Tag Archive | failure

The Race Against Time

In A Hurry

Your past is a place to learn and grow – not a place
To live constantly. Life has many different
Chapters for you. One bad chapter doesn’t mean it’s
Time to end the story, for the person who quits
In the middle will harbor extreme discontent
As there’s nothing of meaning in life to embrace.

To accomplish great things you must not only act
But dream too – not only plan but also believe
That it will happen. When you find purpose in your
Life then every moment in it is a lot more
Meaningful. It becomes easier to receive
Inspiration to help turn your dreams into fact.

Don’t fear life. Believe that life is worth living and
Your belief will help you create the life that you
Truly want to be living. Your words are like keys.
Chosen correctly they can open hearts with ease.
They can shut anyone’s mouth. The more you can do
To uplift with them, the more your heart will expand.

If you only walk on sunny days you’ll never
Reach your destination. Excuses make today
Easier but tomorrow harder. Discipline
Makes today hard but tomorrow things will begin
To get easier. Enjoy life along the way
To your goal. Act as if you will live forever.

Never Beg


Never Beg someone to be in your life. If you
Text, call, and visit and still you’re being ignored
Then it’s time that you moved on. It’s called self-respect.
From your higher self you don’t want to disconnect
Because by that self you’re most profoundly adored.
Walk away. It’s the honorable thing to do.

Love yourself for what you are instead of hating
Yourself for what you’re not. When you feel insecure
You can either let jealousy consume you or
Use it as motivation for you to do more
To better yourself so do your best to ensure
That you know the reality you’re creating.

Those who love you for who you are – not for what you
Can do for them are the best kinds of people in
Your life so honor them. Never cry for any
Relationship ending as there will always be
Another. You can play this game of life to win.
Don’t give up on the loving that you feel is true.

Never bargain with what you really want to do.
One with big dreams is more powerful than the one
With all the facts and figures. Those who can uplift
You in hard times are a most valuable gift.
Once you know who you are a new life has begun.
Find things to do in life that will satisfy you.

Signs Of Dissolution


Nothing is permanent. Don’t stress yourself too much
Because no matter how bad the situation
Is it will change. It takes a lot of courage to
Push through hard times. Don’t give up whatever you do.
Good things are coming your way and your elation
With your masterpiece is but your finishing touch.

Never compare your life with others. It may seem
That theirs are better than yours but they have issues
Just as you do. Life gives you many chances to
Screw up but there are as many offered you
To get it right. You have to be willing to choose
Happiness over misery in the extreme.

Some folks aren’t loyal to you. They’re loyal to their
Need for you. When their needs change there’s no loyalty
Any longer. You enemies will often tell
You the truth because it hurts. They know very well
That it does but friends will lie to you easily
Because it doesn’t hurt. So, how much can they care?

Living with glory is not about avoiding
Failure but about getting back up each time you
Fall. Success isn’t just about moving up the
Ladder. It’s about placing it where you can see
Where you’re going. Embrace what’s exciting and new.
You have power enough to get through anything.

Risk Of Failure

Giant Leap

Failure can erode quickly your self-confidence.
It makes it hard to believe you’ll ever achieve
A better outcome for the future. Things always
Stay the same yet you can learn to give yourself praise
For simply getting through it. Guidance you receive
From your innermost knowing which always makes sense.

Failure results from taking risks and trying to
Achieve something that isn’t easy but success
Lies in your ability to rise in the face
Of your failure. Believe in the infinite grace
Of your God or the universe and learn to bless
Every person and thing making contact with you.

But you can’t do this if you’re living in the past.
Don’t allow failure to stop you from believing
In your ability to succeed. Let it go
And move on because the past has nothing to show
You that’s helpful. The past isn’t worth your grieving
Over. Stay focused on now and remain steadfast.

Focus on actions to better yourself and your
Circumstances. Create a sense of personal
Efficacy. Your positive emotions can
Improve your performance. You can be better than
You were yesterday. You can use this rationale
To make life more fulfilling than ever before.

The Genius Of The Crowd

The All Knowing Public

Treachery, hatred, violence, absurdity…
There’s enough of it in the average person
To supply any given army any day.
Those who excel at murder preach, and what they say
Is that killing is offensive yet they have none
Of the virtue they speak of. All eyes plainly see.

Those who hate with a passion and do it quite well
Are those who get to teach love. Is this ironic?
And those who are the best at war finally preach
Of the peace that is needed. Their eloquent speech
Often manipulates the body politic.
Negativity sadly is not a hard sell.

Those who preach love have no love, and those who preach peace
Don’t have peace. Those who speak of God incessantly
Do need God. Beware the knowers and the preachers.
Those who read books are also dangerous creatures.
People who detest or are proud of poverty
Are a drain on the life force. Connection must cease.

Beware the average human being today.
There’s enough genius in their hatred of others
To kill you, me, or anyone. No solitude
Do they want nor can understand. This can be viewed
As a tragic existence if one so prefers.
It’s an understatement that life’s not a ballet.

The Road To Excellence

The Rewards Of Blissful Effort

First of all, it’s a journey, and that is profound.
I will never be best at the work that I do.
It means not satisfaction or complacency
With a job with which my true self doesn’t agree
But a free burst of spirit that connects me to
The appropriate forces that are all around.

I’ll commit myself to becoming excellent.
It is in the commitment that my path is made
And the path is significant more than the goal
I will not see its culmination ‘til my soul
Takes its leave from this earth realm. I’ll not be dismayed
By the ills of my being perversely content.

Excellence is a journey that I can test out.
How many times do I fee productive and whole
Through the day
is the question. The answer can guide

Me to just the right hookup. I can’t be denied
What I need to survive if there’s bliss in my soul.
What I have backing me is universal clout.

If I’m not feeling feedback from the world at large
Then the universe is telling me something clear.
If I don’t love my work enough to want to be
The best at it, then I should drop it completely.
There are certain standards to which I must adhere.
The first step in the whole process is to take charge.

Rebound From Failure

To Err Is To Learn

Before Saturn’s return to the place in the sky
Where it was at my birth, I have already failed.
As my hopes and dreams vanish, the worst of my fears
Is that time may have run out. I’ve wasted some years
Derelict in my duties. This fog has prevailed
A long while undetermined. May I wonder why?

“What do you mean exactly,” the wise one will ask,
Knowing that all have screwed up by thirty or so.
What would be recommended is diving within
To dredge up all that which I can only call sin.
I may then write it down because it’s good to know.
I could make it a rather significant task.

Documenting in detail the ways I’ve gone wrong
Is an exercise not only in good hygiene.
A component inherent is spiritual.
Any plan then constructed is beneficial.
If I stick to it, in time, a change will be seen
In my life as a whole, although it may take long.

Little things I can focus on – work I can do
Of a trivial nature. As I complete each,
Incremental progress is its own just reward.
I’ll do best if I keep some self-loving onboard.
Hanging fruit exponential is well within reach.
Failure is something everyone gets to go through.