Tag Archive | worthiness

Surrender And Everything Comes

The Natural Release of Effort

When an army surrenders there’s torture involved
So the word has some issues. There needs to be trust
That the thing one surrenders to is of value
In securing fulfillment. One can live anew
In releasing resistance. One need but adjust
To improved circumstances and problems resolved.

Negative connotations now pushed to the side,
There are good things that good people surrender to.
Anything that does not support my heart’s desire
I can let go of gladly. The peace I admire
And the freedom of not having so much to do.
I release my resistance and give up false pride.

I cannot stop desiring. I can’t surrender
Wanting things that I want. I will always want more.
But I do give up beliefs that keep me held back
Like my incessant struggle and feelings of lack
And my trying too hard to keep up a good score.
I relax and allow what life has to offer.

But there is a much better word. That is, Allow.
It’s a much clearer meaning. It puts everything
In proper perspective. The manifestation
That comes first is emotional. I am the one
Who allows infinite intelligence to bring
All the guidance that I need for right here and now.

It’s Your Time

Your Adventure Stars Now

Begin to understand the love God has for you.
Have you not taken notice of positive things
That occur in your life and elsewhere in the world?
Anything you can do with your spirit unfurled.
You can choose not to struggle. The woe that it brings
Is a thing unbecoming for all that you do.

You proclaim your determination to release
Your resistance to God’s blessings once and for all.
And in so doing you give up your tight control
Of what is uncontrollable. You become whole
In the process of owning that which does enthrall.
Giving up struggle leads to your ultimate peace.

From outside of this knowledge you’ve not managed well.
There are so many pieces and not enough mind
To keep good track of all of them. Don’t interact
With those parts of the puzzle. Their lethal impact
Is the death of the spirit. Do not be confined
By your ignorance. It is the worst kind of hell.

It’s your time to begin feeling your way into
The vortex of emotion where all is sublime.
There it feels like clear answers to all your questions.
Definiteness of purpose is how your life runs.
Every instinct within you knows this is your time.
Don’t let what you have worked for become overdue.

Finding Ease

The Pursuit of Inner Peace

Absence of difficulty, struggle, or effort
Is what I want to feel at this moment in time.
Can I talk myself into it from where I am
Without changing my usual feeling program?
I want so much that there not be tough hills to climb.
Fear grips me so completely that I may fall short.

Life means handling the contrast as best as I can
Without ill will to others, self-loathing, or pain.
Lightening up on myself would feel really nice.
It’s high time that I take nature’s helpful advice.
When resistance is created there is no gain.
All I’ll do is come up with another bad plan.

The best word I can find for what I’m wanting now
Is the word ‘ease.’ I want to feel satisfaction
That I’m ever in the right place at the right time.
That warm feeling of confidence is most sublime.
I want comfort in knowing that everything’s done.
All I need to do now is relax and allow.

To get into that centered place is all I need.
Where my natural comfort and worthiness lies
Is my point of attraction. To feel good feels good.
I like slowing the frenzy down. It’s understood
That the self who is fettered is just a disguise.
“All Is Well.” In this statement my spirit is freed.

Every Day

The Refreshing of Each Cycle

Happiness is the vortex of source energy
That consumes all creation. It is such a state
Of superlative joy for no reason at all.
It’s the best feeling ever that I can recall
While in this realm of being. I live to create
And promote my rendition of reality.

My nature is vibrational as are all things.
I’ll accept that the vortex holds the vibration
Of all good that is manifest. My sole intent
Is achieving alignment with all that is meant
To delight and fulfill me. Each new day begun
Is a blessing that only my happiness brings.

I knew long before coming here that I’d partake
Of this physical substance to discover ways
I can offer improvement or at least a voice.
Coming here to be silent was not quite my choice.
I’ve enough energy left for ten million days
If I don’t squander it by not being awake.

I must treat every day of this reality
As if I am one with it because it is true.
This vortex is a real thing, and I have access
Any time that I want. I define my success
By the way that I’m feeling – not things that I do.
Practicing this thing daily is okay with me.

Day Of Judgement?

Deepest Self-Assessment

If someone is deplorable does he or she
Get the same love from God that anyone else would?
To the mind locked in dogma it shouldn’t be asked
For the fear that this same hateful God will then cast
One’s dark soul into Hades. It’s well understood
That we worship a God who’s as strange as can be.

There’s judgement and there’s justice. They are not the same,
And neither will suffice for the settling scores
And providing the closure that so many crave.
Acts of God are not like the ways humans behave.
What happens here on earth not a good God ignores.
Like a house pet, we want to give our God a name.

Whenever I’m feeling negative emotion
It means I have a point of view that doesn’t match
What the God within me thinks about the same thing.
Is the notion of my judgement supposed to bring
On an act of submission? No wrath I’ll attach
To a God whose love is as wide as the ocean.

People get what they ask for. Things do balance out
As the God who created all sees all take place.
Never ending, unfolding perfection is God.
That I am that way also cannot be so odd
That I don’t have full access to God’s loving grace.
No longer am I troubled by lingering doubt.

You’re Not Earning, You’re Attracting

With Every Waking Breath

You get up in the morning then go rush outside
To breathe in all the air that you’ll need for the day.
Others will suck it all up if you hesitate.
It would be a disaster if you had to wait
Until air is replenished. To live in this way
Is absurd, most atrocious, and undignified.

Paranoia is normal in times of distress
Where the most basic needs may be subject to threat.
But reality dictates that all is quite well.
In the mind of the not aligned much fear does dwell.
When you think about money and feel some regret
You grow into the circumstance of having less.

It’s your aspect of beingness that you engage
Much more than tons of hard work to make yourself feel
Justified in the having of a salary.
You don’t feel that you’re quite worthy enough to be
In reception of good things without the ordeal
Of the quid pro quo contract for a decent wage.

With ten dollars you can do so many good things.
As you embrace that feeling you appreciate
Everything that you do have. Then you will have more.
Look for reasons to feel good, and learn to explore
All the things that excite you. What you then create
Is a life of abundance and many blessings.

The Work You’ve Done

Benefits Of Accomplishment

You’re beginning to understand and finally
How much love God has for you and all creation.
Victory you can taste in the things you’ve asked for.
You know that as a being, you’ll always want more.
All the work that you’ve done is worth celebration.
Give yourself a big high five, and revel in glee.

You have given up many things holding you back
Like controlling things you know you cannot control
And attention to anything that brings you down.
The excuses you once used for wearing a frown
You have given up for the things that make you whole.
Fear you no longer have nor the feeling of lack.

You had done things the hard way, and half way at best
Even though you’d been wanting to go all the way.
Putting forth so much effort without a reward,
You became disillusioned and easily bored
With the heart of your life’s dream. Indeed you fell prey
To the dark cloud of feeling hopelessly distressed.

Now you do see the light just a little so far.
It is time for you to tell the world your story
Of focus of empowerment and worthiness.
As you feel your way into your growing success
Know that God’s faith in you is what can set you free
To express the magnificence of who you are.

Universal Conspiracy

The Magic of Unseen Forces

Extensions of Source Energy we humans are.
We have access to infinite intelligence.
We can translate nonphysical information.
The complex solar plexus is where it is done.
We decipher the energy, and it makes sense.
It’s a function of nature. It isn’t bizarre.

It’s the Source some commune with frequently at will
As if it were a person just like you and me.
Impulses and ideas others may receive.
There are myriad ways – some we cannot perceive –
That we make our connection with what we can’t see.
It is nice that there is no contract to fulfill.

Life is meant to be good. Disregard what you’ve known
From the time you were little. It’s all a big lie.
Trust your gut instinct only, and be not afraid.
As co-creative humans, we all have it made.
We are much more than worthy, and we need not try
To live up to some standard that isn’t our own.

The universe is conscious and has a mission
To support us in whatever makes us feel good.
That’s its essence. It’s a loving conspiracy
To surprise and delight us, but we have to be
In that state of alignment, as we know we should.
Trust in infinite guidance, and do have more fun.

Get Out Of The Way

Be Invisible To Life

Your true self is in heaven and is always high
In vibration, but your lesser self may not be.
Yet the contrast is forever in your control.
If you let go of worry, You will feel more whole.
As your frequency rises, much more you can see.
The emotional spectrum is what we live by.

The rise in your vibration defeats the contrast
And the lowering of it makes living more tough.
Our beliefs come from thought forms that we’ve practiced well.
By the way we are living most others can tell
What our nature of thinking is and other stuff
We’d prefer to keep private and ever bypassed.

Meditation is helpful. It quiets the mind
By your focusing on something neutralizing
Like your breathing or rainfall. It’s not difficult.
You will know a new wholesomeness as a result.
You could also just appreciate. Daydreaming
Is another fine method if you’re so inclined.

Do feel blessed enough to let yourself feel good.
You can trust the nonphysical out in deep space.
Why not trust those in spirit who guide us along?
Getting out of your own way, you cannot go wrong.
Let the universe show you its infinite grace.
That self which is your truest knows well that you should.

Write It Down!

Give It Permanence

There’s something everyone should know. Do Write It Down!
It is too damned important to not to do so.
You create your reality. Do Not Forget.
If you do, it is something you’ll truly regret.
Writing down things keeps us in touch with what we know
Should never be forgotten except by the clown.

People get sick of hearing this, but it’s so true.
I suppose it’s because life is meant to be tough.
It’s the mindset of most of us. Tales of success
Of the lucky ones preaching this stuff are, I guess,
A big source of resentment. Some don’t have enough
Of a grasp on attraction, so that’s what they do.

The vibrational nature of the universe
Is as real as the consciousness that it contains
As all came into being from one entity
Who must know all the wishes of everybody.
It is not necessary to go to great pains
To secure your fulfillment. That would be a curse.

It’s not all you may write down. Your dreams and your goals
Are vibrational structures about to take form.
Initial planning stages are solidified
In the mind through the process. You need but decide
That your worthiness is not a match to the norm.
 Be the one that your true self most proudly extols.

Be Easy

...Get Happy

What goes on in a real world is ripe to be feared.
Civil War has been raging cold since Reagan’s reign.
Fair elections endangered along with the laws
Of a once free democracy gives no one pause
But the people right in there who must be insane.
Contrast is no illusion. It’s hardly revered.

But I’m here for the contrast. Isn’t everyone?
That’s how I know precisely ways things ought to be.
I’ll keep myself deliberately in a state
On my path of enlightenment absent the weight
Of a gravity timestamp. I’ll make history
In the ways that are playful, exotic, and fun.

Through sublime insignificance I play the role
Of the avid observer with passion to tell
What e’er may be of focus. A unique witness,
I need not hold resistance, for that causes stress.
I can test life with small things and watch them turn well
And then tell all about it. That makes me feel whole.

Improvement comes with practice at being easy.
It can only get better if I up the game
With attention to bigger amid the contrast
That exists to excite me. The angst is bypassed.
My uniqueness I dare to proclaim without shame.
I can make a big deal out of coming to be.

Be Done With Doubt

Release Concern

Let’s not talk about doubt. Let’s just wave it goodbye.
But before that we need to know what it’s about.
Sometimes I feel that my life is out of control…
Like today. What society pays for my soul
Is a sad, paltry penance. Immense is my doubt
That I’ll ever be satisfied until I die.

Yet, the true source within me cannot see things wrong.
It sees only my worthiness beyond all doubt.
There’s a huge difference of opinion between
My ego and my true self. What does this all mean?
Have I time left to myself to figure things out?
My whole life in review is a very sad song.

It’s perhaps that I’m simply too tired and depressed
At this creative moment while focusing on
Thoughts that bum me out quickly. I find some relief
In my knowing that I can just change my belief.
Could it be that my issue could up and be gone
By my thinking of pleasant things and feeling blessed?

How can I feel my worthiness? I can let go
Of the work that I’m doing as a prostitute
By not focusing on all the ego concerns.
Karmic cycles are teachers. The wiser one learns
On the way to fulfillment. I am resolute
In my patience with myself and all that I know.

Be Surprised And Delighted

Life Wants To Do You

When you want something badly, it’s not quite the way
To prepare to receive it. When you’re excited
About sifting and sorting through preferences
That your life offers you, your joy then commences.
You are on earth to Be Surprised And Delighted.
Let the universe pleasure you throughout your day.

You may choose making things happen physically
Verses letting the universe bring them to you.
But why go through the struggle of getting things done
When the universe knows you should be having fun
On your journey through living. In all that you do,
Be in touch with your true self spiritually.

Think about what you want and especially why.
Imagine it coming about and believe
In the feeling it gives you as you now daydream.
Things can come rather quickly. Just flow with the stream
Rather than against it. Only good you’ll receive.
Letting go of the effort allows you to fly.

The more detailed you are when you’re feeling your best,
The more fun and more quickly the energy moves.
And the more ‘hands on’ feeling in molding your clay
The more that you will manifest. This is the way
You were meant to create here. Your living improves,
And the powers eternal are at your behest.

Be Easy About Life

The Purity Of Simplicity

Wishing life would get easy gets old too damned fast
For the spirit within me to keep a straight face
While pretending to see it as many highways.
Up and down, then around things, they’re often a maize
In the menacing mindscape. Is there saving grace?
Or is there no escape from the life of contrast?

“I wish I were a willow…” is no wizard’s way
To finagle a safe wiggling out of this mess
That I’d something to do with. To be but a tree
In a blanket of sunlight with no way to see
All the world it reveals is to be without stress,
Gravity notwithstanding nor how it may sway.

Rather, I am the substance of all I desire –
All the passion and focus I feed to the dream
Of becoming who I really am at my core.
Am I worthy of good things? I couldn’t be more!
My uniqueness is one with the energy stream
From which life flows. Struggle my life doesn’t require.

All There Is provides meaning to focus offered.
Holding little resistance, oneself will allow
Only good things to happen. The contrast I feel
Is the pearl in the oyster that life will reveal.
All I need do is kick back and let life endow
Me with joy and wellbeing. My Spirit Be Heard!

Allow The Wellbeing

Release, Then Breathe In...

It comes down to allowing, but just what is that?
When one speaks of surrender, what enter my mind
Are such scenes where one army makes use of torture.
The most negative aspects are balanced, I’m sure,
By the myriad episodes that are more kind
And can happen almost at the drop of a hat.

To what must I surrender? What must I allow
That is both consciously and patiently waiting
To enter and fulfill me? Can I trust that it
Is a safe thing to let in? The fear, I’ll admit,
Is not justified, and it is aggravating
That I know what to do, yet I’m hung up on how.

Getting rid of resistance to my own desire
Increases my vibration. My trying too hard
With much effort and struggle cannot get things done.
Only when one exhausts oneself, something’s begun
To take place in one’s character. No longer barred
From the fruits of the spirit, one is lifted higher.

Things that work in the process we all know so well –
Turning thoughts into things – involves just a few things:
Energy, alignment, and clarity of thought.
When my purpose has passion, I’m no longer caught
In a quandary that only my feeding brings.
Worthiness is a system wherein we all dwell.

These Exact Words

Words Of Enlightenment

There’s a message from heaven inscribed on a scroll
In the soul of each person. It needs to be read
Silently and in private. It must be well known.
There are no excuses for why I haven’t grown
To my fullest potential and why I am led
Down the path of confusion? My Life Can Be Whole.

If it came as a person, this message from high,
He or she would be telling me that I am great
And that I am accomplished more so than I know.
It may seem at the moment there’s nothing to show
For the good that I’ve gathered. I’m here to create
A most blessed experience before I die.

Our vibrational credentials are powerful.
With them, we can do magic, and it’s expected
That we practice ‘til perfect the feeling of bliss.
We belong nowhere near an imagined abyss.
All in heaven insist that this message be spread
As a gentle reminder to cut through the bull.

“If it is so bad, then make it better somehow.”
This reply back to heaven is not quite the one
That will garner attention. “If I am so good,
Then bring wonderful things.”
This is well understood

By the provident forces who do get things done.
Knowing this, the allowing is up to me now.

Stop Thinking About It

When The Mind Is In Overdrive

When I’m outcome fixated I can’t see beyond
The most unfulfilled present. My thoughts turn to things
That I don’t want and never have. What I must do
Is to alter my thinking, if only I knew
How to do it effectively. But my mind clings
To the now which is past tense where turmoil is spawned.

The cycle become vicious, I learn through its pain.
My receiver must be tuned to the frequency
Of the righteous transmitting of infinite grace.
Every bit of the whole process I must embrace.
Forever on the leading edge of what’s to be,
How can I stop resistance for maximum gain?

Energy that creates worlds is flowing through me.
Why rely on someone for the life I desire?
I create my experiences while awake,
Yet unconscious of many wrong paths that I take
On the way to fulfillment, wisdom I acquire.
Thoughts I think must align with who I want to be.

The process of achieving must entertain doubt.
The resistance it offers may cause me to think.
“Show me, then I’ll believe it.” It works not that way.
“Just stop thinking about it throughout the whole day,
Then with infinite forces, you’ll be well in sync.”
I can know that in good time, good things will work out.

Getting Better All The Time

Can't Get No Worse

I’ll catch life by the corner. By pulling away
The dim layer of perception, I’m given new sight
Of the same world yet different, and hugely so.
If this is just a lucky streak I’d like to know
Directly from Divinity… Am I alright?
Am I worthy of having a wonderful day?

When to me something good happens, upward I’ll look
For things resembling big shoes. Some lack of control
Is what I feel. The tiger I’ve grabbed by the tail
May simply be so much that I cannot prevail
On my path of alignment, which is not my goal.
To my God I am read like a bestselling book.

If it gets even better, what then will I do?
If I ask for mere millions and get way much more,
Should I melt in humility? God would say, “No!”
I deserve and can handle abundance and flow

Of all goods, resources, and wellbeing in store.
I must know that I’m truly worthy in God’s view.

There is always a clear path of least resistance.
The Divine is right on it and leads me along
With encouraging nudges of inspiration.
We were put here to journey and have as much fun
As this world can provide us. How can this be wrong?
All I need do is chill and enjoy the expanse.