Tag Archive | devotion


Worlds Of Ideas

Discernment is the ability to assess
Correctly, to see the reality of a
Given situation, to distinguish between
Right and wrong, given our spiritual hygiene,
And to recognize what role our words and deeds play
In social interactions and our happiness.

One can know the essential from the optional,
The primary from the secondary, the real
From the unreal, and absolute darkness from light
Through discernment. Closely related to insight,
Discernment is recognizing what’s most ideal
In the moment. It clarifies one’s rationale.

Discernment is protection form being deceived
Spiritually. It is freedom form bondage.
It serves as a catalyst to spiritual
Development. It can become a natural
Way of being. It is but one’s choice to engage
The power of discernment in all that’s perceived.

Examine everything carefully. Hold fast to
That which is good and let go of all that is not.
Take time in making decisions. Pray for guidance.
Be focused on the truth in any circumstance.
How you go about your living matters a lot.
Stay spiritually focused in all you do.

This Is What You Shall Do

A Virtuous Life

Love the earth and the sun and all the animals.
Despise riches. Give alms to everyone that asks.
Stand up for the stupid and crazy among us.
Keep a positive slant on the things you discuss.
This may be one of the most difficult of tasks
But it may be one of the sanest rationales.

Devote your income and labor to other folk.
Do hate tyrants, and argue not concerning God.
Have patience and indulgence toward the people.
Take your hat off to no known construction of bull
Or to any man. Do not the ego applaud
Or else antagonism it may well provoke.

Go freely with the powerful persons – those who
Are without education… also with the young
And with the mothers of families be at ease.
Through the eyes of the other the wiser one sees
All there is that is missing. Keep quiet your tongue
Lest the thing that you offer be arrogant spew.

Re-examine all that you have been told in school
Or in church or in any book. Gladly dismiss
Whatever insults your own soul. Be the poem
That is of richest fluency as your words stem
From the depths of your soul. Do encounter the bliss
Of a wholesome authentic life and one that’s cool.

Rise Above

Spiritual Wisdom

To be super successful at age thirty five
Is the dream of most people. A state of romance
That is warm and fulfilling folks also strive for.
Human nature is programmed to always want more
Of the good life and all of the things that enhance
Our enjoyment of everything while we’re alive.

Yet sometimes people find themselves in a crisis
Because they have desires, but they lack competence.
The conditions we live by can get in the way
Of our loving completely. We often betray
Our contentment with life and commit the offense
Of believing in failure. The whole point we miss.

Life can feel like it’s passing by quite rapidly.
When you wake up one morning and feel unfulfilled
Because your plan for your life did not come to be,
The frustration is sickening to the degree
That the spirit may feel like it cannot be thrilled.
Conditions can cancel competence completely.

If you want unconditional love, then become
Like a dog. They are competent in every way
That is meaningful. They are excellent lovers.
When one rises above it all one discovers
That love is not an action nor something that may
Or may not be supportive of where love comes from.

Love is just who and how your are – not your ego.
When you rise above conditions for a brief while
You will see that your love is of a different
Nature than what your ego may care to present.
All the good, bad, and ugly one takes with a smile.
And throughout your life’s journey true love you will show.

Are You Addressed?

Foundations Of Freedom

A New Nation Conceived… but of what demon seed
That produces a mixed black and white bastard child
Who, at war with itself constantly, must act out
A superior newness… one which is about
Segregation’s revival and hate reconciled
For that part not considered a part of its breed?

That’s one hell of a question! So, let’s break it down.
Those forefathers were pissed off at England, so they
Went and stole them some new land, the old pirate’s way.
Taking on human cargo causes much dismay,
But these merry explorers took it as child’s play
To display fervent hatred for the black and brown.

Yet, it isn’t all of us who feel quite this way…
But enough of a huge chunk to make the child ill.
Would the sickness go back to England with its tail
Between where all that pissed off their fathers prevail?
Can there be a subspecies that harbors ill will
Toward a part of itself? And what price does that pay?

 “…That all men are created equal…” is the gist
Of the lofty idea that set folks apart
From outdated monarchy to newfound freedom
But that cannot happen as long as there are some
Who just came for the ride and would much rather start
Bloody war in a heartbeat, as their acts insist.

Two scores and two centuries ago people were
In a funk existential and most exclusive
In their fresh new ideas and self-righteous goals.
Will our constitution be buck shot full of holes
By a parallel nation of traitors who live
For the wildness of old times that oft’ reoccur?