Tag Archive | mind

One Simple Trick

Financial Growth

Once your desire is strong, your body and your mind
Naturally move in the direction of that
Which is wanted. Sometimes the mind gets in the way.
All the negative clutter will surely betray
Your initial intention. Your wanting falls flat.
The challenge is to stay positively aligned.

From the mind comes everything ever created.
Through its complex machinery all came to be.
It can be trained to focus in the direction
Of delight in each moment and having more fun.
Keep your mind in a condition of clarity.
It’s your freedom to be constantly elated.

Wherever your desire is, your mind will be there.
Can someone or something take your mind off the prize?
It happens all too often, unfortunately.
As you rid yourself of some negativity
You recover your passion, and you energize
Rather than be de-energized into despair.

The mind is like a mirror. If there’s distortion,
You cannot see things clearly, but when it is clean,
Then the vision is absolutely amazing.
Be more conscientious about what you’re thinking.
The reflection of a happy life can be seen
In your own mental mirror. True sight has begun.

The Unseen World

Abstract City

The world of ideas is one that can’t be seen.
The best things in the world they are, because without
Their existence, there couldn’t be reality.
Ideas precede everything that comes to be.
Fall in love with a good one and you will no doubt
Be on it like a well-tuned and focused machine.

Do what you believe in. Never mind the outcome.
You can control the action but never the fruit
Of the action. Just go for the thrill of making
What you make. Be aware that it is breathtaking.
Your attention to detail is rightly acute.
You don’t need to tell others where you’re coming from.

Many interpretations of what you have done
People will have, and this is a wonderful thing.
Life is filled with abstractions. Through intuition
People draw their conclusions. Your only mission
Is to keep yourself happy. Your own daydreaming
Is productive. It’s also a whole lot of fun.

Keep your eye on the doughnut and not on the hole.
There will be some frustration as you move along
On your path to fulfillment. Don’t let it keep you
From evolving and doing what you’re meant to do.
Stay focused on your big dream, and you can’t go wrong.
Of your unseen world, you have absolute control.

Think Of Yourself As Wealthy

Sitting Pretty

When you focus on something that’s bothering you,
Or you push against something, notice what happens
To your energy. It feels like there’s a big hole
In your gut, but you do know that you have control
Of your feelings. You can see your life through the lens
Of alignment with all in your world that you do.

Find a thought that feels better. You can find a way
To bring your energy back to where it belongs.
Your point of attraction is how you are feeling
From moment to moment. So, how are you dealing
With your life? Is it an issue of righting wrongs?
In a positive place is where you want to stay.

Whatever you’re focused on, real or imagined,
Causes you to vibrate. The universe accepts
This as your most intended point of attraction.
Once the Law of Attraction receives it, it is done.
Do not concern yourself with taking further steps.
You have to be spiritually disciplined.

For the universe you must create a vision
That it can believe easily. It doesn’t care
If it’s real or not. It will respond just the same.
There are infinite resources that you can claim
As your own. It’s your job to be fully aware
Of your dream of abundance. It’s your decision.

The Raw Need Unfulfilled


I can’t leave it alone, yet I know I need to.
I can’t just go on wanting and feeling that I
Could crawl out of my skin. Is there no solution
To my issue of severe self-persecution?
I keep asking the question and wondering why
The answer isn’t coming. So, what must I do?

You can leave it alone by your feeling worthy
Of its manifestation. Though it’s difficult
When the need has a rawness so overwhelming,
Still you must keep your focus on what’s becoming
Without feeling its absence, so the end result
Is exactly the way that you would have it be.

How can you stop your thinking so much about it?
Change the subject by going very general
In your thinking about it until you’ve achieved
An effective distraction. You will have received
Alternate inspiration that everything shall
Come together for your ultimate benefit.

Getting busy on other things gets you to where
There is not much resistance in your vibration.
Talk yourself into believing that it’s coming.
Meditation will clean out the psychic plumbing
So that some clarity of the mind is begun.
Always about how you are feeling you must care.

Moving On

Leaving The Past Behind

In the mind there’s no subtraction or division.
The way you think is pretty much the way you feel.
There’s no reason to make this all complicated.
Your emotions and thoughts can’t be separated.
How does one reach the point of beginning to heal?
The mind does addition and multiplication.

You can think someone is a wonderful person,
But the thought may change in line with their behavior.
Tomorrow you may think the same person as one
Not as you had before thought. Your thinking can run
Up and down the wide spectrum. It generates more
Of an overall image. By nature it’s done.

Thoughts repeated are memories. They come and go
As do most of your feelings. The ones that are strong
Are not easily changeable. They interfere
With the moment’s thought process. The one who is dear
To the heart is a problem when something goes wrong
With the contract. The drama has something to show.

When you add to your troubled thoughts they multiply.
Each one leads to another. Momentum begins
To develop. The unsettled mind is agile.
Take a break from these thoughts. Contemplate for a while
On the absolution of all your psychic sins.
Love is the only way for you to say goodbye.

Becoming Nothing

Contemplating Nonexistence

Nothingness is of something. It causes distress
Among many folk. People don’t want to go there.
The fear of Becoming Nothing is very strong,
But of nothingness can there be anything wrong?
In their everyday living people do not care
To examine the topic were they to confess.

At the prospect of all your efforts vanishing…
Your achievements and attainments turning to dust,
How do you feel? Do you find it most depressing?
Most people need something onto which they can cling.
The concept of nothingness to them is unjust,
So they find within it absolutely nothing.

But what if the fundamental reality
Is of nothingness? Where does beingness come from?
By saying we are all basically nothing
We release the resistance everything can bring
To the present moment. The eternal outcome
Of everything is nothing. But how can this be?

Nothingness is like the emptiness of deep space.
It contaminates nothing. Its pureness is clear.
Yet it holds the whole universe. The sacred void
Is of spirit. Do not be fearful or annoyed
At the prospect of losing all that you hold dear.
Join the party then dare to be nothing with grace.

Control The Mind?

Manage The Mental Machine

Is it possible for you to control your mind?
It can’t be done directly. It’s not natural.
The mind focuses on things. That’s how it’s designed.
Even when it’s not focused it will try to find
Something to occupy it. Forever it shall,
Like an engine, be fact of the matter inclined.

Suppose you watch a movie that you like a lot.
Your focus is then amplified because you’re glued
To the screen for a long while. Because you like it
Your mind will stay engaged. You will not want to quit
What you’re doing. You are in a positive mood,
And that brings with it focus much more so than not.

Other kinds of emotions will do the same thing.
It’s as if the brain takes all its cues from the heart.
Greed and fear bring focus with them as does passion
Of the kind that’s expressed as love or aggression.
Whatever the mind does, the heart plays a big part.
The perception of consciousness is unending.

Breathing helps the mind focus in a certain way
That is deeply relaxing. You can concentrate
On a sound or a mantra. There is a cleansing
That the practice of intended breathing will bring
To the mind. It can put you in a righteous state
Of alignment. There isn’t a huge price to pay.

Ask Before Sleeping

Let The Night Fill Your Order

Be angry, but sin not. Commune with your own heart
Upon your bed, and be silent. Yes, blow your top,
But do not let the sun go down on your anger.
Be silent to know yourself and not another.
All the stresses of this day, this night you may drop
So that you are replenished by the new day’s start.

In a way that no one knows, all will come to pass.
Everything in the world is created this way.
But people try to know it. Who knows through the night
Who is treading the wine press? As it turns daylight
Hell is still the main issue, is it here to stay?
Sleeping with just the question leads not to impasse.

Don’t intend to be lukewarm. The world spits you out
Like a thick wad of phlegm If you’re being intense
About something… anything, the universe knows
What it is that you’re after amid the shadows.
Go well into the night. Let your dreaming commence
Keep believing in yourself and what you’re about.

The goal is the awakening to who you are
At the core of your being. You’re magnificent
And worthy of wellbeing, abundance and more.
Do your asking at night. This will open the door
To a life of extreme delightful fulfillment.
Everything that you’re after is not very far.

When You Know You Are Worthy

Revelation Of Wonder

We are all extensions of pure Source Energy.
There is not one of us who does not have access

To infinite intelligence. We can translate
Nonphysical information as we create
Our realities. We hold the key to success
When we let ourselves be who we were meant to be.

The solar plexus gives to us emotional
Responses. It is a delicate instrument.
It’s a perfectly natural guidance system.
It can tell us when our head’s full of psychic phlegm.
Being conscious of how we feel can well prevent
Negative vibrations to invade our locale.

We are not unworthy creatures now needing to
Work our way out of it. You are the most worthy
Of beings in existence and no different
Than the spark of divinity ever present
In the universe. You have a huge legacy
Of wellbeing and blessings. This world adores you.

When you know this you feel it down deep in your soul.
The art of allowing is the art of getting
Off your own back about not having yet achieved.
You are worthy of all the good that you’ve received
And of all yet to come. There is no regretting
Knowing that you are worthy and completely whole.

How To Leave It Alone

Resisting Temptation

Where is it? Why does it not come quickly to me?
I’ve been wanting my butt off with no damned result
To my efforts and wishing and hoping things will
Finally work to my good. How do I fulfill
My magnificent dream outside of the occult?
It is by my relaxing and feeling worthy.

To keep asking the questions is no solution
To my feeling uncomfortable in the wait.
I’m standing in the place of the utter absence
Of the things that I want. It makes much better sense
To dispense with my asking and then concentrate
On some other things that will raise my vibration.

Meditation is helpful. It quiets the mind
Of resistance and chatter. Any distraction
That can occupy the mind and is fulfilling
And making lists of all the things that are working
In my life is of great benefit lest I run
The risk of becoming negatively inclined.

Going general is another handy tool.
I can talk myself into a positive state
By letting myself know that things always work out.
It is only my focus on worry and doubt
That keeps me from the things that I appreciate.
It’s by my choice that I keep on acting the fool.

Attract What You Want

Use Your Natural Magnetic Power

Attraction is the only force, and assertion
Is a psychic illusion. It does not exist.
It’s a misperception based in fear and contempt.
Everyone is at some risk. No one is exempt
From the Law no matter how hard one may resist.
The use of brute force is but a crude solution.

The ego teaches you that you are what you do,
What you have, and the labels you manage to earn.
You become not successful, happy and fulfilled
By chasing after things that will make you self-willed
And a menace. From people you will draw concern.
As you think, so shall you be. This statement is true.

We are obsessed with a kind of absurdity
That the false self keeps up with. What you think about
Is what expands, so be careful of how you think.
If you can keep your thoughts from approaching the brink
Of disaster, one could say you’re right on the route
To knowing and believing in who you must be.

Have a mind that is open to everything and
Attached to nothing. Nobody knows enough to
Be a pessimist. Each and every one of us
 Has a genius that lives in the solar plexus.
The potentiality resides within you
To be someone who is magnificently grand.

Using Visualizations

Conjuring Your Dream

Visualizations are an excellent tool
For manifesting the things that you most prefer.
You create a symbol that will best represent
The outcome most ideal. Every detail is meant
To arouse your emotions, and as they occur
You will become elated. This is very cool.

If you have a good picture of it in your mind –
The thing or the condition you want to happen –
It is easy then to get super excited.
Your dream ship will be traveling full speed ahead.
You can get to that good place again and again.
This is how you become with your desire aligned.

Now, once you have reached that state, what you need to do
Is to utterly, completely drop the picture
And just be open to what your higher mind knows
Is the perfect match. Positive energy flows
Where it’s needed. The symbol was just to procure
The passion necessary to stimulate you.

The mind that is physical can only conjure
An extremely limited image of what’s best
For itself and for you. You do not know a thing.
Know that your higher mind can ultimately bring
Something much more fulfilling than what you expressed
As your ultimate vision. It isn’t secure.

Of Two Minds

The Twin Within

I don’t have to actively create my desires
If I merely focus on following the flow.
Fulfillment of my needs will always manifest
If they are relevant to my being my best.
The current of creation is one that I know
Contains all the things that my existence requires.

In my current of creation there is knowledge
Beyond what my physical mind can comprehend
But the higher mind is what the current contains
While the ego mind thinks it knows all and complains
About guidance it’s given. How can I suspend
It’s behavior? I fell like I’m on the knife’s edge.

Making things happen is a form of resistance
To the current, therefore I must go with the flow
And let my life unfold for me naturally.
Let the perfect machine of synchronicity
Do its good work by stopping thinking that I know
Anything because I don’t. I’m taking a chance.

I’ve no clue whatsoever. This matter is fact.
The beginning of wisdom is knowing that I
Do not know, but the higher mind knows everything.
It knows what needs to happen, and by listening
To its guidance. I have no choice but to comply
With my higher mind for a positive impact.

Change Your Life

The Most Fundamental Decision

Disconnect from your busy world. Shut off your phone.
Power down your computer. Turn off the TV.
Sit your body down for a while, and close your eyes.
This is done regularly by people most wise.
Take a break from the routine so that you can be
Properly replenished. You must spend time alone.

Take some deep breaths and center yourself in right now.
Put you attention into the present moment.
You will have more energy with which to create.
After doing this little bit you will feel great.
When the mind wanders, as it will, do not lament.
Just return to the now. By now, you should know how.

Ask yourself, “Can I be defined by a vision
Of the future instead of perverse memories?
What do I want in my life?”
Answer truthfully.

Your are changing brain patterns most assuredly.
Decide on which emotions you would gladly seize
For your life moving forward into the long run.

Rehearse in your mind who you are going to be
When you open your eyes after meditation
Or when first waking up. What choices will you make?
You will be better focused while you are awake.
More efficiently you will be getting things done.
Keep this up and your life will change noticeably.

How Does Worthiness Fit You

Self Empowerment

How Does Worthiness Fit You? Try it on for size.
No one is more deserving of all that is good.
You are all extensions of pure Source Energy.
You should know that you all have the ability

To translate information in your humanhood
From nonphysical sources that are much more wise.

You have access to infinite intelligence,
But you have something even better. It’s your gut.
Your emotional responses all come from there.
It is your guidance system. You become aware
Of the next move you should make. Indeed it knows what
You may not know consciously yet still it makes sense.

Impulses you’re receiving all day every day
As the universe conspires to put into place
Every detail to help what you want to unfold.
You do not have to rely on what you’ve been told
About God and the strict distribution of grace.
Following your own impulse leads you not astray.

Life is being as good to you as you allow,
And it does want to be insanely good to you.
How would life be different if you really knew
Just how worthy you are? You would blush until blue
And there is nothing expected for you to do
But to live your life fully and stay in the now.

Leave It Alone And It Will Come

Never Force Anything

How can I want something and then leave it alone
So that it can occur without driving me mad
In the eternal meantime? By Feeling Worthy?
That seems somehow so terribly simple to me.
If I want something ‘badly’ I offer a sad
Vibration to the universe of all that’s known.

When I want it and expect it, then it must be,
But wanting something badly can only lead to
Constant torment. So how can I leave that alone?
I can’t take my mind off of this thing I must own.
Frequencies sorely differ. That must be a clue
That my worthiness must be felt deep inside me.

But my leaving it alone is really the key.
I have already asked for it. I can move on
To other things of interest. If I allow
Things to happen while staying focused in the now
Then happy is the nature of conclusions drawn
About how things are going with the best of me.

Distraction is a good thing. My getting busy
On something that occupies my mind is sublime.
Yet keeping the mind quiet can work just as well.
Consciousness either way is as clear as a bell.
I alone am the one who controls how much time
It will take for the thing I want to come to me.

Change Your Life

Life Despite Contrast

There’s a life that needs changing. Perhaps it’s my own.
There are no others near me. It suits me just fine
For the moment because I’m at step number one.
The main part of my journey is now just begun.
To invest in a future, I must make one mine
And ignore the small detail that I’m way past grown.

There must be disconnection from all that I know
Throughout each day for some time to be connected
To myself and the present. Devices need be
Put into silent mode. Noting can disturb me
While I make it my goal to be redirected
To the self who wants nothing better than to grow.

Ask myself if I can be defined by something
Of a possible future or of the dark past.
What would I want to change in my life if I could?
Contemplate in a way that is best understood
To come up with a vision I know that will last
As the subtle brain tissues now start firing.

Personality is composed of these three things:
How I think, how I act, and the way that I feel.
I can change who I am just by changing one thing.
Clarity and conviction in life it would bring.
I believe that my future can be most ideal.
Much control I can have over what my life brings.

It’s Time You Know

The Colors Of Knowledge

Extensions of Source Energy into this now,
Every human – not just some – has access to the grace
Of infinite intelligence whether we know
This is always occurring, and blessings can grow
To the point where it puts a big smile on the face.
The only resistance is how much we allow.

So why can’t this place be more like Source Energy?
It resembles it some ways, yet deep in the spine
Of the human collective darkness must prevail
So that lessons are outlined in earth’s crusty trail.
Could it be that we are of another design
And that forces malevolent want us to be?

That would be much like hell, but this isn’t that bad
A symptom of psychosis. There have been far worse.
Wellbeing is the legacy promised to us.
And that we have a solar plexus is a plus.
We can do much to avoid conditions adverse
By seeing every soul as a loving comrade.

Can this be the solution? It’s time that you know
That the infinite universe conspires to
Lead you in the direction that answers your prayer.
Just be open to impulse and be more aware
Of the clues spirit sends to the best part of you.
With the help of such guidance our spirits can grow.

Freewheeling Focus

The Wheel Of Feeling

Focusing is a habit quite easy to learn.
It is most beneficial in clarifying
How I feel about something I truly desire
Or of some earthly station to which I aspire
And it is spiritually edifying.
As I practice it helps me to better discern.

I can focus on things that are other than nice
With but minimal effort automatically.
When I do I create troublesome momentum.
I cannot then complain of the heartache to come.
But to focus on the things that make me happy
Is an intimate pleasure like sugar and spice.

People are doing focus wheels often these days.
Exercise of the psyche causes rescripting
Of the negative aspects of my here in now.
Through the process of writing I best can allow
The buildup of emotion. It is everything
As opposed to pure logic and its stringent ways.

I like being a poet. I do fairly well.
I produce tons of content. It comes easily.
I do know people read it and find some delight.
There’s no doubt whatsoever that I’m doing right
By the spirit with me. I am proud to be
One who’s learned a few secrets. I’m willing to tell.

Joyous Rampage

Words That Matter

General to specific is the direction
Of the arrow of praising all that life offers.
The laws of the universe seem so consistent
And I feel that in all truthfulness I was meant
To be doing what I do. As my life occurs
I’m excited about the Law of Attraction.

It makes sense and I think that I understand some
Of how it works but it’s not mine to pick apart
All at once. I prefer getting helpful insights
That will lead me to treasures and untold delights.
Clearer than I once was, I hold close to my heart
Feelings of new awareness and blessings to come.

I like being a deliberate creator.
I like focusing on things and making them real.
I’m a good communicator and I speak
With a flair of magnificence. I am not meek
When it comes to the things I do that make me feel
Like a part of this world more than ever before.

I like this time and place where I’ve chosen to be.
The fast movement of energy tantalizes
And I know that I’m really on the right path here
The power that I feel for this project is clear.
I’ll abide by what my truest self advises.
I anticipate being the best part of me.

Blessed By Water

Conducive Energy Flow

Manifest anything with a simple technique
That is proven by science and practiced worldwide.
It may seem like it’s magic or hocus-pocus,
But arguments against it are superfluous.
It should not be discounted before it is tried,
And it’s not something shrouded in utter mystique.

Write your wish down on paper and in present tense
For example, “I am attracting my dream mate.”
…Or whatever it may be. What you are doing
Is directing mind energy so it will bring
A specific blueprint, but you must concentrate.
To the subconscious mind it is worth the expense.

Place a glass of water on your piece of paper
Rub your hands together until they’re burning hot.
Place your palms near the sides of the glass of water.
Activated, the energy you will transfer
To the water imprints it. It matters a lot
That you focus intently for things to occur.

This involves the repeating of what you desire
Loud enough that you feel it throughout your body.
Take a deep breath while stating it over again.
You will then drink the water. Do this technique when
You get up in the morning most regularly,
And the thing that you’re wanting you soon will acquire.

Universal Conspiracy

The Magic of Unseen Forces

Extensions of Source Energy we humans are.
We have access to infinite intelligence.
We can translate nonphysical information.
The complex solar plexus is where it is done.
We decipher the energy, and it makes sense.
It’s a function of nature. It isn’t bizarre.

It’s the Source some commune with frequently at will
As if it were a person just like you and me.
Impulses and ideas others may receive.
There are myriad ways – some we cannot perceive –
That we make our connection with what we can’t see.
It is nice that there is no contract to fulfill.

Life is meant to be good. Disregard what you’ve known
From the time you were little. It’s all a big lie.
Trust your gut instinct only, and be not afraid.
As co-creative humans, we all have it made.
We are much more than worthy, and we need not try
To live up to some standard that isn’t our own.

The universe is conscious and has a mission
To support us in whatever makes us feel good.
That’s its essence. It’s a loving conspiracy
To surprise and delight us, but we have to be
In that state of alignment, as we know we should.
Trust in infinite guidance, and do have more fun.

From Wine To Divine

High On Life

To be drunk like a guru is simply divine.
May the Buddha be bubbly as spirits above
Who have left their old bodies within the earth’s crust.
Totally out of context, I’ve no need for trust
In the world’s condescension, for I am in love
With the true self within me. I always feel fine.

Look into my eyes deeply. There’s someone in here
Who is present and balanced. Life overflowing
Is the essence your senses pick up instantly.
It is truly my pleasure. I’m happy To Be,
And the fact that I’m with you just makes my heart sing.
I imbibe life abundantly and without fear.

Always it’s my intention to freely let go
And indulge my fine senses in really nice things.
This can be therapeutic for any ailment.
The nice thing about it is it don’t cost a cent.
I have no doubt regarding the joy my life brings
To myself and to others. I hope you will know.

Life is wine to be drunk on. Three bodies align –
Physical, energy, and mental – properly,
They compel the bliss body to full expression.
I am here for the purpose of having much fun
In all that I partake. I’m so glad to be me.
There is nothing more important than feeling fine.

Leave It Alone

The Awareness Of Danger Is Sufficient

How do I want what I want, then Leave It Alone?
It’s by my feeling worthy. That’s all that matters.
If I keep asking the question, I cannot hear
The answer that I should when it’s perfectly clear.
While I stand in the absence, my big dream shatters
Into fragments of sharpness. Why am I so prone?

The reason that the life that I want doesn’t come
Is because I’m too stuck in the struggle and pain
Which I think will work miracles if I work hard.
Yet, in fact, all my efforting means that I’m barred
From the thing that I’m trying so hard to attain.
I know this, yet I falter. Why am I so dumb?

How do I set my thinking about it aside?
Well, there are a few things that I’m willing to try.
Distraction is a good thing. By keeping busy,
So the mind has no time to be in a tizzy
Over conjured catastrophes, I can rely
On the business of keeping myself occupied.

Going general is another way to leave
What I’ve asked for alone so that my vibration
Is a match to the frequency of the answer.
Life does often work out. I’m a better dancer
Through created momentum and my elation
For the process I’ve set forth that I may receive.

Compulsive Thinking Cessation

Tuning The Noise Filter

Thinking is an addiction when it’s ego based.
Resistance to the moment and things as they are
Turn the mind into digital circuitry lost
In destructive anxiety and at great cost
To my sense of wellbeing. I am very far
From the life that I’ve longed for. Has it gone to waste?

There are two types of thinking. The futile is one
Where the mind spins in circles. Problems it creates
As well as certain enemies and grievances.
This dysfunctional state creates circumstances
Marked by fear and regret. Nothing but gloom awaits
When I’m stuck in a mind trip, and it ain’t no fun.

The other kind of thinking, not of the ego,
Comes from someone who’s deeper – the real part of me.
When I access this person in meditation,
Thinking then is constructive. I don’t feel undone.
Real thinking is creative, but positively.
Fruitfulness is the outcome as I get to glow.

Thought can be in the service of something worthwhile.
Universal Intelligence is but the best
To give all my devotion. A friend I can make
With this moment most present for everyone’s sake.
I’m a tool by which infinite love is expressed.
This indeed is much more than a reason to smile.

If Your Reality Sucks…

The Perpetual Storm

Life on earth is like paradise? Give me a break!
For some maybe it’s that way, and I give them praise.
But for me it’s a toe jam upon the lame foot
Of an alien funk beast embedded with soot
From the hell realm it knows of. My heavy heart weighs
As earth’s gravity strengthens its creatures awake.

This “what is” tape I’ve been playing must see an end.
Keeping myself so low down is getting quite old.
No time is there for living the life of my dreams.
I know that I am someone whose loving heart beams.
Joyfulness and new freedom are mine to behold.
My life sucks like a black hole. I need to ascend.

The expanse is now realized, and it is vast.
From my present perspective all that I must do
Is to rewrite the story. ‘What is’ is old news.
The vibration of newness is what I may choose
Over what’s become ancient and no longer true
Because manifestation of things has been asked.

Healing self-talk is rational. I can accept
Things as they are and know that things are working out
To my ultimate pleasure. I need not to fret.
It is to my advantage that I not forget
That I’m good at receiving. Unjust is my doubt
Of the positive promise that my life has kept.

Know Thyself

The Spiritual Mirror Image

Since childhood I’ve been learning and relearning things
That others get the first time and with greater ease.
I don’t find it a problem until I’m perceived
And am judged for the way I am. Then I am peeved.
But I’ve been a fine bastard with my psychoses
And this self-observation – my ego it stings.

It’s and ongoing process. Self-discovery
Grows from learning of this world and all of its ways.
But the self that is studied is of the body
And the thing that we know as personality
Yet the more subtle essence for most of us stays
In the depths of the psyche concealed completely.

I would study myself, but just what does that mean?
I must ask myself questions that puzzle me so.
Is myself the perceiver? Or am I that who
Perceives he who’s perceiving? If I follow through
With this interrogation, what truth could I know?
…Consciousness is recursive and clearly obscene?

The mind is a fifth limb. It will grasp and hold on
To the things it perceives. I know that it’s a tool.
It itself is perceived by that which is unnamed.
The true self is a mirror wherein all is framed
In its pureness of being. I’ll take that as cool.
It’s the source of all selfhood from which life is drawn.

How To Feel About Money

Attitude Toward The TokenSeparate is the problem from the solution.
It must stay that way, otherwise things don’t work out.
In the answer, the question is not returned to.
Life’s direction is one way. There is forward view.
Hindsight is only good for admitting that doubt
Is built into the way things are normally done.

I don’t want a rough ride through life. I want freedom
From the fears that my feelings of lack place on me.
Every subject is two subjects – like a magnet
Has two poles that are opposite. What I beget
Depends squarely upon which end I mostly see.
Simply thinking about money renders me glum.

Placing that money magnet aside for a spell
To then pick up another one that feels better
Is my best course of action – which is not to act.
When the subject of money has lethal impact
It is best to kibosh the damned thing then defer
It to when I’m more suited and feeling quite well.

On one end is the money. On the other end
Are the feelings of happiness, freedom, and flow.
I want many more choices to do what is fun…
The feeling that the universe truly is one
With my passion and worthiness. I must let go
And let treasures from heaven upon me descend.



The Wealth Of The Waking Dream State

Many know of the dream state where one can control
Narrative, the environment, and character
Of experience totally. While in this state
One becomes most attuned to new things to create.
What would happen would be just as one would prefer.
It’s believed that this method achieves any goal.

Famous people had used it before science new
It was something to study in every detail.
Since then, many are taking advantage of it.
Benefits are amazing. One can be more fit
To live life with exuberance while on its trail.
Yet, there’s some preparation the novice must do.

While awake throughout each day, reality checks
Should be done very often. A good one to use
Is the ‘finger through hand’ test. When one is dreaming
The finger will go through the hand – such a strange thing!
Now, I know that to many, this isn’t big news.
But my job is to share interesting subjects.

How to get to the lucid dream state is easy
And involves waking then going right back to sleep
While the mind remains active and widely awake.
While the body’s paralysis is no mistake,
It returns one to REM sleep. It’s best that one keep
Pen and paper available expectantly.

What The Mind Is Made For

Maintaining the Mental Machine

Nothing goes anywhere when the mind has begun
A cacophonous symphony of confusion.
It stays right where the rest of me happens to be.
Body, mind, and the spirit are all parts of me.
They exist in proximity and act as one.
Even though nothing travels, much of it is done.

So, it’s just an illusion – my taking a ride
On the long mental freeway with exits galore.
Though I’m not really moving, I get motion sick.
Am I the only one who can do such a trick?
I don’t mind that it races. Places I abhor
That it chooses to visit as peace I’m denied.

Why this happens is because I’ve identified
With things that are not me, and there’s no other way
To live life without clinging to identities.
It becomes a big forest with too many trees
To be dealt with even on a fairly good day.
For this reason the mind cannot be the best guide.

The mind is made to give life ample clarity
And deep penetration into experience
But without getting hung up on too many things.
Distance from what the mind is doing often brings
Some relief from the chatter which can get intense.
What The Mind Is Made For is to help me to be.

Change The Story

All Of Life Is Imagined

For the first seven years while under hypnosis
Theta waves are the consciousness’ only game.
With no programming present, young ones will create.
Make believe is a playful and most dreamlike state.
Lower is this consciousness which isn’t the same
As adults’ because children can live in pure bliss.

But within that time period of seven years,
Children get all their core beliefs and programming
From observing their family and those around
Who provide ample input. What science has found
Is that during this time we record everything.
It becomes our subconscious with deep rooted fears.

By the time we are eight years, the damage is done
So to speak of a reference can be worthwhile.
“Rich Dad, Poor Dad,” the story, appears to ring true.
Everything that we’re told when we’re young has to do
With the lives we create for ourselves and our style
Of relating to others or welcoming none.

There becomes an imbalance. As time has its way…
The creative aspect that we had in childhood
Is nearly nonexistent compared to before.
And the consciousness element is grossly more.
Repetition and habit are well understood
To be good for the changing of stories today!

In the subconscious basement there may be some things
That may cause us to self-sabotage any grace
That the universe offers. The story I tell
Can be one of magnificence or one of hell.
And once I tell my story I cannot erase
What the universe hears and what answer life brings.

Why Do People Ignore Me?

Unlike Eyes Repel

If I could be a fly on the wall in the minds
Of the people who know me, what would I find out?
I may know by osmosis or telepathy.
Compound eyes has the fly, but my own cannot see
Why most people ignore me. So riddled with doubt
That I turn to the occult and things of those kinds.

I do find the true answer by looking within
Where the soul has a dark space that I cannot hide
Nor can I hide within it because it’s so dark
That I’m blind even to my apparent birthmark
To be worn on the outside with much pride implied.
There are reasons why I get under my own skin.

A complex of bad habits, like talking too much
About only myself and not letting folks speak
Drive a wedge between me and all others I meet.
People do like to talk but not due to conceit.
It’s that sense of communion that most people seek.
Personality often is used as a crutch.

I don’t want to be ‘negative’ yet it’s my way
Of dissecting the challenges life offers me.
I should keep to my own self my piss poor outlook.
All the jerks in the world I must let off the hook
Just because I may be one. Again, I can’t see
Past the surface illusions that we all portray.

I know that I am boring, but not by first hand
Information directly from people, but from
The collective unconscious we have access to.
I know too damned much about what I have to do
With the pearls I am given, and it would be dumb
To succumb to society’s perverse demand.

Racing Thoughts

Formula 1 Brain

So one after the other, they leapfrog around
And create their own business that can’t be resolved
By themselves nor known others. Their quest is futile.
In their race for more heartache each painstaking while,
They prevent me from being more spirit evolved.
What they come up with isn’t at all that profound.

Keeping me wide awake at nights, they have control
Of my very existence. I need to detach
From the process that isn’t a real part of me.
Knowing that it is not me allows me to see
What it is that would be but a more fitting match.
I know that which I don’t want and what makes me whole.

Panic thinking is useless. It serves no purpose.
From that powerful standpoint I’m able to choose
Something else to focus on as hard it may be.
I may regain some control eventually.
It seems to be a gamble. There is much to loose
Because if I do nothing, further I’ll regress.

Then there’s always the body – the final frontier.
Since I know thinking sucks now, I know my breathing
Will provide a diversion and needed relief.
When caught up in a problem, relaxing is chief.
A small pocket of comfort this small act will bring.
Issues still will exist, but stress will disappear.

On Preparing To Diet

Getting Ready For Vital Work

We are that which we eat. Someone say it ain’t so.
What goes into my bloodstream becomes part of me.
If I quack like a pig and break wind like a cow
I need not fail to wonder since they are my chow.
My hot wings have no feathers so how can I flee
The zoo which is my body? And do my cells know?

I am that which I think. I cannot deny that.
Every thought that I’m thinking connects to others
Of the same kind. Together they color my mood.
So it is best that I consume good mental food
So my life may be livable as it occurs.
Consciously I must keep my mood from falling flat.

Many decades of pent up negativity
Is the result of carelessness. What I take in
To my body and mind must be wholesome and free
Of all negative karma. What goes into me
Must be free of what kills me or else it is sin
That is rough on the soul when compounded daily.

Before starting a diet it’s best to prepare
Through an intensive purging of body and mind.
One can bypass the junk food the same as bad thought.
Though it takes lots of effort I will grow a lot
In the ways of the spirit as life is designed.
Dieting is the way we become more aware.

Negative Thought Removal

Remedy For The Common Mood

Negative thoughts are just thoughts. Don’t identify
Them as good ones and bad ones. They all are the same
In that I’m either conscious of them or I’m not.
It is in the subconscious where some become fraught
In the ways they affect me. Yet I cannot blame
Them for my bad behavior, though hard I may try.

Try not to think of monkeys for just a brief while.
The mere thought makes the mind but a monkey machine
Generating more monkeys than ever wanted.
The mind does amplify whatever it is fed.
So, to think not a negative thought is obscene
Because I cannot do it. It isn’t my style.

Understanding that my thoughts are not part of me
Is the key to becoming more fully aware
That my unconscious thinking can get out of hand.
It seduces me to places I hadn’t planned.
If I try to not think them I welcome despair.
This is quite a predicament as I can see.

So, what is the solution? Surely there must be
One that is most appropriate and effective.
Since the mind can’t digest well, it needs to be fed
Positive support by me. Today I’m not dead.
That’s of utmost importance. My will is to live.
Knowing not when life will end is just fine with me.

The Hidden Truth About Politics

We The People Are Blind

Black and White it boils down to… The splitting of hairs
With complex interaction is the only way
To address governmental issues as they come.
It is hard to come up with the best rule of thumb.
Everyone has their duty and role they must play
In the health of the nation’s domestic affairs.

Personalities differ in so many ways
That it’s hard for mere humans to sort it all out.
So people by the thousands were asked to answer
Many hundreds of questions by a computer.
It came up with a model to mitigate doubt
About human behavior that’s worthy of praise.

A Table Periodic for how we behave,
This enlightening Personality Model
Created thirty years ago is what’s behind
Evolution of politics. Two frames of mind
Interact but with tension. They often repel
Each other when solution is what each should crave.

Liberals are holistic. They’re entrepreneurs –
Creative innovators of freedom and flow
Across borders and mindsets. Conservatives are
Conscientious, pragmatic, and not so bizarre
As to stray too dangerously from what they know.
Discussion is the only solution that cures.

That solution’s not easy, as history shows.
But it’s not like we have a choice. Our survival
Depends on evolution as one human race.
No one way is the rightest way in every case.
Each has its unique value to benefit all.
Interdependence is how a good nation grows.

Instant Gratification

Accelerated Manifestation

I would start with “I Am!” This true statement affirms
That I am fully conscious and worldly aware.
Things happen instantaneously nowadays.
This trend accelerates as we find faster ways
To live out our mortality. It’s become rare
That the growth of a process is seen on its terms.

We are thoroughly programmed to want things done fast.
There’s no two ways about it. If we have to wait,
We’re uptight and insulted. We may go berserk.
Keeping customers satisfied takes lots of work
So they continue improving how they create
And deliver in timeliness that’s unsurpassed.

To oneself this phenomenon can be applied.
I can want something right now then give it some force
Of my conscious attention, and feel the feeling…
Knowing and believing that it is a sure thing –
Like tomorrow’s sunrise, and the infinite source
Of all life on the planet with which I’m allied.

I Am Certain that, in time, things I want fulfilled
Will occur as I will them if I write them down
In clear and concise statements most regularly,
Then, focus on the feeling rather intently,
What is already manifest will be unbound
To the patient, unfettered self who must be thrilled.

The Process Of Awakening

The Emergence Of Consciousness

Falling back into old patterns is not to err,
For it’s part of The Process Of Awakening
To awareness transcendent and truly sublime.
I’m aware of the negative things of this time,
But to see far beyond it I’d do anything.
Sometimes processes take time. I’ll find it to spare.

It can come on spontaneously like a blast –
A volcanic eruption from pressure intense –
Or a gradual sputter, infrequent yet sure
As it burns away ego which does but obscure
The bright light of the true self – the one that makes sense
No matter what is happening in life’s contrast.

There are two views divergent. One is: Do Nothing.
Natural is the process awareness fulfills

At its own pace without interfering at all.
The other is: Do Something, but answer the call
With spiritual action, the kind that instills
Faithfulness through the process. Much good this will bring.

Therein lies the best setpoint. The blend of the two
Means that life force within me propels my intent
To engage in spiritual practices that
Are quite easy to do once I know the format.
Such hard work is a pleasure and is time well spent.
What has been and is happening has much value.

Merging Into Awareness

The Eternal Knowing

No thinking is required in this special moment
Made eternal by spacious light of consciousness
Which makes my awareness possible. My thinking
Wouldn’t add anything to it. It is nothing
But a nest of distraction and utter distress.
Yet I can detach from it by being present.

I’m aware of myself and what is around me.
That is all that is needed. Sublime subtlety
Is the nature of this kind of focusing on
Everything without context. From within is drawn
My true self at its purest most powerfully.
Merging Into Awareness does set my soul free.

Sometimes it’s just not possible to shush the mind.
So in such cases I use the body portals,
Like my breath and all my sensory perceptions.
Presence arises from this. From it I get tons
Of relief from the menacing mental canals
That I often get trapped in. I’m quite the behind.

The power itself doesn’t grow. It’s infinite.
Manifestation in me grows as I’m aware.
The more often this communion I do partake
Greater is the chance that I’ll come fully awake.
When life does something to me that doesn’t seem fair
I’ll respond – not react – with power to do right.

The Mind After Death

Release Of The Intellect

A small child with a lollipop is full of joy.
When it’s taken away, there is true agony.
These extremes felt by young ones are intense but brief.
Older children won’t let themselves show that much grief
Over what they consider triviality.
The discretional mind they have learned to employ.

My pain comes from inside me; my pleasure as well.
There are stimuli outside, but I am the one
Who decides how to take them. The cause within me
Is the source of feeling experientially.
The discretional mind is the only reason
I can feel like I’m in heaven or else in hell.

The source of all my human experiences
Always is the discretional mind, ‘til it dies.
With no lack of discretion the disembodied
Will be flooded with feelings that greatly exceed
Any felt while in human form. I’ll realize
That without the gray matter, I’m left in pieces…

…Until those in the spirit realm whom I have known
While on earth here will greet me and offer guidance.
By the force of my habit I create my hell.
With no mind to sort out things, in darkness I dwell.
I do not want to end up in that circumstance
So my quest for alignment is not overblown.

Speak Your Consciousness

Be Thyself!

Satisfying World Hunger For Truth is at hand
By the shifting of powers to new ways and means
Of achieving more union. Intense is the pain
In the stomach collective after the insane
Inundation of falsehoods. Mendacious machines
In positions of leadership are to be canned.

We learn to keep our mouths shut when we are children
Sensing it may be safer. The fear of offense
Is sufficiently powerful as the censor
Of the truth of the heart that oneself can’t ignore.
I may rest in my silence but at great expense
To my sense of integrity. Weak I am then.

But the times, they be changing to something more real.
It had long been forgotten, but now truth returns.
Open to conversation, ourselves are transformed
In the space of acceptance where all hearts are warmed.
When we speak our true consciousness everyone learns.
Differences among folk we cannot conceal.

What people are responsive to is honesty.
So fed up with the bullshit, enough we have had.

No matter how we’re programmed, we sense energy
And go by our gut feelings. We may not agree,
But we may be moved and enlightened just a tad.
Our beliefs do not matter, we will come to see.

Where Is The Mind?

The Elusive Nature of Mind Substance

Human bodies are made of a handful of layers.
The gross physical form is what we can well see.
There are others more subtle. The mind, we may think,
Is the Crown of Creation – evolved gray and pink.
But our brains are but thought makers and their duty
Is to realize worthiness as thought purveyors.

True intelligence lies not in the frontal lobe,
Solid State of a substance within box of bone.
Every strand of my DNA knows more than me.
My nose is like my great uncle’s. How can this be?
What goes on in each cell’s life surpasses my own.
Vaster spaces exist not for the mind to probe.

The Geometry of Existence Is The Mind.
The cells are not the limits of knowledge untold.
Life and energy on earth all comes from the sun.
When compared to such knowledge, indeed I have none
But to stop and consider, and then to behold
A Most Wise Omnipresence which is undefined.

The smart soil that imparts wisdom to my bare feet
Is where I draw intelligence ripe for the brain.
I may also take wisdom from each breath of air.
No one can live without it. It is but to share.
Intellect that is infinite one can’t contain
But one can be receptive, and thus feel complete.