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Just Go With The Flow

Blue Green Splash

You can feel the power of your experience
If you Just Go With The Flow. Much publicity
About crises causes you to think in a way
That’s contrary to happiness. How can you stay
In alignment and free from negativity
When the hate of humanity is so intense?

It’s a time of awakening. Greater contrast
We’re experiencing. People are asking more
Of the universe. The energy that creates
Worlds is moving much faster which clearly translates
To more energy flowing than ever before.
We can no longer keep holding on to the past.

Find ways to move in the direction of the flow.
You don’t have to keep up with the fast energy.
You need only to let the flow turn you around.
You’ll delight in the new sense of ease you have found
Otherwise you paddle with much difficulty
In the upstream direction of heartache and woe.

Wellbeing is the order of this universe.
When you look at the world as a whole you will find
Tiny pockets of discord. Don’t let it deter
You from seeing in the way that you would prefer.
Do believe in the potential for humankind
To evolve in a way that is better – not worse.

The Conundrum

Engaging The Illusion

A finite number of finite universes
Is a thing one can ponder without much headache.
Would then a finite number of infinite ones
Stretch the mind even further because there are tons
Of delightful conclusions anyone can make?
One becomes enthralled by what the mind disperses.

Infinite numbers of finite universes
Can be thought of as thoughts of the others subside.
Then there are infinite numbers, as one would guess,
Of infinite universes one can address.
By the time one is finished one may be cross eyed
But it can be good exercise if someone says.

So, who says that the thinking of such thoughts can be
Beneficial? It matters not where it comes from.
You do not seek an answer. Simply contemplate.
Practicing this a while, you may open the gate
To unknown understanding. Just speculate some.
Thinking outside the box will indeed set you free.

And you’ll find that there’s no box – only a façade
Intertwined in enigma. Those realities
That exist despite our ignorance can be known.
After time you will realize how much you’ve grown.
There exists only your consciousness to appease.
Do not fear that you are thinking the thoughts of God.