Tag Archive | alignment


Spontaneous Excitement

All I know about living is that I want More
Of the good times. The More excited I become
About life, the More wonderfully it treats me.
Am I close to fulfilling my reason to be?
That can’t happen because there will always be some
New adventure. There’s always something More in store.

I’m continually asking for More, so I’m
Never going to be done. I can’t truly be
Forever fulfilled. I can just be up to speed
With my asking. I’ll never have all that I need
To fulfill me. Therefore I can live happily
Ever after. I can stay content all the time.

What it’s called is alignment. It is or is not
In the moment depending upon how well I
Am connected to my Source of empowerment.
I must ask and there’s nothing on earth to prevent
My receiving. I’ve tapped an enormous supply
Of exuberance. I’ve found it helps me a lot.

In spirit’s union with this physical body
There’s perfection of balance. I put myself in
Positions where new insights are born within me.
There’s no place quite like this time space reality.
What a wonderful journey my whole life has been
And shall be. I want More of what’s coming to me.

The Manifestation Cycle

Creation In Motion

I know that my life causes me to ask for more.
That’s a given. I can’t stop it from happening.
This physical environment elicits from
Me personal decisions. While beating my drum
Of uniqueness, I can manifest anything
I desire. It’s a wonderful world to explore.

After I’ve done my asking, unseen forces will
Gather all the cooperative components
Necessary. I don’t have to do anything
Further after I have done the work of asking
Except stay in a state of receptive suspense
Meaning that my work now is to kick back and chill.

When things start manifesting the thrill is immense.
Confidence in the power that I have to be
A creator increases. Trusting the process
Replaces any angst with a fresh eagerness
For the challenge of bringing what satisfies me
Into being. The process makes practical sense.

Once I’ve mastered this elegant trick I’ve become
More able to cope with life when it takes a turn
For the worse. When it happens I don’t get upset.
It’s just a moment in time that I’ll soon forget.
There’s nothing like the ability to discern
Satisfaction, which is where all blessings come from.

Getting Over A Relationship

Broken Heart Repair

“What has been put asunder will never again
Come together. How painful this truth is for me.
I’ve tried everything but I can’t get over this.
I recall with much sorrow the laughter and bliss
That we shared. My life has become a tragedy.
I wish I could return to the way things had been.”

The dilemma is common. The pain is immense.
There’s a present tense active dynamic at play
That you can’t walk away from. It’s hard to let go
And forget about all the good you’ve come to know
Through your coming together. You must find a way
To recover from the emotional expense.

Every relationship is eternal. A lot
Of what you really wanted came as the result
Of that relationship. You want to find a way
To get from the experience all that you may
That will help you and perhaps even catapult
You into feeling better. A joke this is not.

People feel incomplete unless they have someone
To be happy with. That’s not what you’re looking for.
With your inner being you want companionship.
Then you’re guaranteed to have a much better grip
On your love life. There’s no need to say any more
About this, so embark on the new path begun.

A Co-Rampage

Sound Off

At this moment, where all of my power is, I
Have a knowing. Wellbeing continually
Is available to me. It’s been underway
For a long time. I feel more with each brand new day
Confident that goodness is the majority
Of existence, though contrast I cannot deny.

The momentum that I’ve planned and practiced is now
Paying off, and I live for that feeling of trust
In the universe and in the essence divine
Which tells me that my life and the world are just fine.
If I don’t have that feeling I need to adjust
My vibration. I’m glad that by now I know how.

It’s not urgent that I always stay out ahead
Of every situation. If I slip away
From that sense of wellbeing I can easily
Get right back to it. I do it naturally.
There’s no reason that in a bad mood I should stay
When I can reach a state of happiness instead.

The blending of myself with the best part of me
Is delicious, and nothing else will ever do.
There’s no regression. I can’t go back to the way
That I was. In that place of alignment I’ll stay.
I must release the old to embrace what is new.
From the chains of my troubled self I’ve broken free.

Society’s Laws And Rules

Legal Institution

Laws and rules are a good thing most generally.
Agreements are made to do things a certain way
That is most beneficial to all those involved
But we’re nowhere near having all our problems solved.
Even though they keep us from utter disarray
Lots of them are outdated or wrong completely.

The path of least resistance would be to obey
All the laws and rules anyway. Life insurance,
For example, is something that society
Finds important. It activates uncertainty
In the psyche which complicates the procurance
Of wellbeing, so in a state of fear we stay.

Once fear is activated a predicament
Is created. How to remain law abiding
Is important. Vibrational integrity,
However, is more so, and the more you can be
In alignment, the more you’ll be coinciding
With behavior expected in any event.

The path of least resistance is also the one
Most open to allowing true justice to come
On the heels of alignment and empowerment.
On the way, you remain in the ever present.
You’re the only one who is keeping yourself from
What you want. Within you is the sole solution.

Collective Consciousness

Blending Of Minds

We are nonphysical entities with bodies
And as such there’s a limit to what we can know
About our spirit nature which is energy
That’s been conscious throughout all of eternity.
But we can with some practice tap into the flow
Of Collective Consciousness with relative ease.

Imagine what it’s like to be nonphysical
Where the larger part of us you operate from.
Clarity on steroids it must be like to be
Firmly focused and pure positive energy.
Bodiless, there’s no resistance to overcome.
It’s a major aspect of the spiritual.

Spirit gets to experience the expansion
Of the universe. We’re on the leading edge of
Creation in the physical. Spirit gets to
Witness our thoughts turn to things. In all that we do
We add to the expansion. With infinite love
We’re guided as if evil had never been done.

When you come into full alignment sometimes you
May get goosebumps. That’s spirit reveling in your
Special moment. When you get a taste of the thrill
Of excitement, the dreams that you most cherish will
Come to be. You can be more than ever before
Exhilarated about what you know is true.


Carefree Koala

Can it be looked at from a broader perspective
All the differences between animals and
Human beings? Did we create them? Or did they
Create themselves? Is it really helpful to play
With such questions? Is it that hard to understand
The big picture? Are we all one huge collective?

We’re the creators of our own reality.
We add to what is happening on planet earth.
Our attention right here and now is causing the
Evolution not only of humanity
But of all of existence. All life is of worth
To the universe and that’s the way it must be.

Consciousness has been always the evolution
Of all things. There’s a blending of the physical
With the nonphysical. Intricately combined
Are the energies, so it would be hard to find
A perceived of ‘creator.’ The spiritual
Offers to many humans the best solution.

Animals are more open to being who they
Truly are in each moment, whereas humans lie
In a heartbeat. Why is that? The answer may be
Unimportant. We are all the same energy
But with different packages. The reason why
Is because there are certain laws all must obey.

A Virtual Reality

Future Night

Do we live in A Virtual Reality
Where our bodies are like tokens or avatars,
And our real selves are playing this consciousness game?
Are we actors who each have a script and stage name?
What’s so great about this physical world of ours
As it is now? How much better off could it be?

We are powerful creators who have come from
The nonphysical into this world of contrast
With fantastic intentions. We’re Source Energy
In these physical vessels. Alignment with the
Better part of us is when we’re having a blast
As we’re living and knowing that more good will come.

As we seek alignment with broader perspective
We transmit a vibration that draws unto us
Wanted things. What we want most is to demonstrate
The joy we have for living. We’re here to create
With abandon. We did not come here to discuss
Ways of living that are mostly ineffective.

We’re not one or the other. We’re both physical
And nonphysical, and both are necessary
For the eternalness of all of existence.
What we offer to the universe is immense.
Leading edge creation is physicality.
It’s the focus of all that is spiritual.

Pleasure In The Now

Loving Life

This incredible dream that you’re moving toward
Gives you pleasure. A feeling of utter delight
Overwhelms you. You know that it has to come true,
And you know there is nothing that you need to do
But to stay elevated. The future is bright.
It’s a dream that in any way can’t be ignored.

But we want to talk about the current pleasure
You are having because it’s the key to being
Receptive to what you want. If you’re accepting
The pleasure of this moment, then you’re offering
To the world your best self, and you’ll end up seeing
Things occur in your life way beyond your measure.

There’s a bunch of things that are screwed up in this world.
Should you focus upon them? Should you take a stand
With one side or the other while pushing against
Your opponent? In this way you get yourself fenced
Into one hellish corner. Stay out of the land
Of the livid. Your path will then become unfurled.

How do you align even more with what you feel
Is forthcoming? …By loving where you are right now.
…By your being satisfied and eager for more.
When you get out ahead of what you’re asking for
You give the universe the okay to allow
Blessings to rain upon you. Is this not ideal?

Guidance In The Moment

Moment Of Inspiration

Is it part of the ego’s agenda to be
Contemplative? There are times when I want to know
Whether or not what I’m doing is wrong or right
In the moment. I’m up for receiving insight
That will help me to decide which way I should go.
I depend on my guidance system completely.

I have an inner being. When I get in touch
With that part of me, I can be sure what to do
In the moment. The inspiration comes to me
Like the touch of a butterfly. Then I can see
From a broader perspective. I savor the view.
These are moments that I can appreciate much.

What’s it actually feel like viscerally
To be in alignment from moment to moment?
As I practice the vibration of being there
I will know what alignment is and I’ll declare
To the universe that it’s my conscious intent
To line up with the person who I’m meant to be.

Readiness to receive those impulses is my
Point of focus. I don’t have to prove anything
So that I can feel worthy. I’ve no one to please.
I want to see the way my inner being sees.
Onto my negative beliefs I need not cling.
My connection with my inner being is why.

A Meditation Question

Spiritual Alignment

I find that when I meditate there are times when
My thoughts come and go. They are all over the place.
I see that as no problem. It must be okay
Because I can start over if ever I stray
From my focus on nothing to enter a space
Of alignment. I can get back on track again.

When I’m there in that sacred space everything makes
So much sense. I’ve a sense of infinite knowing.
When I come out of meditation I forget
Everything that had happened. I feel some regret
That the access to the knowledge that was flowing
Is no longer. Somehow am I making mistakes?

Meditation is a process which allows your
Vibration to rise. When it does, you have access
To infinite intelligence. When you are there
Just take notice of how you feel and be aware
Of it all happening. Recognize your progress
In the process and in time it will reveal more.

Meditation is the gateway to alignment,
And alignment is when you’re open to receive
Information. You can get to a point where you
Can record your experience. You don’t have to
Get all bothered about it. What you can achieve
Through alignment will bring you enormous content.

Money Will Flow

Legal Tender

When you don’t have enough money you ask for more.
Then what happens is that the universe gets hold
Of your wish and it turns into reality.
It’s become manifested vibrationally
Until you line up with it. Then things will unfold
In your favor. You will get what you’re asking for.

Everything that you’ve asked for is already done.
In your willingness to accept the existence
Of this vibrational reality, you will
Be in a place where the universe can fulfill
Your request. You know that its power is immense.
Focus in the direction of what has begun.

Everything in your physical experience
Morphs to match the vibration that you’re offering.
If you say, “I want more, but I don’t have enough,”
Then your getting what you want will be really tough.
Thoughts of lack can keep your wishes from becoming
Your reality. This is also common sense.

“Money would be good for me. More money would give
Me more freedom to do the things I’d like to do.
I could be of more value to others, and I
Can get more in alignment by speaking of why
I will have it.”
This conversation will get you

There much faster. It’s a fulfilling way to live.

When It Feels Close

Joyful Anticipation

If the journey is your goal, then instant success
You can’t but have in each moment along the way.
But if you make the journey secondary to
Your wanted destination, things won’t come to you.
If you find satisfaction throughout every day,
Then the universe will support your happiness.

Get your emphasis in the right place. Letting go
Of the absence of what you want is the only
Way to get it to manifest. Stick with your dream
And have fun on the way even though it may seem
That you’re not doing much to make it come to be.
You’ve done all that you need to. Let happiness flow.

You’re not ever going to let go of your dream
So you might as well go for it. There’s no hurry
For it to be fully manifested right now.
Put yourself in the receptive mode and allow
It to happen because it vibrationally
Does exist. It is one with your energy stream.

When you’re right on the brink of manifestation
Just stay there in that vibrational attitude
Of alignment with what you want. Feel better now
And along the way. You do not need to know how
To do anything but be aware of your mood.
How you feel is your manifesting foundation.

The Blessing In Hard Times

Stopping Time

There’s nothing wrong with this world. There’s no need for me
To tune into the breaking news. Nothing’s broken.
All is well with the universe. Everything’s fine.
Each and everyone is a spark of the divine,
Even those whose consciousness is not awoken
To the awesome perfection of reality.

Life is supposed to be good for me. That is all
That I need to remember. My inner being
Agrees with me wholeheartedly, therefore I feel
Confident that I can make my dream become real.
To interpret, then respond to what I’m seeing
Is to be captivated by things that are small.

My emotions are my best of friends because they
Are my guidance on my path of least resistance.
Whether negative or positive, they tell me
If I’m tuned or not to the proper frequency
Of receiving some insight. Life can be a dance
Of excitement if I choose to have it that way.

Things are supposed to work out for me, and they are
For the most part. More is working out than is not.
I can deal with the notion of disharmony.
I can line up with the positive energy
Of the universe. I can give life all I’ve got.
I know then that my vibration is up to par.

Don’t Keep Asking

Hard At Prayer

“Does my work need a price tag in order for me
To stay super excited about what I do?
I’m okay, but I still need to make a living.
The job market can be truly unforgiving.
I’m in need of a wholesome financial breakthrough.
If I pray long enough, will it then come to be?”

“I’m an artist. I love creating poetry
Out of thin air, guided only by my insight,
But only a few people are interested.
Should this matter to me? Should I forge on ahead
And be happy and broke? That just doesn’t seem right.
Can I count on the universe to hear my plea?”

Your life has caused you to ask specifically,
And the universe is tending to those details.
It’s up to you to get in the mode to receive
What you’ve put there. The only thing you need achieve
Is alignment. Let your desire be what prevails.
Things will manifest for you eventually.

You don’t have to keep asking. The universe knows
Already where you’re coming from. What you create
Of your life is a masterpiece when you are free
Of the angst in the process, and to the degree
Of your focus on happiness, you need not wait
A long time for fulfillment as your writing flows.

Everything That You Want Is Downstream

Constant Connection

Imagine taking your canoe down to the edge
Of a fast-moving river. You get in and then
You begin paddling deliberately upstream.
Why on earth would you do that, though? It doesn’t seem
Like a healthy idea. Again and again,
People do it as if they’ve made a solemn pledge.

People do it because everybody does it.
We don’t want be lazy, and we have been trained
To believe that hard work and struggle are to be
Seen as virtuous qualities. Society
Is upstream oriented as if it’s ingrained
In our psyche. It can be of no benefit.

There’s nothing that you want that’s upstream anyway.
The rewards for a difficult life can’t be worth
Feeling absolute pleasure in every moment.
People learn how to get by with their discontent.
When it gets to be too much, then they’re giving birth
To a change in direction and a brand new day.

Everything that you want is downstream. Everything
That makes up the stream is what you’ve been putting there
Through your wanting a better life. Inspiration
Comes to you, and it helps you in getting things done.
Just let go of the oars and become more aware
Of your worthiness and your passion for living.

On What Will You Focus?


Give more attention to your desire than you do
To your current reality which is causing
You to doubt that it will manifest. Be aware
Of your thoughts and feelings. You don’t have to compare
Yours with others’. Before choosing, it’s worth pausing
For a moment to access the best part of you.

You’re the creator of your own reality.
You do it through your focus. You are much more than
Your physical body. You’re pure Source Energy,
And the more you believe it, the more you will see
Evidence that proves that you definitely can
Have anything you want come to you easily.

Your path of least resistance is not clear for you
If you face your reality as it is now.
You create a much better one by letting go
Of the past and by letting the universe show
You what it can do when you’re prepared to allow.
Be aware of the frequency you are tuned to.

Some would have you tune to theirs, but that’s not the way
It should happen. You have your own guidance system.
You’re building your vibrational reality
Moment by moment. Before you know it, you’ll be
Treating your clear focus like a most precious gem.
Keep your mind on whatever will brighten your day.

When I Don’t Feel Like Doing It.

Overcoming Reluctance

I just don’t feel like doing it, and I’m afraid
That my procrastination is not good for my
Growing business. If I’m action oriented,
Then there’s only one way for me to get ahead.
It’s by acting, but I don’t know the reason why
I’m not feeling excited. In fact, I’m dismayed.

If I get moving anyway even though I
Don’t feel like it, the result will be disaster.
It can’t be the right time if I don’t feel like it.
What could I do that would be to my benefit?
Is there yet another skill set I must master?
Is there some way of dealing with this I can try?

If I let go of the oars, my boat turns downstream.
Alignment before action is the way to go.
My dominant intent is to give my thoughts to
My dream so profoundly that it has to come true.
I’ll receive by insight all that I need to know.
My alignment with my dream must remain supreme.

Action can be delicious when done from a place
Of my knowing and feeling deep inside of me
That I must be delighted in getting things done.
I remember how in the beginning I had fun.
That place of fulfillment is where I want to be.
I will do what I do with a smile on my face.

About Money

A Preventive Tool

Money is representative of energy.
Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared.
So there is plenty of it. The concept of lack
Comes from people whose vibrations are out of whack.
You don’t have much if your consciousness is impaired,
And it need not be this way necessarily.

You want to feel your freedom. You want more choices,
And you want to expand. All these feelings you can
Muster with or without the money in your hand,
Though it gets there more quickly if you understand
That a bright attitude is always a good plan.
Life is magnificent when the heart rejoices.

Go to the emotional point of the issue.
If you’re not anywhere near a happy feeling,
Then avoid it. It’s to big a dragon to slay.
Reaching for a better feeling thought is the way
To abundance and a life that’s most appealing.
Find alignment with the innermost part of you.

Find alignment because it’s delicious to find
Alignment. The result is your receiving more
Than you could have imagined. The money will come.
Do not think about where on earth it will come from.
Remain focused on all of the things you adore.
It’s a wonderful way to keep yourself aligned.

Pay Attention To One Thing

Singularity Of Focus

There are lots of things you can’t control with action,
But you can control anything from the standpoint
Of alignment with what you believe can come true.
Controlling your vibration is easy to do.
It’s a magical essence you use to anoint
Every day of your life with excitement and fun.

When you get to a place, though, where you can create
What you want, you stop trying to make anything
Happen for you. Things just seem to fall into place.
It’s as if you have tapped into infinite grace,
And it’s true. It’s amazing what focus can bring
Into your life experience and not by fate.

The vibrational frequency you’re achieving,
Practicing and maintaining attracts unto you
Everything that you have. What your mind can believe
Has everything to do with what you can receive.
What will you get if you’re constantly feeling blue?
Innocent little thoughts of lack are deceiving.

There’s no ‘Should I or shouldn’t I’ when you’re aligned
With who you really are. There’s only certainty
That things always work out for you in the long run.
There’s no rush and no effort in getting things done.
Pay Attention To One Thing: how to get happy.
Abundance and wellbeing you’re likely to find.

Stop Trying To Change Others


In this world there are only two groups. There are those
Who are, in this moment, under the influence
Of who they truly are. There are also those who
Are fueled by something else which has nothing to do
With their natural goodness. There’s the existence
Of extreme maladjustment that harms as it shows.

There are groups calibrated to Source Energy
At any given moment. The ones that are not
Can’t be changed in terms of their feelings and ideals.
Antisocial action by such people reveals
That their sense of themselves is tied into a knot.
They know that they’re not being who they meant to be.

Uniqueness is a blessing, and diversity
And expansion is natural to existence.
If you spend your time trying to figure out why
People are the way they are, you’re destined to die
With your life unfulfilled. It is with great expense
That you consider hatred as reality.

It’s just too much to sort out. The way people feel,
Think, and see things should not be of any concern
To your creative process. Be and let things be.
Happiness, when it’s chosen, will set yourself free.
There is not much about love that you need to learn.
Happy moments are those wherein you get to heal.

Love Is Worth Lining Up With

Allegiance To Violence

Congressmen who think smoke breaks are more important
Than the health of the nation are now in control
Of the mindset of others who want to secede.
A divorce they now call it. Mass death is their creed.
How do people act as if they have not a soul?
Civil war would be something to win, yet they can’t.

So, do we have a problem? Houston doesn’t care.
Arrogance now means honor. It’s useless to try
To butt heads with such beings. Just leave it alone.
Would it be worthy if some compassion were shown?
Hatred is an infection. That’s the reason why
People fear to get near it. They know what is there.

Love is the only answer. It sounds so cliché,
But it’s so. Your reality is created
Only with your thoughts and feelings. When you’re aligned
With your true self, no kind of hatred will you find.
In your gut is where your guidance is located.
Love remains all inclusive. That’s how it shall stay.

Politicians are people. They can’t solve for you
Any problems you may have. Let them help create
Your version of a better world. Pay attention
Only to it. One could call it war prevention.
Always it’s best to stay in a positive state.
You can’t hate when you’re happy. You know this is true.

Tired Of Struggling

Work Fatigue

Be aware of how you feel. It gives you a clue
That your struggle may be useless. Only you know
When it’s time to do something. It’s driving you mad.
Your whole life would have been much better if you had
Never followed your current path. Nothing to show
Have you for all your effort. What are you to do?

Everybody’s working harder than they mean to.
There’s a lot being offered vibrationally
That is counterproductive – like marching in place.
Your world is governed by the thoughts that you embrace.
You can feel your way into how things ought to be.
How you feel about anything is up to you.

Only two choices there are, most people believe:
Either to be a good person by working hard
Or a bad one by being irresponsible.
You don’t want to be one who is disrespectful,
But there are other choices that cannot be barred
From your God given propensity to conceive.

You can be an aligned citizen, as it were,
Of the universe. Your struggle is not in vain.
It’s a wake-up call, if you will let it be so.
It is an opportunity for you to grow.
If you take it as such you’ll have so much to gain.
You are not far from living the life you prefer.

Let Go Of Effort

Dream Life

Effort is compensating with action what you
Didn’t do with your vibration. Action can be
Blissful if it’s inspired, but if you’re stressing out,
It may be worth your while to start thinking about
A complete change of focus. Vibrationally,
You can accomplish everything you need to do.

The bigger your life gets, the less you’re able to
Tend to it through effort. It is more important
To use the leverage of your calibration.
It’s a most efficient way of getting things done.
Don’t spend time worrying about things that you can’t
Get a handle on. Do but the best you can do.

Start enjoying the journey and stop trying to
Get to where you think you want to be. Take delight
In the things that are going well right here and now.
This way, you allow the universe to allow
Changes to begin happening. You gain insight
Into what will bring the most fulfillment to you.

You never intended to do it all alone.
We are each a cooperative component
To all others. No one is meant to sacrifice
To another. Attract only those who are nice.
Change your life through the power of conscious intent.
To you, the blessings of the universe are shown.

Your Path Will Be Shown

Spiritual Direction

So, I started a business that gives me much bliss.
I bring value to others. I find alignment
With my purpose for being. It’s not progressing.
Perhaps I try too hard. Maybe I’m obsessing
Over things that I shouldn’t. Some more refinement
Is in order here. Something for sure is amiss.

It is hard to take score and not be affected
By its outcome. Therefore, it affects what comes next.
It’s not easy to stay optimistic when you
Are not getting enough for the work that you do.
The business aspect of it renders you perplexed.
Thus, the failure of it can’t be unexpected.

You can set it aside. Step back from it and see
How you feel about it. Don’t decide anything
When you’re not feeling your best. It’s best to chill out
For a while. It’s your duty to know beyond doubt
Whether or not it is worth your continuing.
It could be that the business was not meant to be.

What are you being called to? Be forward looking
And solution oriented. No creation
Is ever completed. Throughout eternity,
Your intention is to be who you’re meant to be.
Creation is the same as consideration
Of the path least resistant. It is everything.

Stop Blaming Others

Finger Pointing

Are you practicing the negative vibration
Of pointing out the faults and misdeeds of others
Instead of your core vibration of harmony?
Do you find it difficult to let others be
Who they are? Are you frustrated when it occurs?
Is it true that your patience is little to none?

When someone makes you happy because they’re aligned
With who they truly are, you become addicted
To their positive energy, yet when it’s gone
You may think that there’s no one else to depend on.
But in reality you are not restricted
In your happiness. Get a grip on your behind!

Don’t ask someone else to be responsible for
The way you feel. The obnoxious one can show you
What it feels like to be on the path of something
Much better. Concentrate only on the feeling
Of alignment. This is the best thing you can do
For yourself and the other. Do not declare war.

In the moment you pronounce all others to be
Undependable to the way you feel, you’ll feel
So much better. Maintain the power of control
Of your own feelings. This indeed will make you whole.
Nothing then happens to you but the most ideal
Of encounters with others. You have become free.

Talk About What You Want

Exciting Conversation

Can things happen just the way that you want them to?
When you’re thinking or speaking about your desire,
Your are for or against it. It you want it, ‘But…’
It is likely that you’ll always be in a rut.
When you speak from excitement, then you will acquire
What you’re after. There’s nothing else you need to do.

Give your undivided attention only to
What is wanted. Do not speak about its absence.
Your awareness of what’s missing keeps it away.
Speak with passion and feel that it is as child’s play.
People will see that your emotion is intense.
Everyone will see the most evolved part of you.

Talk About What You Want in a positive way,
That is, with enthusiasm and without doubt
That it will manifest because it already
Exists in vibration, so it must come to be.
Spend no time worrying that things will not work out.
When you’re happy, folks will listen to what you say.

You’ve released enough resistance, and you’re ready
To know it when you see it. You’re not trying to
Make what you see to be it. Living happily
Ever after is the place you’re wanting to be.
So, look forward to what is exciting and new.
Evidence of alignment you’ll begin to see.

You And Yourself

Rendezbous With Self

You And Yourself are different yet much the same.
The two are a composite. Yourself, the person,
Is a physical essence that has an ego
And a purpose which is to help your spirit grow
Through the contrast life offers. This self is the one
That others get to know, so it must have a name.

You decide that you’re going to take full control
Of your relationship with who you really are
Which is purely spiritual and far removed
From the earth’s negativity. Love is approved
As the only solution. You know it’s by far
The best feeling one because it can make you whole.

You, wherever you are, on whatever subject
That concerns you, are just a feeling away from
Reaching your inner being – the heart of your soul.
Your complete satisfaction is its only goal.
Rely on its guidance. It will help you become
And efficient creator in every aspect.

You are going to be exhilarated by
How your life is evolving. Your satisfaction
Will expand exponentially, just as will your
Expectation that good happenings you’ll adore.
Do not be so surprised that your life can be fun.
You can close the gap without your having to try.

The Freedom To Be Happy

Young Superhero

To wake up feeling lively, to breathe some fresh air…
Having clear thoughts… aligning with the energy
That creates worlds… I love perpetual freedom.
I can be satisfied as I’m beating the drum
Of whatever excites me. Right now, I can be
In a state of fulfillment. It’s no longer rare.

To begin to discover who I am at heart
Is to be thus reminded that I am worthy
Of the freedoms I have. There’s no contradiction
With the freedoms of others. Indeed everyone
Has the same set. At least, that’s the way it should be.
Living my way to happiness is a fine art.

Freedom is the alignment of myself with who
I’ve become in vibration. My closing the gap
Is a constant endeavor. I think about things
That bring only the most positive of feelings.
Happiness is not being caught in someone’s trap.
The freedom that joy generates is nothing new.

I’ve the freedom to take my time in getting there
To wherever I’m going. My state of being
Is of utmost importance in what I receive.
Happiness is the one thing I truly believe
Is the ultimate in its resistance freeing
Capability, and it’s something I can share.

Non-Resistant Thought

Happily Dreaming

Awesome is the energy that does worlds create,
And you have access to it in every moment.
Wait until you discover what Non-Resistant
will bring you. To go on a positive rant

In your mind is to be positively content.
Nothing is more important than your feeling great.

Everything comes from universal energy.
It’s what has allowed the existence of it all.
This focus is a consciousness that will help you
Bring your dreams to fruition. You don’t have to do
Anything but get happy, which is but a small
Price to pay. Your enjoyment is the only fee.

You have many parts, and the furthest extended
Part of you is the most evolved. When you’re aligned
With the way that it sees things, you’re in the best place
To receive from the universe provident grace.
By not doubting or countering it you will find
Everything about life to be rather splendid.

You’ve withstood the harassment from those who can’t see
What you can, so they doubt your knowing that it’s there,
But you know that it’s there because you’ve practiced the
Resonant feeling of it. You’re it completely.
Be less in your head about it and be aware
Of your thoughts and how more uplifting they can be.

Daily Mantras

The Best Of All Starts

There’s no gain worth discussing when you are in pain.
You are holding yourself in the resistant stance
That does not allow healing nor the receiving
Of spiritual insight. You’re not achieving
Anything but more torment. When offered the chance
By spirit to release it, don’t fret and complain.

Life causes you to ask, then vibrationally,
It is given. You have to find some way, somehow,
To come into alignment with what you’ve asked for.
Your deserve everything that you want and much more.
Decide that it is high time for you to allow
All the good things you want in life to come to be.

Look for reasons to feel good. Keep a diary
Of good feelings. Trust in the Law of Attraction.
Hang around with people who are fun to be with.
Your creating with others is truly the pith
Of good living. Your life is supposed to be fun.
Of your own life take full responsibility.

Cue yourself up for happiness. Your alignment
With who you really are is your key to success.
Break the vibrational chain of pain by changing
Your thinking about it, or indeed anything
That will lead to relief from the moment’s distress.
Happiness is achieved by your conscious intent.

New Story

Life Conjuring

Money is as available as all the air
I can breathe. I do like breathing it in and out.
It is fun to imagine a lot of money
Flowing to me. I daydream of it blissfully.
In my space of creating there’s no room for doubt.
What I think about money I do so with care.

I’m the creator of my own reality.
I see how my feeling about money affects
How much comes to me. I’m happy to understand
That, with practice, I’ll be able to take command
Of my attitude. I become one who expects
Many magnificent things to happen to me.

I can tell by the way I’m feeling whether I
Am focused on abundance or on its absence.
Confident I am that in time I will align
My thinking with abundance. I will do just fine.
Money has to flow into my experience
If I’m ready to have it. Some laws do apply.

It’s not necessary for me to understand
Other people’s perspectives. I find alignment
In my own thoughts and feelings about abundance.
I am one who is able to fully finance
My desire by expecting the wanted event
To evolve. My New Story is as I have planned.

Life Becomes Magic

Mystical Creation

When you are in the middle of conversations
And events and activities, you’re already
Pretty far down the path. At an earlier stage
The path of least resistance you want to engage.
Long before you get going, aligned you will be
With your wishes in uncertain situations.

There’s a vibration that’s either in alignment
With who you really are, or it isn’t at all.
This vibration is at the root of everything
That you are. It is constantly encouraging
You to greatness if only you can hear the call.
You can do so only by your conscious intent.

Whatever the vibration you’ve got going on
Will evolve into something. It will escalate
And become more. The first thing that you recognize
Is a thought, an impulse, or a pleasant surprise
In your package. It feels good to anticipate
Only good and that it’s a conclusion foregone.

At an unconscious level, vibrations received
Are translated into something you can relate
To the moment. It’s how vibration becomes thought
And how thought turns to thing. Your attention is brought
Into focus as you kick back and contemplate
The abundance of goodness in all that’s perceived.

The Big Stuff

Increasing Wealth

It does not make a difference whether you feel
Peacefulness or excitement. You gain access to
Your Vortex of Creation. There’s a distinction
Between surrendering to your situation
And your feeling of passion which elevates you
To a level that you would consider ideal.

The momentum within the vibration will shift
The emotional scale forward by the degree
Of allowance of wellbeing and abundance.
You are a manifester if given the chance
To deal with life’s contrast while you’re resistance free.
Take where you are now as a magnificent gift.

Meditation will quiet your mind and put you
In a state of receiving. Appreciation,
Though, is much more dynamic. You’re focused toward
Your Vortex of Creation where all things are stored
That are of value to you. The work you have done
On your vibration pays off, and life becomes new.

Once you find an object of attention to which
You want to flow your pure positive energy,
That’s when The Big Stuff happens. Be the advantage
To yourself and to others upon the world stage.
Why not right now become who you were meant to be?
You can turn off resistance like flipping a switch.


Difficult Encounter

Negative situations scare the heck out of
Timid people and those overly sensitive
To contrasting environments. Then there are those
Who get off on the drama. Conflict among foes
Provides sound entertainment. They don’t seem to give
A rat’s ass about anything centered in love.

People can be annoying when they lose control
Of their tempers, yet one cannot practice disdain
For disgusting behavior. We all have been there.
One who never gets angry is someone quite rare.
Show some love and compassion and you will attain
Peace of mind. Know that you can play no major role.

Give people permission to feel their negative
Emotion, then yourself you will be kinder to.
Try to look for the nugget and appreciate
Its existence. Your reality you create
From the contrast that living often puts you through.
Do not concern yourself with the lives others live.

Embrace and revel in the variety here.
Allow people the sense that all of it makes sense.
The less you focus on it, the less active it
Will be in your vibration. The more you permit
Understanding, the less you’ll require a defense.
Things are not as negative as they may appear.

Most Of Your Work Is Already Done

Time Now To Relax

What I needed was some way of being fulfilled,
Which I wasn’t. My dead-end job was killing me.
The anger and frustration was taking its toll
On my energy. I gave it my heart and soul.
For specific reasons, I could not be happy.
I believe that, in my work, I ought to be thrilled.

My vibration was not in that feeling good place
Where there is no confusion. The change that I sought
Couldn’t happen ‘til I worked on being okay
With where I was. Oddly, this is the only way
To attract something better. When given some thought,
I conclude that I’m worthy of provident grace.

I’d been on many interviews, and then one day
I was feeling lighthearted as if it mattered
Not at all. I had fun on that day’s interview.
By the end of a magnificent time, I knew
That I had it. I felt confident and flattered
In the process. I like it when things go my way.

Ninety nine percent of my work is already
Complete before I see the evidence of it.
I can come into vibrational alignment.
Feeling better is my only next assignment.
From the universal forces I benefit.
Everything is supposed to go just right with me.

Chill Out!

Don't Sweat

It’s not as if I wanted a car that badly.
I simply had a daydream about having fun.
I heard someone speak of their BMW,
Then I thought it would be nice if I had one too.
I perfected the feeling of my having one,
Then it happened. What I had wanted came to be.

I look for fun and clarity – not the new car
Necessarily. What I want is alignment
With how my inner being perceives everything.
Only more fun and clarity can it all bring.
I’m convinced that there can be no better time spent
Than finding evidence of how lovely things are.

Finally, I’m experiencing the power
Of the leverage of alignment, where before,
I would think about it, then try to rein it in
Like a fish on a line. It was wearing me thin.
Life does not have to be such a painstaking chore.
I can have life the way that I most would prefer.

When there is a vibration that becomes a thought,
That’s a manifestation worth celebrating.
Momentum gathers quickly with no resistance
Such as worry or doubt. I must give it a chance.
With each thought and emotion, I am creating
My own narrative with its spectacular plot.

Your Emotional Frequency

Dance Of Vibration

Who can predict the weather to any degree
Of a semblance of accuracy? No one can.
So why do they keep trying? Is their intention
To piss off we the people? If so, it is done.
A fortune teller is more reliable than
The fallacious forecasting one does often see.

You can control the weather by controlling the
Only thing that you can control – your vibration.
Yet, the word ‘control’ may be a bit misleading.
In this instance, it means that you are succeeding
In doing the only thing that needs to be done.
You ‘control’ your vibration emotionally.

Your vibrational stance of alignment is your
Way of changing reality. By how you feel,
You adjust your attention to feeling better.
You send to the universe an open letter
Stating your declaration of what is ideal.
Whatever you focus on, it will give you more.

Having practiced the vibrational frequency
Of achieving, maintaining, and owning what you
Have created, now everything else will follow.
How can this be a difficult pill to swallow?
Feeling good is the only thing there is to do.
You can get a whole lot done emotionally.

A Crisis Of Experience

Caution Needed

Beliefs that are contrary to the basic Law
Of Attraction
cause me to express a desire

For a better understanding of how it works.
I’ve heard tell of the many and wonderful perks
That come with such wise knowing to which I aspire.
There are no negative conclusions I can draw.

My inner being knows well the path I should take
That is most pleasing for me. It knows my value
And power, and it is calling me constantly.
It will keep calling until eventually
A Crisis Of Experience just happens to
Slap me upside the head so that I come awake.

“I’ll go out on the leading edge,” I said before
I arrived in the physical. “I’ll discover
Things that cannot be discovered unless I’m out
On that edge.”
With this promise, there can be no doubt

That I am here to be an all purpose lover.
Sifting through all the contrast is what I adore.

I know that my limiting beliefs are the cause
Of my problems. I know there does not need to be
An intermediary between me and my
Inner being. On it I’ll completely rely.
Alignment with what I’ve created consciously
Is my infinite goal, and to heck with what was.

Get Your Answers Directly From YOU!

Your Inner Oracle

Questions I have about life and why I exist
Overcome me. I would like to communicate
With my inner being a bit more directly,
But nothing that I can understand comes to me.
Can I get answers without my having to wait?
There is no way that my questions can be dismissed.

Most subtly it must happen in the beginning.
I must be in alignment with it in order
To receive it. I am it, as far as I know,
But therein lies resistance. I have to let go
Of the question, which is not what I would prefer,
Yet it’s probably the answer to everything.

The vibration of the question is different
From that of the answer. I cannot concentrate
On the question forever. The answer will come
When I am ready for it. All emanates from
Being in a receptive and positive state.
I anticipate a spiritual event.

I’ll let it rest within me for a day or two.
Then I’ll unclutter my mind through meditation.
Having left the question much a thing of the past,
Inspiration is offered to me from the vast
Fund of infinite knowledge. How well I have done
In getting my answers from the source that is true!

Powerful Statements

Strength Written

Life is supposed to be good for you. This is so
By the promise made to you before you came here
In this time-space reality. All is aware
Of who you really are and all that you’ve put there
In your Vortex of Creation. What you’ve made clear
Is that, through life’s contrast, you are destined to grow.

The larger part of you is aware and focused
Upon your vibrational escrow. It’s holding
The tone for that. When you’re in the vicinity
Of receiving the signal, happy you will be.
When you’re not, then your wishes are not unfolding
Into physical essence. It is about trust.

The emotions you feel are your very best friends.
Whether positive or negative, they guide you
Away from or toward complete satisfaction.
Friendly indicators they are. You are the one
Who decides in each instance what it is you’ll do.
It is best to go with what your gut recommends.

It’s easy to shift thoughts. You do it frequently.
Things are working out for you. Make lists of those things
That are easy to feel good about, and focus
Upon them often, and give yourself an A plus
For alignment and your positive offerings
To the world you inhabit most passionately.

The Awesome Power Of Focus

The Magnificent Mind

Life has caused you to queue up for yourself all kinds
Of improvement. The things you have been asking for
Are attended to by the Law of Attraction.
Things are coming together as you become one
With who you really are at your ultimate core.
We are creatures of magnificently made minds.

The way you feel is the indicator of how
Near or far away you are from your cherished dream.
You do not have to get other people involved
To succeed. Any issues of doubt are resolved
Through your own guidance system. You’re headed downstream
In the wellbeing river, if you will allow.

Your attention to the uncooperative
Components in creating will offer you more
Of the same. Others can be a part of your plan.
If the Law brings them to you. Believe, if you can,
That you can feel better than the moment before.
Be open to what the universe has to give.

You are powerful enough in your creation.
The cooperative others will assemble
According to good feelings. You have that control.
Happiness is your very most important goal.
Feeling ecstasy that makes your body tremble
Is always beneficial to most everyone.

Ask Questions That You Can Answer

So Many Answers

When will I win the jackpot? How long must I wait?
Where is all that I’ve asked for? Who all can I blame?
These questions have no answers. It is of no use
To evoke them. So doing will sadly produce
Confusion, and my circumstance will stay the same.
I must be aware always of what I create.

To accomplish a budget, I have to earn more
Or spend less. This translates to beliefs and desires.
If I want something and I believe it can be,
I’ll feel good, and it’s likely to happen to me.
Being in the receptive mode only requires
That I focus on something that I’m grateful for.

Wanting something, but doubting that it can become
A reality is a despicable place
To be in. When beliefs and desires are aligned,
Powerful insights begin to enter the mind.
Pulling back is impossible. I can’t erase
Having wanted. I continue beating that drum.

I can ask why I want something. I can answer
That question easily and without any doubt.
I can imagine being there and doing it.
The feeling of expectation I can transmit
To the universe. It figures everything out.
I’ll not be surprised by the blessings that occur.

You Came To Love

Heavenly Hearted Earth

You came here to love one another and to be
In alignment with nature. You came to have fun
On your fabulous journey through life. You came here
To learn all about love – the opposite of fear.
You are love, so the learning that needs to be done
Is of yourself which is in others what you see.

It’s your nature to love – even the rotten one
Who always manages to get on your bad side.
That one is a big advantage to your growing.
Are you moved to focus on your inner knowing
When you can’t love the bastard despite having tried?
You can do nothing with the momentum begun.

It’s not that you are wrong about the awfulness
Of this person. It’s that you’re misunderstanding
Their value to you in helping you to decide
How you want things. In this way, you are not denied
The thoughts that lead to your consciousness expanding.
Negative feelings you do not want to express.

You came here to love. You did not come to surround
Yourself with loving people. You knew there would be
People who make it difficult. These are the ones,
Who through your attention to them, will offer tons
Of resistance, but you can respond lovingly.
Where you least may expect love is where it is found.

Get Focused

Addressing Boredom

I see what a fantastic facilitator
Money is, but I find it hard to know how it
Feels to have it. I can’t ignore it completely,
Yet I should, because it beats the hell out of me
How to get money moving to my benefit.
I would like to become a better creator.

It is right to ignore it if I feel this way.
There’s a facilitator that’s more important
Than money. It’s alignment with source energy.
Money comes as the result. Opportunity
It affords me. There’s no law that says that I can’t
Just stay happy and carefree all throughout the day.

Alignment comes with focus. I have clarity
Regarding how I’m feeling in any moment.
Feeling is so important in how things evolve.
If I’m joyful then there are no problems to solve.
Worrisome, negative thoughts will surely prevent
Abundance to take notice and chase after me.

The pandemic of vibrational poverty
Is a bear to eradicate. I’ll focus not
On the person who angered me some while ago.
It is not the way to get energy to flow.
Where I focus my attention matters a lot.
Conscious awareness of this is what sets me free.

Receive What You Deserve

Accept Waht Is Yours

You are more than deserving of all that is good.
You may nurture the mindset of comparison,
And in determination, you’re made unworthy,
Which is far from spiritual reality.
There’s a price to be paid for every solution
To a problem. This may be how life’s understood.

The price is your alignment through nonresistance.
You pay ease and not struggle. Get this squared away
In your mind. You’re surrounded by a nucleus
Of wellbeing and prosperity, so don’t fuss
About anything because it causes delay.
Alignment can do wonders if given the chance.

Be released from the armor you fearfully don
To protect you from goodness. Can you let it in?
You picked up your armor from what others told you
From the time you were little, and much has to do
With your being unworthy. When do you begin
To feel that your sense of your alignment is gone?

“The meek shall inherit the earth” someone once said.
Meekness means nonresistance. It means allowing
The surrounding soup of providence to become
The reality. Peace is where your strength comes from.
You evolve into a deeper understanding
Of your path in life as you are looking ahead.

Line Up With The Love

Open Your Heart

There are too many moving parts, so do not ask
Them to figure it out. Line up with your desire,
And the universe will figure it out for all.
It can handle the big things as well as the small.
The solution it can offer doesn’t require
Anything but acceptance, which is no big task.

Don’t ask them to solve world problems or those right here
In this failing experiment in harmony.
They can’t do it. No one can, but what they can do
Is respond to our particular points of view.
We are the ones creating the way it should be.
To be heard, the message must be perfectly clear.

They can’t scrape dirt together and launch another
Earth into orbit. Our expectation is that
They can do such things, even though we know they can’t.
Is it worthwhile to take to the streets and to chant
What we want from them, as if in mortal combat?
That is not something taught to me by my mother.

Care about how you feel, and then line up with it.
You will watch the world become as you intended.
You don’t need to protest in the streets. Just align
With your version which is always perfectly fine.
All the old farts who are gone are soon to be dead
With your love you can line up for all’s benefit.

Be The Advantage

Light Your World

Be The Advantage to yourself and to the world
That you were meant to be. You are the only one
Who creates your reality. Surrendering
To the wellbeing in your life often can bring
Satisfaction wherein a journey has begun
Toward ecstasy. Your compact dreams are unfurled.

On the spectrum of positive emotion, there
Is satisfaction at one end. On the other
Is pure passion and true invincibility.
Let the momentum within your vibration be
Free of thoughts of resistance that sometimes occur
Through the day just by being a bit more aware.

Meditation is helpful. It quiets the mind
And allows you to be in the receptive mode.
But once you’re in alignment, you’re truly aligned.
Then go out into the world. No doubt you will find
Manifold blessings which upon you are bestowed.
It’s a good thing to know how the mind is designed.

Through appreciation, versus meditation,
You can feel more dynamic. There’s more energy
You can direct your powerful focus upon.
Any doubt that you can feel your best will be gone.
From contentment to eagerness and clarity
Is traversed in a short time while you’re having fun.

Only When You’re On Fire

Extreme Motivation

Make no effort unless you are in your Vortex
Of Creation
– that place where you’re feeling your best.

You enjoy creating something magnificent
In your life. When you’re happy, nothing can prevent
You from getting where you want. You can manifest
What you want through a process that isn’t complex.

“I have this dream that I want to pursue, but I
Have to work fifty hours a week and pay the bills.”
You know not to let excuses like this keep you

From exploring horizons exciting and new.
You partake of the freedom to go for the thrills
Your life offers you only when you’re flying high.

You’ve learned ‘segment intending,’ which is a technique
Where you set aside time to focus on one thing
Or another exclusively so you’ll achieve
The specific state that allows you to receive
The object of your focus. This is creating
With intent. It becomes such a pleasure to seek.

You do not have good timing when you are outside
Your Vortex. You may struggle and not be fulfilled
In your efforts, but when you are inside of it,
Everything is made easy as you benefit.
Upon your good foundation you’re able to build
A successful life with your Vortex as your guide.

The Best Is Yet To Come

Enjoying Life

Your job is to feel as good as you possibly
Can feel and be as happy as anyone could.
You have the wind of divinity at your back.
You’ve defined where you want it to go. Keeping track
Of the moments of wonder feels just as it should.
You have now got a handle on prosperity.

But you have seen nothing like what is before you.
You’re on the verge of deliberate alignment,
Which means that more specifics begin happening.
Your clarity and eagerness for life will bring
You the blessings. They come by your conscious intent
To stay positive in everything that you do.

Your appreciation for others will improve,
And the management of the Law of Attraction
Now has palpable meaning. The crevasse between
Clarity and confusion is easily seen
So that you are aware of what needs to be done.
You are reminded of this with your every move.

You’re a world citizen with a unique worldview
Who most singularly has the ability
To access unseen powers that do worlds create.
There’s no looking back now that you have reached that state
Of complete alignment with all that you can be.
The path of least resistance is made clear for you.