Tag Archive | interaction

Emotions And Your Body

Feeling Spectrum

Your body responds to the way you think, feel, and
Act. This is one type of mind/body connection.
When you’re stressed, anxious, or upset, your body may
Develop high blood pressure or ulcers. To stay
In good health, you can confide in the direction
Of your inner being who has the upper hand.

The manifestation in the body is an
Exaggerated version of what’s going on
With your feelings, but you can shift an emotion
With much more ease than after the damage is done.
You have your guidance system to rely upon.
Your awareness is important to your game plan.

If you wait until there’s a manifestation,
Then it’s much harder to emotionally get
Around what’s taken place in your body, therefore
Catch it in the beginning and do not explore
All the things about your life you deeply regret
Having gone through even though it’s your creation.

Understand your emotions and recognize why
You are having them. Sorting them out can help you
To cope with them. Find some form of relaxation
Such as yoga, Tai Chi, guided meditation,
Or just listening to music. Things you can do
Are quite many. It’s worthwhile to give some a try.

Your Spirit Guide

Guidance From Within

We all have the ability to interact
With nonphysical, but we can’t do so apart
From beliefs that we hold. What you find to be true
Is by faith or experience. It helps if you
Can release all the folklore and go with your heart.
You can be aware of when you have made contact.

Many different names and labels we offer
In attempting to explain the nonphysical.
We are all the extensions of Source Energy.
Angels and spirit guides are a reality.
For what others believe, do not be quizzical.
Of your own beliefs, one may become a scoffer.

The nonphysical is interacting with you
In many different ways. The intensity
Of your desire to know and your ability
To allow in this moment the variety
Of experiences makes you ever more free
To receive information from out of the blue.

You get to interpret it in whatever way
That you want to. It is offered to you purely,
But you are the interpreter of it, and so
You make it what it is. It’s good for you to know
That you always have contact. Your focus is key.
You can tune to precisely what it has to say.

The Meaning Of Life

Of Ultimate Purpose

“What’s the meaning of meaning?” someone may inquire
If asked, “What is the meaning of life?” The answer:
Why do surfers take surf boards and go ride the waves?
It’s not to smooth the ocean out, and no one craves
Teaching fish how to swim on top of the water.
They do it just because it’s something they desire.

The meaning of meaning means does it have purpose…
Is there some rhyme or reason for it to occur?
The purpose and the reason for life is the thrill
Of achieving alignment. The key is to chill
And allow things to happen as you would prefer.
Meaning is something that is easy to discuss.

The basis of life is freedom and the result
Is expansion, exposure, opportunity,
And desire for experience in the contrast.
While you are on earth you should be having a blast.
Joyful and triumphant is how you want to be.
To not be who you are is the gravest insult.

Life itself is the meaning of life. Feeling it
Pouring through you is exhilarating and fun.
To see manifestation happen in response
To your proper alignment in sheer nonchalance
Is the meaning of life. Surely you are the one
Who it’s meant for. It is for your full benefit.

Access The Power

Command The Energy

Writing down things is powerful. I’d like to share
Yet another technique that was offered to me.
It’s about manifesting. I know; “Not again!”
But my job is informative. I like it when
There’s a topic worth tackling. Not all may agree,
And obliged I am truly to say I don’t care.

List three things that you want on three sheets of paper.
Each sheet lists only one thing. So write at the top
“These are reasons I want this.” On the other side
List all of the reasons that you won’t be denied.
At some point in your listing you will have to stop
And behold what you’ve written and quite on the spur.

It is necessary only that you want it
With a positive passion. Writing enhances
The belief in your wanting. It forms a strong link
With the thing that you’re focused upon. Now, just think
Of the power of this improving your chances
Of obtaining things. This is of huge benefit.

Spend some time in your day… twenty minutes or so
To enter deep reflection. Examine your dream.
Let your dominant intention be to look for
Things that you find delightful and then look for more.
May your big boat of freedom be headed downstream.
Benefits of your focus will begin to flow.

The Power Of The Universe

...At Your Command Always

The power that creates worlds at my fingertips
Is the dream of a lifetime or single moment.
Exercise is for bodies to keep them in shape.
If they get not enough then there is no escape
From ailments and ill feelings. We move to prevent
Laziness of the muscles and woe on the lips.

Another exercise for getting to that place
Of untold of contentment involves time each day
For collection of data that match well my dream.
I need not go to such an outrageous extreme
To create what I want that I give much away
That my spirit can’t live without at my slow pace.

Thoughts we think are powerful. The signals they make
Are magnetic. They do attract thoughts much the same
As their own. Then momentum takes over from there.
Universal forces need be fully aware
Through my passion about it. Thoughts can become lame
With no strength of emotion or wanting is fake.

I decide what is wanted in vivid detail
Then give thought only to that and none to others
Contradicting the chosen ones. My emotion
In effect is powerful communication
With the ultimate power that ever occurs.
Powered so by the universe, I shall prevail.