Tag Archive | perpetuation

Allow The Wellbeing

Release, Then Breathe In...

It comes down to allowing, but just what is that?
When one speaks of surrender, what enter my mind
Are such scenes where one army makes use of torture.
The most negative aspects are balanced, I’m sure,
By the myriad episodes that are more kind
And can happen almost at the drop of a hat.

To what must I surrender? What must I allow
That is both consciously and patiently waiting
To enter and fulfill me? Can I trust that it
Is a safe thing to let in? The fear, I’ll admit,
Is not justified, and it is aggravating
That I know what to do, yet I’m hung up on how.

Getting rid of resistance to my own desire
Increases my vibration. My trying too hard
With much effort and struggle cannot get things done.
Only when one exhausts oneself, something’s begun
To take place in one’s character. No longer barred
From the fruits of the spirit, one is lifted higher.

Things that work in the process we all know so well –
Turning thoughts into things – involves just a few things:
Energy, alignment, and clarity of thought.
When my purpose has passion, I’m no longer caught
In a quandary that only my feeding brings.
Worthiness is a system wherein we all dwell.