Tag Archive | ignites

Windows And Doors

Paths Cluster

Many paths there are in spirituality
So many that it can be difficult to choose
Which one is the best for you but you can explore
Any teaching that helps you to open the door
To enlightenment. Don’t let anything confuse
You about finding purpose and reason to be.

Any path that fuels the spirit of selflessness
Is appropriate. When you learn to surrender
To something that you know is far greater than you
Then you always will know the proper thing to do
In any situation. The path you prefer
Is the one that leads to ultimate happiness.

It’s the path of devotion that opens the heart
To feeling divine presence. Experiencing
The joy of devotion ignites the flame of love.
Once illuminated, you put noting above
Your devotion. Your ministry means everything
As it gives to your life a much needed kick start.

Understanding the universe and yourself are
The highest truths to work toward ultimately.
Spiritual enlightenment is all about
Harmonizing with all that is and there’s no doubt
You’ll rid yourself of much negative energy.
From a life of fulfillment you’re never too far.