Tag Archive | conspiracy

Don’t Think Too Much

Wishing And Hoping

Letting go of attachment is like holding on
To detachment. In either case it can’t be done.
Your attention to something you don’t want will stay
Active in your vibration. You must find some way
To suspend you attention. You’re the only one
Who can do this and it’s a conclusion foregone.

There’s no law of attachment. No such thing exists.
There’s the Law of Attraction and that’s the only
One that’s important. You attract by how you feel.
Thinking too much about it is no way to deal
With the issue whatever it happens to be.
Your spirit wants its freedom but your mind resists.

What you want to do is make active the things that
You do want. Know that there’s a big conspiracy.
All nonphysical beings are pulling for you.
Does it matter if this is false or if it’s true?
Just believe it and in a short time you will see
Indications that you cannot shake a stick at.

It’s about your deciding what you want to do
Rather than working so hard on preventing what
You don’t want to do. Your inner being knows where
You are, where you want to be, and how to get there.
It knows how to lead you out of your psychic rut.
Feel your way toward deciding what’s best for you.

Conspiracy Theories

Burning Sight

There are two kinds of conspiracies. One is one
Where ‘they’re all out to get me.’ Though they may pretend
Not to do so, they’re doing it, and they’re sneaky
About doing it. All that the closed mind can see
Is its own fabrications. It needs to defend
Grandiose explanations that can be undone.

This conspiracy theory assumes the mindset
That the Law of Attraction has nothing to do
With oneself. Only with others does it apply.
Powerful then becomes what one cannot deny
Is the absolute truth. This narrow point of view
Held by many causes much of the world’s regret.

Another kind of conspiracy does exist.
It’s the one of wellbeing, joy, and abundance,
And it dominates this universe, this planet,
And every single person. It’s easy to get
Connected to the goodness. There isn’t a chance
That this kind of conspiracy can be dismissed.

The conspiracy theory of Source Energy
Is not theory. It’s visceral. It makes you feel
Connected. Other theories are focused too much
On the problem, and that is why there remains such
Confusion such that the definition of real
Is corrupted. You can always choose to be free.

Universal Conspiracy

The Magic of Unseen Forces

Extensions of Source Energy we humans are.
We have access to infinite intelligence.
We can translate nonphysical information.
The complex solar plexus is where it is done.
We decipher the energy, and it makes sense.
It’s a function of nature. It isn’t bizarre.

It’s the Source some commune with frequently at will
As if it were a person just like you and me.
Impulses and ideas others may receive.
There are myriad ways – some we cannot perceive –
That we make our connection with what we can’t see.
It is nice that there is no contract to fulfill.

Life is meant to be good. Disregard what you’ve known
From the time you were little. It’s all a big lie.
Trust your gut instinct only, and be not afraid.
As co-creative humans, we all have it made.
We are much more than worthy, and we need not try
To live up to some standard that isn’t our own.

The universe is conscious and has a mission
To support us in whatever makes us feel good.
That’s its essence. It’s a loving conspiracy
To surprise and delight us, but we have to be
In that state of alignment, as we know we should.
Trust in infinite guidance, and do have more fun.

Smoke Enema


We still have breaking news. Like the passing of gas,
It gets people’s attention. It then turns them off.
A few years chasing smoke now. So, where’s the report?
Disappointed and let down, no call to cavort
Motivates me. Indeed, any news I will scoff.
Though their motives are noble, what truth can amass?

Was I expecting clarity? Blow me some more.
It does seem now that our nation is owned by czars.
I’m caught up in conspiracy due to the smoke.
Those who can see right through it know that it’s a joke
To a certain point, then seeing may produce scars
In the psyche. Is that something I can ignore?

Yes, I Can! Not a locked-legged man at the draw,
I am not that apparent an arch enemy
Amid truth reconfigured then pumped up the ass.
I stand with knees adjusted, as ‘this too shall pass’.
It will take time for smoke to clear. Then shall we see?
We’re a nation of antics. To Hell With The Law!