. Why on earth do you wait?
Live your life to its fullest before it’s too late
To create all you wanted to. This much you owe
To yourself. You must be all that you want to be.

Creating your own reality is about
A conscious way to choose what you want to occur
By adjusting your thoughts, beliefs, and perspectives
To those of your true spirit who constantly lives
Blissfulness and full clarity. What you prefer
Is your spirit’s only concern without a doubt.

You get what you focus your attention upon.
If it’s rubbish then that is what you’ll manifest
But if you have a dream that you want to come true
Then there is only one thing that you have to do.
Focus on it only and you will do your best.
You have universal forces to rely on.

There is a close connection between attraction
And creation. The Law of Attraction helps you
To know your own potential by testing it out.
Manifestations wipe away lingering doubt
That you get what you ask for. You are the one who
Is meant to push the button on new life begun.

Ask, Believe… Receive


Like the three-cycle rhythm of your beating heart,
The process of receiving all that you desire
Is a powerful one. The reason you came here
Is so that you can cherish the things that are dear.
When you are well adjusted you have the entire
Universe to support you. It wants to take part.

Desire is all you need to make wishes come true.
As it burns deep within you, you are energized
And aligned with creation. If you have some doubt
About receiving what you want you will miss out
On its manifestation. So it is advised
That you keep negative thoughts far away from you.

All that you’ve ever wanted is known by the part
Of you who is your truest self, and it knows how
To give you perfect guidance along your journey.
A magnificent relationship there can be
Between you and your spirit. You need but allow
Your desire to consume every beat of your heart.

There is no assertion in this world as we know.
It is a misperception due to the contrast
We experience daily. There can only be
Attraction. Everything comes vibrationally.
Spiritual is the fortune you have amassed.
It becomes manifest when you go with the flow.

Speak Only Of What You Want

Tell Your Own Story

There’s too much one can speak of that dampens the mood
And excites the raw demon from nonexistence
To somewhere nowhere near a peaceful solution.
Negative emotions are certainly no fun
Unless one is psychotic thus lacking of sense.
Is this keeping your attention on what’s pursued?

For every statement of desire there’s a statement
Of doubt or disbelief that it can be fulfilled
But that’s just human nature. We want perfection
The first crack out of the box. The work has been done
To bring you satisfaction. Decide to be thrilled
By that which has true meaning. Dare to be content.

You do not want to settle for less than your dream
Yet there may be reluctance to your allowing
It to happen because you’re strung out on the news
Or some trite personal drama that you may choose
To waste your psychic energy on. Everything
That you want requires focus but not too extreme.

It is easy to start in a general place,
Living happily ever after and watching
Things come into alignment with your true desire.
Anything that you want you’re able to acquire
But your focus must be only on that one thing.
Tune yourself toward receiving infinite grace.

Stop Lying To Yourself

Get A Glimpse Of Truth

What takes place in the real world cannot be as real
As the essence within you that knows only truth.
It’s our nature to lie even about feelings.
So much of what is false we get from our dealings
With others whose tactics are profoundly uncouth.
To the ignorant masses it has much appeal.

Thoughts of Mother Teresa are relevant here.
People are often self-centered, irrational,
And unreasonable. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind there will be people who betray
And accuse you of selfishness. Some of them shall
Turn out to be your enemies within your sphere.

But be kind anyway. If you are successful
You will win some unfaithful friends and enemies.
Succeed anyway. If you’re honest and sincere
People may deceive you, but decide to adhere
To your quest for success. Don’t let anyone seize
Your passion or ability to be joyful.

What you spend years creating others can destroy
Overnight, but create anyway. If you find
Happiness and serenity, some are jealous
But be happy anyway. Don’t take on the fuss
Of those who choose to be in that ill way inclined.
Do what it takes to keep yourself centered in joy.

Make The Universe Listen

Command The Cosmos

You create the vast universe as it creates
You and all others in it. Telling your story
As you want has the power to change anything
In your life that’s not working. Alone you can bring
About what is needed in terms of your glory.
You must know that a wonderful treasure awaits.

Your story as you tell it can eliminate
All the bygones, mistakes, grudges, and injustice
Of all manner. You will begin to let it go
And replace it with that which you have come to know
As benevolent, hopeful, and things such as this.
No one can mess with the story that you create.

Purify your vibration. Practice the power
Of your own mind. Step back into remembering
Who you are, why you came here, and what you shall do.
All that is benefits from all that which is you.
With every thought that you think you have everything
At you beck and call naturally as it were.

Do whatever you must to feel good. If it takes
Dissolving stagnant relationships, so be it.
Put your undivided attention on the things
That bring you the most pleasure despite happenings.
Your life was meant to be a comfortable fit.
The game of your alignment is truly high stakes.

Ask This Question

The Most Important Thing To Ask

Much obscene information erupts into play
With my daily reality. There is no need
For me to ask a single thing. Too much goes on
For the mind to keep track of. Consensus is drawn
From the common collective. In this way I’m freed
From the wild chase that would make a waste of my day.

Negative emotion always means that I’m not
In agreement with how my inner being feels
About what I am dealing with. It cannot see
Any evil in anyone including me.
It’s the epitome of positive ideals.
What it thinks about all things should matter a lot.

I could choose to be angry about many things
That involve people having to be different
Than they are in order for me to be happy.
They won’t change who they are just to satisfy me.
There is one other option. I can be content
In the clarity that my inner being brings.

How does my inner being feel about this thing
That I’m focused upon?
Is my gut in a knot?

If so, it means I’m not in agreement with it.
My internal guidance is of huge benefit.
It tells me when I’m warm or cold and when I’m hot.
It’s the only question I will keep on asking.

Let The Universe Work Things Out

Contentment Through The Cosmos

When desire is strong then solutions are ready.
There’s no possible way things are not working out
For me always. How much momentum is moving
Toward things that I want, and how much do I bring
To the things that I don’t want? It is all about
The choice made by me to be enlightened and free.

When things work out for me others don’t understand
And then call me selfish, greedy, or unworthy.
I expect things to go well, and they will comply.
If others are offended then they ought to try
Focusing on their own stuff and let others be.
Expectation is how wonderful things are planned.

Sometimes I’ll slip right out of the receiving mode
And find myself assuming something has gone wrong
Because I’ve made things harder than they need to be.
I can trust that when I’m thinking positively
Then the universe will want to follow along
And provide an appropriate cool episode.

Who can block my path? It turns out only I can
By the way that I’m thinking. I need not focus
On the thing that I’m wanting in order to be
In the receiving mode. I get there easily
Through my conscious intent which is always a plus.
Letting the blessings flow is my only game plan.

Feel As If It Is

The Heck With Reality!

Faking it ‘til you make it is faking your way
Through your life. Unending currents of resistance
Complicate your achievements because pretending
Puts a make believe accent on what you’re sending
To the answering universe. Only by chance
Will your character and you be one with the play.

You can act as if something is yet not believe
That it is. It is best to find the emotion
Of what you want to happen and amplify that.
Upon getting that going you will not fall flat
On your mission. Do know that you’re the only one
Who can feel your way into the mode to receive.

Find the vibration that is within the desire.
Why do you want it? What’s the feeling that you get
When you focus upon it with all your intent?
Feel As If It Is and that you are truly meant
To receive what it is without trouble or sweat.
Know that the universe is not a denier.

To feel better is the reason people want things.
Going for pure emotion will bring them to you
Yet you need not the manifestation to be
Absolutely and totally necessary
For the way that you are feeling. This you can do
Simply for the sublime freedom and peace it brings.

What Gets In Your Way

The Trash In The Travel

If this reality can create within you
A desire then it does have the wherewithal to
Bring to you the full-fledged manifested version
Of your wish. All you have to do is have more fun
While you’re getting to that somewhere dearest to you.
All the power you have is in your point of view.

Desire and strong belief are both necessary
And an absolute knowing that it will occur
But what gets in the way is too much awareness
Of the place where you are. You should look at that less
And keep your focus on the things that you prefer.
In this way you can keep yourself centered and free.

That’s the rub about living. Your destination
Is a near perfect vision compared to the place
Where you are now while knowing it will get you to
The place that you are going. What you need to do
Is suspend you attention. The more you embrace
Something that is unwanted no peace has begun.

Find the heart of what you want and why you want it.
You must make it a mood building experience.
When you feel the emotion rather than the thought
It is less than likely that you’ll get yourself caught
In the negative whirlpools of psychic suspense.
For the better your world will change as you permit.

Just Relax

Don't Hurry Life

You could not be more worthy but you could be more
Aware and more allowing of your worthiness.
Your approach could be softer. Accept that the laws
Of the universe are powerful and the cause
Of all things that occur here. You have full access
To your treasure. There is some excitement in store.

The way that you show yourself that all this is true
Is by focusing on things that do not hold much
Resistance to begin with and then watching how
Universal forces will respond and allow
rendezvous with occasions that will produce such
In a fashion convincing enough to sell you.

Your ability to be receptive to things
That matter to you dearly can surely increase.
As you start focusing in less resistant ways
Wonderful things will happen to you within days.
It is time to relax. Give your wanting some peace.
Contentment in the journey is what your calm brings.

The precision and the uniqueness of who you
Are is represented in this co-creative
Arena of existence. Amid the contrast
Your advantage is huge. Your intention is vast.
You know best with a clear mind just how you should live.
Every moment of being is blessed and new.

Ask, Believe, Receive

The Process

Your desire is the only thing you’ll ever need
But you hardly ever let yourself entertain
A desire without shooting it down with your doubt.
Things that keep showing up are clearly all about
Your own lack of commitment. There’s nothing to gain
In hoping that your struggle will help you succeed.

You have given your inner being subtle clues.
You’re contributing always. Your relationship
With yourself you have nurtured over many years.
Your reluctance to movement results from your fears
Of failure, but this agony you can well skip.
You always have the freedom to feel as you choose.

There is only attraction. There’s no assertion.
When you try to force something it rarely works out.
When desires and beliefs match are when things occur
That will be most delightful. The life you prefer
Is available to you. You do have much clout
In commanding the universe, and it is fun.

You have unwillingly calibrated to things
And beliefs about things you do not even want
Through unconscious behaviors that you can release.
The power of your presence is eternal peace
And the life you enjoy here can be but a jaunt.
You’ll get used to a new heart that constantly sings.

Rise Above

Spiritual Wisdom

To be super successful at age thirty five
Is the dream of most people. A state of romance
That is warm and fulfilling folks also strive for.
Human nature is programmed to always want more
Of the good life and all of the things that enhance
Our enjoyment of everything while we’re alive.

Yet sometimes people find themselves in a crisis
Because they have desires, but they lack competence.
The conditions we live by can get in the way
Of our loving completely. We often betray
Our contentment with life and commit the offense
Of believing in failure. The whole point we miss.

Life can feel like it’s passing by quite rapidly.
When you wake up one morning and feel unfulfilled
Because your plan for your life did not come to be,
The frustration is sickening to the degree
That the spirit may feel like it cannot be thrilled.
Conditions can cancel competence completely.

If you want unconditional love, then become
Like a dog. They are competent in every way
That is meaningful. They are excellent lovers.
When one rises above it all one discovers
That love is not an action nor something that may
Or may not be supportive of where love comes from.

Love is just who and how your are – not your ego.
When you rise above conditions for a brief while
You will see that your love is of a different
Nature than what your ego may care to present.
All the good, bad, and ugly one takes with a smile.
And throughout your life’s journey true love you will show.