Tag Archive | continual

Soon To Come

Feeling Of Freedom

Be alright with what hasn’t yet manifested
Because simply thinking about it makes you feel
Satisfaction in knowing that it will become
Realized as long as you’re not beating the drum
Of its absence. What could be more to your appeal
For the moment? Being joyful is suggested.

Once you’ve given birth to it you’ve got to begin
Lining up with it otherwise you can’t receive
The informative guidance through intuition.
What you want cannot evolve into fruition.
First a fantastic state of mind you must achieve
Otherwise it won’t happen, much to your chagrin.

You can’t want it then doubt it. That doesn’t make sense
But you do it sometimes almost unconsciously
Because of your learned habits. You can let those go
Along with all the things that are causing you woe.
You can simply want it and then shout out with glee
Knowing that what you want to happen will commence.

In the receptive mode is where you want to be.
All the time your path is being revealed to you.
The Source within you tells you that things are alright.
Let it guide you to feelings of utter delight.
Listen to it. It’s always the right thing to do.
Your purpose here is to live your life happily.

What Is Coming Is Near

Pleasant Pondering

You can sense something’s coming yet what could it be?
Many wonderful things you’ve been dreaming about
Happening for you. Which one of them will come true
If not all? There’s no resistance present in you.
There’s only the suspense of how things will turn out.
You can create reality from fantasy.

You’re patient about what has not manifested
In the physical. You’re content with the feeling
Of the having of what you want so it will come.
Do whatever you can do to get away from
Everyday situations that aren’t appealing.
Revel in all the energy you’ve invested.

The earliest signs of manifestations come
In the form of ideas and inspiration
To act in ways that lead you to what you desire.
The feeling of your having it you must acquire.
Contrast offers you the chance for co-creation.
No one can deny you your creative freedom.

Your path is being revealed to you constantly
But you have to remain in the mode to receive.
When you want it then doubt it you’re moving away
From it so in alignment with it you must stay.
You’re finding that it’s easy as heck to achieve
Anything if you go about it happily.

Early Signs

Special Moment

Are you patient about the desire that has not
Manifested? You need not become complacent
About it, but if you understand that if you
Can be caused to want something, it’s certainly true
That this world can provide it. So be adjacent
To the feeling of having it. It helps a lot.

It doesn’t just have to be a dream that you feel
Good about. It can become your reality.
There are Early Signs of your manifestations,
And the most powerful in your life are the ones
That are mixed with excitement. Your being carefree,
You have found, is your way to make dreams become real.

Early Signs of your ultimate dreams coming true
Include lighthearted feelings and more ideas
Coming to you to guide you. The earliest sign
Is the contrast that gave birth to what you define
As a wanting. You know that you are as free as
You allow for life’s blessings to flow unto you.

Recognize it when it happens. Stay on its trail.
All the time, your path is being revealed to you.
The spirit within you knows what you have asked for.
Being in the receptive mode opens the door
To the realization of what has come due.
When the feeling comes, do notice every detail.

Manifestation Vibration

The Frequency Of Fulfillment

Are you patient about the desire that has not
Manifested? You don’t want to be complacent
About it, but when you understand that if this
Time space reality, when you’re feeling your bliss,
Causes you to want something, then it can present
It to you. Your vibration does matter a lot.

It can be a reality you can perceive
With you physical senses. The dream can come true.
Be alright with it not having manifested.
It is better that you are fully invested
In the earliest signs that are revealed to you.
Impulses and good feelings are what you receive.

More ideas coming, and of course the contrast,
Without which there is no birth of fresh new desire,
Are the manifestations that happen early.
Once you have given birth to them then you must be
In the mode to receive them. All that you acquire
Is by letting things take place and having a blast.

You can’t want it, then doubt it. You won’t realize
Clues when they come upon you. You’re moving away
From it when you feel nervous. The receptive mode
Is required for a nice attraction episode.
Physical senses translate, all day, everyday
What we focus on. This is the ultimate prize.