Tag Archive | motions

The Perfect Body

Physical Fitness

A body with a perfect shape may be what you
Really want but you don’t want to do exercise.
Usually this causes enough resistance
In your thoughts and beliefs that you don’t stand a chance
Of achieving what you want. It would be more wise
To proceed with the efforting you have to do.

Why not go for it? It’s just like any other
Thing that you want. There’s no reason whatsoever
That you can’t be, do, or have anything that you
Truly want. The only thing that you have to do
Is to make it a satisfying endeavor.
Treat your spirit as if it were your big brother.

There have been many studies done on people who
Visualize what they want regarding their skill
At some task like throwing a ball through a basket.
If you visualize what you want then you get
More often exactly what you want and you will
Be amazed by the fantastic things you can do.

There’s nothing more delicious than being inspired
Into action then it doesn’t seem like a chore.
You get good results when you’re open to receive
Inspiration and when you begin to believe
In yourself then you’re able to do a lot more.
In the end nothing but your intent is required.

What Is Mindfulness

At One

It’s something that I know I had when I was young
Then I lost it for such a long time then regained
The awareness that I posses naturally.
It fits in well with my spirituality.
Mindfulness meditation can best be explained
As the song of the universe gracefully sung.

I need not get too spiritual about it
For it to be effective. My tapping into
The whole of who I am I’ve come to understand
As my getting into the zone. I can expand
My consciousness in this way. All that I need do
Is to focus intently and not just a bit.

Without interpretation or judgment I am
Well aware of what’s happening all around me.
Guided imagery and breathing methods help to
Relax my mind and body. There’s nothing to do
But exist. This is the definition of free.
About anything else I do not give a damn.

Pay attention to what you’re doing and allow
Your senses to absorb the whole experience.
Treat yourself as your own best friend. You can do this
Anytime that you choose. You’re a moment from bliss.
Mindfulness offers benefits that are immense.
Do embrace the fine art of observing your now.

What Is The Meaning Of Life?

Mixed Meanings

Maybe it’s just a dark phase or maybe it’s true
That the soul of humanity cannot be healed
Of its hatred, conceit, and insatiable greed.
If life has any meaning then why is there need?
Why is human behavior such a battlefield?
Life is twisted. We have a narrow point of view.

Everyone has a task that they came to complete.
Unempowered personalities aren’t aware
Of the soul and its calling. They take refuge in
Getting external power. They think they will win
The big prize. It’s a big challenge for them to care
About injustice as long as their life is sweet.

But it cannot compensate for the lingering
Sense of inner emptiness. Something is always
Missing in life. Be at one with what you’re doing.
Your soul lets you know what you should be pursuing.
In your bliss you do not have to deal with this phase
Of extreme darkness. Continue to do your thing.

When you’re aligned with your soul then you’re empowered.
You feel energized and alive doing what you
Love to do. It doesn’t have to be some big thing
Like curing cancer. It can be simply learning
Something new and exciting. So keep your hart true
To your soul’s calling. Passion within you is stirred.