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A Vibrational Match

Colorful Frequencies

There exists a vibrational reality.
It has no physical substance yet consciousness
Is its nature because it’s just a state of mind.
Can the term be much more accurately defined?
Probably but the proper way is to access
It firsthand then you will understand completely.

This vibrational reality is as real
As are subatomic particles and their waves.
Our emotions are produced by thought energy.
Waves and particles do their thing rather oddly.
When consciousness is present then each one behaves
As if it knows it’s thought about. This is ideal.

If you’re in despair or you feel disappointment
You’re nowhere near receiving the inspiration
And the insight that will lead you to happiness.
If you’re hopeful then your prognosis for success
Is outstanding. You can solve your situation
By changing how you feel through your conscious intent.

You’ll get to the point where you know your worthiness
Without question. Become A Vibrational Match
To who you truly are and have fun on the way
To your dreams. The waves and particles want to play
With your creative powers. Get ready to catch
All the blessings thrown to you. You’re worth nothing less.

Become A Vibrational Match

Colorful Vibration

Everything in the universe is vibration.
Quantum physics explains in explicit detail
How the tiniest parts of things are energy
That vibrate at a particular frequency
And those which operate on a much larger scale
Orchestrate all the universe’s creation.

Conscious intent creates things, and as creation
Is occurring, vibrational reality
Had existed already. What has to take place
Is that the one creating does fully embrace
This vibrational reality one can’t see
At the moment, yet it’s cause for celebration.

The vibrational reality you create
By your living life and having preferences
Is more vivid and real than the reality
That’s apparent. Believe in it wholeheartedly
Even though you can’t use your physical senses
To perceive it. Remain in that positive state.

When you feel negative emotion you’re nowhere
Near your cherished vibrational reality
But if you’re feeling hopeful you’ll come to believe
Then from the universe you’ll begin to receive
Evidence to support your belief and you’ll be
Well on your way to knowing that for which you care.

Tired Of Struggling

Work Fatigue

Be aware of how you feel. It gives you a clue
That your struggle may be useless. Only you know
When it’s time to do something. It’s driving you mad.
Your whole life would have been much better if you had
Never followed your current path. Nothing to show
Have you for all your effort. What are you to do?

Everybody’s working harder than they mean to.
There’s a lot being offered vibrationally
That is counterproductive – like marching in place.
Your world is governed by the thoughts that you embrace.
You can feel your way into how things ought to be.
How you feel about anything is up to you.

Only two choices there are, most people believe:
Either to be a good person by working hard
Or a bad one by being irresponsible.
You don’t want to be one who is disrespectful,
But there are other choices that cannot be barred
From your God given propensity to conceive.

You can be an aligned citizen, as it were,
Of the universe. Your struggle is not in vain.
It’s a wake-up call, if you will let it be so.
It is an opportunity for you to grow.
If you take it as such you’ll have so much to gain.
You are not far from living the life you prefer.