Tag Archive | ignoring

Tell The World A New Story

Fantasy Land

The story you’ve been telling is one of the past
And the present. It may be one of misery,
Absolute ecstasy, or a mix of the two.
There’s an urge within you to come up with a new
One to tell the world – not one of pure fantasy
But one where you’re able to enjoy the contrast.

Tell your story the way you feel it should be told
Which is as you’d prefer it rather than the way
You’re now telling it because it’s reality.
You can create it the way you want it to be
And the truth of the matter you need not betray.
Your image of your future you want to uphold.

Earnestly practice the power of your own mind
For the better. It can be used to complicate
Your life story with so much negative detail
That the same old same old of your life must prevail
But it can also be used by you to create
Happiness for yourself and for all humankind.

Remember who you truly are and why you’re here.
You’re Source Energy in a physical body
And you’re here to find happiness by sifting through
All the contrast life offers. Nothing can keep you
From creating and living your life happily.
Tell the world about all the things that you hold dear.

Get Focused

Addressing Boredom

I see what a fantastic facilitator
Money is, but I find it hard to know how it
Feels to have it. I can’t ignore it completely,
Yet I should, because it beats the hell out of me
How to get money moving to my benefit.
I would like to become a better creator.

It is right to ignore it if I feel this way.
There’s a facilitator that’s more important
Than money. It’s alignment with source energy.
Money comes as the result. Opportunity
It affords me. There’s no law that says that I can’t
Just stay happy and carefree all throughout the day.

Alignment comes with focus. I have clarity
Regarding how I’m feeling in any moment.
Feeling is so important in how things evolve.
If I’m joyful then there are no problems to solve.
Worrisome, negative thoughts will surely prevent
Abundance to take notice and chase after me.

The pandemic of vibrational poverty
Is a bear to eradicate. I’ll focus not
On the person who angered me some while ago.
It is not the way to get energy to flow.
Where I focus my attention matters a lot.
Conscious awareness of this is what sets me free.