Tag Archive | respect

Don’t Take Things Personally


You are never responsible for the actions
Of others. You are only responsible for
How you act so don’t take things so personally.
If you do, in your soul you will never be free
Of the negative mind chatter. You won’t ignore
Your fallacious assumptions and fierce abstractions.

Don’t take anything personally. I live my
Life. I don’t live your life. If you put your life on
Me I don’t have to take it. It’s not about me.
I can simply let go of the sick energy
Put upon me. All negative drama begone.
I just want to stay centered. With that I’ll comply.

No matter what is happening outside of you
It has nothing to do with you. The perception
That your world has of you doesn’t matter. Only
What you think of yourself matters ultimately.
Everything is about who makes the assumption
About you and it doesn’t mean that it is true.

You are the main character in your own story.
We each have our own story. When people mistreat
Others it usually is out of boredom
But it’s all their own creation. They’re coming from
A dark place in their story. Your life can be sweet
When you take things as they are and as they should be.

The Power Of Attitude

Kingly Posture

There are only two animals on the planet
That have kingly attributes. One is the eagle.
The other is the lion. They both are leaders
Of their respective domains. They both are eaters
Of the flesh of all others. They both are regal.
If one encounters either, one will not forget.

The eagle is the king of all the bird kingdom
As the lion is of animals on the land.
They’ve the spirit of leadership. Their attitude
Is such that they achieve whatever is pursued.
Fearlessness in the face of danger they command.
They are eager for obstacles to overcome.

Not the tallest, or largest, or heaviest beast,
The lion is also not the smartest of all
The creatures in the jungle, yet they all respect
The presence of the lion. They would genuflect
Had they knees. (Never Mind. That was right off the wall.)
Lions are lethal when their anger is released.

You cannot have an attitude that is beyond
Your belief. Attitude is a product of what
Your belief system dictates. Do not lead by fear,
But remember your purpose which is more than clear.
Be aware of the feeling you have in your gut
About life and your propensity to respond.

The Game Of Good And Evil

Chronic Theatre Of War

Who knows well the term war games as if in a play?
What theater of warfare and audience hears
Only words that inflame it? Passion remains blind.
Am I real or automaton, absent of mind
Yet with reason and values. The story appears
Darkly human a pastime of moral decay.

Good and evil in balance is not a good game,
But with positive forces triumphant always,
Things would get awfully boring. A more perfect one
Is where good nearly loses, but true loss is none.
By a weird fluke of nature are honor and praise
Special traits of a species that cannot know shame.

Practical is a system where the good side wins
All the time but is never the winner, perse,
And the evil side loses always but never
Is the loser. And this could go on forever.
Successful and ongoing is war fought this way
As it keeps people distracted from all their sins.

Every group of nice people needs one of assholes.
Each becomes the director of the others acts.
As each defines the other, they know who they are.
And each means of encounter must not stray too far
From the issues pertaining to whites, browns, and blacks.
May God’s mercy descend upon our troubled souls.

So… Live Your Life

There's No Alternative To Living

Who whispers the answers to what I haven’t asked,
Knowing that I seek guidance along my own way?
If my way is my own, should I not be the one
To reply to my questions? In doubt I must shun
Solutions I come up with each and every day.
I know not what I’m doing. This is my forecast.

“Live your life so that fear of death never enters
Your brave heart or your spirit. Live and beautify
All the things in your life. Respect all whom you meet.
Love your life. Be of service. Ignore the drumbeat
That is harsh and discordant, and never deny
Your alignment with your truth, as spirit prefers.

Find your joy and be grateful for all that you’ve got.
Gratitude is the attitude worthy of grace
To help you get through tough times with relative ease.
Grovel not to another as if their feces
Is of glorified essence. Self-pride do embrace.
If you cannot feel grateful, you suffer a lot.

You will sing like a hero your going home song
And not long for more time to relive what has passed
In a different way. The regretful one weeps
For the loss of the dying self. The wise one keeps
In the heart memories of well-challenged contrast.
Know that life is a blessing that doesn’t last long.”

Emotional Profundity

Love Bites

Do I look superficial? Or are you that blind
That nothing in this world has much meaning to you?
I prefer making sense in whatever I say
And my actions match my words. No way will I play
Silly games with emotions. What I need to do
Is to find better people who are warm and kind.

You can’t see where I’m coming from? I seek the truth
In my interrelationships. Getting involved
In unworthy encounters is not why I’m here.
I do hope my position is perfectly clear.
If our friendship is fragile It should be dissolved.
It’s a waste of my time to hang with the uncouth.

Deeper meaning in life is of interest to
Every part of my being, yet I can have fun
And engage in pure folly. The right time and place
Is the thing of importance. I’ll cherish the grace
Born of wholehearted laughter with most everyone.
But my self-respect matters. This is nothing new.