Tag Archive | vengeful

Get Your Power Back

Right On

All the painful emotions like fear, vengefulness,
Anger, jealousy, and depression can rob you
Of your power. To external circumstances
It is wasted so very slim are the chances
Of having some left to do the things you want to.
You’ve tried to hide your feelings with little success.

You’ve come to know that when your personality
Is aligned with your soul’s purpose you then become
Authentically Empowered. This bottom line
Definition is provocative by design.
It’s a clue to where Authentic Power comes from.
Fully empowered is the way you want to be.

But most people don’t know what their soul wants so they
Let external circumstances and their mindset
Take control of them. The answer lies within you.
Your conscience lets you know which path for you is true.
You can meditate in order for you to get
Better insight to clear most of your doubt away.

Obstacles to aligning yourself with your soul
Are identified by noticing how you feel
In each moment. Be mindful of what your soul needs
To best serve you. You can be someone who succeeds
In connecting with your soul. Your life becomes real
As yourself becomes well integrated and whole.

A Tale Of Two Wolves

Color Burst Wolves

In my heart there are two wolves. They live together
But in conflict. One wolf is loving, generous,
Truthful, peaceful, and compassionate. The other
Is fearful and deceitful. It is, as it were,
Quite the opposite, and what we’re here to discuss
Is which one wins as the issues of life occur.

Which wolf gets more attention? Which one do I feed?
If it’s the loving wolf does it mean I deny
The mean wolf or get rid of it? That would only
Cause a long drawn out battle and hostility
Would be seen in my attitude. So this is why
It’s much better to not do what I have no need.

What I can do is calmly give my attention
To the angry wolf and let go of believing
That it has anything of value to offer.
If I can do that then what will have to occur
Is a long lasting peace. What I’d be achieving
Is a balance way beyond my comprehension.

Restful or chaotic, enjoyable or not…
Experiences may come and go but I can
Get accustomed to mindfulness. It can help me
To take care of my loving wolf and finally
Be relieved of the mean wolf’s malevolent plan.
That I keep my wolves separate matters a lot.