Tag Archive | satisfaction

Feel The Freshness

Know Your Blessedness

You are under the influence of strong desire
For nothing in particular. You’re just amazed
At how well life is treating you, and you want more
Of your spirit to reach out and boldly explore
New horizons. Your attitude is to be praised.
Nothing of anyone does your true heart require.

Feel The Freshness of living the life of your dreams
And of anticipating things turning out well.
You know that you deserve what life has to offer
That is loving and wholesome… all that you prefer.
In a world of excited contentment you dwell.
In the presence of others your radiance beams.

Others who are under the influence of need
Have a nervous demeanor. There is urgency
In the basic vibration that others can sense
And then put up a force field as their self-defense.
It’s not that folks aren’t loving. They just want to be
Left alone which is why beggars rarely succeed.

You may want something just because it represents
The basis of who you are. Your satisfaction
Is sustained in its absence, and how it will come
Is of no concern of yours. Keep beating the drum
In the way that matches your highest vibration.
Keep on looking forward to wonderful events.

Things Will Flow

Believe In What You Know Is To Come

The emotional scale is a continuum
Of all possible feelings. One end is despair
And the other is ecstasy, and in between
A progression to wellbeing clearly is seen.
If I want to feel happy then I must take care
That I know precisely where bad feelings come from.

From despair to revenge is a positive leap.
I have much more control, and I find some relief
From a cold crippling numbness that eats at the soul.
It’s not healthy to stay there, but I feel more whole
If at least I feel anger. It is my belief
That I can avoid things that my spirit can’t keep.

Between having no resistance and letting go
Of resistance, there is a subtle difference.
Like a car with its brake off and it’s out of gear
Momentum gathers quickly. It’s best I adhere
To the basic psychology. It does make sense
To create my momentum and go with the flow.

From complete satisfaction into ecstasy
Can happen rather swiftly. I’m not complacent
With the way that things are. I’m exhilarated
With the wonderful world that I have created
Wherein I have the freedom to dwell in content.
I have no doubt that good things will flow unto me.

A Truly Magnificent Life

Good Living

I pledge allegiance to the divided countries
Of this unholy union of haves and have nots.
What I’d dreamed of is gone now, but that is okay.
This unspeakable contrast must be here to stay.
I am born of a small world of sinister plots
And of billowing hatred of democracies.

It does freak the hell out of me to some degree.
People whom I’ve ever known I now cannot trust
And it does seem to matter that I am concerned
That there are some tough lessons that have to be learned.
All the ‘brotherly love’ bullshit crumbles to dust
In the climate of strong racial hatred of me.

Is there room to be hopeful? I know that I am
On the verge of discovering what I can do
To maintain my alignment and blend with the flow
Of what my inner being would want me to know
About my own magnificence. I’m able to
Carry on with my living and not give a damn.

My own past is an utter disaster, so I
Am a match to experiences of chaos.
I need close only the gap between me and me.
All else that may be happening I need not see.
There are may bridges. I choose which ones to cross.
Some may lead to fulfillment, and those I will try.

Timing Is None Of Your Business

Let Momentum Unfold

Many things are in the process of becoming.
So is it possible for timing to be off
On something that is so right? Of course that can be.
To call it wrong timing is unnecessary.
At this notion your truer self would surely scoff
One can take care of business by doing nothing.

Timing is none of your business, and this is why.
Throughout your life you have gathered much momentum.
All cooperative components are in place
To bestow upon you an intelligent grace.
You can trust that what you have will always come from
How you take to the process you cannot deny.

What it would be like you can only imagine…
Alone trying to move all the pieces around.
There are too many of them. Leaving them alone
Relieves you of the task of grasping the unknown.
By trusting in the process content can be found.
Then you will witness timing like it’s never been.

Find one reason after another to partake
Of the feeling of satisfaction through your day.
Know that all that you’ve asked for is manifested
In vibrational escrow. You are not tested
In the least by the process. Take time out to play.
You’re no master of timing so give it a break.

Change Your Life

The Perpetual Self-Creation of Being

Life is many life stages. All go through some change
Natural to their species. The best are recalled
That have been more than thrilling. That feeling sustained
Is the very one wherein all goodness is gained.
Is there something about life that keeps me enthralled?
This question is important and cannot be strange.

Graduated from college, I don’t have a clue
As to what I should do now. If things were such that
I could do what I wanted for maximum pay
A poet or a painter would be how I play
But they can’t earn a living. Should I then scoff at
What my heart wants me doing. What else could I do?

Well, if money is the most important thing, then
I will waste my life doing things that I abhor
For the purpose of living another workday
Which makes my spirit susceptible to decay
And without the volition to seek and explore
I am stuck and made powerless ever again.

Can I forget the money and do what I feel
Is the best thing for me and do it so damned well
That the feeling itself becomes satisfying?
If I do this ultimately it has to bring
On the kind of adventure that will break the spell.
I can then live a life that is truly ideal.

What The Universe Asks

...Before All Is Given

I would like a nice boat… maybe even a yacht.
I enjoy being free and having lots of fun.
But is it satisfaction I mostly desire?
If it is, then the boat and all things will transpire.
Everything is available under the sun
But the feeling of needing defeats me a lot.

I can find other pathways to satisfaction
Before things become manifest. Then they enhance
The contentment I find in the things I control,
Like my mood and my attitude. My only goal
Is to feel satisfaction. My now circumstance
Is the bouncing off place where creation is done.

I’m under the influence of something always…
Either my inner being who knows everything
Or some confounding problem I’m worried about.
If I act out of need I will introduce doubt.
If desire is the driving force then it will bring
On a freshness of feeling that will my mood raise.

All the universe asks is that my desire be
Nonresistant – unfettered by feelings of need.
If I try to consider all of the details
Only miscalculation and error prevails.
In releasing the neediness spirit is freed
To attract and create most magnificently.

Ask And Expect

Your World Awaits

Is it possible that I don’t ask hard enough?
That it hasn’t come true yet is clear in my mind.
Can’t I just let the process work out on its own?
I can’t be in the receiving mode if I moan
About what hasn’t happened. Comfort I can find
In the fact that my focus is making things tough.

I can’t hold myself in the awareness of lack
And expect good to happen. It works not that way.
I must feel the excitement and then let it go
Or else build more upon it so that it may grow
To obsessive magnificence, and I will stay
In sublime expectation. All is well on track.

Ask briefly then expect. That’s the best way to go.
I can feel how keen my awareness is of things
As they are – somewhat hopeless. It adds resistance
Into the whole equation. I welcome the chance
To test infinite powers. How I’m feeling brings
About manifestations of joy or sorrow.

I want there to be safety and justice for all.
Those conditions I can’t control. What I can do
Is keep myself creatively focused on joy.
Nothing but my awareness of hate can destroy
Any hope of fulfillment. I am the one who
Makes the final decision to engage the small.

The Road To Excellence

The Rewards Of Blissful Effort

First of all, it’s a journey, and that is profound.
I will never be best at the work that I do.
It means not satisfaction or complacency
With a job with which my true self doesn’t agree
But a free burst of spirit that connects me to
The appropriate forces that are all around.

I’ll commit myself to becoming excellent.
It is in the commitment that my path is made
And the path is significant more than the goal
I will not see its culmination ‘til my soul
Takes its leave from this earth realm. I’ll not be dismayed
By the ills of my being perversely content.

Excellence is a journey that I can test out.
How many times do I fee productive and whole
Through the day
is the question. The answer can guide

Me to just the right hookup. I can’t be denied
What I need to survive if there’s bliss in my soul.
What I have backing me is universal clout.

If I’m not feeling feedback from the world at large
Then the universe is telling me something clear.
If I don’t love my work enough to want to be
The best at it, then I should drop it completely.
There are certain standards to which I must adhere.
The first step in the whole process is to take charge.

Satisfaction Brings Your Dreams To Reality

Satisfaction Guarantees

The best word I can use to describe how I feel
Has to be ‘Satisfaction.’ The joy that I know
Is both now and eternal. The balance between
The me that is most pure and the one that is seen
Is a space of expansion where good feelings flow
In response to the wonder that I won’t conceal.

Who I am before coming here is pure spirit –
Disembodied and formless yet full of life force.
I have grown since that moment to who I am now,
And by nature and instinct I tend to allow
Subtle life changing guidance directly from Source.
I must be of the right mind to clearly hear it.

That part of me that is real, expanded, and whole
Is my true inner being – evolved and at peace.
When the person I must be aligns with that part
Then a feeling of blissfulness enters my heart.
As my practice makes perfect I will find release
From the self become human and flesh and blood soul.

In this moment, my thoughts and beliefs I can choose
To be in complete harmony with who I am.
My desires are not doubted but well understood.
It is my wish that all folk would feel as they should.
Feeling ease and contentment working my program,
There’s no way that in this life I’m destined to lose.

Speed Things Up

Overcoming Resistance To Acceleration

Have I not heard enough about how to move on
Happily ever after above the thick clouds
From the tons of self-help books and through my asking?
The resistance I feel prevents me from basking
In all that I am living. My yearning enshrouds
All the grace I am given which is never gone.

“How do I speed things up then?” this novice may ask
While not feeling momentum in life day to day.
“…By not slowing them down.” Is the answer I hear.
Though it does twist my noodle, it’s perfectly clear.
Clear the twigs from the wheel’s spokes, then I surely may
Move more swiftly than ever. I’m up to the task.

There’s a natural momentum to everything
That is dreamt of or wished for. It starts by asking.
Then cooperative components fall into place.
The adventure is nice, but let’s quicken the pace.
I have gotten nowhere with my multitasking.
Can I know what the laws of the universe bring?

I speed things up with satisfaction. That’s for sure,
And I slow them down greatly with doubt, pain, and fear.
This law works in the opposite way just as well.
I have taken that route. It’s a roadway to hell.
I can remove the struggle from my atmosphere
And proceed with a spirit empowered and pure.

Never Pursue Anything

Giving Up The Struggle

Spirits say earth is one of the toughest of schools.
Souls are eager to come here for reasons unknown.
Maybe it’s because struggle and density here
Is a master illusion compounded by fear.
The potential for hate on earth need not be shown
Any more than it has in its evil whirlpools.

In ways, earth seems to be cursed, but it’s a façade.
We as souls bring it with us from previous lives
And the earth is a wonderful place to behold
But from infancy until we’re ninety we’re told
That only the aggressive and mean one survives
And that life here is hard and intrinsically flawed.

Just the word ‘pursuing’ is worth considering
In an attraction based universe you never
Need to pursue a damned thing. All that you need do
Is establish a good vibration that is true
So the life you are wanting is bound to occur.
It should not be ‘amazing’ what good thoughts can bring.

People try, then give up, and with pain they complain.
“I’d better just manhandle it into being”
Is the fateful conclusion that they will come to.
Ninety nine percent of the work’s done before you
Have the dream half completed. But here is the thing:
Leverage of alignment yields maximum gain.

Easy Manifestation

Focus Plus Passion Equals Manifestation

I came here for the full blown manifestation
Because this is the leading edge of existence.
All creation takes place here in this earthly realm.
The experience often causes overwhelm
To where I may lose focus and self-confidence.
It is best that I relax and dare to have fun.

Feeling satisfied, I’m truly eager for more.
This emotional place is the best to embrace
As it is the vibrational stance that I need
To receive information. I then may proceed
In the righteous direction within time and space.
I need not figure things out as here I explore.

Feeling good anyway is the trick that I’ve learned.
When the manifestation has not happened yet
There’s no need to be upset. I’ll block myself from
Grace the universe offers. It only can come
If I’m exhilarated and of the mindset
That there isn’t a reason I need be concerned.

Satisfied with the evolving world I create,
I am in the position that proper timing
And bright flashes of insight are at my avail.
Life is the leading edge of an infinite tale
Of witch I am the sole author of everything.
The one thing I can manifest is feeling great.

A Message From Einstein

Information Esoteric

It would be an enlightening experience
If I could channel Einstein. What all might he say
To this world grown beyond his? There is not the need
To go searching in that way. I need not proceed
With the wicked or woo woo. In this age and day
Many folks have encountered his psychic presence.

What comes through as his message is perfectly clear.
People are much like bicycles. Balance we keep
As long as we are moving, otherwise we fall.
In terms of vibration it’s a visceral call.
Move forward through experience not while asleep
But with focus applied to one thought that is dear.

He considered his thought world a place of refuge –
A safe pace from the clutter ever apparent.
Starting off with a premise, he would theorize,
And then test out theories. He’d often revise
Them a bit with new data. He wouldn’t relent
Until something of value would come about huge.

His greatest satisfaction in being exposed
To this world fascinating was thinking about
Answers to his own questions about existence.
Fortunately for us, he has made it make sense.
Through all cycles of being, we cast away doubt
And the more of life’s secrets are rightly disclosed.

The Universe Is On Your Side

All The Power There Is

Frequently one-two-three punches into the gut
Leave a mess for digestion of life as a meal.
Sustenance insufficient, the dark soul adrift
In a fog can recover by making a shift
In the way it is thinking. Life can be ideal.
Yes, you can be in fulfillment no matter what.

Those who hang out in spirit, who used to be here
Among us in the earth realm plus many others
That we can never know of whose numbers are vast
Have no better thing to do but lovingly cast
Good vibrations upon earth. Whatever occurs
That is unwanted is only due to your fear.

You cannot be impatient although you may know
Absolutely for certain that you deserve more.
Let it happen without giving it all your thought.
Finding joy in the process, you will not get caught
In the trap of poor thinking. You are destined for
All the best that you’ve dreamt since a long time ago.

Those who believe in fairies and unicorns are
In their right minds by spirit who takes form in ways
That are meant to return you to who you can be.
Forces do work in tandem for your harmony.
On the wings of your wishes, spirit offers praise
And reminds you that all that you seek isn’t far.


Ascending The Emotional Ladder

In releasing resistance I find true relief.
I must know that this feeling is better by far
Than a hell ever present. The sorrow and pain
That I have caused for others because I’m insane
Now congest the insides of me and leave a scar
On my sense of direction. I am my own thief.

The emotional ladder is what I must climb.
From the bottom abysmal with deepest despair,
The next rung is anger. I need someone to blame.
It’s a much better feeling wherein I reclaim
Some power that I’d lost by not being aware
That there is such a spectrum. It’s here all the time.

Moving up the emotional scale is to feel
My way to satisfaction, and from there, onward
To the freedom and peace that I ask strongly for.
There is only momentum toward that and more.
The resistance I nurture cannot be ignored.
I can only release it in order to heal.

Nowhere near to the top do I find myself now.
Although I feel relief, no vibrational match
Does it make to fulfillment of ultimate dreams.
The increase in momentum between the extremes
Of emotion I’m able to use to detach
From what’s wrong with my present then learn to allow.

Happiness Amid Horror

Sublime Ignorance of the Status Quo

I Exist. Don’t I know it! This heat is intense.
It consumes not my sorrow. It savers my soul.
Agony is what I know in this time and place.
I cannot keep my mind off the horror I face
Through confounded incompetence while on parole
From abysmal circumstance. Have I some defense?

I can see through the flames just as they see in me
Their reflection in pure light. They’re taken aback.
Unexpected behavior to them is obscene.
I did wake up this morning. The grass is still green.
And although I’m consumed with such feelings of lack,
I’ve a lot going for me. That much I can see.

Satisfaction and relief feel almost the same.
I have deactivated the resistant part
Of my vibration righteously. Now I’m intent
On that satisfied feeling. I can’t be hellbent
On a manifestation. What’s dear to my heart
Is that sense of alignment. It’s my only aim.

Getting into the Vortex is what rings my bell.
It’s the state where my passion for life can explode
Into wonderful feelings and brighter insights.
Can I then be more open to reaching new heights?
My existence in hell is a brief episode.
In the heart of abundance my true self does dwell.

I Am

Unlike Any Other

Welcome magic and wonder, true brilliance, and grace.
Welcome joy, satisfaction, all pleasure, and strength.
May the essence of beauty and presence of form
Be the way of existence and surely the norm.
Excellence be the blessing throughout the wavelength
Of the spectrum of Being in this time and space.

What I seek I have already. What I must know,
I can understand. All I wish I could, I can.
Who I want to be, I am. What I seek, I own.
I comply with the knowing that I’m not alone
And have never be so since before life began.
I accept love and give all that I have also.

I am seed. I am tree; the flower and the bee.
Fire and wind I am both. I am mother and child.
I am mighty and loud, yet I silently tread
Lightly upon this earth. The goodwill that is spread
Is of nature. I am reason, and I am wild.
I’m the buyer and seller who oft’ disagree.

I am ease and great power; the bridge and tower.
I am sand and the beach. I am student; I teach.
Modest and monumental, I’m brave yet gentle.
I’m all that exists and I’m coincidental.
I am many and few; I am every and each
Of God’s essence within you as life does occur.

Seventeen Seconds

A Miracle's Creating In Moments

Seventeen is the number of seconds it takes
To create some momentum from one focused thought.
In that bit of time, can I think just of one thing
Without measuring pros and cons and what might bring
On a rabid complexity where mind is caught
In a game of survival that’s played at high stakes?

After holding a single thought consistently,
It gains attraction power. Thoughts most similar
Coalesce and get stronger within the spirit.
Energized, the emotions will play and not quit.
And there is not a danger of going too far
As the source of all being is much part of me.

Another seventeen seconds… then, another…
After sixty eight seconds, emotion runs high
And impulses come flooding in from everywhere.
Manifesting the good feeling puts me right there
Where the universe notices. No longer shy,
All the life I’m entitled to has to occur.

I can’t deal with conditions, but feelings I will
Change exclusive to anything that’s going on
Which is outside my sacred self who is at peace.
Every bit of the struggle I need to release
To the cosmos for processing. Much fear is gone
By performing this exercise just for the thrill.

Evolution Through Disruption

The Cost Of Living Buisness

All the worst of my problems alone I create
Through the master controller of identity
On the personal level. I’m doomed to attack.
For the rest of my life here I’ll just watch my back.
Evil doesn’t become me, but insanity
Seems to be what consumes me and authors my fate.

The abstracted part of me – the self not made whole –
Is only form identity. It’s not the same
As the timeless consciousness that I am truly.
Everyone is that essence with none else to be.
With this form I am subject to sorrow and shame
That I feel often times to the depths of my soul.

Oneself can’t be perfected. It’s like whack-a-mole.
Once things are put to order, something falls apart.
Never ending the struggle it is to portray
A complete living model. And I must obey
The aspect of disruption. It strengthens my heart
Just to know of the sick truth I cannot control.

Evolution of consciousness cannot take place
In a world picture perfect with no suffering.
One would dance on the surface of life and not grow.
Compassion and deep insights one can’t come to know.
Disruption in my life is a wonderful thing
If I can learn to trust it as God’s loving grace.

True Satisfaction


We enjoy co-creating. One reason we’re here
Is to mingle with others and make life a dream.
We are certain our lives here are meant to feel good.
It’s amazing most people don’t know this and should.
We have but to feel satisfied and not extreme
About making dreams happen, lest they disappear.

Being more and more satisfied in being more
Is the way that we tweak and mold as we create.
We create with much pleasure if we so decide.
Nothing can separate us, not even our pride.
When in true satisfaction we feel that it’s fate,
We embrace not the will nor the time to keep score.

Find oneself in reception, then one will find peace.
Not a thing on earth matters if we’re satisfied.
When it’s good, it gets better. When bad, it’s a gift
From the cosmos reminding us we need to shift.
Happily ever after cannot be denied
To true heart’s satisfaction. One’s faith will increase.