Tag Archive | filter

The Clogged Pipe Analogy

Directing The Flow

There’s this pond on a property fed by many
Little rapids that feed into another pond
That’s much larger. For years the owners enjoyed it.
It was beautiful and they had the benefit
Of a landscaping marvel that is far beyond
Ordinary. It is really something to see.

The water became cloudy after many years.
They thought it was the filter. They replaced it, but
The water was still cloudy, so they checked the pipes
With rods, plumbing snakes, and devices of all types.
They were clogged severely, and they didn’t know what
They could do, yet it wasn’t the worst of their fears.

They laid new pipes on top of the ground to make sure
That the problem was found. It was definitely.
The water became clear and the issue resolved.
It is interesting how the process evolved
In the way of relating an analogy.
It is hoped that the message implied will endure.

You may have beliefs that you have been carrying
For a long time. They may have you clogged up inside.
Think in terms of just laying some new pipes, and then
Things will start to flow, and you’ll see clearly again.
Fresh new ways of thinking open your mind up wide.
When you change your beliefs you have changed everything.

On Religion And Science

Book In The Clouds Over Science

Is it my human nature that wants to know why
Things are happening? Out of curiosity,
I collect enough data then hypothesize.
It is through observation that I realize
The nature and structure of my reality.
I become more aware of the laws that apply.

Faith, they say, is a ‘mystery.’ They’ve got that right.
It’s one hell of a practice to praise ignorance
Of what is known and at the same time needing it
To support one’s faith. It’s to no one’s benefit
To remain in a perpetual game of chance.
Can the data give all some proof of inner sight?

Does faith need the support of the data to be
Truly faithful? The contract with data is made
That whatever is said of this reality
Doesn’t matter. Scripture is all there is to see.
If the data do matter, attention is paid
To getting one’s faith and the data to agree.

There could very well be data that would conflict
With religious philosophy. Then one has to
Go along with it. Actually what occurs
Is that data are translated as one prefers.
Some blinders are required to maintain the ‘right’ view.
They all have the propensity to contradict.