Tag Archive | desire

Feel The Freshness

Know Your Blessedness

You are under the influence of strong desire
For nothing in particular. You’re just amazed
At how well life is treating you, and you want more
Of your spirit to reach out and boldly explore
New horizons. Your attitude is to be praised.
Nothing of anyone does your true heart require.

Feel The Freshness of living the life of your dreams
And of anticipating things turning out well.
You know that you deserve what life has to offer
That is loving and wholesome… all that you prefer.
In a world of excited contentment you dwell.
In the presence of others your radiance beams.

Others who are under the influence of need
Have a nervous demeanor. There is urgency
In the basic vibration that others can sense
And then put up a force field as their self-defense.
It’s not that folks aren’t loving. They just want to be
Left alone which is why beggars rarely succeed.

You may want something just because it represents
The basis of who you are. Your satisfaction
Is sustained in its absence, and how it will come
Is of no concern of yours. Keep beating the drum
In the way that matches your highest vibration.
Keep on looking forward to wonderful events.

Every Morning

Daily Routine

Pretend that you have a staff at your beck and call
Who include top professionals in every field.
They can orchestrate and deliver anything
That your heart could imagine. Indeed they could bring
It as fast as you want it. All truth be revealed,
Such a team does exist to excite and enthrall.

Tell this staff what you want them to work on today.
Be specific or general. It matters not.
You may write it down. This will enhance its power.
With their infinite talent your team will shower
You with all that you’ve asked for. This matters a lot
Because they want to help you in every which way.

You can tell your staff things like, “Bring me ideas.
Help me to rendezvous with others much like me.
Guide me to thoughts that are in harmony with all
That is wholesome in nature. Help me to stand tall
Through the challenges I may face. Help me to be
In the most blissful state there can be just because.”

Delegate to them. They are good at what they do.
They’re the engine in your vehicle as you drive
And the road that you travel and the scenery.
Every piece of your existence wants you to be
A master at receiving while you are alive.
Talk to them every morning. It is good for you.

Tell The Story You Want To Tell

Let Go Of What Is

There’s a big background story to all that goes on.
We all know all about it. Life causes you to
Want for things to be different than what they are.
You sort out things in life that are not up to par
And you have thoughts about them. Also what you do
Is emit a vibration that Good acts upon.

That’s the most basic story behind everything.
Each of us has our own version based on the one.
Integrated you become with your strong desire.
Graces come when the heart of the soul is on fire.
You are the author of every story begun.
You know that your own life is most captivating.

The new and improved version of what is wanted
Exists as a vibration that can manifest
But you must be ready to believe what you want.
If you can’t believe your dream, it will only haunt
Every moment and probably make you depressed.
Necessary it is not to feel so daunted.

Observation of what is is what’s at the core
Of all psychic stagnation and your resistance.
Things can’t change much while seeing them the same old way.
See them as you would like them to be everyday.
Peace on earth and good tidings don’t happen by chance.
There’s so much about right now you’re best to ignore.

Free From Opinions

Escape The Noise

To be free – truly free – of people’s opinions
Cannot be but an intellectual desire.
It echoes through the person of pure confidence –
Of the one who need only to make of it sense
Of the mind liberated which then may acquire
All that’s needed from nonphysical dominions.

The approval of others some see as pure gold.
It feels good in your face as you take in the breeze.
If they speak in the negative, badly you feel.
It may be stressful when people start to get real
Unless you’re made to see just as your stressor sees
Then you’d be satisfied with whatever is told.

Getting positive feedback is an addiction
Of the psyche. It craves more with each message heard.
It can be devastated with on lethal blow.
Yet it must come from somewhere, this thing I must know.
Feedback comes from a place where the spirit is stirred
And from where all due glory is already done.

Depend on the feedback of your inner being.
It’s feedback that you want, and your source can provide
Every praise that the healthy ego cherishes.
The big cloud which is your human doubt perishes
In your inner being who’s always on your side.
Simply learn how to make it your daily wellspring.

It’s About The Emotion

Happy As Children

When we speak of manifestation we may mean
A relationship, money, or some other thing
That we can sink ourselves into. Certainly these
Count as manifestations. Each moment we seize
Is the one most important because it will bring
Everything into focus when senses are keen.

This moment is the juncture where you come to meet
Who you are at your truest. So in this moment
Is where manifestation is being allowed.
The infusion of consciousness keeps you endowed
With the wonderful feeling of being present.
You emote yourself into your staying upbeat.

Because everything is a manifestation
Your feelings are special in that you have control
Over how you are feeling. What is uplifting
To your spirit and all that does make your heart sing
Do with unfettered passion that you may be whole.
Co-create with your spirit a space to have fun.

Your emotion is wrapped around what you receive.
Anything that you want is for but one reason:
To feel better in having it. To separate
The emotion from creation is to berate
What is manifested. It is the emotion
Above everything else that you want to achieve.

The Key To Allowing

The Remedy Is Within

If I don’t want something I won’t care about it
Then I will get it easily. That is to say
No resistance is offered so some attraction
Must occur without me getting anything done.
This profound paradox wants to mess with my day.
Though it does the mind boggle, I’m not here to quit.

If I really want something that does exist not
And I feel really badly about it I won’t
Be aligned with its coming – only with its lack.
So whatever I put out is what I get back.
I must give up the struggle because if I don’t
Then I build up resistance to what e’er is sought.

If I want something somewhat I’m indifferent
To its coming or not, there’s less difficulty
In attracting it. Therein there must be some key
To the way of allowing things to come to me.
If I believe and expect, it must come to be.
I rid myself of unnecessary torment.

If I really want something and really believe
In my soul I can have it, then my resistance
Has become nonexistent, and good things will flow.
So the key is to start little then let it grow.
As it gathers momentum… As I sing and dance
There’s no limit to what in this world I’ll achieve.

Early Signs

Clues Of Content And Fulfillment

Am I patient about things not having happened?
I’ve become complacent with inadequacy.
If this time space reality causes me to
Have desires, then the only thing that I can do
Is prepare for their becoming reality.
There is no other course that one could recommend.

The manifestations appear gradually.
The first one is the wanting that comes from contrast.
Then along come ideas and inspiration.
Nothing can stop the momentum that is begun
And the best manifestation always comes last.
It’s one that’s molded into physicality.

Satisfied with the early manifestations
That have not yet materialized, I’m content
With their coming in good time. No time shall I waste
Being nervous or doubtful. My fear is replaced
By renewed confidence in my focused intent.
There’s no trouble with maintaining good vibrations.

Infinite intelligence knows what I’ve asked for
Throughout this life. It knows where I stand with respect
To all things that I’m after, and it guides my way
Which is the least resistive as I live and play
In a world where things cannot always be perfect.
As I witness the early signs I will see more.

Surrender And Everything Comes

The Natural Release of Effort

When an army surrenders there’s torture involved
So the word has some issues. There needs to be trust
That the thing one surrenders to is of value
In securing fulfillment. One can live anew
In releasing resistance. One need but adjust
To improved circumstances and problems resolved.

Negative connotations now pushed to the side,
There are good things that good people surrender to.
Anything that does not support my heart’s desire
I can let go of gladly. The peace I admire
And the freedom of not having so much to do.
I release my resistance and give up false pride.

I cannot stop desiring. I can’t surrender
Wanting things that I want. I will always want more.
But I do give up beliefs that keep me held back
Like my incessant struggle and feelings of lack
And my trying too hard to keep up a good score.
I relax and allow what life has to offer.

But there is a much better word. That is, Allow.
It’s a much clearer meaning. It puts everything
In proper perspective. The manifestation
That comes first is emotional. I am the one
Who allows infinite intelligence to bring
All the guidance that I need for right here and now.

The Universe

Some of All There Is

The vastness of the cosmos – The void that is not
Has too much possibility to comprehend.
Yet, we give it our best shot and do fairly well.
The enormity has some meaning. What, pray tell?
I would not bother posing this to a close friend.
It’s best that I tie only my head in a knot.

Are there places similar to earth to be found
In this mass of creation with other beings
Who are like us? Are they within visiting range?
When it comes right down to it, there’s nothing too strange
For this chunk of eternal cosmic happenings.
It is likely that there are such places around.

In this realm of existence, if you can conceive,
Through your imagination, anything you choose,
Then this universe has it and much stranger things
That cannot be imagined by us as beings
Simply because we are limited in our views.
We cannot know what the cosmos has up its sleeve.

It has so much potential ours pales in essence
So the concept of eternity we engage
To approximate meaning, but the meaningless
Echoes ever profoundly. So we acquiesce
To the little we can know on this earthly stage.
We accept things that to us make some kind of sense.

Wonderful Things

The Perpetual Pleasure Of Life

Things can turn out to be wonderful every day.
Your deliberateness of intention is key
Along with your emotions. Do know how you feel
From each moment to moment. The one most ideal
Is the one ever present, and naturally,
You are guided by spirit along life’s highway.

Then why is it so easy for we who have been
Exposed to the conditioning of fear and lack
To engage the process of manifestation?
It’s because we respond to laws of attraction.
If your vibration’s shaky then what you get back
Is a curse that may happen again and again.

Vibrations that are negative may lie dormant
To be triggered by something outside your control.
Noticing when it happens, you need not react.
That will decrease the power you have to attract
Anything that you’re wanting. You cannot be whole
When disaster and conflict are too expectant.

Life is like popping popcorn. At first you can’t hear
That there’s anything happening. Then comes the sound
Which increases in tempo with each occurrence.
Then the smell fills the air. We can all sing and dance.
Within each brand new moment a present is found
It’s the choice to hold on to the thoughts that are dear.

Dwell Therein

Creation Is An Inside Job

This incredible story is worthwhile to share.
It’s about visualization as a way
To allow dreams and wants become reality.
Our imaginal acts cause things to come to be.
Through our conscious play acting, we can, day by day,
Build a life that is prosperous beyond compare.

A couple bought a lot some fifteen years ago
And upon it they built their new office and home.
Their intention to add an apartment complex
Had to be put on hold due to certain aspects
Of available funding. This irksome syndrome
They defeated completely through all that they know.

They became so descriptive regarding their dream.
They would imagine tenants and show them around.
Friends would visit and say how delighted they are.
Constantly they’d add texture. They’d go very far
To create that reality. This is profound
In its power to manifest in the extreme.

Like a sequel to Wonderland this tale turned out.
Everything became so for them just as perceived.
It took time. It did not happen quite overnight.
What’s of note is that their heart and spirit were right
In the place they must be so that what is achieved
Is done without the struggle and confounding doubt.

What The Universe Asks

...Before All Is Given

I would like a nice boat… maybe even a yacht.
I enjoy being free and having lots of fun.
But is it satisfaction I mostly desire?
If it is, then the boat and all things will transpire.
Everything is available under the sun
But the feeling of needing defeats me a lot.

I can find other pathways to satisfaction
Before things become manifest. Then they enhance
The contentment I find in the things I control,
Like my mood and my attitude. My only goal
Is to feel satisfaction. My now circumstance
Is the bouncing off place where creation is done.

I’m under the influence of something always…
Either my inner being who knows everything
Or some confounding problem I’m worried about.
If I act out of need I will introduce doubt.
If desire is the driving force then it will bring
On a freshness of feeling that will my mood raise.

All the universe asks is that my desire be
Nonresistant – unfettered by feelings of need.
If I try to consider all of the details
Only miscalculation and error prevails.
In releasing the neediness spirit is freed
To attract and create most magnificently.

Just For Two Days

Explore Life's Sensations

Don’t believe your reality. It’s a platform
From which everything bounces into what is new.
Don’t believe that ‘what is’ should be of much concern.
How you feel inside matches the sultry extern.
Give ‘what is’ the attention indeed it is due.
It is past tense yet so contrary to the norm.

Expectation that you have means there’s a desire
With belief at the same place so it is immense.
Don’t rely much on effort. Focus on your mood.
It pays to have a magnificent attitude
So that life is a fairytale filled with suspense.
Every next moment easily will take you higher.

The way to be expectant is to put the past
Where it rightly belongs and to then move forward.
Is there something worth focusing on to distract
You from your strong addiction to matters of fact?
Your confounding reality can be ignored
By attending to your own terrific forecast.

Something else has to be equally compelling
For the grip on ‘what is’ now to give up its hold.
“What’s the feeling I’m reaching for?” Ask this question
All the time for just two days. What will have begun
Is a habit that can be more precious than gold.
You’re worthy of a life that is more fulfilling.

You Will See It When You Believe It

Sight Is Knowing

Is believing seeing or seeing believing?
Some confusion is worthwhile for some clarity.
You must be a cooperative component
With your own thoughts of power through conscious intent.
Not against what you’re wanting can your thinking be.
Try to be in the state of always receiving.

Talk yourself into believing what you desire.
Refrain from the temptation to tell your story
Of the way things are constantly. Don’t grab the ear
Of another and tell them all about your fear.
They will label you toxic. It’s better to be
Positive so that wholesomeness you may acquire.

What is may be of interest to others who
Think that what is is important to care about.
We have many excuses for not achieving
What we want in the present. But here is the thing.
What is isn’t of value. It generates doubt
About what you’re receiving and all you can do.

You must let go of what is so you can allow
What’s becoming to happen or else it will not.
New desire born of contrast is living fresh air.
Just decide to be delighted on the way there.
The journey toward fulfillment does matter a lot,
And the power that you have is right here and now.

What The Universe Wants You To Know

All Is Wonderfully Well

There is only one consciousness that is for real.
All others are illusions the one contemplates.
It’s the best way it knows to express its selfhood.
To it, all there is to know is well understood.
But to each of its parts knowledge evaporates.
All remains as inscrutable as a weak meal.

You are in the exact place you were meant to be.
There is nothing off schedule. Your life is on track.
All the billions of others who find themselves here
Did come forth not to please you, yet some are most dear.
Don’t fall into the trap of eternal payback.
Look to the source within you, and trust completely.

The whole universe lives within each breathing cell
As well as in the outermost reaches of space
Which is being created faster than light speed.
You can notice the subtle ways your source will lead
You to what you’ve been wanting by infinite grace.
Relax into who you are, and know all is well.

There’s nothing you need push against for you to get
What it is that you’re after. No maneuvering
You need do to get into the right time and place.
Everything is on course. There is nothing to chase.
Radiate who you truly are by honoring
The lost virtue of selfishness without regret.

Shorten The Time

Rely On The Timeless

Happy Days were upon us. Some want their return
And will do anything to grasp tightly those roots.
Onward though does the dial move away from the past.
Fettered dreams of simplicity fade away fast
In the heated up present. Regretful pursuits
Are the game plans of many with little concern.

Some believe our democracy hangs by a thread
As perhaps it did always from its bloody start.
It is something to fight for. Just saying the word
At the start of our sports events is as absurd
As the sheer lack of justice that cuts to the heart
Of a once perceived order that now appears dead.

All the things that I’ve wanted this nation to be
Is a dream that I still have. The contrast is good
As it causes me to fill in much more detail.
I’d prefer it not be at the pace of a snail.
How do I cut the time frame, indeed if I could?
…By not focusing on things I don’t want to see.

I improve my ability to recognize
What it is that I’m wanting. It’s perceptual
In its humble beginning. Yet it picks up speed.
Focusing more there, I am essentially freed
To explore all the fruits of my best accrual.
One small change in my outlook is one worthy prize.

Catch It!

Volitile Grasp

The degree of the agony or ecstasy
That is felt has to do with my own momentum
Or the power of my true heart’s burning desire.
If I really want something, then not to acquire
It would really feel awful. I fear the outcome
If I have lost control of it but completely.

But because the momentum is strong just right now
I do not have that nuanced control that I need.
I have no way of guiding it. It then guides me.
There must be some procedure to help me break free.
May the forces angelic come and intercede.
I am open to all that my God may allow.

Yet, if I’m in the habit of daily tuning
With morning meditation and finding that place
Where everything feels right, then off thoughts I can catch
Way before they can take root and dare to outmatch
What is strong of the body kept in avid grace.
What I care about mostly is one simple thing.

And the more that I Catch It the less I will move
Into those kinds of thoughts. I will find true relief
From the confounding struggles that haunt through the day.
I so much want a life filled with laughter and play
Rather than one of fearfulness, heartbreak, and grief.
On this day I am destined to quickly improve.

Be Done With Doubt

Release Concern

Let’s not talk about doubt. Let’s just wave it goodbye.
But before that we need to know what it’s about.
Sometimes I feel that my life is out of control…
Like today. What society pays for my soul
Is a sad, paltry penance. Immense is my doubt
That I’ll ever be satisfied until I die.

Yet, the true source within me cannot see things wrong.
It sees only my worthiness beyond all doubt.
There’s a huge difference of opinion between
My ego and my true self. What does this all mean?
Have I time left to myself to figure things out?
My whole life in review is a very sad song.

It’s perhaps that I’m simply too tired and depressed
At this creative moment while focusing on
Thoughts that bum me out quickly. I find some relief
In my knowing that I can just change my belief.
Could it be that my issue could up and be gone
By my thinking of pleasant things and feeling blessed?

How can I feel my worthiness? I can let go
Of the work that I’m doing as a prostitute
By not focusing on all the ego concerns.
Karmic cycles are teachers. The wiser one learns
On the way to fulfillment. I am resolute
In my patience with myself and all that I know.

Everything That You Want

The Culmination Of Desire

“If I Want It, I Can Have It!” Say this one thing
About everything wanted, and repeatedly.
If the universe makes possible your desire
Then it can well deliver it. All may transpire
That you’ve dreamed of for ages almost instantly.
There is no limit to what your good mood will bring.

I know that it is entirely possible
To achieve what I want. I just need to let go
Of the yearning, and pleading, and long suffering.
All that crap doesn’t get it and means not a thing
In fact, those are big obstacles. It’s good to know
That my past failures are fully ignoscible

If I want it, I can please myself on the way
To its manifestation by milking the thought
And the feeling of having it right here and now.
It’s the best method known. I must trust and allow
I focus only on things that matter a lot
And keep track of how I’m feeling throughout the day.

The whole reason for the existence of the goal
Is to give me a fun and pleasing adventure.
On the path of my journey, small pleasures unfold.
I like knowing I want things to have and to hold
 Because knowing they’ll happen is sacred and pure.
Manifesting means feeling that, without, I’m whole.

Be Invincible

Dare To Live

It’s supposed to feel good here on this ball of rock.
In this time-space dimension we’re here to create
From our heartfelt desires a spectacular place.
The contrasting reality we can but trace
To the negative aspects that speak of our fate.
One who stands out does so with the response of shock.

Physical are our bodies. We may interact
In a world with the same building blocks as the stars.
But we’re truly spirit in physical bodies.
Through the process of forking, we’re able to please
Ourselves at any moment. And each one is ours
For choosing to feel better. Life is not abstract.

 It’s vital to be selfish amid the contrast
That is sifted and sorted through by everyone.
Spirit loves that we do this and helps us along.
As long as we are happy nothing can go wrong.
Life will not be ‘mysterious’ when having fun,
And when practiced enough, the good feeling will last.

There’s no price to be paid for the treasure you’ve stored
In your dreams over decades. All you have to do
Is to be in alignment, then magic happens.
Life can be made wonderful when seen through the lens
Of the enlightened spirit – the one inside you.
Be Invincible! Life is your finest reward.

In Just One Day

Passion Equals Momentum

One can manifest anything In Just One Day
With deliberate focus and not much effort.
Most do that most unconsciously most of the time
About things insignificant. Focus is prime
In the art of creating our worlds of comfort
Constantly we’re receptive of what comes our way.

If I think it, then feel it, then it has to be.
Basic knowledge this is now. The receptive mode
Is the same as my mood. All the time I receive
In the way that I feel and by what I believe.
Feeling lousy reflects what I need to unload
That is not to my liking and not part of me.

What I’ve put in the vortex of all my desire
Is available to me but also the fear
I associate with it. I must sort that out.
Feeling is the right way to eliminate doubt
Such that what I want and don’t are made crystal clear
Then there’s no limit to the things I may acquire.

Momentum is Digestion. What I want, I eat
In the form of vibration of energized thought.
With the first swallow, momentum starts taking place.
The absorption of nourishment is but the grace
Of the heart’s true fulfillment, more often than not.
I must feel what it’s like to be full and complete.

I can do that in one day or in a decade
Or a lifetime of misery, struggle, and pain.
That it happens at this late date is no disgrace.
The good life of my dreams I do not have to chase
To the point of my madness. All that I attain
That is good and abundant cannot be delayed.

All Else Falls Into Place

The Need To Adjust Things

Oddly shaped are the raindrops as freely they fall.
Must I do something with each before it can rest
On the surface now built up? Where is my control?
This life game is a journey, but what is the goal?
If I play with the right folk, I won’t fail the test,
Yet that doesn’t prevent me from dropping the ball.

My mind is a container. Its volume of thought
Can’t exist without big holes of dead empty space.
If by staying high minded I’m able to change
How each thought takes the surface – if I can arrange
Them before they cannot be – I’m running whose race?
This game is at its most basic fatally fraught.

I create my reality, damn it to hell!
It should not be a death sentence but awesome news.
My desires and beliefs must be in alignment.
If they’re not then this lifetime is one I’ll resent.
Whatever it may come to, I do get to choose
Every thought that I think and where each one should dwell.

How things might come together is not my business
Nor should it be of any concern. Only why
Should fill up the container. Good things will in turn
Fall in place rather nicely. God’s grace I discern
Showering down upon me like rain from the sky.
All I need do is trust in the simple process.

Be Easy About Life

The Purity Of Simplicity

Wishing life would get easy gets old too damned fast
For the spirit within me to keep a straight face
While pretending to see it as many highways.
Up and down, then around things, they’re often a maize
In the menacing mindscape. Is there saving grace?
Or is there no escape from the life of contrast?

“I wish I were a willow…” is no wizard’s way
To finagle a safe wiggling out of this mess
That I’d something to do with. To be but a tree
In a blanket of sunlight with no way to see
All the world it reveals is to be without stress,
Gravity notwithstanding nor how it may sway.

Rather, I am the substance of all I desire –
All the passion and focus I feed to the dream
Of becoming who I really am at my core.
Am I worthy of good things? I couldn’t be more!
My uniqueness is one with the energy stream
From which life flows. Struggle my life doesn’t require.

All There Is provides meaning to focus offered.
Holding little resistance, oneself will allow
Only good things to happen. The contrast I feel
Is the pearl in the oyster that life will reveal.
All I need do is kick back and let life endow
Me with joy and wellbeing. My Spirit Be Heard!

Allow The Wellbeing

Release, Then Breathe In...

It comes down to allowing, but just what is that?
When one speaks of surrender, what enter my mind
Are such scenes where one army makes use of torture.
The most negative aspects are balanced, I’m sure,
By the myriad episodes that are more kind
And can happen almost at the drop of a hat.

To what must I surrender? What must I allow
That is both consciously and patiently waiting
To enter and fulfill me? Can I trust that it
Is a safe thing to let in? The fear, I’ll admit,
Is not justified, and it is aggravating
That I know what to do, yet I’m hung up on how.

Getting rid of resistance to my own desire
Increases my vibration. My trying too hard
With much effort and struggle cannot get things done.
Only when one exhausts oneself, something’s begun
To take place in one’s character. No longer barred
From the fruits of the spirit, one is lifted higher.

Things that work in the process we all know so well –
Turning thoughts into things – involves just a few things:
Energy, alignment, and clarity of thought.
When my purpose has passion, I’m no longer caught
In a quandary that only my feeding brings.
Worthiness is a system wherein we all dwell.

The Universe

The Infinity Of Providence

Are their places like earth in the vastness of space
That can be visited by one’s inner being?
Can the clandestine contacts occurring right now
Become known to the whole population somehow?
That someday we may visit them for sightseeing
Is a boon to consciousness while spinning in place.

Yes, there are many places throughout the expanse.
Psychic is the connection among worlds afar.
If the question can be asked or if the desire
Is substantial, then it is enough to inspire
One to know without knowing who all beings are.
What occurs in the universe isn’t by chance.

There’s a clarification that has to be made.
In this time space reality there is so much
Potential for expansion, one can’t go beyond
What the mind can imagine, though we may respond
To the physical forces with which we’re in touch.
With a keen, subtle spirit, we’re on a crusade.

We’ve enough to take care of here, with who we are,
And the way that we steward and nurture our home.
Our minds cannot imagine the whole of all things.
The concept of physical eternity brings
To the consciousness infinite places to roam.
There will always be something exceedingly far.

Problems Create Solutions

Every Piece Is Important

Things are meant to go through changes. That is the way
Of this physical universe. All that takes place
That is seen as not wanted provides the answer
To the realization that I would prefer.
It supplies all desire, this particular space,
And the Law of Attraction I can’t disobey.

The only choice I have is between abundance
And the lack of it. At once, not both can be done.
Plastic in the world’s oceans causes much distress
To the creatures and my conscience. If I express
Enough comment about it, then work is begun
By the infinite forces on the circumstance.

Such an issue can become fuel for the future.
The notion is not farfetched given we’ve evolved
First through coal, then through steam, then to jet engine fuel…
Nuclear, then to solar. Desire is a tool
That can be used to get most of our problems solved.
How this universe functions we can know for sure.

I believe in infinity – not the finite,
And that there is more than less. I know that something
Occurs more than does nothingness. I’ll take the thrill
Of the answers forthcoming, if I learn to chill.
Can I practice the joy that my wanting will bring?
It is best that I see that my future is bright.

Wanting Money To Come

Financial Struggle

Out of myself, and dangerously, so to speak,
Purgatory is manifest, and that is all
That consumes too much energy. It shouldn’t be
Wasted on idle worrying incessantly.
How could I ever get used to feeling so small?
I do not want to see the contents of my creek.

Constant is the dilemma. To get things to flow,
Like the blood through its vessels, or current through wires…
Takes what I’m sorely lacking. All that I can do
Is exist in psychosis, always feeling blue.
Rather than pumping increase into my desires
Can I lessen resistance and mitigate woe?

Paralyzed by depression, the motion I need
To take place in an instant takes forever long.
In the meantime, as creditors’ calls gain in strength,
Fear that I will end up going to any length
To escape the torment including doing wrong
Eats away at my essence. For freedom I plead.

There is balance between my belief and desire.
How I can best achieve it is not to feel bad.
It’s one hell of a challenge given how things are.
I must know that relief from my pain isn’t far.
Can I honor this journey and learn to be glad
Even though my circumstances seem so damned dire?

In the realm of the spirit, I promised that I
Would have many desires – some of them very strong,
And that I’d know the difference, by how I feel,
Whether or not I’m close to my chosen ideal.
I can do nothing else but stay where I belong –
In that state of allowing, not needing to try.

The State Of Allowing

The Awareness Of Bliss

In that state of wellbeing I most want to be…
Where I find some relief from the problems I face.
“Lack Of Money” – the sign I flash unconsciously
Keeps the good life from coming. This hurt part of me
Is the subject of complete financial disgrace.
What I want is to be more financially free.

So, this drum I’ve been beating is quite negative.
It puts me in a cold sweat. I can’t keep my head
In the sand for much longer. Things only get worse.
As my thoughts become dangerous, I feel the curse
Put upon me by myself. Each moment I dread.
It affects my digestion. It’s no way to live.

My vibration is fucked up. I can’t deny that
Nor refrain from profanity. All that I feel
Has a purpose that spirit has asked me to share.
Those who know they’re not worthy must know that I care
For those suffering as I do. This Shit Is Real!
How do I engage myself in mortal combat?

Well the answer is simple. I can take a break
From my hell through a virtual reality.
Fantasy therapeutic and most creative
Will allow universal forces to then give
All that I have been asking. I just have to be
In The State Of Allowing. Too much is at stake.

A Message From God…

Special Delivery

This is not just a greeting. My promise to you
Is not one of a preaching on how to behave.
Many angels watch over you, and they report
All the troubles you’re having. Their job is to thwart
Any semblance of evil. The peace that you crave
Is deserved and forthcoming. What I say is true.

Times of feeling unnoticed are over for you.
Healthy change, new horizons, and drive to succeed
At your cherished endeavors are yours if you ask.
I must hear from the human heart. That is your task
So that I can completely fulfill every need
That you have now and may ever. That’s what I do.

Massive breakthroughs are coming. Get ready for that.
But don’t force your intentions to make things work out.
Your desires are most powerful. Let them allow
My Love to manifest them right here and right now.
All that keeps you in stress and turmoil is your doubt.
You must trust that I have this whole God thing down pat.

Breathe and let My creative power in your soul.
You will find it most healing if you will but try.
Nervousness in this moment shall wither away.
The only commandment I want you to obey
Is to love without prejudice and to rely
On My skill at divinity. I make you whole.

Instant Gratification

Accelerated Manifestation

I would start with “I Am!” This true statement affirms
That I am fully conscious and worldly aware.
Things happen instantaneously nowadays.
This trend accelerates as we find faster ways
To live out our mortality. It’s become rare
That the growth of a process is seen on its terms.

We are thoroughly programmed to want things done fast.
There’s no two ways about it. If we have to wait,
We’re uptight and insulted. We may go berserk.
Keeping customers satisfied takes lots of work
So they continue improving how they create
And deliver in timeliness that’s unsurpassed.

To oneself this phenomenon can be applied.
I can want something right now then give it some force
Of my conscious attention, and feel the feeling…
Knowing and believing that it is a sure thing –
Like tomorrow’s sunrise, and the infinite source
Of all life on the planet with which I’m allied.

I Am Certain that, in time, things I want fulfilled
Will occur as I will them if I write them down
In clear and concise statements most regularly,
Then, focus on the feeling rather intently,
What is already manifest will be unbound
To the patient, unfettered self who must be thrilled.

Be Prepared For The Blessing

Always Ready For Goodness

When in need of a blessing it is absolute.
While in tough situations where I see no way
To resolve them my desperation hinders me.
The divine never intended myself to be
So confused and unable to dash the dismay
That the soul in its darkness just cannot transmute.

To prepare for what’s coming, empty I must be
Of myself so that divinity can then fill
Me with itself completely. I’ll get in the way
Of the things that I want. If I could only stay
In a state of receiving not by force of will
Then all things that I’ve wanted are waiting for me.

I must bow in obedience to the divine
Who knows much more than I do with a larger view
Of the image I can’t see quite clearly enough.
What is gigantic for me is pretty small stuff
To one who caused the big bang and nothingness too.
Faith is the firm believing that everything’s fine.

I must learn to be patient while doing my part
Which is maintaining focus and staying aligned
To the guidance I’m given intuitively.
Loaves of bread and fish can multiply easily
With a faith more fantastic and blessing inclined.
Faith is not such a mystery. It’s of the heart.

On The Cusp Of Ides Fear

Panorama Of Perfection

The ongoing transition from darkness to light
Is sustained by refreshings of blessings and more
Than my conscious awareness can ever recall.
My desires over lifetimes, some big and some small,
Form an energy vortex of all I’ve asked for.
Memory can’t keep track of all things that excite.

Knowing then what I’m wanting, I’m quite far along
In the creative process. What had to have come
Before wanting is feeling contrast and the need
For a worthy solution. The will to succeed
I dare keep to myself lest my spirit succumb
To destructive opinions that may be flat wrong.

The two basic vibrations, belief and desire,
Operate but rarely at the same frequency.
When they don’t, discontentment is all I can feel,
But when they’re in alignment, my dreams become real.
I am born to create my own reality –
Not to face someone else’s. Now, that would be dyer.

To become an Inventor is to be aware
That intentions are mothers that love to give birth
To gestating desires brought about through some pain.
My mood is most important. Therein I may gain
Access to things I’ve wanted since being on earth.
Thankfully, this is not all that urgent to share.

Dealing With Desire

Draw attention to the surreality of desire

My desire is the cause of my sorrow and pain.
I’ve heard that, but not recently. Does this ring true?

If it does, then I’m hopeless. I’d much rather be
Incorrect in recalling. It would seem to me
That there have to be teachings with a different view.
If I could get rid of desire, what would I gain?

I can’t banish desire. To do so is to die.
Contingent to my nature, it is like a sense
To expand toward the infinite through conscious thought.
If desire is unconscious, the journey is fraught
With profound disappointment and useless expense
Of the most precious life force. Can one wonder why?

  My desire is unending. Never satisfied,
It is life ever cyclic. It gives me motive
To do all that I care to, but consciously so.
People, places and things can be part of the flow
Of my conscious expression. The best way to live
Is to think of desire as a wonderful ride.