Tag Archive | awash

Lots Of Money

Cool Cash

“Give me money – a ton of it – so I can be
Excited and fulfilled forever and a day.”

Within this fallacy of thought there’s a big clue
To my wanting. It has really nothing to do
With conditions. I can’t let them get in the way
Of the simple business of living happily.

Dollars that flow into my experience are
Just the evidence of the vibration that I
Have got going on. If I’m all wadded up in
How to get lots more of it I cannot begin
To receive it no matter how hard I may try.
I’d be reaching for a much too far distant star.

Cleaning up my vibration means stepping back from
Manifestations of money that are lacking
Then beginning to think in terms of energy
And of satisfaction. Passionate I must be
About life. The universe is always backing
Me as in tune with my higher self I become.

I cash in my vibrational chips by being
Ever appreciative and thankful for all
That I have going for me and then the money
Will begin flowing into my life easily.
What I have to offer to the world isn’t small.
I can go for an abundant way of seeing.