Tag Archive | learn

Walk Away

Onward Direction

Trusting folks blindly often leads to betrayal
So be careful with whom you’re giving your trust to.
Challenge yourself. It’s the only way you can grow.
When you speak you repeat what you already know.
If you listen then you may learn something brand new.
If you want things to happen for you then they shall.

Don’t allow someone to treat you poorly simply
Because you love them. Excuses are always there
And easy to make. Finding a way is what takes
Fortitude. Any chance that you take is high stakes
In a world with much hatred – one which doesn’t care
About people living in peace and harmony.

Life gets better once you stop assuming you will
Always have more time later. Be more proactive.
Each day should be a step forward. The only one
Who needs to understand is you. Tolerate none
Of the crap ever present yet learn how to live
In the present. You want to develop that skill.

One wrong step can change everything. Don’t lie. Don’t cheat.
Be honest and loyal. Sometimes you have to walk
Away from people not because you don’t care but
Because they don’t so don’t hold yourself in a rut
Over it. Be aware of your conscious self-talk.
It can lead to your success or utter defeat.

Bits Of Wisdom

Printed Information

Hiding from your problems won’t make them disappear.
Working through them is the only way you can grow.
Being true to yourself may lead to loneliness
But it’s worth it. Growth’s often a painful process
But it need not be. If you just go with the flow
Then an answer to your dilemma becomes clear.

Stop being so available to people who
Are there for you only when it is convenient
For them. You learn a lot about people when they
Don’t get what they want from you. A high price you pay
For trying to please everyone. You will resent
Having done so. They don’t recognize all you do.

Being honest may not get you many friends but
It’ll always get you the right ones. You cannot
Heal in the same environment where you got sick.
Be especially careful of the friends you pick.
Those who will support you when you’re in a tough spot
Are the best because their intentions are clear-cut.

You do harm to your self-confidence when you break
Promises you make to yourself time and again.
Let the improvement of yourself keep you busy
So much that there’s no time for negativity.
All the things that you want can happen for you when
The decision to feel over the moon you make.

A Long, Fulfilling Life

Long Happy Journey

Everyone wants a long and fulfilling life. So
How do people achieve it? They stay excited
About things they love doing and do them they do
With abandon. Each moment for them is brand new.
The flame of their lives keeps being reignited
By their love for life and their willingness to grow.

Keep it simple. Find out what you love to do and
Do it as early as you can if possible.
Remember what you loved to do when you were young.
What excited you? You can find something among
All those things that will make your life more meaningful.
Doing it causes your consciousness to expand.

Failures are fertilizer. It doesn’t smell good.
You don’t want to roll in it but in it will grow
Seeds of wisdom. Your failures are only detours
Off your path. Get Back On. The decision is yours.
Those who live happy lives learn to go with the flow.
That life has peaks and valleys is well understood.

When you live today as if tomorrow you’ll die
But you learn and you yearn as if you’re going to
Live forever you guarantee your life will be
Most fulfilling and ripe with opportunity.
Give more back than all that has been given to you.
Never retire because you can always retry.

Listen With Your Heart

Social Conflict

Everything that we know we must know in a way
That upsets and causes people to congregate
And wreak havoc in public. No one can deny
That the world is in trouble and no one knows why
Because it’s complicated. What can be our fate
If in a state of peace we’re unable to stay?

The cause of human suffering is in the mind.
We process information as symbology
That we treat as the truth which is a huge mistake.
Be discerning of all the agreements you make
With yourself and with others continually.
Be grateful for the smidgen of peace that you find.

Learn to be skeptical but Listen With Your Heart.
It’s were truth resides but it can be distorted
By your words and symbols. They turn out to be lies
When within you there’s a tendency to despise
And the peace that you want remains unsupported.
With oneself is where one must be willing to start.

Use the power of doubt to challenge everything
Offered to you but listen to what’s being said.
Mastery of the human mind requires complete
Attention to your inner truth. It’s when you meet
Up with your heart and try to stay out of your head
That you’ll come to some kind of an understanding.

Don’t Believe Me

Truth Teller

If you believe in reincarnation, it’s good
To see you again. If you don’t, noting I say
Will convince you to think the same way that I do.
Everyone has their particular point of view
Which can change significantly from day to day.
Many things people say are replete with falsehood.

Don’t Believe Me because what I’m telling you now
Is a story. It’s how I see life but it’s true
For me only. I can’t expect you to believe
In my conscious experience. How I perceive
Is unique but it need not be proven to you.
Who would want to get inside my head anyhow?

A wild horse is the mind. It takes you anywhere
That it wants to. It’s a thing you must learn to tame.
Listen to what it’s telling you but don’t become
A victim of its many lies. Get away from
Its influence. You have only yourself to blame
For not giving your consciousness its proper care.

Don’t Believe Me or anyone. The sun will be
In the sky every single day. You don’t need to
Believe in the truth for it to be the truth and
It’s available to you once you understand.
Learn to listen to the still voice inside of you.
It’s the only one that speaks to you truthfully.

Inner Guidance

Specific Direction

Facing reality only regurgitates
It in essence. There’s plenty of reality
That you want to keep replicated but then there
Are things that only lead to much grief and despair.
If you focus too much on those things then you’ll be
Not your best self. Indeed you’ll be someone who hates.

Your emotions will tell you exactly what you
Need to know in each moment so pay attention
To what they have to say. They’re your guidance system.
If you choose you can gain much benefit from them.
How you feel cannot be beyond comprehension.
You can always be sure that what you feel is true.

When you’re driving on the expressway and you drift
Off the road then the rough pavement will let you know
That you’re getting off track. It’s an indication
Of that fact only. It’s not a condemnation
Of your action. Your emotions exist to show
How far off track you are. Consider them a gift.

If a thought doesn’t feel good then go general.
If it feels entertaining then get specific.
Milk it for all that it has and be satisfied
That the good feelings you get cannot be denied.
They can guide you to feeling rather fantastic.
You should know that your happiness should be normal.

Sacred Geometry

Eternity Symbols

Since the old days of Plato and Pythagoras
Sacred Geometry has spurred speculation
And wonder. Skeptics insist finding these common
Patterns throughout nature that reflect the Brahman
Are of happenstance. In contrast, adoration
Is given to these symbols by the mystic mass.

The Cave of Brahma can activate a wide range
Of new abilities and states of consciousness.
The daily practice of Sacred Geometry
Will increase your physical and mind energy.
Staring at these symbols can eliminate stress
And the mystics insist that your whole life can change.

Various traditions believe these symbols make
Up the building blocks of our reality. So
Basic and ornate shapes common throughout nature
Each have meaning and power. Their nomenclature
Is of elegance. It’s as if they want to show
That our not noticing them would be a mistake.

Meditators use Sri Yantras and mandalas
As objects to focus upon to further hone
Their mindfulness ability. It’s a fine way
To express your spirituality each day.
 You can do this with others or when you’re alone.
You will never go back to the way that it was.

Seeing Clearly


I believe self-reliance is something that I
Meant to learn here but didn’t. The time that remains
I must use expeditiously. Had I been born
Under different circumstances would the scorn
That I feel for myself yield to me any gains?
This question is ridiculous and I know why.

My focus needs adjusting. The lessons I need
To learn are automatic. I need not depend
However on pure happenstance. I’m free to choose
The time schedule. There isn’t any time to lose.
Years remaining accentuate the subtrahend
From the total. I now have to pick up some speed.

Had I lived in an orphanage I would have been
Self-reliant in no time but that’s not the way
It turned out for me. I can learn from my mistakes.
I can also accept life’s many lucky breaks
But in doing so I’ll take care not to betray
My own purpose. I’m taught this again and again.

I can begin to see my life not just as a
Series of accidents, failures, and huge mistakes.
Everything that has ever happened plays a part
In the dharma of my life. I take this to heart
When I think of the past and all of its heartaches.
In a state of self-soothing I’m willing to stay.

Wisdom Of The Ants

Natural Balance

Go to the ant, you sluggard. Consider its way
And be wise. How long will you lie there on your ass
Doing nothing? When will you awaken from sleep?
Unlike the ant you’re lousy at earning your keep.

In this story there seems to be a wide crevasse
Between human and ant behavior one could say.

A little more slumber and the folding of hands
Will yield poverty, scarcity, and misery.
They come on like a bandit who’s heavily armed.
One who has not a commander cannot be harmed
By the self. It knows only what itself must be
And this is precisely how consciousness expands.

The ants must be industrious. They plan ahead.
They think winter does not last a long time so they
Store provisions constantly. They want to secure
More than they need so that they’re able to endure
A rough season. In a positive mood they stay.
They keep working with energy and without dread.

Ants won’t quit. They will always find some kind of way
To get to what they’re wanting. They change their approach.
If you block them they’ll find another way to go.
There’s not much about anything for them to know.
Their work ethic one can see is beyond reproach.
They adjust to any circumstance come what may.

Stop Doubting Yourself

Moment Of Self-Doubt

If you want something out of life, if there’s some goal
That you want to reach, if you have some special dream,
Or if you want to overcome your bad habits,
It’s not easy. The most average person quits
Fairly quickly, which may relate to self-esteem
Where a lack of ambition frustrates the poor soul.

Most people go through life never discovering
What their talents are. The only thing that will make
One happy is to discover what one can do
And to feel incredible power pushing through
Whatever holds one back. One avoids the heartache
Of not trying. The fear is worth overcoming.

People are rewarded in public for what they
Practice for years in private. Become creative,
Resourceful, and relentless in bringing about
The change needed to get rid of nagging self-doubt.
You can live life better if you’re willing to give
More attention to how you feel throughout your day.

Power becomes available to you when you
Develop enough courage and passion to not
Be deterred by negative feedback from others.
Keep your focus on noticing all that occurs
In your favor. Give your cherished dream all you’ve got.
The universe is helping to make it come true.

Everything That Happens Is A Lesson


How do I not feel bad when bad things do take place
Like disasters and hate crimes? Do I just ignore
My emotions completely? That doesn’t seem right.
I do not have an insatiable appetite
For adverse situations, yet I would be more
Of an android if tragedy I didn’t face.

When bad things happen out there, I can either get
A good lesson from it, or I could play the role
Of the innocent victim. The choice is my own.
There’s no dark quandary into which I am thrown.
If I ponder the lesson, I will be made whole.
If the victim I do play, I will know regret.

People may do things to me. It’s how I react
To what’s done that’s the difference between being
A fully functioning person or a victim.
The latter only leads to a future that’s dim.
I may kick myself in the butt for not seeing
The big picture and from it all I can extract.

If something that has happened has made me feel bad,
Then why did it wait until I knew about it?
The fact is that I make my own self feel this way.
Bad things happen. That’s life. It’s up to me to play
Life in a way that is to my full benefit.
I may find that my teacher is my best comrade.

The Power Of Intention

Choice Of Mind

If your thoughts are on what always has been, and you
Do not like what always has been, you’ll continue
To attract what always has been. Life works that way.
It makes sense, so it’s worthwhile then for you to pay
Close attention to your thoughts and your feelings too.
You can be assured that it is easy to do.

Many of us don’t know what our own intentions
Truly are, so we go through our lives day to day
Unfulfilled in performance of meaningless tasks.
We will go on until something within us asks,
“Why the heck are you carrying on in this way?”
Insight comes to us from the inner dimensions.

What you are aiming for must be perfectly clear.
You’re intention then is focused on your desire,
And the tasks you perform are in full alignment
With your purpose. So nothing on earth can prevent
You from getting the thing that you want to acquire.
You are now in a more creative atmosphere.

Into the inconceivable you may ascend.
Put your thoughts and attention only on what you
Want to manifest. Don’t put your thoughts on what’s not
Happening for you. Be thankful for what you’ve got.
You can change all of your limiting points of view
And the obstacles in your life you will transcend.

Everything Happens For A Reason

Small Disaster

Every little or big thing that happens to you
Happens for some good reason. Every condition
Of your life is exactly the way it should be.
There are no accidents. You are absolutely
In the right place. You’re not in a bad position,
Even though it feels like there’s nothing you can do.

In each moment there are two things you can choose from.
You may take advantage of it or you may not.
It is a perfect universe. Nothing is wrong.
Accept the fact that you are right where you belong
Even though it may seem like you’re in a tough spot.
It may be hard to see a fortunate outcome.

Think of yourself as connected to everything
Rather than someone who is being victimized.
It’s all part of the perfection of existence.
You can make yours a wonderful experience
When in each moment some lesson is recognized.
You’ll be surprised by what your acceptance can bring.

Look for what’s in it for you and things will work out
For the better. You can get out in front of it
And learn from it. The way to your enlightenment
Is to know your connection in any event.
Circumstances get better if you will permit
Them to do so, which means getting rid of your doubt.

Love Is Wise

Heart And Mind As A Team

What would we want future generations to know…
Who will be on this planet some eons from now?
Today is a time capsule. We are dead sea scrolls.
In a thousand years’ time folks will take on their roles
As astute analyzers who will not allow
Us to be unexamined. That’s the way things go.

Things I would like to tell them remain manifold
And of two categories: moral and mental.
There will be plenty of intellectuals then.
They should only consider what are the facts when
Studying any matter. Do not take the fall
For diversion to preferences you may hold.

Very simple is the moral thing I would say:
Love is Wise. Hatred is foolish. That’s about it.
Evil is tolerated on this troubled earth.
What we learn in this schoolhouse is of immense worth
In terms of the healthy rearing of the spirit.
All must learn that there are certain laws to obey.

We are getting more interconnected which means
We are much more familiar and prone to contempt
Yet we must learn to tolerate one another.
People will behave in ways we would not prefer.
It is vital that we keep our vibrations kempt
And allow loving wisdom to enter our genes.

A Long And Fulfilling Life

The Rewards of Spiritual Alignmant

Some would say it’s a given that life is fulfilled
When the spirit is happy on into old age.
Normalcy in this manner helps this race survive,
And the secret to living is always to strive
For the next new adventure in which to engage
The spirit, most willing and able to be thrilled.

It’s simple but not easy to get there from where
One is most disadvantaged in terms of spirit.
Remember what excited you in your childhood.
What did you love to do because it felt so good?
If your past is atrocious learn not to fear it
Because there’s some redemption in visiting there.

What do you love to do after work and when you
Have the time and the energy at your avail?
To love what you do by doing that which you love
Your reward is the earth and blessings from above.
Deliver more that you promise, and you can’t fail.
Find a reason for living that is more than true.

Failure is fertilizer. It doesn’t smell good.
You don’t want to roll in it, but from it can grow
Seeds of absolute greatness and worldly success.
Chase your passion – not pension. Eliminate stress.
Don’t retire. Do inspire with the things that you know.
Your life will be remembered indeed as it should.