Tag Archive | fickle

Don’t Blame Others

Criticism Exchange

Falling out of an airplane with no parachute
Is about what it feels like when you’re off your game.
Don’t say that someone pushed you because it’s not so.
You attract what comes to you. By now you should know
That for your crappy life you have no one to blame
But yourself. Blaming others is in no way cute.

It’s your right to take credit for your own point of
Attraction. Don’t let others take control of it.
Indeed no one is doing anything to you.
They’re in your life experience to help you to
Discover what would be more to your benefit.
Ultimately you must look upon them with love.

Otherwise if you really believe that someone
Else has control over what happens to you then
What’s the point? You might as well call yourself a slave.
It’s an unfortunate way for one to behave.
You may gain all the clarity that you need when
An existential awakening has begun.

You may feel like you’re in the eye of a storm when
In confusion you lose track of who you’ve become
But the storm is truly your point of attraction.
In the calm at the center find satisfaction.
Don’t Blame Others. As long as you’re beating that drum
Then the same old thing happens again and again.

Stop Blaming Others

Finger Pointing

Are you practicing the negative vibration
Of pointing out the faults and misdeeds of others
Instead of your core vibration of harmony?
Do you find it difficult to let others be
Who they are? Are you frustrated when it occurs?
Is it true that your patience is little to none?

When someone makes you happy because they’re aligned
With who they truly are, you become addicted
To their positive energy, yet when it’s gone
You may think that there’s no one else to depend on.
But in reality you are not restricted
In your happiness. Get a grip on your behind!

Don’t ask someone else to be responsible for
The way you feel. The obnoxious one can show you
What it feels like to be on the path of something
Much better. Concentrate only on the feeling
Of alignment. This is the best thing you can do
For yourself and the other. Do not declare war.

In the moment you pronounce all others to be
Undependable to the way you feel, you’ll feel
So much better. Maintain the power of control
Of your own feelings. This indeed will make you whole.
Nothing then happens to you but the most ideal
Of encounters with others. You have become free.