Tag Archive | physical condition

Test Your Universe

Sharing Happiness

You can be joyful without having to pretend.
If you think that you must be, you’re trying too hard.
Separate the experience of feeling good
From the headache. If you do not feel as you should,
Don’t fake it, but be true to yourself with regard
To the difficult feeling you want to transcend.

You can have an emotional experience
That is totally different from how you feel
In your physical body by focusing on
Lovely things. With some practice, your pain could be gone
In a short while. The point is to feel as ideal
As you can in the moment. Is this making sense?

Diminish the percentage of airtime you give
To the visceral sensation by focusing
Upon other things that will invigorate you.
The alternative is that you will remain blue.
You will be surprised by what feeling good can bring.
People will be astonished by the life you live.

You’re a selective sifter which means you create
By sorting through the contrast. There are things that you
Find delightful but also things that need changing.
You must know that the universe is arranging
The cooperative components for your new
Way of feeling. To get there, you don’t have to wait.

Reset Your Energy

Get Life Moving Again

I want to feel wellbeing, and I want to thrive,
But I feel weak and vulnerable to disease.
When my body and things around me are unwell
All my passion about life is gone straight to hell.
If someone has an answer give it to me please.
There must be more to living than staying alive.

By my deciding how I want to feel and by
Rendering how I feel now as unimportant
I can help myself greatly. The way I feel
Is the most important thing. In order to heal
I must release resistance. If I feel I can’t
Then it can’t be a problem for me if I try.

I can make an emotional jump. I can feel
Just a little less worried. Relief I can find
By finding thoughts that give me a reason to be
Optimistic. I recover naturally
By asking questions specifically designed
To get me to the place where my body can heal.

It’s an issue of energy and how it flows,
Or does not, through the body. My emotions are
Indicators. I don’t have to figure out how
To feel just a bit better. I need but allow
Wellbeing to take over. I’m not all that far
From an energy reset that I won’t oppose.