Tag Archive | verse

Tonight I Can Write The Saddest Lines


The night is immense but of a different kind
Of expansion that makes of my soul a vacuum.
Once the night was of splendor. It can be no more.
I could write about the way my life was before,
But tonight I’m content in expressing my gloom.
If I’m paralyzed fully, no peace shall I find.

The night is starry and the stars are blue, and they
Shiver in the distance. The detergent night wind
Revolves in the sky singing. I did love her so
And sometimes she loved me too. I suffer the woe
Of not knowing in what manner that I have sinned.
Loneliness is the bitter price she’d have me pay.

Through the nights like this one I held her in my arms.
I kissed her profusely under the endless sky.
How could one not have loved her great still eyes? To think
That I do not have her pushes me past the brink
Of feeling that I’ve lost her. Need I wonder why
I no longer partake of her feminine charms?

My soul is not satisfied that it has lost her.
Love is so short. Forgetting is fretfully long.
Another’s she will be as she was before my
Adoration. My senses continue to try
To perceive her. I hear in the distance a song,
But I can’t make the music make things as they were.

How To Pray

Asking Intently

I have prayed for so many years for certain things
But it seems that the more that I do, the harder
I feel about receiving the things I pray for.
I always wonder if I could do something more
For my wanted manifestations to occur.
I lose faith in my meaningless prayer offerings.

This puzzle of thinking is familiar to some.
I’ll include myself in this. I often forget
That there are two different ways that one can pray…
Out of neediness or thankfulness. And which way
Proves to be more effective? It’s an easy bet.
Just because you feel needy, you are never scum.

All prayers are not answered in the order received.
They’re addressed instantaneously in the mind
Of the Master Creator. Appreciation
Is the best kind of prayer for indeed everyone.
If you ask in a whiny voice you will not find
That your prayers have been heard and all has been achieved.

Pray from inside your happiness. Be thankful for
All there is in your life that is most wonderful.
Don’t pray from scarcity or from feeling that you
Are not more than deserving. You’ve nothing to do
But believe your magnificence and be grateful
For what you have already. Then you’ll receive more.