Tag Archive | intelligence

You Are The Universe

Alien Citizen

The world of human drama is nothing compared
To the whole of existence. The intelligence
That created the universe created us.
How it all happened would be something to discuss
But since nobody knows it wouldn’t make much sense.
Manifold are the scientific theories shared.

You can understand things like your intuition,
Synchronicity, happenstance, and harmony
Once you reach the state of God realization.
You’ll be truly amazed by all that you get done
When through the eyes of divinity you can see.
You become more compassionate with everyone.

What is that inner calling that tells you when you
Are off track – the one that you will often ignore?
It’s that divine, organizing intelligence
That created all things in the universe. Hence
You’re the same as this intellect. What could be more
Satisfying than adopting this point of view?

Subatomic particles don’t act like inert
Agent entities. They each seem to have a mind
Of their own. They respond to our thinking process
And our point of attraction. We are nothing less
Than the infinite universe and we’re inclined
To create. Each of us is a living expert.

That Music

Magical Music

There are no accidents in this universe. We
All show up here with purpose. An intelligence
That is part of everything connects everyone
In this time space reality. What had begun
In an instant is now something truly immense
As far as we know how everything came to be.

The music of the universe is a real thing.
We don’t have ears to hear it but we respond to
The celestial vibrations. The eternal song
Of the universe can completely undo wrong
If we choose to march to it. We’re blessed if we do.
It’s the universe’s song that we want to sing.

Some of us may be fearful of listening to
That Music for whatever reason it may be.
Whatever That Music is, however distant
Or how strange it may sound it is most important
To interpret That Music as naturally
As you can. It’s basically a part of you.

Don’t get to the end of life not having taken
Time to dance while the music played. It’s up to you
To respond to the music in your special way.
Tuning into it is but a small price to pay
For the benefit of becoming a brand new
Human being. It can your spirit awaken.

Attract What You Want

Matter Becoming

“As you think, so shall you be.” There are many ways
To acquire things that you want, but basically,
It begins with how you choose to think about things.
Ultimately, only positive thinking brings
What you want to be part of your reality.
How do you get more happiness into your days?

You become what you think about throughout the day.
Thoughts expand. Then they become a magnetic force
That attracts situations that match their nature.
It’s important to make sure you’re thinking is pure.
Thinking unconsciously causes certain remorse
Because there is nothing turning out quite your way.

You can’t give away what you don’t have. So you know
That you can’t give away love if there’s none to give.
If what you have inside you is contempt and fear,
It’s difficult to consider anyone dear.
It is up to you to decide how you will live.
You must have love within you or it cannot show.

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you
Look at change.”
It’s because of your powerful mind

That you are where you are now. It’s the beginning
Of developing an attitude of winning.
You can leave all the negative feelings behind
So that you can discover a life that is new.

Making Tough Decisions

Difficult Choices

A few decades ago scientists came to know
Of a cluster of specialized cells in the heart
Configured so they create a neural network.
It turns out that this brain in the heart is a perk
For our being on earth, and it plays a big part
In how we make decisions as the data show.

This brain thinks independently and is apart
From the brain in the cranium. It also feels
And remembers, so that every experience
Is recorded in two places in present tense.
There’s intelligence to what the heat brain reveals
To the big brain that may think that it’s pretty smart.

If I try to heal trauma by only thinking
About it in my mind without dropping below
To the little heart brain, it will feel incomplete.
Of our earthly existence the heart is the seat.
Only through it is my spirit able to grow.
The heart brain and the big brain are worth my linking.

Touch Your Heart. Your awareness will always go to
The place where you feel the touch. Slow down your breathing.
“You are safe,” is what your body is telling you,
Or “You’re not.”  In that case, you know just what to do.
The decision you make then is satisfying.
Get in touch with the much wiser version of you.

Attract What You Want

Use Your Natural Magnetic Power

Attraction is the only force, and assertion
Is a psychic illusion. It does not exist.
It’s a misperception based in fear and contempt.
Everyone is at some risk. No one is exempt
From the Law no matter how hard one may resist.
The use of brute force is but a crude solution.

The ego teaches you that you are what you do,
What you have, and the labels you manage to earn.
You become not successful, happy and fulfilled
By chasing after things that will make you self-willed
And a menace. From people you will draw concern.
As you think, so shall you be. This statement is true.

We are obsessed with a kind of absurdity
That the false self keeps up with. What you think about
Is what expands, so be careful of how you think.
If you can keep your thoughts from approaching the brink
Of disaster, one could say you’re right on the route
To knowing and believing in who you must be.

Have a mind that is open to everything and
Attached to nothing. Nobody knows enough to
Be a pessimist. Each and every one of us
 Has a genius that lives in the solar plexus.
The potentiality resides within you
To be someone who is magnificently grand.

Don’t Die With Your Music Still In You

There's No Time To Waste

Some of us hear a different drummer, and we
Must march to the music that we so plainly hear.
Each one of us has some kind of music playing.
Do not ever say that it goes without saying.
Listening to that music is cause for some fear
Among many. It’s not the way things ought to be.

We all show up here with a purpose and a drive
To complete a heroic mission here on earth
Whether it’s to run an ice cream shop on Cape Cod
Or invent the next mouse trap, or travel abroad,
Whatever trips your trigger and generates mirth,
Get it done while you are young and fully alive.

There’s an intelligence that’s part of everything
And everyone, and all are connected to it.
It informs you, and you it, of what is worthwhile
To focus your attention on, and in the style
Of a master creator, all that you commit
To your passion, a wonderful life it will bring.

When you’re fulfilling your dream of who you can be,
Completely on purpose and fulfilled you become.
However distant, bizarre, or strange it may seem
Don’t let negative patterns detract from your dream.
Let go of all the things that are keeping you from
Playing on this life stage. We’re here only briefly.

Three Times A Day

Trinity Divine

Empty space has Intelligence. Science takes note.
It is called the Akash and contains everything
That is known to be universe and far beyond.
We do well by how well we can best correspond
With this network of providence. It’s a wellspring
Of experience that keeps existence afloat.

Things are held into place by the Akashic Space
Everything from an atom to galaxies wide.
If I trust in the process of things working out
I will mitigate misery and useless doubt.
All I want to do is to feel better inside.
The Akash I must thank for holding me in place.

To be able to get the cooperation
Of this most fundamental vital element
Is to live a fulfilled life upon planet earth.
Everyday can be filled with abundance and mirth
Rather than one of struggle and constant torment.
Recognizing the Akash means work has begun.

Long before the sun rises to thirty degrees
Take the time to look out through the Akashic Space.
Take a deep breath, then bow down. Do this once again
At the sun’s peak and setting. A new life will then
Be as sure as existence in this time and place.
Life can be lived in comfort and relative ease.