Tag Archive | disappoint

Super Fast

Rocket Of Desire

Without any resistance rockets of desire
Shoot out from you and go to the outer reaches
Of the universe. From there they’re attended to
By spiritual forces. They offer to you
The way to their becoming. One who beseeches
Of the universe is caught in a huge quagmire.

When you ask it is given, in fact, right away
But by vibration only. You have to align
With the frequency of what you want for it to
Manifest into something physical for you.
With the temporary absence of it be fine.
Let the fact that you’ve asked for it brighten your day.

What are you fascinated by? Don’t let it be
All the problems, struggles, and the daily news feed.
Be turned on by the intricacies of your dream.
By taking full command of your consciousness stream
You take care of yourself and you don’t feel the need
To be anything other than resistance free.

Know who’s setting your tuner. Don’t let it be one
Who’s upset with you or someone in a bad mood
And your knee jerk responses. Decide to take care
Of your own tuner by being fully aware
Of your feelings. Take control of  your attitude.
Know that what you have asked for is already done.

Asking Without Resistance

Fervent Request

When you ask you have focus and conscious intent
Regarding what you’re wanting but sometimes you don’t
Get the answer you’re looking for. It’s because you,
While you’re asking, may be feeling hopeless and blue
And if you can’t find your way around this you won’t
Have success in escaping your present torment.

When you ask it is given but you must be in
The right mode to receive it which means you can’t be
Feeling needy and broken with tears in your eyes.
That kind of behavior anything would despise
But the universe doesn’t. It will happily
Hook you up with more misery to your chagrin.

The expansion of the universe happens when
Through your sorting through contrast you ask for something
To be better so that future generations
Benefit from your asking. Congratulations
Are in order for all the wellbeing you bring
To the world through your suffering now and again.

Asking Without Resistance takes practice indeed
But it’s not all that difficult. All that you ask
For is given so be careful what you ask for.
If you’re coming from darkness you’ll only get more.
Asking can become for you an uplifting task.
Answers to your asking are always guaranteed.

Start Asking Differently

Pursuit Of The Perfect Prayer

Asking moments happen in two circumstances.
One is with some resistance; the other, with none.
It’s your focus upon what you have or have not
That determines if you are to struggle a lot
Or to bask in the wisdom that you are someone
Who, when asking, is not prone to taking chances.

When you ask from a place of knowing it will come,
Then your asking is energized. The universe
Gathers all the cooperative components
In the background. When your emotion is intense,
Then the provident forces at play must disburse
Blessings to you. It is where all good things come from.

Ask, and it is given, but there’s a tug of war
Between wanting and believing in your own dream.
The universe expands in the moment you ask.
You are meant go grow with it. Your primary task
Is to stay optimistic and let the supreme
Entity bring to you what you want and much more.

When you ask but don’t follow your soul’s expansion,
Then life sucks, and you start feeling ineffective.
Ignore that. Start asking in a different way.
Things will start manifesting with little delay.
Benefit from asking from a new perspective.
Ask as if what you’ve asked for is already done.