Tag Archive | morality

Inner Guidance

Specific Direction

Facing reality only regurgitates
It in essence. There’s plenty of reality
That you want to keep replicated but then there
Are things that only lead to much grief and despair.
If you focus too much on those things then you’ll be
Not your best self. Indeed you’ll be someone who hates.

Your emotions will tell you exactly what you
Need to know in each moment so pay attention
To what they have to say. They’re your guidance system.
If you choose you can gain much benefit from them.
How you feel cannot be beyond comprehension.
You can always be sure that what you feel is true.

When you’re driving on the expressway and you drift
Off the road then the rough pavement will let you know
That you’re getting off track. It’s an indication
Of that fact only. It’s not a condemnation
Of your action. Your emotions exist to show
How far off track you are. Consider them a gift.

If a thought doesn’t feel good then go general.
If it feels entertaining then get specific.
Milk it for all that it has and be satisfied
That the good feelings you get cannot be denied.
They can guide you to feeling rather fantastic.
You should know that your happiness should be normal.

The Issue With Reality

Physical Guidance

Is reality something that needs to be faced?
Troubling is the question. Most people believe
That to not face reality wouldn’t be wise.
Condemnation is cast upon one who denies
What is ever so present. One would be naïve
To expect to be most wholeheartedly embraced.

There’s plenty of reality that you want to
Keep replicated in your life experience,
But you must be more of a selective sifter
Through the contrast. As momentum becomes swifter,
Keep the thoughts that feel best. That would only make sense.
Leave the thoughts that feel less than appealing to you.

If a thought doesn’t feel good, then go general
To just flatten it nicely and slow it down some.
If the thought does feel good, then get more specific.
Your conscious attention guarantees a more quick
Manifestation and a fulfilling outcome.
There’s benefit in following this rationale.

When you’re driving and drifting too far off the road,
The rumble of the guide strip will notify you
That you need to get back on track. It’s no judgment
Of your character, nor is it an indictment
Of your morality. It has only to do
With your guidance, so be in the receptive mode.

But, should you face reality? Here is the thing.
It’s created by thoughts and beliefs carefully,
Over time, focused strongly on. You can create
Your own reality as you wish. Concentrate
On the reality that you’d have come to be.
All that is real for you is what is becoming.

The Scourge

Speak Your Truth

Fear Of Male Obsolescence, the main cause of death
Among women is something that can’t be denied.
Throughout history the scourge of male dominance
Has cursed women worldwide. Does it make human sense
To cling onto a toxic and false sense of pride?
I shall speak about this until my dying breath.

The atrocities happen. They’re always shrouded
In uncertainty. Truth is not meant to be known.
Our technology and media now reveal
Quite enough of what happens. Amid the surreal
Is the feeling of trauma. Women aren’t alone
In their voice of defiance with minds unclouded.

Every state has a caliphate – not just Iran
And a few other nations. Use of religion
To control women’s lives has occurred everywhere.
Our supreme court and congress are a lethal pair
With misogyny blatant – not just a smidgen.
What the hell is so ‘right’ about being a man?

Women are organizing. It comes on the heels
Of the most recent tragic event in the news.
Women will make their voices heard at voting booths.
People are responding to the uncovered truths
Of behaviors that no decent one can excuse.
We are fortunate in what the darkness reveals.

Don’t Face Reality

Selectivity Of Consciousness

Without being outrageous how can it be known
That reality is what we keep on facing
Which is why it’s so real to our human senses?
Momentum is needed before change commences.
It can be done by good-feeling-thought embracing.
I create my reality all on my own.

There’s plenty of reality I would retain
And so much I’d avoid due to no interest.
I will replicate in my life experience
What I am mostly focused on, and it makes sense
That a selective sifter I am at my best.
I can be more discerning for maximum gain.

If a thought doesn’t feel good I’ll go general
Which will slow its momentum. On the other hand
If it feels good then going specific is right.
What I’m after will much sooner be within sight.
This is not all that hard for me to understand.
I must trust that my life is never in peril.

When I feel anything whether it’s bad or good
I can say, “Good for me; my guidance is working.”
Guidance is not an indictment of worthiness.

It is only indication of my progress
On the path I have chosen. It’s interesting
That it cares for me as if it knows that it should.