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Countdown To Contact

Alien Greeting

Any alien civilization that knows
Of our existence would be significantly
More advanced than we are. There’s no need for us to
Send out messages to them. From their point of view
For first contact to happen we’re more than ready
But for now they remain in the cosmic shadows.

Our knowledge of intelligent alien life
Is more likely to come from a different place
Like an observatory rather from a ship
That arrives suddenly. Scientists say the trip
Would be impossible because there’s too much space
Between them and us. With many theories we’re rife.

They believe that intelligent life does exist
Elsewhere in our own galaxy. If this is so
Would they want to contact us the way that we are?
Our involvement with war and greed means we’re quite far
From a nice place to visit, but for all we know,
With our issues they may have come here to assist.

It’s a fact that we’re not alone. Intelligent
Life exists far beyond the stars. This knowledge should
Speed up our own political maturity.
How does our worldwide ethics and morality
Measure up with the way goodness is understood?
Have we found the place of love and enlightenment?

Soul Trap

Caged Consciousness

Through the contrast that happens here, it is easy
To be thoroughly obsessed with horrible scenes,
And what complicates things is the creative mind
That comes up with stories of the scariest kind.
Contact with what is unknown by any known means
Can be vague and fallacious to a high degree.

There are no negative beings with the power
To influence a person to do something wrong.
They’re contained in their own world and can do no harm.
If you’re having bad luck there’s no need for alarm.
There’s a practical reason, and it won’t be long
Before you’ve figured it out… far less than an hour.

We create our reality through our actions
Which are driven by our beliefs, and our systems
Of logic produce evidence that we perceive.
This will reinforce what we already believe.
There’s nothing in the real world that either condemns
Or administers sorrow for we wicked ones.

So, a trap is something that only works when you
Don’t know that it’s there. That’s how you fall into it.
The real trap is the story you are being told.
If you do not believe it you can’t be controlled.
You can use logic for maximum benefit
To dispel horror stories that some people spew.