Tag Archive | enormous success

You Get What You Expect

Perplexed And Annoyed

It’s not hard to stay focused. Law of Attraction
Makes it easy to stay focused on whatever
Vibration is most dominant. If you’ve practiced
Thoughts that don’t feel good then you have probably missed
Out on so many blessings because you never
Saw them coming. It gives you no satisfaction.

Your power is in your now. You’re marching toward
An amazing scenario if you allow
It to happen by choosing thoughts that uplift you.
Because of what you’re giving your attention to
You attract things to you. You should know this by now.
How you feel is something that should not be ignored.

How do you positively affect an outcome?
You keep practicing a positive thought until
It is the thought that comes to you most easily.
In a matter of only minutes you can be
In a state where the kind universe will fulfill
Your wishes as you’re beating the positive drum.

Take the emotional journey. Learn to expect
Good things to happen for you and you will succeed
In the manifestation of what you hold dear.
Get yourself into a positive atmosphere
And to where your creative potential is freed.
This is when positively your world you affect.

Connect To What You Want

Complete Satisfaction

People who have had the most enormous success
In terms of money, fame, and joy are obsessive
In their thinking. They get a lot of pleasure from
Thinking much about what they want. They beat the drum
Of its coming and their success is impressive.
They are focused on what they want and nothing less.

Once you know what you want nothing can cause you to
Waver in your vibrational expectation.
Your knowing is complete because you’ve practiced it
For a long while. The vibration that you transmit
Is the key to your deliberate creation.
This is how you can get good things to come to you.

So take pleasure in molding the thought in your mind.
In so doing you’re aligning the energy
Of your being to what you want and it must come.
Let nothing in this troubled world deter you from
Being the creator that you came here to be.
You can train your thinking to be pleasure inclined.

Feeling good is connection to what you desire.
You have to practice the connection until it
Becomes what is most natural. Focus only
Upon things guaranteed to make you feel happy.
Let nothing about life worry you one damned bit.
Nothing else of you does the universe require.

Affect Any Outcome


It’s not hard to stay focused. Law of Attraction
Makes it easy to stay focused on whatever
Vibration you make dominant. When you decide
To feel good then nothing to you will be denied.
Life for you is a fascinating endeavor.
You’ve become now a master of satisfaction.

For some time you have practiced not feeling your best.
You know that the momentum of negative thought
Isn’t healthy. How much of it can you undo?
You know by now it’s not worth your thinking it through.
By you only the freedom to live life is sought.
You know that nothing good comes to you when you’re stressed.

Your power is in your Now. As you concentrate
On the way you feel you let in all the good stuff
That you’ve been wanting for a long time. That’s how you
Get a new momentum going. Train your mind to
See the best case scenario. You know enough
To know that this is the best way to co-create.

You Affect Any Outcome by being aware
Of your thoughts making sure that they are positive.
Keep practicing until good thoughts come easily.
You’ll be prepared for the emotional journey
To fulfillment. All the attention that you give
To your feeling good amounts to the best of care.

Change The Response Of The Universe

At The Threshold Of Command

Many folks have had the most enormous success
In their lives regarding wealth, romance, and acclaim.
But they also have joy. They’re obsessive in thought
About good things. In this way they rarely are caught
In a psychic dilemma. They play well the game
Of creating reality and without stress.

From the holding of a pure thought, we can arrive
At a place of sheer happiness so easily.
It takes practice. Vibrational expectation
Is what must be developed. The work to be done
Is to practice the knowing. Our ability
To imagine is part of our being alive.

I want so much to feel good that I’m not willing
To focus upon things that don’t feel good. I can
Develop better habits of looking for things
That surprise and delight me. My good feeling brings
About clarity and connection more so than
My continuous struggle. It’s not fulfilling.

Feeling good is connection to divinity.
It is the secret to eternal, successful,
Powerful, delicious, and joyful creation.
Wonderful it is to finish what has begun.
Life gets easy when I’m receptive to the pull
Of my spirit toward living it happily.