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Let Life Be About Happiness

Energy Smile

Are you willing to just let it all be about
Being happy? Is it such a terrible price
To pay for your existence in this here and now?
You’re fortunate in that you already know how
To get happy and stay there which is rather nice.
You can get happy when you’re not, without a doubt.

How do you feel about being vibrational
Mostly and partly physical? How does it feel
To translate a vibration into what you know
To be physical? What is your manifesto
About life? Is it something you’d want to reveal
To the world? Would the world find it sensational?

Let it be about happiness just for a while
Without justification. You get to decide
To be happy without the manifestation.
Get yourself in the sweet spot of co-creation.
Certain laws of the universe, when they’re applied,
Help you to have a more satisfying lifestyle.

Things are always working out for you and you know
This already. It’s just that sometimes you forget
So you need a reminder that being happy
Is your reason for being a reality.
Live the life you were meant to – one without regret.
Let the blessings of the universe to you flow.

The Raw Need Unfulfilled


I can’t leave it alone, yet I know I need to.
I can’t just go on wanting and feeling that I
Could crawl out of my skin. Is there no solution
To my issue of severe self-persecution?
I keep asking the question and wondering why
The answer isn’t coming. So, what must I do?

You can leave it alone by your feeling worthy
Of its manifestation. Though it’s difficult
When the need has a rawness so overwhelming,
Still you must keep your focus on what’s becoming
Without feeling its absence, so the end result
Is exactly the way that you would have it be.

How can you stop your thinking so much about it?
Change the subject by going very general
In your thinking about it until you’ve achieved
An effective distraction. You will have received
Alternate inspiration that everything shall
Come together for your ultimate benefit.

Getting busy on other things gets you to where
There is not much resistance in your vibration.
Talk yourself into believing that it’s coming.
Meditation will clean out the psychic plumbing
So that some clarity of the mind is begun.
Always about how you are feeling you must care.

You Are Mostly Vibration

Essence Of Beingness

You’re a flesh and blood human being, this is true,
No one would dare refute it. You’re made of the stuff
Of the physical universe, but you’re also
Just the tip of an iceberg. The more that you know
About who you are truly, you will get enough
Out of life to significantly fulfill you.

You Are Mostly Vibration. It means that you are
Mostly spirit or essence – that which is unseen
But which transmits a signal that is received by
Others in your environment. One can’t deny
That vibration is real. One whose senses are keen
Is the one who is seen as grotesque and bizarre.

Your manifested body wants to manifest
In the physical. You want things to come to you.
So, let it be about how you feel for a while.
Don’t let negative thought put a cramp in your style,
And do not justify anything that you do.
Positivity in thinking must be expressed.

When you’re just in a happy place, things can occur
In spontaneous fashion. Good ideas flow
As well as inspiration. Things are working out
Without your need to see them… which indicates doubt.
That you have asked for it is all you need to know.
All that you have to do now is get happier.

How To Leave It Alone

Resisting Temptation

Where is it? Why does it not come quickly to me?
I’ve been wanting my butt off with no damned result
To my efforts and wishing and hoping things will
Finally work to my good. How do I fulfill
My magnificent dream outside of the occult?
It is by my relaxing and feeling worthy.

To keep asking the questions is no solution
To my feeling uncomfortable in the wait.
I’m standing in the place of the utter absence
Of the things that I want. It makes much better sense
To dispense with my asking and then concentrate
On some other things that will raise my vibration.

Meditation is helpful. It quiets the mind
Of resistance and chatter. Any distraction
That can occupy the mind and is fulfilling
And making lists of all the things that are working
In my life is of great benefit lest I run
The risk of becoming negatively inclined.

Going general is another handy tool.
I can talk myself into a positive state
By letting myself know that things always work out.
It is only my focus on worry and doubt
That keeps me from the things that I appreciate.
It’s by my choice that I keep on acting the fool.

The Key To Allowing

The Remedy Is Within

If I don’t want something I won’t care about it
Then I will get it easily. That is to say
No resistance is offered so some attraction
Must occur without me getting anything done.
This profound paradox wants to mess with my day.
Though it does the mind boggle, I’m not here to quit.

If I really want something that does exist not
And I feel really badly about it I won’t
Be aligned with its coming – only with its lack.
So whatever I put out is what I get back.
I must give up the struggle because if I don’t
Then I build up resistance to what e’er is sought.

If I want something somewhat I’m indifferent
To its coming or not, there’s less difficulty
In attracting it. Therein there must be some key
To the way of allowing things to come to me.
If I believe and expect, it must come to be.
I rid myself of unnecessary torment.

If I really want something and really believe
In my soul I can have it, then my resistance
Has become nonexistent, and good things will flow.
So the key is to start little then let it grow.
As it gathers momentum… As I sing and dance
There’s no limit to what in this world I’ll achieve.

The Road To Excellence

The Rewards Of Blissful Effort

First of all, it’s a journey, and that is profound.
I will never be best at the work that I do.
It means not satisfaction or complacency
With a job with which my true self doesn’t agree
But a free burst of spirit that connects me to
The appropriate forces that are all around.

I’ll commit myself to becoming excellent.
It is in the commitment that my path is made
And the path is significant more than the goal
I will not see its culmination ‘til my soul
Takes its leave from this earth realm. I’ll not be dismayed
By the ills of my being perversely content.

Excellence is a journey that I can test out.
How many times do I fee productive and whole
Through the day
is the question. The answer can guide

Me to just the right hookup. I can’t be denied
What I need to survive if there’s bliss in my soul.
What I have backing me is universal clout.

If I’m not feeling feedback from the world at large
Then the universe is telling me something clear.
If I don’t love my work enough to want to be
The best at it, then I should drop it completely.
There are certain standards to which I must adhere.
The first step in the whole process is to take charge.

How To Unblock

Make It Come

There’s this thing that I really want that has not come,
And I want to know why it is taking so long
To receive what I’ve asked for so vehemently.
Yet, forgetting about it, I’m told, is the key,
Which makes ass backwards sense. If I’m doing things wrong
Just by wanting too much, I must be awfully dumb.

Of course, this way of thinking and acting defeats
What I want to accomplish. I must understand
What seems like such a puzzle. How Do I Unblock?
I defeat the solution by taking full stock
In the fact of the lack of the thing I demand.
Energy meant for living my dying depletes.

Getting out ahead of it is what I can do.
Doing what I’ve kept doing will get me no more
Than I always have gotten. Another approach
Can be found. I can trust in my spirit as coach.
The process I am making too much of a chore.
I can tell by how I feel. It is a strong clue.

The emotional scale is as real as any
That traverses a spectrum of polar extremes.
Most deliberately the ascension is made.
I should then be excited and not so afraid
That somehow I’ll not honor all my hopes and dreams.
What I want is as important as the journey.


Recognize The Obstruction

Here I am with the absence of what I desire.
All I have is the tonnage I’ve placed in the way
Of my truest heart’s yearning. Knowing it can’t come
While I’m in this depressed state separates me from
Everything that I’m after. Internal decay
Leaves me stuck in a hard place bewildered entire.

What is said in reply can’t be heard by my ears
When I’m dead in the substance of what I have not.
I’ve built up some momentum that is negative.
I must channel it somewhere in order to live
In a way that I rarely am caught on the spot
With the world knowing all of the worst of my fears.

I can’t keep doing what I’m doing and expect
To get something that’s different. I need to find
And approach that’s less stressful and much more at ease.
Feeling true excitement and encouragement frees
Up the spirit so that it can be just as kind
To the world as is possible and with respect.

The emotional scale is real and powerful.
Being consciously aware of it is to be
In the proper position for making choices
To enhance how I feel. And my heart rejoices
In the newfound control that I have over me.
I’m delighted to know that this stuff isn’t bull.