Tag Archive | good

Don’t Chase After Money

Money Chase

In the morning do you go outside and breathe in
All the air that you’ll need for the day because you
Fear that others will suck it away completely?
In a world of continued psychosis you’d be
If that were so and this is especially true
About money. It isn’t the root of all sin.

You breathe in and breathe out. You don’t worry about
Where the next breath will come from. Much in the same way
There is an unlimited amount of money.
There’s enough to where everyone can be happy.
Being happy rather than being in dismay
Makes it happen. There must be no lingering doubt.

At the same time both lack and abundance exist.
Which of these probabilities do you give more
Attention to? Your society teaches you
That in order to be worthy then you must do
Certain things such as hard work and things you deplore.
Any notion of abundance then is dismissed.

If you feel good about money then it will flow
Easily into your life. You don’t have to chase
After it like a rat. Be thankful for what you
Have already. The only thing you need to do
Is keep yourself receptive to infinite grace.
Be open to what the universe has to show.

In Pursuit Of The Pleasant Path

Happy Trail

Care about how you feel enough that you’re willing
To find thoughts that feel good to you. When you feel good
You’re in sync with who you really are. Everything
That you’re looking for comes to you from the wellspring
Of abundance eternal. You are understood
By your maker to be something God fulfilling.

You’re not looking for an answer, a solution,
Or a goal, but a pleasant path is what you seek.
Questions will be unending and motion forward
Is assured. You do not have to work very hard
At maintaining alignment. Your soul is unique
Among billions. You author its evolution.

There’s not such a big gap between where you are and
Where you want to be. The path of least resistance
Is the one most accessible. It’s unfolding
Right in front of you. You don’t have to do a thing
But accept it by giving your spirit the chance
To evolve so that your consciousness may expand.

Use every trick in every book that you can find
To get happy. This is who you were meant to be.
Live your life the way you intended. Be aware
Of your thoughts and feelings. Simply take better care
Of your point of attraction. Vibrationally
You’re at one and with the universe you’re aligned.

There’s More Than One Prize

Many Gifts

If you have your eyes on a particular prize
Nothing else makes a difference especially
When you feel competition. If you want something
So badly that it hurts then what you’re offering
To the universe is something that’s completely
Out of sync with the thing you want to realize.

There is not only one prize so don’t get attached
To the one thing you’re focused on. Be thankful for
Your desire. Let it blossom into a rampage
And let the infinite universe set the stage
For receiving what you want and a whole lot more.
It will be such that the surface hasn’t been scratched.

“You appeal to me in all of theses ways and I
Am going to draw the essence of you to me.
Thank you for being here for me to observe you
And for being the focal point of my brand new
Version of you.”
If you pray this most sincerely

You’ll attract just that without your needing to try.

Keep yourself in a state of relief. Think as much
About what you want as long as it feels alright.
And when it crosses the line just give it a break
And allow the universal forces to take
Full control of the circumstance. Utter delight
Can be yours if with your spirit you keep in touch.

When Your Thoughts Gain Momentum

Blue Thought

Remember when you were young and on the playground
Was a merry go round. As it got going fast
People couldn’t get on because the momentum
Was too powerful. One had to slow it down some
To provide easy access. You all had a blast
As you made it go fast again. This is profound.

Focus wheels are done when a person wants something.
You state what you want and write it at the center
Of the wheel and outside it you make statements that
You believe easily about it. You look at
The big picture so that some insight will enter
Your awareness which truly can make your heart sing.

Slow the thought down enough that you can get on then
Get it going faster and faster. You will see
Evidence of alignment as you speak about
What you want to the universe having no doubt
That because you’re receptive, it will come to be.
You can go through the process again and again.

Set yourself up for thoughts that feel good when they come.
To prepare your vibrational atmosphere you
Must make sure that your thinking is resistance free
Then the insights and feelings will flow easily.
You’re a powerful thinker. That’s why it is true
That your focus is where reality comes from.

Be Done With Fear

Scary Eyes

Am I all that irrational if I believe
That I’m no longer viable? Would this world find
Some relief in my passing? So wrong I have been
About most things in life and every now and then
For a brief moment I have the clearness of mind
To see that there’s no honor that I can achieve.

My fear is of continuing. I do want to
Face the music composed by the sick part of me
And I don’t want to leave before I get that done
Yet I feel I’ve become toxic to everyone
So perhaps I can do it spiritually.
I know that my true self has a different view.

It’s a strong thought – a heavy position to take
For someone who knows better. The source within me
Knows exactly the opposite of what I do
When I’m stuck in this moment. My source knows what’s true.
I was meant to expand and be joyful and free.
I’ve spent time sleeping rather than being awake.

Negative emotion means that what I’m thinking
Isn’t right according to the truth in my soul.
My fear is a good thing because it lets me know
That I’m not thinking rightly. It’s just there to show
Me the path that results in my becoming whole
As a being with all its parts interlinking.

What You Want Also Wants You

Moment Of Consideration

What you don’t want is something that’s clear in your mind
Because of what you do want. Relativity
Is the issue because there’s no way you can know
What you want otherwise. You just have to let go
Of your wanting and let everything come to be.
To the universe your desire has been assigned.

What you want has momentum – its own energy.
It becomes your desire and takes on consciousness.
Its purpose in life is to be manifested
In your life. It becomes totally invested
In your full satisfaction and through the process
Of creation it becomes something you can see.

You may feel that if you don’t put forth some effort
That the world and the universe will deny you
Of what you want. Put forth your effort only when
You’re aligned with your spirit. You will succeed then
In your work. It helps if you pay attention to
How you feel. You have much spiritual support.

Don’t ask things of yourself until you’re hooked into
Your true power – the leverage of alignment.
Energy that creates worlds is at your avail.
Manifesting is done on a really large scale
When you find it within yourself to be content
In your knowing that all of your dreams will come true.

Financial Crisis?

Negative World News

At one point in our history we traded furs,
Sticks, and beads, and we foraged for nuggets of gold.
Things have changed over centuries and rapidly.
The phenomenal growth of our economy
Is a model for all of the world to behold.
We can be fascinated by all that occurs.

It’s a good thing when there’s a financial crisis.
A strong, loud, and clear asking lets the universe
Know what’s needed so it can respond in a way
That can change what appears to be certain decay
Of the system. No financial crisis is worse
Than confounding it with over analysis.

Before you can accept this you must understand
That our economy was once a vibration
Created in the minds of people, then it grew
Exponentially. If you take this point of view
You’re then a master of the art of creation.
You know what’s needed for consciousness to expand.

The state of the economy is evolving
Constantly into something more than it had been.
Join the ranks of the fearful and you will lose out.
Dealing with the economy is all about
Your vibration. Your enlightenment happens when
You know that there’s no problem that needs your solving.

What Is Mindfulness

At One

It’s something that I know I had when I was young
Then I lost it for such a long time then regained
The awareness that I posses naturally.
It fits in well with my spirituality.
Mindfulness meditation can best be explained
As the song of the universe gracefully sung.

I need not get too spiritual about it
For it to be effective. My tapping into
The whole of who I am I’ve come to understand
As my getting into the zone. I can expand
My consciousness in this way. All that I need do
Is to focus intently and not just a bit.

Without interpretation or judgment I am
Well aware of what’s happening all around me.
Guided imagery and breathing methods help to
Relax my mind and body. There’s nothing to do
But exist. This is the definition of free.
About anything else I do not give a damn.

Pay attention to what you’re doing and allow
Your senses to absorb the whole experience.
Treat yourself as your own best friend. You can do this
Anytime that you choose. You’re a moment from bliss.
Mindfulness offers benefits that are immense.
Do embrace the fine art of observing your now.

Why Aren’t I A Millionaire Yet?

Genuine Wondering

If you’re asking yourself this you’re introducing
Resistance into the equation. Just step back
Away from the specifics and go general.
Get yourself to believe that the universe shall
Give it to you. You may have some feelings of lack
In your current vibration and in your asking.

“I have the potential to receive anything
That I want.”
There’s no resistance in that statement.

“I’m getting better at this. I’m getting closer
To where I want to be and all that I prefer.”

The key to your receiving is feeling content
And trusting in all that the universe will bring.

“I know that others who are now billionaires were
At one time standing right where I’m standing right now.
I look for abundance everywhere that I go
And I’m thankful for all of the blessings that flow
Presently into my life. I’ve learned to allow
My thinking to be on the things I most prefer.”

This productive self-talk can be done easily.
Just acknowledge the things that you can acknowledge.
Feed the appetite of your realization.
Be content in the knowledge that you are someone
Who can navigate well out on this leading edge
Of creation where anything can come to be.

Cause And Effect

Physical Law

Every single effect in the world has a cause –
An original starting point. Every movement
Or action is a link in a chain of events.
There’s a reason that things happen and it makes sense
That all actions have causes. By conscious intent
We create according to universal laws.

In the universe all inanimate objects
Are connected within the same space. There is no
Separation. If you move your hand you’re moving
All of space. You don’t have to go on reproving
What the laws state. It’s just a worthwhile thing to know
And the matter is really not all that complex.

Within the universe everything that exists
Has always existed in one form or other.
Human thought creates movement no matter how small.
It gains momentum as it ripples throughout all
Of the universe. No random act can occur.
Onward into eternity movement persists.

It’s the intention that lies behind the action
That’s of greatest concern. Generate good simple
Behaviors and thoughts that will create good fruit and
Sow further good seeds for the future. Understand
That the purpose of karma is not to rimple
Your consciousness unless you want that to be done.

It’s Easy To Receive

Receiving A Gift

There is not enough action in the whole world to
Compensate for confusion and misalignment.
Meditate for at least fifteen minutes per day.
When you do something out of alignment it may
Not work out well. You can by your conscious intent
Get yourself in a state that is better for you.

Let the energy that creates worlds help you to
Be receptive to everything going your way.
Give up your need to justify your existence.
Replace it with the infinite intelligence
Of the universe. Living becomes like child’s play.
You don’t have to work hard to receive what is due.

Do not be concerned about how others view you.
They know not enough to draw any conclusion
That is truthful. Give up the need to solicit
The approval of others who may not commit
To their current opinion. It’s an illusion
That they may have of you and it may not be true.

Give up your attention to the outcome. Instead
Enjoy the unfolding. Don’t care how it turns out
Because it feels good right now. You know that it will
Feel better in the future so go for the thrill
Of receiving. This is what life is all about.
Take your eyes of what’s now and start looking ahead.

Forget About Struggle

Monumental Task

How can I get to that place of satisfaction?
What’s the most effective way I can get from hope
To believing and knowing? What can I do now
Right this moment to help me to better allow
Understanding and energy to help me cope
With the struggle? Does this happen with everyone?

Your are where you are. If something has happened and
You’re reacting to it, you’re vibrationally
Where you are with it and anything you can do
To improve the way you feel will benefit you.
Your climbing the emotional scale just may be
The appropriate tool of which you have command.

You can work your way up the emotional scale
Or you can do something that will quiet your mind
And there are many ways such as meditation.
Anything that will help you in the creation
Of a path that leads you to a place more aligned
With your spirit ensures that your truth will prevail.

Often times you need to count to ten and look for
Positive aspects in this person when there’s not
A one evident. You don’t want to make it worse.
Sometimes you have to walk away. The universe
Remembers everything that you may have forgot
And its constant reminders you cannot ignore.

Ten Seconds Equals Two Years

Master Clock

A vibrational reality that is real
Is what you’ve been creating in your everyday
Mode of living. It’s full of all that you’ve become
And it’s calling you to it. Don’t turn away from
All the good things you’ve put there. Find some kind of way
To line up with it. Notice the way that you feel.

There’s a nonphysical sense called inspiration.
You feel it when you’re doing something creative
Which is just about anything. Thoughts constantly
Turn to things and they mimic most accurately
Your vibration. You’re always appreciative
Of receiving help to support your creation.

Inspiration then is a manifestation.
Getting out ahead of it means caring about
How you feel. When you decide to feel good you can
Create what you want a whole lot easier than
When you choose to feel lousy and fettered in doubt.
How you feel directly affects your creation.

Be good to yourself. Do what you think needs to be
Taken care of but don’t think that hard work gets you
Any lasting fulfillment. Ten seconds of your
Feeling good equals two years struggle. The more
You relax then the less efforting there’s to do.
Life is meant for you to get through it easily.

Things To Remember

Flower Garden

You Are Spirit. That is the most important thing
To remember. There may be a gap between you
And what you want but you have the power to shift
Your vibration. You can think of it as a gift
From the universe. This power will help you to
Readjust the vibration that you’re offering.

“If I ask and it’s given then where is my stuff?”
One may ask and it’s waiting for you to become
Receptive to its calling you. It’s expanding
And becoming more. It helps your understanding
To know that your vibration is where things come from
And that there’s no such thing as not having enough.

The way you close the gap is by releasing your
Resistance and letting yourself go with the flow.
It takes only as long as it takes you to turn
In the stream. How you feel is your only concern.
Just let go of the oars and downstream you will go.
There you will find everything you want and much more.

Once you let the stream turn you, you don’t care how long
It will take because the journey is so much fun.
There’s absolutely nothing you want that’s upstream.
Let the current take you to a sense of supreme
Contentment. Life is all about your vibration.
It’s your challenge to keep it positive and strong.

When You Reach This State

Watercolor Guru

Many humans have reached an incredible state
Of alignment such that they don’t need anything
To fulfill them. For absolutely no reason
They’re content and they show kindness to everyone.
It’s a peaceful vibration that they’re offering.
Love for all humankind is what they demonstrate.

Everyone’s not a guru but we can all reach
That place of nonresistance. From within it you
Are receptive. You can focus on anything
And it will manifest. Happiness it will bring
To your most fervent asking. No more you need do
To create. This is what any guru would teach.

“I love feeling relaxed, powerful, and aware
Of who I truly am.”
When you go general

There is much less resistance in your vibration.
When you’re on the high-flying disk you become one
With your wishes and everything in your life shall
Be enhanced. About how you feel you have much care.

“About my human personal self I accept
That my point of attraction can be a mixed bag
Of emotions and mindset. If I can maintain
My alignment with myself I’ll have much to gain
Even when in my life there’s a palpable snag.
The secret of my enlightenment is well kept.”

Get Your Power Back

Right On

All the painful emotions like fear, vengefulness,
Anger, jealousy, and depression can rob you
Of your power. To external circumstances
It is wasted so very slim are the chances
Of having some left to do the things you want to.
You’ve tried to hide your feelings with little success.

You’ve come to know that when your personality
Is aligned with your soul’s purpose you then become
Authentically Empowered. This bottom line
Definition is provocative by design.
It’s a clue to where Authentic Power comes from.
Fully empowered is the way you want to be.

But most people don’t know what their soul wants so they
Let external circumstances and their mindset
Take control of them. The answer lies within you.
Your conscience lets you know which path for you is true.
You can meditate in order for you to get
Better insight to clear most of your doubt away.

Obstacles to aligning yourself with your soul
Are identified by noticing how you feel
In each moment. Be mindful of what your soul needs
To best serve you. You can be someone who succeeds
In connecting with your soul. Your life becomes real
As yourself becomes well integrated and whole.

Are You Worthy?

Pretty Please

Good things can come to you easily if you’re not
So hung up on not having them. Feeling worthy
Of receiving them may be the issue at hand.
The forces that deliver only understand
How you’re feeling. They respond to the energy
You’re emitting. Your attitude matters a lot.

If you’ve struggled then failed many times to achieve
What you want then you may feel you’re not good enough
To receive it. As negative stories begin
To flow into your psyche you’re skating on thin
Ice in terms of fulfillment, and you’ll have a rough
Time of getting back into the mode to receive.

Change your focus completely. When you redirect
Your attention to things that are working out well
In your life, you release your attachment to the
Outcome and its timeline. You want to become free
Of the angst which has cast such an ominous spell
Over you. With your higher self you must connect.

So just feel good. Your focusing on the outcome
Leads you far from what you want. Look at what’s thriving
In your life instead of what you don’t have right now.
It’s the only way on earth that you can allow
What you want to come to you. Be only striving
To feel better. We hope that this will help you some.

Say It Out Loud

Good News To Tell

No matter where you’re standing, if it doesn’t please
You then just remind yourself that it isn’t done.
Then take the easy emotional journey and
Show yourself that you’re able to take full command
Of this moment called Now. You can tell everyone
How you can handle contrast with relative ease.

Now is your point of attraction. Now is where all
Of your power is. Here you are and everything
Is actualizing all around you right Now.
Speak your mind to the universe but then allow
It to answer you. Know that your asking will bring
All the good things – the big ones as well as the small.

So your future experience you’re attracting
At this moment. Responding to your vibration,
The universe gathers cooperative
Components that are like it. Be willing to give
More attention to your vibration. You’ve begun
A crusade of magnificent benefacting.

Over time, what you give out is what you get back.
Imagine the resources that you allow to
Line up when you take the time to feel good right Now.
Be receptive and let the universe endow
You with blessings which Now perhaps are overdue.
Now is worth all the trouble of keeping on track.

Finding Ease

Nature Soft

I like ease. I like knowing that all is okay.
I want to have that feeling of satisfaction
And contentment that I had when I was a child.
Then I had the freedom to let my thoughts run wild.
As I thought them I had a point of attraction
That was powerful in every natural way.

I like ease. That’s the best word. I want to feel ease.
I want to feel at ease. I want to feel easy
And comfortable. I like feeling confident.
I like feeling that I can be fully present
In the moment. I like being where I should be
At all times. There’s no one else who I need to please.

I like feeling certainty so much that I know
That things are taken care of. I love to relax
And feel good about being alive on this earth.
I acknowledge the feeling of sunshine and mirth
Earth can offer. The feeling of performing acts
Of kindness to others is what I want to flow.

It just feels good to feel good. I like slowing things
Down a bit so I can have a conversation
With myself. I like mitigating the frenzy
With rest and relaxation. I love being free
To be free of resistance. A celebration
Is in order as the happy heart of me sings.

Knee Jerk Reactions


Wouldn’t it be terrific if news reflected
Accurately what’s going on? Wouldn’t it be
Really nice if all the pleasant things taking place
In the world the news networks would put in the face
Of the public? Am I living in fantasy?
If so, then I should probably be elected.

I would like to believe that what I feel is true.
If there were much more good news compared to the bad
Then the bad news would be just a blip on the screen.
Only happy stories of living would bee seen.
Can I shoot such a rocket from my own launchpad?
Are there others who feel just the way that I do?

If every chance I get I practice wellbeing
Then if there’s something going on that triggers me
It’s not such a big factor in my overall
Sense of being. In fact, it’s such a very small
Percentage of the big picture. I finally
See the way that my inner being is seeing.

In this world no such thing as perfection exists.
There will always be contrast. Life will always be
On the verge of becoming what it will become.
The emotional triggers we can’t escape from,
But we can learn to live life with more clarity.
Then we’ll deal more appropriately with its twists.

Reflection And Momentum

Linear Intent

Like a mirror reflects everything, daydreaming
Shows you what you most cherish. It has momentum
And enormous potential for becoming real.
You continue doing it as it makes you feel
Powerful. It’s where your creative flair comes from.
It’s the answer to what can be unbeseeming.

The vibrational stance from which people reflect
Is important. If you’re under the influence
Of your true self, then daydreaming is a good thing,
But if not, only hellish nightmares it will bring.
Either way the experience is quite intense.
What you place your attention on you can expect.

The mind can be of value but not always so.
When you’re under the influence of something bad
Like a long past injustice, your thinking will be
Not of dreams but of bitterness and misery.
But your Source can turn out to be your best comrade.
It can help you to get only good thoughts to flow.

Reflection is about momentum. Momentum
Is about focus. What you reflect on has to
Do with your vibrational stance. What’s becoming
Your reality can be a wonderful thing.
More and more as you access the best part of you
You prepare for the magnificent times to come.

Too Much Daydreaming?

Lap Of Luxury

Can my daydreaming get to a place where I may
Be living too much in a world of fantasy?
I suspect people think that I’m lazy and vain.
How on earth can I ever expect to attain
What I dream of? Well, the answer is, easily.
In a state of allowing I happily stay.

Whether too much or not enough, the decision
Is made by the daydreamer. There’s some resistance
If I must ask the question. Deep inside I know
That the world I imagine is the way to go.
I would daydream forever if given the chance,
And there’s no interference with getting things done.

A daydream is a focus. All focus is good
If it brings about good feelings. My attention
To what pleases me is what is most productive.
Life can be wonderful if I’m willing to give
More attention to my grand inner dimension.
I am perfectly free to daydream as I should.

I am less likely to bring resistance into
The equation than if by my observation
Of reality I unconsciously allow
The prevailing vibration to enter my now.
Absolute control I have of my creation.
I’m excited by all that I can make come true.

Expectation And Co-Creation

Otherworldly Adventure

Interactions with people in my life are such
That they have expectations of my behavior.
The reverse is true also. This co-creation
Isn’t always a good thing. Some harm may be done
To one’s feelings of worthiness. I can’t be sure
If my placating people matters all that much.

So, I’m trained into acting the way that I do
By the people around me. I can’t hope to change
That momentum of habit, but I can don the
Perspective of my inner being who can see
My path of least resistance. I do find it strange
How the mind works. Everyday I learn something new.

I can get into that place of neutrality
By some method like meditation. Then I can
Tune to the expectation of God almighty
Who sees all things about my life differently
Than I ever could. So it’s my ultimate plan
To become the evolved one who I’m meant to be.

If I don’t have a good encounter with someone
Then I’ve not tuned myself to my inner being
Beforehand. I give no one the credit for my
Misalignment. I don’t have to ask myself why
I behaved in a certain way, and it’s freeing
To the spirit to celebrate the work I’ve done.


Triple Treasure

What has happened to me that I now realize
All the sins I’ve committed? Perhaps it’s old age
Telling me that my time draws closer by the day.
Do I have enough time left to properly pay
My way out of existence? Of late I engage
In self-evaluation before my demise.

Words don’t teach. Life experience is the only
Way to know life. I’ve learned that I know not a thing
About living except that my own life has been
Cataclysmic. There are those who would shout, “Amen!”
To my honest admission. On slim hope I cling
That a way out of this dilemma there must be.

And there is a way. All that I’ve done in the past
Is the past. I can’t change it. So I have to choose
To look forward where there’s at least a chance that I
May turn into an innocent kindhearted guy.
That’s a bit of a stretch, but I’ve nothing to lose
In believing that I was never an outcast.

Then what was I? A bastard? A son of a bitch?
Or maybe just a troubled soul with some issues?
What matters now is that now is most important.
Dragging the past into it is something I can’t
Let myself keep on doing. Myself I abuse
When I do that. Besides, it will not make me rich.



Up and down like a roller coaster is my mood.
At the moment I’m mortified by an event
That occurred a few weeks ago. I can’t let go
Of the injury I caused to myself. I know
That I’m solely responsible. My discontent
Arises from the fact that my vision is skewed.

I’m adept at Self-Sabotage or so it seems
At the moment. Why am I so damned sensitive
To the feelings of others regarding what I
Failed to do even though I gave it my best try?
It’s a thing unbecoming that I have to live
In this trap of my own emotional extremes.

I can’t talk myself out of anger, depression,
Or discord. I can look for positive aspects
In the drama I created unconsciously.
At this point, my aim is to be totally free
Of the issue and all of its harmful effects.
Misery is a cheap form of self-expression.

I can soften it up a bit by saying that
I don’t mean sabotage. It’s more like not being
More deliberate. The contrast is important
To the universe. There’s no reason that I can’t
Be influenced by that which is most agreeing
With my spirit. There’s much more that I can look at.

The Collective

Colorful People

There are different nonphysical entities
That come through us at certain times. They represent
A vast host of great teachers, friends, family, and
Many others although they do not take command
Of our actions. They peek through us by our consent
At an unconscious level thus with perfect ease.

But we must be receptive to their influence.
Negative emotion on our part keeps them from
Connecting and therefore from their interacting
In our lives. It’s their essence that we’re attracting
When we are in a good mood. Good feeling thoughts come
On the heels of good feelings if that makes some sense.

We’re each a part of the collective consciousness
Which is about vibration, also energy
That is focused intently. We’re able to share
Positive thoughts among ourselves. It isn’t rare
That it happens. All that is required is to be
Consciously aware of what brings you happiness.

We enhance our connection through meditation
Or by doing something that is absolutely
Wonderful and exciting as The Collective
Cheers us on. When it’s seen from this new perspective
Future states of alignment will come easily.
Each moment is the product of your creation.

Helicopter Parenting

Watchful Eyes

It’s a loving obsession. Those who want to be
Protective of their children are known to be too
Overbearing. The hovering is the result
Of past worrying, so it becomes difficult
For some to not have their children always in view.
Does it work well as far as all parties can see?

Forget talking about how it all got started.
It’s of no value whatsoever to place blame
On the parents. That only causes that movie
To play longer. The ones that are the most scarry
Are the ones where the plot always remains the same.
The approach to parenting must be wholehearted.

Might children have been better off with parents who
Were much less domineering? They would have found more
Resources a lot faster for getting along
In the real world. No one has done anything wrong.
It’s just that your hardship stories do nothing for
The ones who are open and who look up to you.

You can watch your own movies – create them as well.
Connect to your own resources. Care about how
You are feeling. Let your beliefs morph into the
Direction of what you really want. You are free
To create your reality and to allow
Peace of mind to consume you wherein you will dwell.

About Death

Death View

Rather frequently thoughts of death enter the mind
Of the troubled one, and thoughts of living are those
Of the healthy. Which ones do I choose here and now
To steer clear of disaster? How can I allow
What I know to be helpful? Within the shadows
Is a dark soul that none but the devil can find.

Feeling better remains an achievable goal
Yet the present obsession with freedom beyond
Earthly knowing consumes me. Can I find a way
To take life as I should and get on with my day?
As I’m waiting for the universe to respond
To my questions, is there any hope for my soul?

One could say that it’s natural for losers to
Dream of death a lot. As it occurs I can feel
A mixture of envy, rejoicing, and sorrow.
I look forward to when there is no tomorrow.
My true feeling about it I cannot conceal.
Sharing it with the public is something to do.

When I reemerge into nonphysical, I’ll
Leve behind all resistance. Doubt, worry, and fear
Will dissolve in an instant. I’ll finally be
In alignment with infinite Source Energy.
Life is worth my living and as my time draws near
I’ll keep doing what I keep doing all the while.

A New Place

Distant Horizon

I’m alone with this person. Myself is its name.
Other people know of it. I know not a thing.
In the distant horizon that calls unto me
I can see the potential to absolutely
Be relieved of my troubles. My longing can bring
Only more desolation, and I am to blame.

Into the equation, I am introducing
Resistance inadvertently. This may be why
That I feel that my world is caving in on me.
At this point I want nothing more than to be free
Of this mission. It seems that the harder I try,
The more negative karma I keep producing.

Escapism is not a career building trait
Nor is it a good technique for getting along
With others. The next logical step then must be
Reemergence – not in terms of fatality.
Everything within me tells me that would be wrong.
Thoughts collide and keep me in a negative state.

Now, a good crisis hotline person would tell me
That I’m not such a screw up, and that may be true.
I can find reassurance by going within
Where A New Place absolves my original sin
Of existence. There’s much here that I’ve left to do.
Like everyone here, I have a reason to be.

Quick Warm-Up

Leaping High

Energy cannot be created or destroyed;
It can only be converted from one form to
Another. Yet, it must move. It cannot be still.
It expands and contracts in order to fulfill
Every act of intention. What good it can do
To know this is tremendous and should be enjoyed.

Your vibrational alignment, which can occur
With objects and people in the world around you,
Happens naturally when you’re ‘in tune’ with them.
You can use you emotional guidance system
In the process. It helps if you are able to
Remain focused intently on what you prefer.

When you enjoy a beautiful, bright sunny day,
For example, your brain begins to harmonize
With the frequency of the earth. The alpha state
Of relaxation can make the body feel great.
The new day is just that. You need not analyze
Its significance. You reconnect in this way.

Be reminded that you are made of energy
As well as everything in existence, therefore
You were never created nor will you ever
Cease to be. There will be an energy transfer
Into spirit, but right now you’re here to explore
Life on earth as a human temporarily.

Changing Beliefs

Hard Rusty Ways

Old senses of direction have started to rust
As the new dawn approaches, and I cannot see
What is written. All meaning has faded away.
No longer do I feel that I need to obey
Any system of guidance that’s outside of me.
One could say that I may have an issue with trust.

I have good belief systems. I think I’m okay
For the most part, but there are a few that I need
To replace because they’re not helping me to be
My best person. My life should be an odyssey
Of fulfillment. It’s my intention to succeed
At creating a more awesome life day by day.

What’s the fastest way to ingrain a new belief
System into my being? It’s by practicing
The thoughts of that system and by noticing how
I feel when I am thinking them. I can allow
All the good that my thinking and feeling can bring
To the moment. From doubt I can find much relief.

I practice when I’m feeling my best – not when I
Am at my worst. I can’t get a hold of something
That feels bad and then try to force it to feel good.
That’s absurd. The illogic is not understood,
But when my practice leads to something exciting
I will milk it and just keep myself flying high.

Let Things Be

Reflection Of Earth

When you want something it’s hard to just Let Things Be.
You feel like you must be doing something to get
What you want, but of this world you have no control
Which means you have no choice but to make it your goal
To accept things as they are now without regret.
The universe knows what you have done already.

You may think that it’s not true that you shouldn’t care
About things that you want. After all, you are here
To make this world a better place. So how do you
Do that without assertion? All that you can do
Is to make sure you’re not operating from fear.
Of the good in all circumstances be aware.

There are things you’re observing that are causing you
To ask for something different. If you believe
In the laws of the universe, then things will change
For the better. Although people may find it strange
That inaction is the best way one can achieve
Getting what one is wanting, it still remains true.

Everyone gets to choose. Everyone is choosing
And to some degree all are allowing what they
Have chosen. Strong desire leads to inspiration
To be fulfilled without the manifestation.
The secret to things changing is just that you stay
In a state that’s perpetually enthusing.

Which Voice To Listen To

Wise Choice

There are two voices in the mind. One is of your
Inner being. The other is of your ego.
You can tell which is speaking by the way you feel.
When what you’re feeling is of tremendous appeal
To your spirit, continual blessings will flow.
Doing something should not be something you endure.

Get in touch with what feels good. When you are in sync
With who you really are, you know without a doubt
That when you receive impulses, they’re coming from
Your inner being. Happiness is the outcome
Of your conscious awareness which is all about
Focusing – but not on what other people think.

If what you hear from your subconscious sounds bossy,
You know where it’s all coming from. It will tell you
To do something you don’t feel excited about
So that it can claim full credit for any clout
That you toiled for relentlessly. What you must do
Is to just be aware of its dependency.

Motivation can be born of desperation.
You had better get it done or else there will be
Consequences. When you just feel like doing it
Because it feels good, it is to your benefit
To listen to that voice ever more consciously.
This is the definition of inspiration.


Momentary Contentment

Do I know that I’m breathing? Sometimes I forget
That I’m doing so, then my body makes me yawn.
It’s a channeling. My inner being lets me
Know that I should slow down. Breathing happens to be
My wholistic addiction. I depend upon
All the breathing that’s not even happening yet.

The whole point of my breathing is to get into
Alignment with who I am. No special technique
Do I follow. I simply breathe in then breathe out.
Focus on respiration remains all about
Raising one’s vibration. Nothing else do I seek
Than a much better feeling and clear point of view.

The cork under water is being held there by
Some resistance. The cork’s natural tendency
Is to rise to the surface. If I can let go
Of what’s holding me under, I will get to know
Utter peace and contentment. I want to be free
Of resistance. My breathing no one can deny.

I breath all the time. There’s not a single moment
That I’m not breathing, and I’ve the ability
To focus on my breathing. My breath is my friend.
If I treat it that way it helps me to ascend
To the pinnacle of spirituality.
It requires not anyone else’s involvement.

Embracing Contrast


Can some environments be more challenging than
Others? Is this reality or is it just
In my own mind that I’m seeing things in this way?
Situations of struggle and constant dismay
Cause me to feel that in this world I cannot trust.
It seems things were like this since before time began.

It is not about which environment is more
Challenging than another. It’s whether or not
You are up to the challenge vibrationally.
What you don’t want creates what you do want. To be
In alignment with what you want matters a lot.
Be happy about getting what you’re asking for.

More ripe with opportunity and potential
For expansion is the way that’s more challenging.
Going through it you become better than before.
All the benefits of challenge you can explore
From a place of alignment. What you’re offering
By way of your vibration is something special.

The challenge is still there, so let it give birth to
Your desire once again. You will experience
Clarity and fulfillment immediately.
Embracing life’s challenges will help you to be
Stronger. The most challenging of environments
Are the ones that exist in the dark part of you.

The Larger Part Of You

At One With The Universe

You are so much more than your physical body.
Come to know this because it’s absolutely true.
Before you emerged here in this reality,
You were spirit, but you exist eternally.
Even right now, you and The Larger Part Of You
Coexist as a being that others can see.

This means that you’re not all here. The much larger part
People don’t get to witness, but you have access
To that larger part of you when you meditate
Or find things about your life to appreciate.
It all can lead to your ultimate happiness.
You get to The Larger Part Of You through the heart.

With who you really are you can find resonance
Through your practice. Take care of the way that you feel
In each moment, and the vibrational patterns
You create will eliminate all your concerns.
The wholeness of who you really are is for real.
Your connection can never be a game of chance.

You find resonance with The Larger Part Of You
By accepting that it exists and allowing
It to guide you. In the absence of resistance
You receive it. No matter what your circumstance,
You become able to handle most anything.
Plentiful is the grace that you can tap into.

Focus On Why

Joyful Expectation

Why is it so important to Focus On Why?
Because that speaks to your desire generally.
Answering this question puts you in the right place
Of rampaging your way via infinite grace.
Wonderful thoughts can fill up your mind completely.
Answer the question righteously. Do not be shy.

You can answer this kind of question easily,
But if you ask, “Where is it going to come from?
Who is going to bring it? How long will it take?”

You cannot know the answers. Give yourself a break
From frustration. Believe that what you want will come
In good time. From the angst you can get yourself free.

Why do you want what you want? “I want it because
I’ll feel better by having it, and I’m worthy
Of the things that I ask for. I’m the creator
Of my reality, and what I’m asking for
Is a natural consequence meant just for me.
I believe in the truth of spiritual laws.”

“It’s so much fun to get my hands into the clay
And to mold it. I want to feel my own power
And to know that there are nonphysical forces
Working for me. The whole universe endorses
What I wish for, and I expect it to shower
Me with blessings.”
You can learn to speak in this way.

Do You Believe?

Close To Receiving

Do you know how to find just one thought that feels good?
Not so much in the moment? You do have control
Of your point of attraction. You have one, you know.
It’s what you focus on mostly and it’s also
A magnetic vibration – the heart of your soul.
You’ll feel better when some of this is understood.

Your emotional guidance system is for you
An asset of great value. It lets you know how
Far you are from your truest self so that you can
Make the proper adjustment. You do know more than
You may think, and you do have the wisdom right now
To choose not to continue with what isn’t true.

From a not feeling good place you can easily
Feel a little bit better by your choosing to
In the moment. You must be constantly aware
Of how you feel. It’s all about your taking care
Of yourself. It’s the easiest thing you can do
To stay as happy as you can possibly be.

The momentum of negative thought can be slowed
By going general instead of specific.
The reverse is true also. Increased momentum
Happens when thoughts are happy, and you will gain from
Getting more specific. There is no special trick
To remaining always in the positive mode.

Stop Noticing The Lack


What’s the trick to this notion of not noticing
The lack of what I want? Is there something I can
Do to gain understanding? It’s so hard to be
Super excited about something I can’t see.
Obvious it is that I’m trying harder than
I need to. How do I deal with this sort of thing?

You do it by getting good at focusing on
Things that are easier, and by keeping your mind
Off subjects that are harder. You have to align
With the attitude that things always work out fine.
From anywhere you are you can easily find
A better feeling thought just as day follows dawn.

You can own how you feel about your not having
What you want. Be explicit, but do not pretend
That you don’t want it after all. It’s already
In production, albeit vibrationally.
You’re attached to it, but you do not have to spend
Much time there because it’s just an acknowledging.

Then ask yourself the questions that will lead you to
A more general space. “Have I not been worthy
Of the things I’ve received in the past? Am I not
Worthy now? Am I thankful for all that I’ve got?”

Just this much will change your vibration completely.
Get in touch with the most expanded part of you.

Control What Comes To You

Easily Manifesting

The universe is responding to you. What are
You responding to? The things you’ve been practicing
That feel good to you are not very far away
As the universe acts on them without delay.
It responds to the vibration you’re offering.
Neither is this unheard of nor is it bizarre.

If you’re responding to shopping for furniture
And you’re feeling good, then the universe gives you
More of that nice experience. But the reverse
Is true also. If you feel bad, it’s like a curse
Cast upon you. No matter what you try to do
Things screw up and you end up feeling insecure.

How are you feeling? What’s your point of attraction?
If you’re worried or impatient, the universe
Will respond with more stuckness and catastrophe.
Your feelings can guide you to where you want to be.
If you don’t listen to them, things get a lot worse.
In fact, you will have started a chain reaction.

You Control What Comes To You by being aware
Of how you feel in each moment. Find simple things
To feel good about, and without difficulty
You will be in a place that is resistance free.
The world is your oyster when your happy heart sings.
Manifesting is a vibrational affair.

The Blessing In Hard Times

Stopping Time

There’s nothing wrong with this world. There’s no need for me
To tune into the breaking news. Nothing’s broken.
All is well with the universe. Everything’s fine.
Each and everyone is a spark of the divine,
Even those whose consciousness is not awoken
To the awesome perfection of reality.

Life is supposed to be good for me. That is all
That I need to remember. My inner being
Agrees with me wholeheartedly, therefore I feel
Confident that I can make my dream become real.
To interpret, then respond to what I’m seeing
Is to be captivated by things that are small.

My emotions are my best of friends because they
Are my guidance on my path of least resistance.
Whether negative or positive, they tell me
If I’m tuned or not to the proper frequency
Of receiving some insight. Life can be a dance
Of excitement if I choose to have it that way.

Things are supposed to work out for me, and they are
For the most part. More is working out than is not.
I can deal with the notion of disharmony.
I can line up with the positive energy
Of the universe. I can give life all I’ve got.
I know then that my vibration is up to par.

Feel Better Always

Geometric Emojis

Contrast is, by its nature, a wonderful thing.
It gives meaning to life. You need not feel badly
In the midst of a difficult situation.
You have choices, but before anything is done,
Feel your way to a better place. Then you will see
Clearly the value the contrast is offering.

What makes contrast not feel good is choosing poorly.
When you find fault with someone and feel negative
Emotion overcome you, you’ve not chosen well.
It’s a fortunate thing when quickly you can tell
That it’s happening. It isn’t worthwhile to give
That feeling more attention than there needs to be.

Why go there and feel that way? What sense can it make
To stay stuck in an ornery disposition?
It takes determination to get yourself free
From the torment. You must vow to live happily.
Your dreams then have the chance to come to fruition.
Know how you want to feel with every breath you take.

The difference between asking and complaining
Is enormous. Before your thought gains momentum,
You decide that it’s going to be a request.
Nothing will come about if it’s wrongly expressed.
You can get used to beating the happiness drum.
Keep yourself aligned with what is joy sustaining.

Understand Your Emotions

Emotional Neutrality

Sometimes you can feel frisky. Lots of energy
Is flowing. No resistance nor blockage have you.
When you feel lethargy, you have not much focus
Or resistance. You have not the energy, thus
You have little to do the things you want to do.
Thankfully, you are guided emotionally.

The emotion that you feel is all about the
Energy between you and your inner being.
It has nothing to do with anyone else, but
It feels like other people’s behaviors are what
Cause your main maladjustment. You end up seeing
The whole world as a threat and a gross place to be.

When you feel negative emotion, what it means
Is that your strong opinion about whatever
Differs greatly from that of your inner being.
It is only when both of you are agreeing
That you feel positive. You can never sever
The connection you have through spiritual genes.

You don’t have to explain a thing to anyone.
Everyone has their own inner being who knows
Everyone else’s. Let that give you peace of mind.
Consciously you decide that you can be more kind
To yourself and to others. You want to expose
Your true self to the world. This is how life is done.

More Reasons To Feel Good

Streaming Flow Of Happiness

A flowing stream of happiness starts off my day.
I’m awake. I have reemerged into this world
That is full of such wonder. I bask for a while
And consider those things that will cause me to smile.
My knob of feeling is appropriately knurled
So that I have a firm grip on life’s cabaret.

No matter where I’m going or what I’m doing,
It is my dominant intent to look for things
That feel good. When I feel good, my higher power
I vibrate with. The good life I want to devour.
I know that my feeling good ultimately brings
Into my life experience every good thing.

I’m in harmony with that which I consider
To be good. I am in the mode of attracting,
But it’s just good to feel good. Positive aspects
I look for all around me. Indeed, it connects
Me to my higher power. I am reacting
To its infinite guidance. It’s sure to occur.

Negative emotion comes up once in a while.
It means that I am focused on something that I
Do not want. I remember then that I want to
Feel my best. This will usually get me through
What’s already in motion. I don’t have to try
To do anything that doesn’t pay with a smile.

The Issue With Reality

Physical Guidance

Is reality something that needs to be faced?
Troubling is the question. Most people believe
That to not face reality wouldn’t be wise.
Condemnation is cast upon one who denies
What is ever so present. One would be naïve
To expect to be most wholeheartedly embraced.

There’s plenty of reality that you want to
Keep replicated in your life experience,
But you must be more of a selective sifter
Through the contrast. As momentum becomes swifter,
Keep the thoughts that feel best. That would only make sense.
Leave the thoughts that feel less than appealing to you.

If a thought doesn’t feel good, then go general
To just flatten it nicely and slow it down some.
If the thought does feel good, then get more specific.
Your conscious attention guarantees a more quick
Manifestation and a fulfilling outcome.
There’s benefit in following this rationale.

When you’re driving and drifting too far off the road,
The rumble of the guide strip will notify you
That you need to get back on track. It’s no judgment
Of your character, nor is it an indictment
Of your morality. It has only to do
With your guidance, so be in the receptive mode.

But, should you face reality? Here is the thing.
It’s created by thoughts and beliefs carefully,
Over time, focused strongly on. You can create
Your own reality as you wish. Concentrate
On the reality that you’d have come to be.
All that is real for you is what is becoming.

The Best Year Ever

New Beginning

New beginnings are fruitful. When out with the old
And in with something different is tended to,
Then there is an awakening of the spirit.
When the call for change sounds, people tend to hear it
In a big way. You can know what’s in store for you.
By the way you are feeling you clearly are told.

When someone is bleeding in the street, you will do
What it takes to help that person to recover.
But when someone is expressing negatively
They are scolded. Behaving appropriately
Is a challenge. You don’t have to be their lover,
But you can show compassion. This always is true.

This year you can soothe yourself into alignment
By pointing out to yourself how well you’re doing.
Minuscule pieces of that all throughout your day
Will attract more and more. The challenge is to stay
In that state of alignment. It’s worth pursuing.
You have much control over how this year is spent.

In your life, circumstances will come together.
Collective co-creation and coincidence
Can be part of this new year. It’s never too late
To let go of the negative and celebrate
The future which indeed holds tremendous suspense.
This is the first year of many more, as it were.

Magical Words

Happily Being

I have asked for it, and it’s done! There’s nothing more
I can do. It is all done vibrationally.
My stability, vitality, and good health,
Clarity, flexibility, and certain wealth,
And my lover are all there in what is to me
A Vortex of Creation – an apt metaphor.

I feel good. I’m relieved that it’s done. It’s okay
To be filled with excitement for what is to come.
Good feelings are my treasures. They overcome me
As I appreciate them. I don’t have to see
Physical manifestations. My faith comes from
Deep within me. It comforts me along the way.

I can talk about it. It feels good when I do.
It gets my juices flowing. The only reason
To do it is because it feels good to do so –
Not to make something happen because that would go
Against laws universal. Through every season
I will broadcast my wishes to not just a few.

When something wonderful happens along the way
I will milk it for everything I can find there.
When it’s done, there’s no worry – only contentment
With my here and now. I’ve made peace with the present.
With the world I have an ongoing love affair.
In a state of fulfillment I always shall stay.

The Fastest Path To Happiness

Taking In The Goodness

What’s the fastest path right here, right now where I am
To my happiness? This question is a good one
To consider – but not “How can I get happy?”
What’s the surest and quickest way that will lead me
To a state of eventual satisfaction?
The question is part of a consciousness exam.

If I’m in despair, then revenge is the next thing
I should reach for. I can’t get from there to sheer bliss.
What can I recognize where I am that will ease
The bad feeling? In other words, how can I seize
Some relief from the realm of the horrid abyss?
The emotional spectrum is worth traversing.

From revenge into anger, and then frustration
Is the way to move forward toward happiness.
Once I reach hopefulness, I am well on the way
To the joy that awaits me. I don’t want to stay
Negative more than needed. I want to express
The best self that I can offer to everyone.

What can I use as my excuse to feel better
Right where I am this moment? Appreciation
Goes a long way in feeling better here and now.
My awareness of how I’m feeling does allow
Much control in the process. I like having fun.
There is nothing to living the life I prefer.

Daily Mantras

The Best Of All Starts

There’s no gain worth discussing when you are in pain.
You are holding yourself in the resistant stance
That does not allow healing nor the receiving
Of spiritual insight. You’re not achieving
Anything but more torment. When offered the chance
By spirit to release it, don’t fret and complain.

Life causes you to ask, then vibrationally,
It is given. You have to find some way, somehow,
To come into alignment with what you’ve asked for.
Your deserve everything that you want and much more.
Decide that it is high time for you to allow
All the good things you want in life to come to be.

Look for reasons to feel good. Keep a diary
Of good feelings. Trust in the Law of Attraction.
Hang around with people who are fun to be with.
Your creating with others is truly the pith
Of good living. Your life is supposed to be fun.
Of your own life take full responsibility.

Cue yourself up for happiness. Your alignment
With who you really are is your key to success.
Break the vibrational chain of pain by changing
Your thinking about it, or indeed anything
That will lead to relief from the moment’s distress.
Happiness is achieved by your conscious intent.

Off You Will Go!

Into Uncharted Space

Start out with something that you’re not faking about –
Something where you’re not trying. It simply feels good
Engaging in it. Focus on it for a while.
Let it resonate until a powerful smile
Overwhelms you. Your happiness is understood
To be your launching off place from worry and doubt.

Concentrate on the few things that are going well
With your life and ignore the more difficult things.
The attention you give to the good things may then
Rectify all the bad things. You are once again
On the leading edge of exciting happenings.
You cannot gain momentum when in fear you dwell.

You have been trained to believe that hard work it takes
To get anywhere in life. This defies the laws
Of the universe. Just pick one thing that delights
And excites you but doesn’t give you restless nights.
The Law of Attraction hasn’t a secret clause
Nor is it some kind of spiritual sweepstakes.

Attention to what feels good will cause momentum
In the direction of all things of importance.
Give your undivided attention for a while
To the things that will put upon your face a smile.
Let go of the resistance and you will advance
To great heights. Be thankful for the good things to come.