Tag Archive | perseverence

Oneness Is Equal To Three Whole Halves

Mathematics Of Earth And Spirit

There’s a new app called bUttFuck. If life gets you down,
You can swipe, then bend over to get a lot more
Of what you’ve managed so far without any help.
When the downstroke is hard, there’s a strong healthy yelp
Bellowing through the being and out every pore.
There’s no difference between the smile and the frown.

 Life can be enigmatic if I make it so.
Like the weather in Wichita which is wanting,
It and I can be added to, multiplied by,
Or divided by consciousness if I apply
The least bit of excitement besides my writing
For the wonder of being a part of the flow.

Whole halves are what is needed in mathematics
Of the mental, spiritual, and physical.
Halves that are not whole, whorelike, will sell oneself short.
Body, mind, and spirit need provident support
From that which they’re a part of. Can this rationale
Get me through the next moment without using tricks?

Yes, it can. I can prove it to myself alone
Or through those who can feel me through the collective
Consciousness of humanity. Is it my choice
To reach out or keep silent my peculiar voice?
For a life that is peaceful, I’m willing to give
Whatever it may take, though I’d have to be shown.

Out On A Limb

The Life Situation

Not alone in the forest am I this fine day.
There are others who, like me, are in grave distress.
No one knows of our troubles. Indeed, if they did
We poor souls would do best to keep our faces hid
From the judgment of others. I need not transgress
Any further. Within my own hell I shall stay.

My guts tell me I’m worthless. Sometimes I agree
Just to keep them performing their daily function.
When they find that I think that I’m someone worthwhile,
They will seize up and lock down and become hostile.
With an act all their own, they’re another ‘someone’
Who I must stay away from and most completely.

As I take time to write this, it is an escape
And a respite from reasoning what cannot be
Figured out in my present state which is too ill
To deal with what’s not happening. It ain’t no thrill,
But by getting it out of myself, I can see
From a much better angle. I’m not in bad shape.

Life Review I am going through as it occurs.
Much I’ll get through while living my time remaining.
I should now pay attention so I don’t forget
All that I’ve done to others that I do regret.
There’s a spiritual reason for suffering.
It’s to work off the karma the ego deters.

On Transforming The Tough Spot

Transforming the Bad Situation

Lessons learned by children who have gone through the worst
One could ever imagine are wisdom for all.
With our lives, our comparisons, uselessly made
To the wrong kinds of people may leave us betrayed
By ourselves through the process. The ones who are small
And erupting with life know not that they are cursed.

In the mid nineteen thirties, the plight of the Jews
That we know as the holocaust, was never known
By a brother and sister – the girl aged thirteen
And the boy, about eight years. Hate would intervene
In their healthy development. Left on their own
At the fate of the Nazis, they’d no right to choose.

Family Separation does damage untold
And creates special karma for those who do wrong.
This level of malevolent behavior brings
Upon its perpetrators appropriate things.
Thankfully, by God’s nature, most children are strong.
Fun and joy are their essence when they’re not controlled.

Taken from wealth and comfort to life in duress,
The young boy did adapt well. A toll it did take
On the teen and with hormones of adolescence.
Just because the boy lost something, she took offense
And belittled her brother who was a headache.
Her truest discontentment she could not repress.

They were then separated. This turn of events
Sent her off to a death camp where she did not die
But was worked to death daily for more than four years.
As the only survivor, she shed many tears
For the loss of her family. And this is why
She avowed to recover from guilt that torments.

She was harsh with her brother. He now was no more.
She regretted those last things she’d said in anger.
She committed to saying only a kind word
To all she may encounter, for it is preferred
Since we know not if this is the last encounter.
Her life blossomed because she found the open door.

Love Is Enough

What Keeps Earth In Its Orbit

As the birth of the ego in real time is known
By the saving of daylight, no more do I need
To spring forward in righteousness. Love Is Enough
To free me from a state where I sweat the small stuff…
Like this world with its darkness and malice of deed.
The woods whine as the wane, yet few wicked atone.

All the while, it’s intriguing. The shadowy hills
Hide a beauty unrecognized without the stroll
Along paths made pursuable by pure desire.
Love can all on its own get forces to conspire
Orchestrated excitement. My feeling more whole
Is itself more important than learning earth skills.

 Wet and low hanging laundry – this world and its hate –
Puts its weight on the clothesline thus pulling it down
To the mud pool below it. Love launders alone
In the heart that is steadied by all it’s been shown
By celestial theatrics performed in the round.
Love at least has the good sense to let me create…

…And create I do freely. By now it’s a breeze.
Frustrating, negative, and too often too hard,
This void’s also fulfilling. The love that I share
Is the best way to offer the cross that I bear.
Will love ever allow me to let down my guard?
Effort is sometimes needed for feeling at ease.